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This paper gives a brief analysis of the factors determining the efficiency of underground gas storages as
the means of meeting variations in gas consumption. The author describes a method of determining the
necessary capacity and optimum productivity of storages, the suitable geological conditions and methods
of prospecting and exploring for underground storages ; and the results of a theoretical study of gas hydro-
dynamic character in connection with underground gas storage are briefly stated. The first results of expe-
rimental gas and air injections into underground storages in the USSR are also described.
Le present memoire est une breve analyse des facteurs qui determinent 1'efficacite des stockages souter-
rains pour faire face aux variations de la, consommation. L'auteur decrit une methode de determination de
la capacite necessaire des reservoirs et de la cadence la plus favorable de soutirage. I1 decrit les conditions
geologiques ainsi que les methodes de prospection et d'exl,ioration des stockages souterrains ainsi que les
resultats d'une etude theorique au sujet de la dynamique des syst?mes eau-gaz qui a ete effectuee en relation
avec les problemes; du stockage souterrain du gaz. L'auteur decrit les premiers resultats des experiences d'in-
jection d'air et. de gaz effectuees'en URSS.
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t~-- 1
N. S. Ero f ecv, USSR
There are variations in gas consumption by in-
dustrial enterprises and especially utility and do-
mestic consumers. To meet the requirements of all
the consumers it is necessary to have stand-by
capacities for gas production and transportation or
storages near consumption regions which could
ensure conservation of gas surpluses during off-peak
periods and their withdrawal during peak-load
Technical-economic calculations and already exist-
ing experience of a number of countries show that
construction and operation of underground gas
storages is the most rational means to meet seasonal
variations of gas consumption by large industrial
centres. The use of depleted gas or oil fields for this
purpose, if they are situated relatively near con-
sumption regions, is the most advantageous way. If
there are no such fields near consumers one has to
construct storages in porous aquifers.
However, the construction of gas storages in aqui-
fers is a complicated technical problem; it requires
high expenditure, therefore this method can be eco-
nomically justified only in some cases.
Profitableness of underground gas storage depends
on numerous factors of great variety. The most im-
portant of them are :
- degree of gas consumption irregularity;
- capacity and length of the gas main;
- distance between the gas storage and the place
of consumption and the gas main;
- geological and field'. features of the reservoir
chosen for gas storage (trap reliability, collec-
tor permeability, reservoir pressure, actual
capacity etc.).
In the USSR work on underground gas storage has
been begun only a few years ago. For this time inte-
resting economic investigations making it possible to
determine the'necessary parameters of underground
gas storages have been carried out; a great volume of
exploring work has been done which resulted in
finding and exploration of a number of favourable
structures and areas; the theory and hydro-gas-dy-
namic principles of storage construction in aqui-
fers have been worked out; experimental injections
of gas and air have been carried out under various
geological conditions.
Variations of gas consumption depend on the type
of the consumer. Utility and domestic consumers
cause the greatest seasonal variations, large indust-
rial enterprises cause lesser ones.
Evidently the degree of seasonal irregularity de-
pends on the proportion of various consumers. How-
ever the analysis of average for a number of years
on large consumption regions shows coinciding re-
Irregularity factors (the ratio of gas consumption
for a given month to average annual consumption
for a month) for Kiev, Moscow and the USA (for
1955) are given in Table 1.
Table 1.
Factors of Gas Consumption Irregularity for Months
Storage capacity necessary to meet seasonal varia-
tions of gas consumption can he calculated by the
V- EK>1-n>1 .100.... (1)
12 ......
or V= n 1 is the number of factors exceeding 1.
K < 1 and n < I are the same indices less than
I respectively.
The required storage capacity for the cases given
in Table 1 is as follows.
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By formula 1
By formula 2
For Kiev
the USA
The character of gas consumption variations de-
termines not only necessary actual storage capacity
but also its deliverability.
Besides seasonal . variations there are day varia-
tions of gas consumption. Factors of day irregularity
reach 1.6-2.0 as compared with average day con-
sumption during the year.
Technical-economic calculations have showed that
there exists an optimum irregularity factor under
which the cost price of storage is minimum. Crea-
tion of conditions under which wider variations
would be met causes a considerable increase of stor-
age cost price.
For the analysed cases such an optimum factor is
1.35 corresponding to the maximum index of sea-
sonal irregularity.. The growth of the cost price of
additional stored gas is shown in Table 3.
Growth of Cost Price as "K" Value Increases
Irregulatity factor
Cost price of additio-
nal stored gas (in
% to the cost price
under K = 1,35)
Taking into account the coincidence of results for
various conditions when designing and constructing
underground gas storages, we consider it possible
to assume:
- necessary actual storage capacity to be equal
to 10-11 % of annual gas.consumption by a
large industrial region or town;
- storage deliverability to he equal to 35-40 %
of average day consumption for a year.
