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I I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201350039-2 NEW YORK TIFIES MAGAZINE 10 February 1985 THE FB.I'S MOST UN%YANTED.. SPY CASE By Judith Cummings KNOW YOU. YOU DON'T KNOW ME, BUT I WANT TO meet you." The woman's voice on the telephone was baroque, as gilded and grooved with Slavic accents as a Faberge egg. With that introduction began a series of events that would startle the American and Russian espionage establishments. Richard Miller listened to the caller that day last May but shrugged off the invitation. There were other, more pressing things to do at the busy Los Angeles office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that spring morning than to meet, for no good reason, with one of the thousands of Russian immigrants recently settled in the area. If the portly, rumpled F.B.I. agent had responded with the same indifference two days later, when, he recalled, the mysterious woman phoned again, he might never have become the first F.B.I. agent to be accused of agreeing to give classified national-defense information to a foreign government. But early last October, Richard William Miller, a 20-year veteran of the F.B.I., was accused of spying for the Soviet Union. The first trial growing out of this case is scheduled to open next month, with the woman on the telephone, Svetlana M. Ogorodnikov, and her estranged husband, Nikolay Ogorodnikov, as defendants. They are charged with conspiracy to commit espionage. This trial will be followed by a second = Miller's - and the two are expected to etch a picture of trust and betrayal, sex and money, of some of the quirks and vulnerabilities of secret foreign-intelligence operations, and of how a leading American investigative agency responds when those accused of spying include one of its own. . I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201350039-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201350039-2 much is known from official records: Miller and Svetlana Ogorodnikav, a blond, lean-fea. tured woman said to seem, at times, a striking beau y, quickly became lovers. Whether this romantic liaison developed into a clandestine me e*d-g^ld deal, as the Gov. eminent charges, to transfer secret F.B.I. counterinteL- gence files into the hands of Soviet intelligence services, a Federal jury must determine. EVEN HIS FAMILY MAKES no grand claims for distinction in the life of special agent Mlll- er. His wife, Paula, a school- teacher and aspiring writer who said she abandoned a beginner's job offer at the Washington Post 21 years ago after Richard told her the F.B.I. objected, says that a capsule ildd be that "he's of his life would a nice everyone in the world says he's a nice guy." Paul, at 19 the old. est of the Millers' eight chit. dren, calls his father "a teddy bear... Richard Miller was born in 1936 in Wilmington, a working. class section of Los Angeles, and was educated through jun. for college at nearby public schools. Paula passed her girl. hood in the same neighborhood. Her mother and young Richard worked together at a toilet-seat factory, and the older woman would sing the praises of the nice young man who, like her own child, had been reared in the Mormon -faith. Paula and Richard later were students to gether at Brigham Young Uni- versity in Utah, where Miller majored in English and took a minor in Spanish. After graduation they married. The case raises questions with compelling relevance to national-se- curity considerations - including questions about how a man with Miller's official record of indiscipline and lack of judgment could have been assigned to a job that gave him free access to national de- fense and espionage information; about the internal workings of the F.B.I. in general, and about procedures for monitoring Soviet i migreg. Interviews with the Miller family and others familiar with the case have brought some new information to light, including some details of Miller's early years. There is a curious coincidence in this case with that of Christopher J. Boyce, a California youth who was convicted in 1977 of selling to the Russians military secrets gleaned from his job with an important defense contractor. The Boyce case is the subject of the new movie "The Falcon and the Snowman," based on the book by Robert Lind- sey. Boyce, like Miller, had little obvious accomplishment to recom- mend him for high-security responsibilities - except, perhaps, that he fit the mold: Boyce is the son of a former F.B.I. agent; Miller, a Mormon, is a member of a faith that, in a changing America, has held steadfast to traditional concepts of patriotism and duty. Whatever the outcome of the raffia t1,.