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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 ARTICLE D ON PAGE Why reconnais' predict and h natural disasters? BY DINO BRUGIONI R ECENTLY, the Subcommittee for Investigations and Over- sight of the House Committee on Science and Technology issued its report, information Technology for Emergency Management, culmin- ating two years of hearings on the use of modem technology to deal with both natural and man-made di- sasters. Opening the hearings, Subcom- mittee Chairman (now Senator) Al- bert Gore, Jr., said: "We are all aware of the tremendous technolog- ical advances made in the last few years. We have seen and benefited from their applications in the areas of health and medicine, the environ- ment, and other scientific fields. But we must ensure that this tech- nology is applied to our nation's ability to predict, prevent, and re- spond quickly and effectively to natural or man-made disasters." I testified at those hearings that there was one resource not being used to its full potential. If it were properly employed it could save countless lives and billions of dol- lars in property damage each year. That resource is the nation's aerial reconnaissance and inter retation . technology Few outside the military and in- telligence fields are aware of this resource. Fewer still know how to interpret that technology, and even fewer know how and when to apply it. Yet it is the same technology with which the United States monitors SALT and the Middle East Truce Agreement; observes and predicts crop yields in the Soviet Union, Australia, Canada, Argentina, and India; and assesses damage caused by such catastrophes as the Italian, Guatemalan, and Alaskan earth- quakes. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 Z Aerial reconnaissance and photo- graphic and mu tisensor interpreta- tion are sciences born of wartime necessity to obtain accurate in or- mation on t e enemy rapidly. Since World War 11, these sciences have been advanced and refined by the intelligence an mapping agencies until today s overhead reconnais- sance systems provide more data with a greater re uenc and cover larger areas than ever before. Com- puter and soffWare developments make the entire information-gather- ing and interpretation system man- a8ea e. Re-mote sensing of the earth can be done from a variety of p at orms, suc as low-flying helicopters, light aircraft, reconnaissance resources of the militar services, the U-2 and X71, NASA satellites and Shut- tles, and the -meteorological satel- lites that photograph the emi- s heres from 22,300 miles ins ace. Surveying t e earl from ig s ace. or orbiting platforms fitted with remote sensing devices could be the most significant technological de- velopment of our time. Looking down on our planet to observe the complex and continu- ously changing interrelationship of land, sea, and air has added immea- surably to our knowledge of the fragile relationship between man and his environment. The combina- tion of an established data base, broad area coverage, and large- scale photography has created unique opportunities for interpret- ing both natural and technological phenomena and disasters. Properly interpreted, the remote sensing of our environment can pro- vide current, definitive information that should be used in the decision- making and problem-solving proce- dures we apply on earth. The pace of remote sensing techniques will accelerate since imagery can now be digitized. Combining imagery in- terpretation expertise with comput- er technology provides numerous innovative applications. It is now possible to analyze entire countries, regions, or continents. Remote sensing can provide data with speed and accuracy that cannot be at- tained from other sources. Dimensions of the Problem The resources of our planet are limited and in many instances are being depleted at an alarming rate. At the same time, world population is expanding geometrically. Those who interpret pertinent reconnais- sance data are always impressed with the fragile web of life that is visible in the imagery. All cultural and economic activity conforms to definite, identifiable patterns. The imagery interpreter knows these patterns as "signatures." Building codes, regulations, customs, prac- tices, and procedures govern the methods by which man farms the land, builds homes, constructs fac- tories, and extracts resources. Visible also in the imagery are current activities that will affect our future livelihood adversely, such as building on flood plains, stripping the earth's timber for lumber and firewood, poor agricultural prac- tices that cause the erosion of farm- lands, the misuse or contamination of water, improper and indiscrimi- nate disposal of wastes, and the im- pact of weather-related disasters, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Natural and technological disas- ters kill and injure thousands of peo- ple and cause property damage of astronomical proportions. The 1983 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Impact Assessment Report for the United States reveals more than $27 billion of property damage in the US directly attributable to weather phe- nomena. That year, the worst flood- ing in fifty years occurred in Latin America, while there were major droughts in Africa and