A comparative analysis on the basis of gross tech-
nical-economic indices of underground gas storage
efficiency depending on the capacity and length of
a gas main permitted to draw the following conclu-
- the efficiency of 'underground gas storage
operation increases as gas main capacity rises
and especially as gas main length increases;
- for most cases, gas main having the length up
to 200 km, one should provide stand-by capa-
cities for gas production and transportation and
when gas mains have ? greater length one should
construct underground gas storages if possible;
- in such cases the economy obtained by under-
ground storage operation by far exceeds the ex-
penditure on their construction. For example,
for a gas main, having the length of 1000 km
and the capacity of 10 million cu.m. per day,
the economy exceeds the expenditure on un-
derground gas storage construction 10 times.
In many cases, gas mains having great length and
capacity, underground storage efficiency remains
even when the storage is rather far from the consu-
mer. For a gas main, having the length of 1000 kin.
and the capacity of 5 million cu.m. per day, high
efficiency remains even when the distance between
the storage and the consumer is 200 km.
Technical-economic investigations of the effici-
ency of underground gas storage were carried out
in the Institute ?Ukrgiprogasb. Their results were
published in a number of its works.
The obtained conclusions and worked out criteria
are used in the USSR when prospecting and explor-
ing structures favourable for underground gas stor-
More than 75 % of gas produced in our country is
to be consumed by 'towns and industrial centres
situated far from gas and oil fields. Therefore to
meet seasonal variations of gas consumption, the
main efforts are directed at the search for structures
favourable for construction of underground storages
in aquifers.
Prospecting and exploring work is carried out
on a large scale under various geological conditions.
It is directed at the search for local anticline struc-
tures and well permeable water-bearing intercala-
tions overlaid with clay strata of sufficient thick-
For the majority of regions with the largest gas
consumption the. geological conditions are little
In this connection the limit parameters determin-
ing the suitability of an object (the amplitude and
dimensions of the structure, the depth, thickness
and permeability of the stratum) are not established.
Structures with the .amplitude of 12-15 in and
strata lying at the depth of 800-900 in and 150-200
in. are being explored.
The thickness of clay overburdens varies from
several metres to 100-150 in. All the strata being
prospecting are represented by sand and sandstones,
their permeability ranges from 0.5-1.0 darcy to
several darcies.
Serious obstacles are caused by the low stability
of sand streaks lying at small depth (200-300 m.).
To prevent sanding up one has to provide wells
with special filters. On one of the areas exploration
of a stratum represented by cracked limestone is
On one of the areas a sand lens lying in clay Devoni-
an strata is prepared for experimental gas injection.
The maximum thickness of the sandstone is 15 in.,
porosity is 25 %, permeability is 0.4-0.5 darcy,
depth of lying is 745 in., initial stratum pressure
is 78 atm.
Experimental withdrawal of 2000 m3 of water caus-
ed pressure drop in the lens by 5 atm.
Experts believe that an underground storage con-
structed in such lenticular sandstone (if one suc-
ceeds in drying it completely) will have a number
of operating advantages.
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Prospecting and exploring
in the following sequence:
u OFF C y uS : ONLY
Methods of calculation of water displacement by
gas in gently and steep dipping dome shaped aqui-
ferous structures were worked out. These methods
make it possible to take into account the absence or
presence of a gas cap at the beginning of injection
as well as the unloading effect at the elastic drive
of an aquifer.
Special investigations were devoted to non-steady
- study of general geological data of the region
with large gas consumption, search for struc-
tures by means of seismic prospecting and
drilling of profiles of shallow wells;
- checking and study of the chosen structures by
means of drilling of a network of shallow
structural wells;
- exploration of the aquifer by means of drill-
ing and special testing of exploratory wells;
- experimental gas injection.
Practice has shown that usual exploration by
means of drilling of wells is insufficient for the
preparation of an underground gas storage.
To obtain a quantitative characteristic of the aqui-
fer and its overburden within the limits of a future
underground storage special methods of well testing
called hydroexploration have been developed and
are used. The essence of these methods is that after
creation of a system of wells uncovering the stratum
being explored and the overlying permeable stratum,
a series of tests on water withdrawal from some
wells and observation of the pressure in other ones
is carried out. On the basis of these tests aquifer
conditions, the degree of communication of different
sections, absence of overburden leakage, averaged
numerical values of main stratum parameters-per-
meability and pressurebearing characteristic are de-
Recently a successful test of area stratum explora-
tion by means of injection of a sinal.l air quantity
(200-250 thousand cu.m.) by usual compressors in
a well and of observation of levels in other wells
was carried out. This method is especially valuable
when exploring wellpermeable thick acquiferswhere
it is difficult to- cause pressure changes, sufficient
for observation, by means of water withdrawal.
In the USSR since 1957 750 shallow structural test
wells and 156 exploratory wells have been drilled
for prospecting and exploring of underground gas
storages; area >>hydroexplorationb has been carried
out in five structures.