- - - In the first interview since her husband's arrest, Paula Miller said that the F.B.I. re- cndted Richard at Brigham Young in 1964, as it di I numer. ous other young Mormons graduating in the early 1960's. The bureau n .eded men who were fluent in Spanish and "had clean backgrounds," she said, and young Mormons who had learned the Spanish lan- guage to aid their required mis- sionary work tended to fit the bill. Miller had no other firm plans.: he career of "a profes- sional man" in J. Edgar Hoov. er's F.B.I. was appealing. Miller thereafter had many postings, all of them requiring Spanish: to San Antonio, to New York, to Puerto Rico, Tampa, Fla., and finally, in 1969, to Los Angeles, where he worked on routine criminal matters. Because one of his sons, Drew, now 17, had be- come deaf as a result of a child- hood infection, Miller re- quested and was grante3- a transfer to the town of River side in the citrus growing re- gion east of Los Angeles. It was near a special school. But as Drew began to blos.. som in the carefully chosen en- vironment, his father began having increasing problems. For Years, Miller, at 3 feet 10 or 11 inches, weighed more than 200 pounds, well over the recommended weight. His per. sonnel record is full of admani-. tions to lose weight, to conform to the image of a G-man that was created by Hoover and em- bedded in the public mind by television "agents" like Efnm 2imbalist Jr. But Miller could not or would not lose weight. (After he was arrested, he ad. witted to investigators that he had often hung out for two or three hours at a stretch at a 7-Eleven store where be stuffed himself with candy bars for which he did not pay while he read comic books.) More serious, though, his job performance was poor and, ac- cording to a former superior in Los Angeles, "needed close su- pervision." The place to which he was transferred for that su- pervision was the F.B.I.'s for. eign counterintelligence unit in Los Angeles, a multinational metropolis studded with high. security national-defense con- tractors and a prime target for spies of every description. Miller was assigned to inter- view Soviet emigres and to-do paperwork. Meanwhile. Miller, who had moved his family to a 16-acre avocado ranch they shared with his in-laws, seemed to have developed some other ambitions. Miller related to the investigators, and the Federal court now has on file, accounts of several other inci- dents of petty thievery. In one case, Miller sold 'six-foot roller devices for muscle relaxation that his wife's uncle had invented-and pock- eted the money. He also pock. eted money that belonged to his wife's grandmother, once a check for $113. He has also, according to this file, skimmed money in amounts of $500 to $1,000 that he was supposed to have paid an eld- j erly informant code-named Mary. In addition, he ran checks of auto-registration records and F.B.I. criminal indexes for, a private investi- gator in Riverside for as much as $500 a run. In Janu- ary 1984, Miller has admitted in court, he was excommuni. sated from the Mormon church for adultery with an unidentified woman. . - Miller, whose annual salary was more than $40,000, was to have retired in two years, and his wife said that his dream, the only one she could recall his having had in his life, was to start a second career as a teacher of Spanish. But all that has been changed and he is now in Federal Correc- tional Institution at Terminal Island, as is Nikolay Ogorod. nikov. Svetlana is in the women's jail in Los Angeles. Miller has told the court Continued Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201350039-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201350039-2 3 that what he was trying to do, before he was placed under arrest by the top officials of the Los Angeles F.B.I. office, was to redeem his failed ca- reer and bring honor to the F.B.I. by cracking a spy case. He said he intended to turn Svetlana Ogorodnikov into a double agent, or otherwise to use her and her husband to in- filtrate a unit of the K.G.B. I F RICHARD MILLER AP- pears to be a man without determined goals, Svetlana Ogorodnikov seemed to know exactly what she wanted. Adam Uribe remembers her as "a knockout." Uribe was Niko- lay Ogorodnikov's supervisor for the last eight years at the Hoffman Brothers Meat Pack- ing Company, where Nikolay was a packer. Uribe had social- ized with the couple on several occasions, had been to their apartment, and used to see Svetlana when she visited Nikolay at the plant. "She knew exactly what to wear, how to match it, how to walk it, and when she got it together she was really beautiful," Uribe said in an interview. There was something else for which she had a visible flair. She, as well as her hus- band, a Soviet Jew, apparently burned with the spirit of free enterprise. They arrived in the United States as refugees in 1973 and received a routine im- migration and security check. They became highly visible among the 15,000 people in Los Angeles's Russian immigrant community for the Soviet mov- ies they obtained and promoted at movie houses in the West Hollywood area, charging $5 a head. Depending on their own political views, the local amigras regarded the couple's films as either "propaganda" or "culture." Yet by 1983, Svetlana Ogo- rodnikov was collecting wel- fare payments for herself and her 13-year-old son, Matthew. She had separated a year earlier from Nikolay, whom she married in the Soviet Union in 1971. Last August, Svetlana