Australia. And we have become all too familiar with such man-made disasters as chemical spills, explosions, fires, nuclear accidents, and waste and sewage problems. Potential Applications of Reconnaissance Aerial photography and multisen- sor imagery can have three impor- tant applications in relation to natu- ral and technological disasters. First, they are a valuable historical record; second, they could become the most important means for pre- dicting disasters; third, this imag- ery is an unparalleled source of quick and accurate damage assess- ment. These are not discrete func- tions, of course. In actual use, there often would be considerable over- lap. And they are by no means the only applications of overhead imag- ery. Several years ago, Arthur C. Lundahl, Director of _tFe-IR-a-ti-on-al Photo gra hic Interpretation Center from 1956 to 1973, discussed with [ e Director entra me igence and the President's Science Advisor the wisdom of sharing these re- sources wrt civi ian a encies. In -as a result of a formal study recommending sharing, the Direc- tor of Central Intelligence entered into agreements with a number of federal agencies, giving them ac- cess to classified overhead photog- raphy. Subsequently ; the National Photographic Interpretation Center was directed to use aerial photog- raphy for such projects as assessing natural and man-made disasters, conducting route surveys for the Alaska pipeline, compiling national forest inventories, determining the extent ot snow cover in the Sierras to forecast runo , an emoting crop ig t in the Plains states. In 19 55, the Rockefeller Commis- sion reviewed the concept of shar- ing classified data and concluded: "The Commission can find no im- propriety in permitting civilian use of aerial photographic systems. The economy of operating a single aerial photographic program dictates the use of these photographs for appro- priate civilian purposes." Nevertheless, fora variety of rea- sons, aerial photography and multi- sensor imagery are hardly being used in emergency management. The most familiar reason heard in Washington is that "it's not in our budget (or our charter)." Else- where, regional experts concerned with emergency management know little or nothing about these capabil- ities. Congressman Gore noted "the inertia on the part of emergency agencies that leads to a failure to use the data." Images of History Consider the three key civilian applications of this little-used imag- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 CI \ As a hiv?) /t , / 0,( 4,11/. aeI ial photograph' ha, te'\ equal,. I he t tilted state, ha, an ent,l illous data base of aercd photograph' and nlill- ti,ensor inlager\ gathered o'er the past sl\I\ 'ears. Hor e\,Inlple. the Department, of Interior ;old \'- 'Ii-culture ha'e more than 1`.000,0011 print, of the l'nited St;ues. In uddi- ton. there ame hundred, of other re- positories holdnlu photo, taken b' pri'ate citi/en,,Ind local. state. nlil- itar\, and Iedeial agencies. I he ,te:uiil\ mere .me \olunle of inl,tg- er\ collection nla' prove useful in w,l\ s that we can hardll\ e'en tile tuda\. During tile 1931". fur evanlple. harmers ere paid hH the federal t'u\ernlllellt to ploy under part of their crops. To prove there \'as compliance with agreements. pho- tographic mission, were flown over faun, area,. Most of that film found its way into the National .Archives. ort\ ears biter. when the l.n- ' uonnlental Protection 'gene' was charged \\ ith locating old to\ic chemical .lumps. the' found that these pictures pro ided the most re- liable data on the e\istence of the waste sites used decades before and then ah,lndoned and forgotten. Hut in most c,l,c, still ha/ardous. I'.\er\ da\. the two Landsat ,,Itel- lites now aloft collect more than IUI) Images worldwide. I?.aeh inl- 111-Ie co\CI , .shoat Iii)) square miles .slid Is ,in irreplaceable record l,l a moment in tinge. Each establishes a baseline that Is of cynic, l impor- tance in recognising changes that near occur in the future. An Ounce of Prevention Landsat photograph', supple- mented by other source, of inlaccr\. has a vast and largely unused poten- tial for the second inlportaiit ci' ilian application-predu Il/1; 41/44141(14. After studying Lands;tt photo- graphs. I testified in congressional hearings that the federal govern- ment has the technology, methodol- ogy, data. and expertise to have pre- \ tinted. or at least greatly mitigated. the massive tlooding in the west caused by snow melt in the spring of 1983. The Lail. sat photographs were cle detailed; *ad encom- passed the area of snow-meW'l::un- cern. Additional data could have been c oI lec ted by gk- T recc~90{cc t 4O-mile length of tht Klver 111 rcci t~~u.,: and by U-'- aircraft eyutpp lm.iety of sensors. These mission* could have been tlown as part of the routine pilot-training programs. The US Geological Survey had maps of sufficient detail and in scales appropriate for snow-melt measurement and analysis. the De- fense Mapping Agency, the US (ieological Survey. and the CIA have ereeffent-pFitogrammetnc ca- pabilities that could have been used to measure accurately the amount of snow and compute runoff from the snow pack. A\ ith the 00-w com- puted. dams and reser'oirs could have been drawn do" n enough to control flooding. Property damage from the snow melt was estimated at