Complex exploration, design and construction of
underground gas storages in aquifers required special
theoretical investigations and solution of a number of
hydro-gas-dynamic problems. Such investigations are
carried out in the All-Union Scientific Research
Institute for Natural Gas (.vVNIIGAS>) and in the
Academician Gubkin Moscow Institute of Oil-Chemi-
cal and Gas Industry (?MINKFI & GP>>). The results
of these investigations were published in a number
of works, the list of which is included in this
Because of highly special character of these in-
vestigations in this paper we confine ourselves to
the enumeration of the most important solved pro-
liquid and gas inflow to hydrodynamically imper-
fect wells. A theory was developed and a correspond-
ing practical method of determination of geological-
physical stratum parameters on the basis of data of
hydrodynamically imperfect wells testing was given.
An original solution of the problem of non-steady
liquid or gas filtration under the harmonic law of
pressure or flow change was found. On the basis of
this solution simple working formulas were obtain-
ed and a method of determination of geological-phy-
sical parameters of the collector according to pres-
sure distribution in the stratum, caused by the in-
fluence of the change in liquid flow or pressure,
was. worked out.
xperimental investigations with the model of coef-
ficient of water displacement by gas in sand weze
carried out.
It was found that the displacement coefficient
greatly depends on the frontal displacement velo-
city, sharply decreasing as this velocity increases.
Visual observations showed that there was no plug
displacement of water by gas and that blocked
up>> water saturated zones formed. The overburden
zone of the reservoir was filled by gas faster than
the bottom zone. The efficiency of displacement de-
pends on the geometrical position of the gas injection
region with respect to the unloading region. The
more the distance between the injection region and
the unloading region, the higher the efficiency of
water displacement by gas is.
These investigations are only at their beginning,
their results must be checked in practice. Finding of
the conditions of the maximum displacement in a
stratum which is practically always heterogeneous is
the main problem.
The developed theoretical principles and working
formulas found a use in strata hydroexploration, in
design and carrying out experimental gas and air
The most interesting results were obtained by gas
injection in one of the experimental storages. Gas
was injected in a Gdov Cambrian water-bearing
sandstone. Its thickness was 10-12 in.; porosity
0.22, permeability from 0.5 to 2.1 darcy, the depth
of lying.800-930 m., pressure in the upper part of
the structure 82 atm. The stratum was overlaid with
a clay series having the thickness up to 100 in. How-
ever a lens of breccia of crystalline rocks lies in
this series. This lens probably contacts in upthrust
with the Gdov sandstone. Structurally the stratum is
gently folded, the northern wing complicated and
separated by tectonic ruptures.
The complexity of this structure caused a great
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volume of exploratory work. It was necessary to
drill 40 exploratory wells which were further used
for gas injection, unloading and observations.
Gas injection is effected by means of two com-
pressors having the power of 1000 h.p. ensuring
two-stage compression from 25 to 55 atm. and from
55 to 125 atm. and the output of 500 thousand cu.m.
per day.
In 1959 for three months 23 million cu.m. of gas
were injected. Injection was effected through 2-4
wells, the maximum well head pressure being
103 atm.
Injection showed good well injectability up to 500
thousand cu.m. per day, practical isolation of the
northern wing of the fold and connection of the
Gdov sandstone with the breccia lens. During the
winter observation of pressure redistribution was
maintained. Attemps at getting dry gas failed.
Since April 1960 gas injection was resumed. The
maximum injection amounted to 620 thousand cu.m.
per day. The well head pressure amounted to 100-
102 atm. The total injection was 80 million cu.m.
At injection unloading was 'effected - water was
let out, from the wells situated down dip from
the group of injection wells. Three unloading
wells were situated at the distance of 700-1000
m. from the injection wells and five - at the di-
stance of 1500-2500 in. On the whole 176 thousand
cu.m. of water was let out. There was no gas break-
through to the unloading wells. The unloading en-
sured more uniform and more complete water dis-
placement from the Gdov sandstone.
To control the possible gas leakage from the brec-
cia lens wells were drilled to the overlying sand
stratum. Observation showed the absence of reac-
tion in these wells.
In winter months an experimental gas ejection
from the Gdov sandstone will be carried out.
On another area an experimental air injection into
a gently dipping aquifer was carried out. Its thick-
ness is 10-15 in., porosity - 0.20-0.25, average
permeability 1.3 darcy, the depth' of lying - 395-
420 m., bottom pressure - 36 atm.
A group of seven wells 'was drilled for experiment,
the injection well being in the centre, the control and
observation wells being at mutually perpendicular di-
rections at the distance of 25 and 50 in. Observa-
tions were also carried out in exploratory wells
drilled earlier and located at' various distances.
3260 thousand cu.m. of air under the well head
pressure of injection well 40-40.5 atm. were injected,
80 thousand cu.m. per day on the average..
After pressure drop to 36.7 atm. air outlet from the
same well was. begun. Altogether 1423 thousand
cu.m. or 44 % of injected air were let out, including
917 thousand cu.m. dr 29 % of dry air, then water
appeared, the quantity of which gradually increased.
Despite the relatively small scale of the experi-
ment its results demonstrate a practical possibility
of construction, under certain conditions of a gas
storage in gently dipping or horizontal strata.
It is intended to continue the test, injecting a
greater volume of air and making a longer delay.
Careful observations showed a very uneven air
advancement in the stratum.