notified the appropri- ate county office that she and her husband were back togeth- er. Joseph Russo, a vice presi- dent at Hoffman Brothers, said that the Ogorodnikovs were "always very anxious to get in- volved in different business transactions" and that he was amused by it, given the cou- ple's habit of openly lauding the communist system, a behavior pattern mentioned by many others who knew them. Three or four years ago, Russo said, the Ogorodnikovs came to him about an elabo- rate machine they told him they had imported at a cost of $15,000 from the Soviet Union. They said they were going to manufacture a Russian meat pastry, which Russo nick- named "Russian ravioli," and that they wanted Hoffman's to market it. Svetlana had even cooked up a sample at the meat plant. The next thing be knew, Russo said, Nikolay was claiming that the machine did- n't work, and cursing up a storm about Soviet technologi- cal abilities. Meanwhile, the Ogorodni- kovs were engaged in various lawsuits. The bunkerlike build- ing that is the underground ar- chives of the Los Angeles Su- perior Court contains the records of a number of law- suits for damage claims, usu- ally for personal injury, that the Ogorodnikovs filed over the last decade. Barry J. Krasner, a lawyer who represented the Ogorodnikovs for a while, remembered several of the set- tlements. He said that Mrs. Ogorodnikov got $250 once from the settlement of a den- tal-malpractice suit, and $22,500 from a Beverly Hills woman's insurance company for the couple's claim in a rear- end auto collision, a common type of claim that is probably settled out of court hundreds of times a day in Los Angeles. But there was another side to their lives, too. Svetlana Ogo- rodnikov was known to the F.B.I. in Los Angeles at least since 1980, when she began of- fering what one official called in an interview "good informa- tion" to the bureau. But at other times, according to the bureau, her information could not be relied upon and, worse, she showed signs of instability. Prosecutors on the spy case told Federal District Judge David V. Kenyon, who is slated to be the trial judge, that Mrs. Ogorodnikov tended to make wild statements when she had been drinking. They said that while she was talking to a su- pervisory agent in 1983, she claimed that she was dying of breast cancer and that she had slept with the late Soviet pre- mier, Yuri V. Andropov, dur- ing one of her visits to the Soviet Union. She aroused the suspicions of the F.B.I., resulting in her sur- veillance, because she made frequent trips to the Soviet con- sulate in San Francisco, known to American officials as the key base of Soviet intelligence operatives on the West Coast. Acquaintances reported that Mrs. Ogorodnikov also made frequent trips to the Soviet Union. Other emigres said it was very unusual for a refugee to do so. When F.B.I. agents searched the Ogorodnikovs' apartment at the time of their arrest, they uncovered a cache of the spe- cialized tools of the espionage trade, among them conceal- ment devices, microfilm, code books and secret writing im- plements. If the American Government is correct in its estimation, Svetlana Ogorod- nikov was a "swallow," the picturesque term used by the K.G.B. fora specialized kind of operative, an appealing woman set in flight to subvert, through sex, men of opposing intelligence services. Svetla- na, although she denies being a spy, has told the court that she earlier had had an affair with one of Miller's colleagues. It was not long before the relationship between Miller and Svetlana Ogorodnikov turned to talk of obtaining se- cret documents. Miller said, according to F.B.I. notes, that after his first meeting with Svetlana, at a restaurant in Marina del Rey last May, they had sex almost every time they were together. He had fi- nally agreed to meet heron the strength of her promise to fur- nish information on the Rus- sian immigrant community, he said. Her initial information proved to be faulty, but she promised bigger fish and Miller said he got the feeling that "she was trying to recruit me." He said he thought he could "make" a case on her, a big case. Continued Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201350039-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201350039-2 He said he decided to create "a scenario" in which he told her he was unhappy with his work, that he had serious financial problems and that he was worried about a possible divorce. After several meet. ings, Svetlana told him she was going to Moscow at the end of June for a monthlong stay to report to Soviet mili- tary intelligence, the G.R.U. After her return, she contacted him again in the second week of August and they resumed meeting. She told Miller that the Soviet Government was willing to pay a great deal of money for F.B.I. intelligence files, ac- cording to Miller's statements to the F.B.I. At one point, Svet- lana offered to give him the equipment he would need to breal: into his superior's safe. Miller told her it would take ,.one or two million dollars" to secure his cooperation. On