more than SI billion. No nlonetar\ 'aloe can he placed on the I;t, lives that were lost in the flooding. The only warning Horny people had was "hen water and mud crashed through their. homes. Had federal and region; task forces been established, most of the flood damage and loss of life could ha\e been prevented. The war of Implementing such a pro- gramwould have been only about S5 million, compared to the more than Si billion of property damage that occurred. A Lost Opportunity Here's another example of a lost opportunity to prevent disaster. It took television crews to awakeT! conscience of the world to the sands dying from starvation or 540., vation-induced diseases in Africa. If existing multisensor imagery had been analyzed, the plight of 150,000,000 people in Ethiopia and other African countries not only could have been predicted, but ac- tion might have been taken before disaster struck. Evidence of the nat- ural phenomena that caused crop failure occurs gradually over large areas and can be recorded through aerial photography or by multisen- sor imagery. Detailed analysis of large-area coverage over a period of time can identify drought or desert encroachment. The science of determining crop conditions was developed after the USSR, experiencing it disastrous drought, secretly purchased mil- lions of tons of US grain at bargain prices. When that became known. President Nixon called together those involved and issued an ul- timatum that neither he nor any other President of the United States should ever again he caught short in similar circumstances. Those familiar with reconnais- sance and interpretation agreed that Landsat imagery could he used to monitor the distribution and vigor of crop growth and that such data. combined with other information. could produce a quantitati\e analy- sis of future yields. analysis of the near-infrared spectrum can deter- mine the degree of hiomass. or the greenness of the crops. the more abundant and healthy the .eceta tion, the greater the field. this method of determining crop y fields resulted from the Large .\rea Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE) in 1973 and from the later Agriculture and Resource ln'entorv Through Aerospace Remote Sensing (.-\GRI- STARS) program. .A comparison of the greenness in the African drought area in 1982 and 1983 indicated that there was con- siderably less vegetation in 1983 than there had been the rear before. This was true not only of the crop- growing areas hut in pastures as well. In other words, the area was experiencing a devastating drought. Technology exists not only to esti- mate the magnitude of the drought but also to predict potential food shortages. ~.r!aurlti Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 rng- gines can nic Ash xample:.Ash clouds ruptions can create a f particular interest n he given warn- ducts of aerial ingesting volcanic." the eruption of Moun ante. Jet en- maged by ollowing on May 18. 1980. meteorological satellites photographed the ash cloud as it moved eastward. and warnings were issued to aircraft fly- ing in or near the cloud. Two years later, two Boeing 747s flying in the Indian Ocean area were not so fortunate. On June 24 and July 13. 1982, these aircraft experi- enced severe engine problems re- sulting in shutdowns, caused by in- gesting volcanic ash from eruptions of Mount Galunggung in Indonesia. Both aircraft were forced to make emergency landings at Djakarta. The loss of an airliner with all pas- sengers would he a calamitous event, and that sobering fact prompted a series of investigations. It was found that sulfur dioxide in the volcanic eruption plumes is de- tectable from space. The Nimbus 7 Total Ozone ;dapping Spectrometer ( FOMS), which produces daily global image, that measure how much sunlight in the ultraviolet spectral region is absorbed by oione in the atmosphere, is also ca- pable of determining the ,ize and the shape of solcanic ash clouds. Another experiment resealed that the Geostationar} Operational En- ~ironmental Satellite (GOES) and the NOAA polar-orbiting mete- orological and em ironmental satel- lites-hecause of their niultispectral capabilities. especiall` in the in- frared range-ha'se a ,trong poten- tial for distinguishing and tracking ash clouds. Infrared sensors in polar-orbiting satellites have many other warning applications. The dread of foresters is tire in inaccessible areas. Recent experiments with thermal infrared sensors aboard NOAA polar-orbit- ing satellites have shown the useful- ness of these sensors as effective and economical means of detecting and monitoring forest, tundra, and open-range tires. Using the 3.8-micron channel, the NOAA satellites "paint'' a 22.6(X)-kilometer longitudinal swath with a fifteen degr example, can be frame, and forest or one square mile can be d Reporting the Bad News Finally, photographic and multi- sensor imagery has a potential for daina e assessment that has not been fully exploited. Whenever a natural disaster strikes, there is an attendant breakdown in transporta- tion, communications, public safe- ty, and health care. The need for timely and accurate information on the scope and magnitude of the di- saster becomes paramount for emergency management efforts. Aerial photography is unequaled in providing the data needed. U-2s have been used to collect