Average displacement radius being 300 in., some
bbreakthroughsb reached 1000 in.
Air displaced water only in the lower part of the
stratum amounting to about one third of its thick-
This is undoubtedly cgnnectcd with the hetero-
geneity of the stratum and the change of its reser-
voir properties on the strike and cross-section. At
the same time one can assume that, the volume of
the injected air and injection pressure increased,
the unevenness of displacement will be partially
levelled off.
In 1958 and 1959 in some regions of the USSR
several small underground gas storages in partially
depleted gas fields were constructed.
At present four storages are in operation.-For the
whole period of their operation 93.1 million cu.m.
of gas were injected into these storages including
53.7 million cu.m. in 1960 and 18.7, million cu.m. were
One storage was constructed in a Permian sand
stratum lying at the depth of 400. These deposits
present a small brachyanticline fold with an ampli-
tude of 32 in.
The initial gas reserves were 30 million cu.m.,
the initial stratum pressure was 54.2 atm. abs.
For the time of operation 18.4 million cu.m. were
withdrawn, the stratum pressure decreased to 16.5
atm. abs. Injection was begun in 1958 and since that
time two complete cycles of injection and, with-
drawal were carried out. Now the third injection is
going on. On the whole 16.1 million cu.m. were in-
jected, 10.7 million cu.m. were withdrawn. The pres-
sure in the stratum rose to 32.6 atm. abs. and fell to
16.2 atm. abs. Injection and withdrawal were carried
out by means of four wells. At the beginning of 1960
a leakage in one of the wells drilled earlier was
found. At present the well is under repair.
In another region a partially depleted deposit of
the field is used as an underground gas storage for'
3 years, and in 1960 gas injection into other deposits
of the same field. was begun. By September this year
90 million cu.m. of gas were injected into all the
three deposits.
The operation of storages constructed in partially
depleted deposits does not cause special difficulties.
From the economic point of view the use of such sto-
rages for the accumulation of summer surpluses of
gas produced together with oil is the most expedient
In spite of the technical complexity of the con-
struction of underground gas storages in aquifers,
the economic efficiency of meeting variations in gas
consumption by means of underground storages, un-
der the condition of distant transport, is beyond
doubt. It is necessary to accumulate the facts to de-
fine more exactly the quantitative criteria of effi-
ciency under various conditions.
In the whole world there are very few under-
ground gas storages constructed in aquifers. The
most urgent problems of the technical aspect of the
underground gas storage are the following ones:
- the further improvement of the methods of ex-
- the development of a method reliably determin-
ing the absence of leakage of the overburden
as early as at the stage of storage exploration;
- the ensuring of controlled and uniform dis-
placement of water by gas from a stratum
which is practically always heterogeneous;
E?I ? FIF FTU- "I'll nC1i Uof 'J !L Y
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- the development of methods of storages con-
struction in horizontal aquifers;
The exchange of information and experience
among the countries, members of the International
Gas Union, will contribute to the quickest solution
of these problems.
1. Of Bottom Water Advancement in Gas Deposits of
Dome Type. Charniy I. A. Transactions of the Aca-
demy of Sciences of the USSR. Department of Tech-
nical Sciences N 9, 1950.
2. Gas Production and Transportation Chapter X. Brisk-
man A. A., Ivanov A. K. et al. Gostoptekhizdat, 1955.
3. Underground Gas Storage in the Trust >Kuibishev-
Gasw., Borisov S. D., Semyonov V. E. Gazovaya Pro-
mishlennost. N II, 1958.
4. Underground Gas Storage. Raaben V. N., Levikin E.
V. Gazovaya Promishlennost. N 10, 1958.
5. Technical-Economic Determination of the Number of
Wells, the Volume of Cushion Gas, the Power of a
Compressor Station and the Depth of Trap Searching
at Underground Gas Storage. Shirkovskiy A. I. Gazo-
vaya Promishlennost. N II. 1958.
6. Efficiency of Underground Gas Storages Utilization.
Torzhevskiy V. K. Collection of Papers of the All-
Union Conference >>Ways of Development of Gas In-
dustry of the USSR. Gostoptekhizdat, 1958.
7. Of the Methods of Gas Storages Construction. Shir-
kovskiy A. I. Collection >>Ways of Development of Gas
Industry of the USSR. Gostoptekhizdat, 1958.
8. To the Problem of the Method of Calculation of Gas
Injection into an Aquifer to Construct an Under-
ground Gas Storage. Levikin E. V., Khein A. A. Gazo-
vaya Promishlennost, N I, 1959.
9. Approximate Method of Calculation of Gas Injection
into an Aquifer and its Comparison with Some Ac-
curate Solutions. Filinov M. V., Charniy I. A., Trans-
actions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. De-
partment of Technical Sciences; N 1, 1959.
10. Paper' on Economic Problems of Underground Gas
Storage. United Nations Organization. Economic Com-
mission for Europe. Gas Working Party. 1959.
11. Underground Gas Storage in Foreign Countries. Bi-
shard P. A., Scientific-Technical Collection on Gas
Technique. Issue 2 )Underground Gas Storage>>.