the night of Aug. 15, he went with her to her apartment in a run. down building in West Holly- wood where he was introduced to Nikolay. The two men went to the building's garage, and they discussed money and a trip out of the country to de- liver documents. The sum they agreed on was $65,000 in gold and cash. Miller accompanied Mrs. Ogorodnikov on a trip to San Francisco, where she told him she had to deliver canisters of film, and on Aug. 25 she en. tered the Soviet consulate with- out him. She later told him that they had been photographed by Soviet agents. They continued to develop a plan. Then, on Sept. 26, according to the summary notes of the Miller interviews, she and Miller made final plans for a trip to Vienna. She told Miller he was to meet there with "Mi- khail," a general of the Soviet G.R.U. Telling the ever-dishev- eled Miller that she wanted him to look dapper and "European" for the Vienna meeting, Mrs. Ogorodnikov took him on what the prosecutors call a shopping spree. She had already bought him a pair of red Italian shoes and, incidentally, some gym togs to help his weight-loss campaign. And, on the 26th, she bought him a $675 Burberry trenchcoat. The following day, Miller ap. proached his superior, P. Bryce Christensen, the head of the counterintelligence unit, and told him of his dealings with the Ogorodnikovs. He had voluntarily come forward, he later told one of his F.B.I. in- terviewers, because he felt he had taken the operation as far as he could without official ap- proval. Many questions must be an- swered at the trials about what incriminating actions might have taken place during those encounters between Miller and Svetlana Ogorodnikov. Miller was questioned and underwent polygraph tests by the F.B.I. repeatedly during five days in late September and early Octo- ber after he approached Chris. tensen. Over the course of those days, his account -hanged from denials to state- -ents that were increasingly damaging. F.B.I. officials, when they announced on Oct. 3 the arrests of Miller and the Ogorodnikovs, said that Miller had admitted passing a 25-page classified document titled "Re- porting Guidance: Foreign In- telligence Information," to Svetlana. Miller, however, in the words of summary notes by an F.B.I. agent of an interview conducted on the evening of Oct. 1, had "indicated that he is so exhausted by the interview process that he sometimes feels that he is ready to admit to anything just to get the pro- cess over." i "In fact, he stated," the sum- mary went on, that "toward the end of one of his interview sessions on Oct. 1, 1984, he indi- cated to his interviewer some- thing to the effect, 'Just give me the confession; I'll sign it!' ' Perhaps the most damaging of the statements Miller made to his interviewers were these: ^ Miller on Oct. 1 told his in- terviewer that he now remembered giving Svetlana the Reporting Guidance docu. ment. ^ Miller said he remembered telling Svetlana that she could take his badge and credentials to show to Soviet consular officials to prove that she was indeed dealing with an F.B.I. agent. ^ Miller admitted that a hoard of classified documents that agents recovered in a search of his Lynwood bunga. low had been collected by him to serve as a pool from which he would feed material to Soviet officers abroad. ^ Miller, complaining that he was feeling exhausted and frustrated, according to the notes, elaborated his protest in that evening interview on Oct. 1. He had said that he was told by his interviewers so often that he had done a certain thing "that he is beginning to believe that he actually did what they are saying he did." M ILLER'S ARREST as an accused spy slammed his fellow agents with the force of a .38- caliber slug. Men and women trained in the necessity for emotional detachment were embarrassed, incensed and collectively shaken to a degree unknown before within the Los Angeles office. One agent, who requested anonymity, demanded rhetori- cally the reasons a man with Miller's poor reputation as an agent could have been placed in such a sensitive job by the leadership. Miller's defense lawyers, Joel Levine and Stanley I. Greenberg, insist that this rage fatally poisoned the Bureau's investigation of Miller and in. spired the investigating agents to "bad faith and deception." A Federal judge, David Kenyon, has flatly rejected the defense lawyers' claim of bad faith, but the notion that objectivity could have been clouded re- mains troubling. For example, one man who gave information to the F.B.I., Donald E. Levinson, now ques. tions the F.B.I. version of his I information. Levinson is a Santa Monica lawyer who as recently as last summer was trying to help the Ogorodri ikovs expand their film-distribution business. Levinson approach ed the F.B.I. offering informa- i tion about the Russian couple shortly after their arrests. F.B.I. summaries written by agents of their interviews with T Conbnue4 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201350039-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0201350039-2 s. Levinson painted a damning picture