data essential in assessing t e am- age caused by earthquakes, hurri- canes, floods, tornadoes, and oil spills. Both the U-2 and the SR-71 were employed during the eruption of Mount Saint Helens, gathering photographs and multisensor imag- ery for a quick assessment of the immediate dangers posed by the eruption. Pre- and posteruption multisen- sor images provide a dramatic view of the destruction caused by that event. Almost a cubic mile of the crown of Mount Saint Helens was blown away. Trees as far as twenty- eight kilometers more than seven- teen miles) from the mountain were toppled like matchsticks, and tim- her was scorched for some distance beyond that. Sediment and debris tilled Swift Reservoir and Spirit Lake. The massive Clow of debris that ,wept down the North Toutle Valley raised its floor more than 600 feet. damming trihutary rivers and creating new lakes and ponds. The formation of these lakes posed a serious problem. since the dams created by the eruption might erode sw if tly arnd release a deluge of water and mud down adjacent sal- ley s. Evidence of volcanic ash car- ried into neighboring states by high- altitude winds could he seen clearly on aerial photos. Those photos were used for devising methods of allevi- ating problems created by swollen lakes and ponds. Foresters also used the images to search for ways to retrieve the blown-down and damaged timber. New and Future Developments It is generally agreed by emergen- cy preparedness officials that a thir- ty- to forty-minute warning is ade- quate to prepare for most disasters. Warning of disasters that could oc- cur at night is especially important. Satellites have a vital role to play in achieving this goal. In my testimony before Congress, I stated: "Al- though there is some collaboration among people on the ground and the aerial collector, in the future, sen- sors on the ground will be read by collectors in space." An emplaced sensor that sends its data to a satellite or that can be in- terrogated from space has many ad- vantages. It can he set to any de- sired specification, it operates twen- ty-four hours a day. and it can be implanted in remote locations where conditions make it impossi- ble for man to survive. A variety of gauges and sensors that will uplink data to satellites for warning pur- poses is now being implanted. The US Army Corps of Engineers and the Tennessee Valley Authority are placing in remote areas hundreds of gauges that will transmit data to the Geostationary Operational Envi- ronmental Satellite )GOES) for flood warnings. Other sensors are being im- planted in earthen dams to give warning of potential trouble. The Bureau of Reclamation is using gauges and sensors to monitor snowfall and snow melt in order to alleviate potential flooding prob- lems. In the Pacific, tidal gauges and sensors have been located on the coast to transmit tsunami (tidal wave) warnings via GOES satel- lites. In hurricane-prone areas, gauges and sensors are being em- placed along streams susceptible to flash flooding, with the warning data flashed to GOES satellites. Sci- entists have also determined that sudden surges of hydrogen have often preceded volcanic and earth- quake activity. Sensors are being emplaced along major earthquake zones in California and around vol- canoes in Hawaii and at Mount ~qw Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 o Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9 S Saint Helens to record hydrogen ac- tivity. Here again, data is sent via GOES to a US Geological Survey data center, where it is compared with other scientific data. We are entering a new era of re- connaissance in which satellites will be able to collect data or interrogate sensors on earth, analyze gases in space, digest data, photograph areas of concern, and send warnings to emergency centers. At the Subcommittee hearings, it was obvious that most of the state, county, and city emergency officials knew little or nothing about t e aerial reconnaissance and multisen- sor imagery capabilities that could be applied to their work. It would be a valuable contribution t ddomestic security if the De artment of De- tense, the military services (includ- ing t eir Reserve Forces n-te i- gence organizations), other federal agencies, and the intelligence munity y snared their knowledge of reconnaissance and multisensor im- agery with local and regional disas- ter management o icia s. We have invested heavily in sci- ence and technology to protect this nation from external threats. Now we must apply appropriate elements of that science and technology to mitigate or prevent natural and tech- nological disasters. I know of no en- deavor where the funds and effort expended offer so bountiful a re- turn. U Dino Bru Toni writes regularly for AIR FORCE Magazine. His by-line last appeared in the March '84 issue with the article "The Tyuratam Enigma." During World War Il, he flew sixty-six bombing missions and a number of reconnaissance missions over North Africa, Italy, France, Germany, and Yugoslavia. After the war he received a B.A. and an M.A. in foreign affairs from The George Washington University. He joined the CIA in 1948, becomin a senior official and a reconnaissance and photo-interpretation expert for the agency before his retirement. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100190004-9