GOSINTI, Moscow, 1960.
12. Technical-Economic Indices of Underground Storage
of Natural Gas. Torzhevskiy V. K. Scientific-Techni-
cal Collection on Gas Technique. Issue 2. >>Under-
ground Gas Storage. GOSINTI, Moscow, 1960.
13. State of Geological-Exploration Work Connected with
Underground Gas Storage. Lodzhevskiy I. G. Collec-
tion >Development of Gas Industry of the USSR.
Gostoptekhizdat, 1960.
14. Experience in the Application of the Methods of Field
Geophysics in Studying Objects for Underground Gas
Storage. Kholin A. I. Collection ?Development of Gas
Industry of the USSR. Gostoptekhizdat, 1960.
15. Of Seismic Prospecting of Structures for Underground
Gas Storages. Ryahinkin L. A., Serdobolskiy L. A.
Collection ?Development of Gas Industry of the
USSR, Gostoptekhizdat, 1960.
16. Basic Principles of Combined Geological Hydrodyna-
mic Exploration of Water-Bearing Traps for Under-
ground Gas Storages. Khein A. L. Collection ?Develop-
ment of Gas Industry of the USSR. Gostoptekhizdat,
17. Hydrodynamic Principles of Construction of Under-
ground Gas Storages in Horizontal and Gently Dipp-
ing Aquifers. Charniy I. A. Collection ?Development
of the Gas Industry of the USSR. Gostoptekhizdat,
'tn' jFFPPCG
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The year 1948, when the first gas main, from Saratov to Moscow, was put into service, should be con-
sidered the beginning of industrial development of the gas industry in the USSR.
At that time, commercial gas reserves were extremely limited and exploratory drilling for natural gas was
carried out only on a very small scale. Gas consumption was limited to public utility services.
It was after 1956 that the gas industry began to develop rapidly, which is clear from the following data
on actual and projected gas output and production, in billions of cubic metres: 1955, 10.4; 1959, 37.2; 196(1
47.1; 1965, 150.
Construction of gas mains, which is highly mechanized, has been carried out on a large scale; their total
length increased 3.3 times in 1959 as compared with 1955, and the pipelines are mainly of large diameter
(720 to 1,02(kmm).
By the end of 1959, gas was being supplied to more than 230 towns and 166 workmen's settlements. By
the end of 1965, towns and workmen's settlements with a total population of more than 40 million will be
supplied with gas.
Realization of such high rates of development of the gas industry is based on the availability of large
reserves of natural gases in various regions and in almost all of the suitable geological formations of the
The total estimated gas reserves in the USSR are 55 to 60 trillion cubic metres.
In the USSR, development of gas and gas-condensate fields is carried out on a scientific basis.
The greatest attention is paid to the study of all the geological components of a specified province - of
the field or of the storage reservoir itself and of the associated hydrodynamic phenomena.
Rational operation of the gaseous field entails the choosing of a layout and spacing for the wells, and of
a progressive scheme of drilling dependent on the actual hydrodynamic characteristics of the storage re-
The application of scientifically based methods for the recovery of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons
leads to a sharp diminution of the number of wells to be drilled, and, as a result, to great economy of
material, capital investment and labour.
Natural gas is increasingly utilized in various branches of the national economy of the USSR.
Gas utilization has increased most of all in the chemical, metallurgical and cement industries, and, espe-
cially, in the public utility services.
Industrial and domestic utilization of gas is highly effective; it results not only in decreasing the unit cost
of production, but also in improving the quality of materials such as metal, cement, etc., and in raising the
productivity of industrial plant such as blast furnaces, open hearth furnaces, heat treatment furnaces, ce-
ment kilns, etc.
Domestic gas utilization has resulted in considerable economy of money and labour for heating and
't'own gas distribution systems are constructed in the USSR with d view to providing adequate gas supply
to industrial plants, public utilities and domestic consumers.
Various methods are used to ensure regular gas supplies at different times of the year and of the day and
to establish the necessary peak-demand reserves, the most effective being the construction of underground
gas storages near large centres of gas consumption.
The utilization of liquefied petroleum gases is being widely developed, and the volume of L.P.G. con-
sunmed is increasing very rapidly.
Liquefied petroleum gases are used as a raw material in the chemical industry, as a source of town gas
and for distribution to settlements situated far from gas mains, as a motor transport fuel, and for agricul-
tural machinery and other purposes. For these purposes, liquefied gases are distributed by pipelines as well
as by specially designed mobile tanks and in cylinders of various designs and dimensions.
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'~~st ars USE
L'aunee 1948, all cours de laquelle le pipeline (le Saratov-Moscou a etc mis en exploitation, doit Ore con-
aiderec comme lc debut du developpcment industriel do l'industrie du gaz en URSS.
A cette epoque, les reserves coinmerciales etaicnt extrcmement limitees ct lcs forages d'exploration pour
trouver du gaz naturel etaicnt cffectues A tine echelle tres reduite. La consommation do gaz so limitait aux
services publics.