of the Ogorodnikovs. Among other things, the sum- maries report that Levinson said the Ogorodnikovs' claim of being in the film business was "doubtful in his mind," in the agent's words, but that they had plenty of money to enter. tain or travel to Moscow. They also quoted Levinson directly as saying the couple "lived like pigs" and "always had some kind of a scam" going on. When these summaries were recently read to Levinson by a reporter, he unexpectedly denied having said such harsh things. Levinson said that their movie business was "legiti- mate, I can tell you that for a fact." He said he could not remember saying they had ready money for trips to Mos- cow, nor that they lived "like pigs." Levinson also said he could not remember using the word "scams " and said that he had only told the F.B.I. that the Ogorodnikovs always had something for which they needed a lawyer. Levinson said that he could offer no explana- tion why the F.B.I. account of the conversations differed so markedly from his own, except to say that maybe his words had been "taken out of con- text." Miller's lawyers have not dis- puted the outline of Miller's ac- tions between May and early October 1984 - not Miller's dis- cussions with Svetlana devel- oping a plan for him to work for the Soviets, not the agreement on payments, not the repeated sexual encounters. "The key point," Levine says, "is that you can take every fact in that case and in- terpret it as meaning Richard was out to be a spy, or that he was trying to do what he said he was doing. Every fact but one: Why he walked in there Sept. 27" and told Bryce Chris- tensen what he was doing. Le- vine, a quick, slender man who is a former Federal prosecutor here, said there is no evidence that Miller had any idea his ac- tivities with Svetlana were being investigated by the F.B.I. before the moment he approached Christensen. Miller chose that moment to inform his superiors, Levine said, because Svetlana had just paid for their travel arrange- ments to Europe. Miller knew she could not have paid on her own, the lawyer said, so that act meant to him that the con- tact he was waiting for had been established with highly placed people in Soviet intelli- gence. Miller also knew that he would need official F.B.I. back- ing to take any further his plan to recruit or compromise the Ogorodnikovs, his lawyer con. tends, and he had expected to get it. Levine also stresses another issue, one that is specific to the F.B.I. Los Angeles office and that :hey have tried to make a major issue at the trial. It is a contention, which had surfaced in the usually tight-ranked bu- reau even before the Miller case broke, that the number of Mormon agents in positions of power in Los Angeles has led to favoritism toward other Mor- mons. The head of the F.B.I.'s office in Los Angeles, Richard T. Bretzing, and Bryce Chris- tensen are both Mormons. Bretzing, special agent in charge of the F.B.I. Los An- geles office,- is a Mormon bishop in his own community in Los Angeles. Miller's defense team has made much of a discrimination suit by a former assistant spe. cial agent in charge, Matt Perez. Perez has filed a com- plaint with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission asserting that Bretzing had discriminated against him because he is Catholic and not Mormon. Miller's defense contends that undue Mormon influence was the reason a man of Mill- er's failings was assigned to counterespionage, a unit headed by a fellow Mormon. But in the end, his defense maintains, it was also the rea- son for his prosecution, as a ..pawn' ' in a purported politi- cal move to dispel talk of Mor- mon favoritism. In her defense, Svetlana Ogo- rodnikov denies that she is an agent of the Soviet Union or that she has done anything to further that country's intelli. gence actions. Her lawyers, Brad D. Brian and Gregory P. Stone, maintain that she was an F.B.I. informant and had an affair with Miller while per- forming in that role. They have indicated to Judge Kenyon that they intend to develop before the jury such issues as the F.B.I.'s use of informants and purported government miscon. duct, both of which could have the effect of putting the bureau on the defensive. Nikolay Ogorodnikov has as- serted the simple premise that he did not conspire with his wife or anyone else to get clas- sified documents, and that he never saw or even heard of the "Reporting Guidance" papers. One of the most puzzling questions to be answered about the case is why Miller, as he contends, thought he could in- filtrate a K.G.B. cell, in view of his admittedly poor record as an agent. Levine said it was be- cause his client was, in his view, "not very bright." "He didn't even get the raincoat," Levine said, amused at the idea. Miller had only watched the Russian woman put a deposit on the coat in "layaway" at a stylish shop, where it was to stay until she could pay it off. After the pair was arrested, Government agents picked up the size 50 long trench coat and held it as evidence. ^ I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP9O-00965ROO0201350039-2