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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 r -~ Gunr9UtV1 I IHL .4h. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENT IAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic - Trade HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Hong Kong; Tsinan; Sian DATE PUBLISHED 9 Aug - 29 Oct 1950 LANGUAGE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INPONNATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE Of THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S. C.. SI AND DI. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OS THE NSVELATIOw OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIIEO PERSON IS PRO. NIIITEO by LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS IROHINITID. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. /Y Dec 1950 NO. OF PAGES 1" 5 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CHINESE F^^^TGN AND DOMESTIC TRADE EXPANDS; TRADE MINISTRY HOLDS CONFERENCE IN CANTON icia1 figures show an 18.3-percent gain in Hong Kong foreign trade in September over August. Total imports from China for Sep- tember were valued at 118,700,000 Hong Kong dollars, exports to China, 18 ,860,000 Hong Kong dollars. US exports to Hong Kong in Septem- ber rose 2,069,469 Hong Kong dollars over August. Malayan crude rub- ber was Hong Kong's largest single import item. US'and Pakistani export restrictions on cotton have sent Hong Kong'buyers to Egypt for supplies. Hong Kong gunny bag prices rise to 5 Hong Kong dollars each. The volume o:L Shanghai exports for September rose 60 percent above that for August. Tsingtno foreign trade for August showed a gain of 34.5 percent over July. Principal export items were tung oil, peanuts peanut oil, and eggs. Trade of the Northfiest with rest of China showed encouraging growth during firdt half of year. Important items sold by the North- west were 217,000 piculs of ginned and 11 million catties or raw cot- ton, 250,000 catties of bristles, 12,038,000 catties of materia medics 3,400,000 catties of wooly and 10 tons of sulfur. The Ministry of Trade sponsored a Production and Marketing Con- ference recently in Canton. The conference revealed a great many weaknesses in the production and marketing system. The Ministry of Trade has posted new uniform grain prices to aid in overcoming "scis- sors crisis." HONG KONG FOREIGN TRADE RISES IN SEPTEMBER -- Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 25 Oct 50 According to official figures, Hong. Kong foreign trade rose 18.3 percent in slue in September over August for a total value of 762,280,385 Hong Kong dollars. Imports totaled 358,846,627 Hong Kong dollars and exports 403,433,558 Hong Kong dollars. STATE IARMY NSRB FBI CORF1OLE N- T-1.11 L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 The China mainland trade amounted to more than a third of the total for Sep- tember, distributed as follows: Area Imports (HK dollars) Export s (HK dollars) North China 29,500,000 7 4,200,000 Central China 25,200,000 3 3,300,000 South China 54,700,000 6 6,4oo,ooo Macao 9,300,000 1 4,900,000 Total 118,700,000 18 8,800,ooo CHINA GREATEST SOURCE OF HONG KONG IMPORTS IN SEPTEMBER -- Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 25 Oct 50 The US was second to China as the greatest source of Hong Kong imports for September, supplying 49,810,000 Hong Kong dollars worth of goods, a rise of 2,069,469 Hong Kong dollars over August. Crude rubber from Malaya was Hong Kong's largest single item of import and cotton cloth the largest export item. HONG KONG COTTON BUYERS SEEK NEW MARKETS -- Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 28 Oct 50 Since the US and Pakistan have placed restrictions on cotton exports, Hong Kong buyers have been seeking new sources of supply. One promising new source is Egypt. A shipment of 1,200 bales already purchased is scheduled to arrive here by mid-November. GUNNY BAG PRICES ADVANCE SHARPLY -- Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 26 Oct 50 The Indian government's increase in export duties on gunny bags has resulted in a price rise in Hong Kong to as much as 5 Hong Kong dollars each for some varieties. SHANGHAI FOREIGN TRADE EXPANDS -- Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 24 Oct 50 During September, the export goods that passed through the Shanghai export inspection station amounted to 60 percent more in value than for August. Among the articles passed were 35,836.9 quintals of tung oil and vegetable oils, 1,924.5 quintals of sheep, goat, and camel's wool, 196,100 sheepskins, and 908.5 quintals of bristles. TSINGTAO TRADE RISES IN AUGUST -- Tsinan, Ta-chung Jih-pao, 20 Sep 50 Tsingtao foreign trade figures for August were the highest for any month since the liberation and show a gain of 34.5 percent over July. Exports showed a gain of 34 percent and imports 27.7 percent. The alleged reasons for this gain are: (1) Prices of the principal export items, eggs, peanuts, peanut oil,' and tung oil have become stabilized and lowered. Exporters are able to realize a better profit, hence are more active. (2) The foreign demand for peanuts, peanut oil, and tung oil is active. (3) Revision of foreign exchange rates in favor of yuan has encouraged importers to become more active.- (4) The government has extended aid to exporters by loans and reduction of rail freight rates on export goods. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 C,e f I ER11 L Export figures from Northwest to the rest of Ching for the first and sec- 270,000 catties 400,000 catties has imported products of factories in the total value of 40 billion yuan. Among Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 ond quarters are as follows: First Quarter Machine-ginned cotton Second Quarter Machine-ginned cotton (to East and Southeast China) Raw cotton 22,000 piculs 11,000,000 catties Bristles (by China Bristle Company) Bristles (by private companies) Materia medics Northwest Local Products Company Private companies 150,000 catties 100,000 catties 38,000 catties 12,000,000 catties Hides and Wool (by China Hide and Fur Company) Wool 3,400,000 catties Fine wool and camels' hair Hides Intestines 9,000 cattie 31,000 catties 70,000 bundles Trade between the Northwest and the rest of the country is showing an en- couraging growth. Both government and private companies are participating in the exchange of goods. Flour (coarse) 300,000 bags Chemicals and oil (China Transportation Company) Sulfur Peanut oil 10 tons 26 tons Imports Lto Northwest from rest of Chin are as follows: Second Quarter Cloth (China Cotton Yarn and Cloth Company) General merchandise (China General Merchandise Company) 600 items, valued at 41 billion yuan Tea (Northwest China Tea Company) Leaf tea Brick tea The China Trust Company in Sian various other sections of China to a these imports are: Sugar Cloth Paints and dyestuffs Cement 100,000 catties 45,000 bolts 1,100 boxes 12,000 kilograms The May wool price was 90,000 yuan per 100 catties. The daily wool trade at Hsi-ning, Tsinghai, amounted to 50 million yuan. The Ministry of Trade recently convened a General Merchandise Production and Supply Conference in Canton, the first of a series of six conferences planned by the ministry for various lines of trade. The main questions Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 G .'Ea IAL . consider." at this first conference were: (1) production and marketing, (2) relationships of industry and commerce, (3) relationships of public and private enterprises, and (4) management policies and methods. The present dullness in the market for general merchandise results from costs being too high due to faulty accounting methods, careless handling of raw material inventories, poor personnel policies, obsolete equipment, and dependence on expensive foreign raw materials. Another factor is the failure of producers to study the needs of the rural market. In contrast one company that is producing a cloth that the country p'ople like is unable to meet the demand for it. Because of the above weaknesses, and although plants are only working at 50 percent of capacity, they cannot sell all of their product. In the matter of industry's relationships with commercial fir!,s, the latter have shown a mercenary spirit, endeavoring to take advantage of the medium-size and small producers, charging high prices for raw materials and paying low prices for finished products. Also they have often delayed payment for the goods they bought, thus tying up the producer's capital. They have not been satisfied with a reasonable profit and have sought by various means to keep the producers on a low margin. The relationships between public and private enterprise depend on mutual helpfulness, but to date this cooperation has not developed as it should. Some of the difficulties are that the China Cotton Yarn and Cloth Company has not been able to keep factories supplied with yarn and factory plain that state companies do not sufficiently appreciate their problems. In- dustrial concerns expect the state trade agencies to preserve a better balance between supply and demand to prevent monopolization of raw materials by commer- 'ial firms. Producers requested government trade agencies to adjust local prices to match prices charged by private operators, see that there is a reasonable dif- ference between wholesale and retail prices, permit more responsiveness to price fluctuations, and effect better adjustment of yarn prices to market prices. Since state trade organizations are established to stabilize prices, the idea of greater responsiveness to price fluctuations in the market is contrary to their basic purpose. Hence, this desire of the producers is out of line. In the matter of management policies and methods, most firms are still old fashioned. They remember that formerly 80 percent of their market for locally produced cloth was foreign, so they do not try to please the Chinese country market. They do not realize that their South Seas foreign market is being pre- empted by Japanese products. A large proportion of the 443 general merchandise companies of Canton are without proper scientific accounting, personnel, and management practices. CANTON JEWELERS CHANGE OCCUPATION -- Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 24 Oct 50 Canton, 23 October -- The 260-odd jewelry firms that formerly operated in Canton all closed down after the new municipal government announced its policy toward their business on 5 December 1949. Since business conditions have im- proved in Canton, nearly 100 of these firms have turned to other types of enter- prise. COMPERE TIAL 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8 CONFIDENTIAL MINISTRY OF TRADE POSTS NEW GRAIN PRICES -- Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 24 Oct 50 Peiping, 23 October (Hsin-hua) -- The Ministry of trade has posted new uniform prices for grain to bring prices into line with consumer goods prices and obviate local variations in grain prices as well as unwarranted differences in the price of fine and coarse grains. This adjustment was made necessary by the general drop in grain prices since the harvest of a generally bumper crop. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360896-8