Apres ll'annee 1956, 1'industric (lu gaz comntenga a Sc developper rapidement, cc qui ressort des chiffres
ci-dessous qui montrent le,developpement do la production et de ]'emission do gaz (en milliards de m3) :
1955 1959 1960 1965
10.4 37.2 47.1 150
La construction des pipelines a etc effectuee a line tres gran de echclle; lour longueur a augmente do 3,3
fois en 1959 par rapport a 1955. On construit stu?tout des pipelines do grande dimension (720 A 1 020 mm) et
lour pose est hautement mecanisec.
Fin 1959, le gaz etait fourni A plus de 230 villes et 166 cites ouvricres. Pour la fin de 1965, des villes et des
cites ouvricres totalisant tine population de plus de 40 millions (]'habitants scront alimentees en gaz.
La possibilite do realisation do progres daps 1'industrie du gaz A un taux aussi clove est basee stir la dis-
11ponibilite de grandes reserves de gaz naturel daus differentes regions et reparties A pelt pros clans tonics
les couches presentant des structures favorables dims le territoire de ]'URSS.
Le total des reserves prevues en URSS est estime it 55 oil 60 trillions de m3.
],I'll URSS, le developpcment des champs de gaz naturel et la recuperation du gaz des gisements petroliferes
sort effectues d'a pros des bases tres scientifiques.
On attache In plus grande attention A ]'etude de toes les elements geologiques d'une province determines,
du champ on du reservoir lui-memo et des phenomenes d'ecoulement.
L'exploitation rationnelle des champs de gaz comprend le choix de ]'implantation des puits clans Ic
champ lni-tticnte, de In distance entre les puits et de l'ordre de progression du forage qui depend des carac-
teristiques reel4es du champ et des conditions de 1'ecoulement gazeux clans celui-ci.
L'emploi tie methodes basees stir des elements scientifiques pour la recuperation du gaz, des condensats
et l'exploitation des champs de gaz huntide, a entraine tine rapide diminution du nombre de puits A forer
et, comme resultat tine grande economic de materiel, de depenses et de main d'a:uvre.
l.e gaz naturel est utilise do plus en plus dins differentes branches de 1'econontie nationale en URSS.
L'utilisation du gaz s'est surtout developpee Bans les industries chimiques, metallurgiques et cimentieres
ainsi que clans les services publics.
11'emploi du gaz daps- l'industrie et pour les besoins (lomestiques s'est montre hautement efficient; de son
etuploi resultent non seulement tine diminution du tout de la production mail egalement line amelioration
do la qualite des produits finis (metal, ciment, etc.) et tine augmentation de la productivite des unites in-
dustrielles (hauts-fourneaux, fours A sole, fours de traitentents thermiques, fours A ciment, etc.).
L'emploi du gaz pour les besoins domestiques a permis des economies considerables d'argent et de tra-
vail it la population dans le domaine du chauffage et de In cuisine.
Les systentes do distribution de gaz de ville sont construits on URSS en fonction des possibilites de
fournitures regulieres aux installations industriellcs, aux services publics et aux consonunateurs domestiques.
Pour regulariser la fourniture de gaz pendant les differentes periodes de 1'annee et all tours d'une memo
journec ainsi que pour assurer les reserves necessaires, on emploie differentes methodes.
La plus efficace est cello do In construction de reservoirs de stockage souterrain pros des grands centres
de consommation.
L'emploi des gaz de petrole liquefies s'est largement developpe et la consommation des G.P.L. augmente
tres rapidement.
Les gaz de petrole liquefies sont utilises comme maticre premiere dans I'industrie chimique, pour ]'ali-
mentation on gaz des villes et des cites situCes A tine trop grande distance des canalisations de gaz, comme
carburant pour ]es automobiles et lcs moteurs des tracteurs et des machines agricoles ainsi qu'A d'autres
Les [!az do petrole liquefies sort transportcs par canalisations aussi bien quo par cautions et en bouteiles
do diffcrents modcles et (le differentes dimensions.
U'z,d"111 tA .USEC14..
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T7 F
F. I. Trcbin and A. .1. Sorol,?in, 1/SSI?
Gas industry is a 'young branch of the national
economy of the USSR. The year of 1948 when the
construction of the gas main Saratov-Moscow was
completed and put into practice should be con-
sidered the beginning of gas industry development
in the USSR.
In 1949 the gas main Dashava - Kiev - Bryansk
- Moscow was put into practice.
The prospecting of gas fields on commercial scale
began after World War II.
By 1946 commercial reserves of natural gas in the
USSR were small and concentrated only in the
Orenburg and Saratov Regions, the Konii Auto-
nomous Soviet Socialist Republic and in some regions
of the Ukraine (the Stanislav and Lvov ones).
Under those conditions gas recovery from gas
fields was limited.
The whole gas. quantity was entirely used for
public utility services.
Because of the ever-growing requirements for gas
fuel the production of manufactured gases in the
USSR was developed to'some extent. Plants for pro-
ducing manufactured gases out of shale in the Es-
tonian Soviet Socialist Republic and in the Lenin-
grad Region and out of brown coal in the Tula Re-
gion were built.
In the cities of Moscow, Leningrad and others gas
for public utility services was also produced at
plants of various schemes out of various raw mate-
rials (solid and liquid fuels).
Extensive development of gas industry was neces-
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the
Soviet Government -took measures to develop this
branch of industry. In 1956 it was found necessary
to develop gas industry in every possible way, to
intensify geological=prospecting and exploratory
work to find new gas deposits, to ensure the in-
crease of commercial-gas reserves by 85-90% for
5 years, to raise the output and production of gas to
40 billion cu. in. in 1960, i.e. to increase gas produc-
tion 3.9 times more than in 1955.
In connection with the resolution of the develop-
event of chemical industry a further increase of
demand for gas as a raw material for chemical and
nil-chemical industry manifested itself.
In 1959 planned figures of the development of the
national economy of the USSR for 1959-1965 were
The planned figures envisage ".. , a change of fuel
balance structure by means of priority development
of the output and production of the most economic
kinds of fuel- oil and gas. In 1965 to ensure oil out-
put of 230-240 m.m.t, gas output and production
of 150 billion cu.m.".
These plans are being successfully fulfilled. In
1959 gas output and production amounted to 37.2
billion cu.m., i.e. 3.5 times more than in 1955. In
1960 gas output amid production amounted to 47.1
billion cuan. which exceeded those of the entire
year of 1957 as well as the level of the task estab-
lished for 1960 by the planned figures approved
according to the Sixth Five-Year Plan.
Such high rates of the increase of oil and gas out-
put will make it possible to raise their share in the
total volume of fuel production from 21% in 1958
up to 519'o in 1965; the share of gas will be increased
from 5.4% up to 17.5%.
Still more significant changes will take place in
the structure of the fuel balance as regards the
power use of fuel. The share of oil in this balance
will increase for 7 years from 10.9% up to 17.8%
and the share of gas will increase from 2.6% up to
24.8%, i.e. gas will constitute nearly a quarter of the
power fuel.
Having started the construction of a gas grid of
great length the Soviet Union began to increase fast
the rates of gas mains construction. For this pur-
pose specialized organisations were created, equip-
ped with modern building machines and mechanisms
(dig-out trenchers, pipe cleaning machines, insulat-
ing and electric welding machines, pipe line layers
As a result, if in 1941 the construction of the first
gas main Buguruslan-Kuibishev (150 ]cm) took
about 1.5 year, in 1959 3,843 km of gas mains were
The total length of gas mains in the USSR in-
creased by 35% for 1959 and by the end of 1959.
the gas mains grid was about 80 % of the total grid
increase for the preceding two years.
Parallel with the length increase of the gas mains
grid the transmission capacity of gas mains con-
siderably increased at the rates considerably above
those of length increase of gas mains. This is indi-
cative of the fuller use of gas mains transmission
In order to increase further gas mains efficiency
gas turbine power plants meeting the modern
rccluirenienls of distant transmission of large gas
quantities are used at compressor stations and dc-
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;N1 ~
signing of powerful gas-motor compressors is being 1 1
mastered. I
Tile development of distant gas supply in the
USSR is carried out on a new basis meeting the
modern requirements and the technique of distant
gas transport at ion. '.this development is based on
the use of pipes of large diameters. At. present the
length of gas mains having the rli:uneter of 720 mm it
and more exceeds 101/,, of the total length of gas
mains in the, USSIt whereas in the USA the share of
gas mains having the diameter more than 760 nnn
is only 1.1%%.
Gas transportation per 1 knr of gas mains in Uu+
USSR amounts to about. 2 iu.rn. cu.nr/year and will
be as high as 4 nr.nn. eu.iii/year in 1965 whereas in
the United States of America the volume of gas trans-
portation per 1 kin of gas mains amounts to 0.8-0.9
nr.nr. cu.m/year.
Despite the considerable lag of the length of the
operating gas luains grid in the USSR behind the
length of such grid in the USA the Soviet Union does
not aim at overtaking the USA in this respect. This
index does not characfcrize any economic supe-
riority but rather shows absence of plan and private-
owncrslrip\methods of construction of gas mains
grids in the USA carried out by individual com-
Under the conditions of planned economy in the
USSR gas transportation and distribution can be car-
ried out by means of a gas mains grid of lesser
length in spite of the vast territory of our country.
This will be carried out by means of construction
of gas mains of higher capacity and of their more
rational use and distribution in the country.
At the construction of gas mains in the Soviet
Union high-efficiency mechanisms created by na-
tional industry are widely used. The process of pipe
welding and control of welding joints has been
automatized. Line -construction methods and original
highly effective methods of laying pipe lines across
water obstacles and marsh-ridden districts are used.
In 1959 mechanization of labour - consuming
work at gas mains construction reached a high
level: in earth work - 97c/0; in pipe cleaning work
- 98.6%; in insulation work - 95.8%; in assembly-
welding work - 71.3%.
The level of mechanization of welding work at
gas mains construction achieved in the USSR ex-
ceeds the level of mechanization of this work in the
In the current seven-year period of 1959-1965 it
is planned to construct 40 gas mains with the dia-
meters of 720-1020 mm.
The length of individual gas mains will reach
2000 km. '.I'he program of this construction is being
successfully fulfilled.
The fulfilment of the plan of gas mains construc-
tion for 1959-1965 will make it possible to create
a system of gas supply for all the fifteen Union re-
publics forming the USSR which will be an impor-
tant factor of the further progress of their economy.
The consumption of natural and casing-]read gas
for public utility services increased during only one
year -. 1959 - by 48.6 '/, as compared with 1958.
In the USSR all expenditures on gasification of
flats used by citizens are made all the expense of
the state.
People pay only the cost of the gas they use.
It A T 1 S 0 F T n C i) I?; V I: 1. () P MI C N T 0-I"
To ensure the fulfilment of the cnvisagcd pulls of
gas output increase in the current seven-year period
as well as further rapid increase of its output in the
following years il is planned to ensure an out-
stripping increase of discovered counnrercial gas rc-
The confidence in the reality of adopted plans of
increasing commercial gas reserves, necessary for
rapid development of gas industry, increase of the
share of gas in the fuel balance of tit(., country and
supplying rapidly developing chemical industry
with raw materials, is based on the results of geo-
physical and geological prospecting, exploratory and
drilling work, carried out in recent years in the
territory of the USS11
It was found by this work that commercial accu-
mulations of gas and gas condensate are distributed
nearly along the entire cross-section of the deposits
presenting the geological structure of the territory
of the USSR; at the same time very large gas-herring
zones in various regions of our country were dis-
The work done made it possible to discover new
gas-bearing regions and large natural gas fields. Only
for 1959 dill the commercial reserves of natural gas
increase by 70% as compared with the reserves
which the country had possessed by the beginning
of the seven-year period.
Parallel with the increase of commercial gas
quantities of already known gas fields, for 1959 and
the first half-year of 1960 27 new gas fields in va-
rious regions of our country were discovered.
During the recent years serious success has been
achieved in the search for gas, gas-oil and oil fields
in a number-of regions of Siberia.
The total estimate of natural gas reserves in this
region amounts to many billions of cu.m. Very fa-
vourable results have been obtained in a number of
regions of Central and East Siberia.
Within the next few years the volume of geological
prospecting and exploratory work for gas in the vast
territoires of Siberia, as well as in the northern
regions of the Soviet Union will be considerably
This undoubtedly will cause discovery of large
gas reserves and will make it possible to supply these
distrait regions of our country with cheap fuel.
The Caspian lowland is the most perspective pro-
vince with respect to gas-bearing structures. This
region is still very poorly investigated. Here accord-
ing to preliminary data entire sedimentary complex
from Devon to Tertiary deposits inclusive is an oil-
and gas-bearing one.
By its geological structure the Caspian depression
reminds of the basin of the Gulf of Mexico in the
USA where a of all the gas reserves of the USA are
concentrated and more than 230 billion cu.m. of gas
and up to 70 million t. of oil per annum are pro-
he favourable geographical location. of the Cas-
pian lowland situated between the principal regions
of gas consumption of the European part of the
USSR and the Urals makes it especially perspective
and subject to intensive prospecting.
1 N C I t I ' A S I () I C A S l t l S I' I t V 1: S
T i t t 1 ' . ( 1 S S i t A S ,\ B A S I S Of,' 11 I G 11
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CVI\ JI a I%rw-
111 1 ' '11 O 1 t 1 . I 11 S l ) I : I ) 1 : \' I I . O I ' \ 1 I ?: \ .I'
l) F (i :\ S- :\ N I) G .\ S - l: t) IN I) F IN, S :\ '1' l:
F[ 1: I. I) S I\' I' I I I: I ' S S l t
immense I)rulilciuz of devclollutenl of nalurll gas
and Oil Output inspire the scienlisls, crlginvers anti
\~orlcers of ,its and oil indllslry I1) cre:lliye work 1o
raise constantly the cconOloic efficiency 1)I' :ill
I)rancllcs of, 'ns- and oil-producing industry geo-
physical and I)rosl)ecling work, drilling. Iccllnitluc
and technology of field develol)nlcnl, well and gas
field operal ion.
The technology of developnu?nl of gas and gas-oil
fields has an intporlance gamily to he Oyer-csliulaletl
for increasing economic el'1'iciene?y of gas- and ()il-
producing industry. Nor cunlp:u?isiut lei its point out
that ctlpilal investment in the development nl' lame
gas- and has-oil fields ill so)ne cases Inay exeeed
those ill construction of the largest Ihcrlnoeleclric
and Ilych?oelectrie, power slat ions, large nlclallurgicul
and other plants.
The most capital-consuming sh?uclures ill gas and
gas-oil fields are wells. Almost in all gas and Oil
fields the expenditure on wells nnwunts to more Ilan
a half of total expenditure. Therefore a tendency
arises to reduce the number of wells in the field as
much as possible. But on the other hand, olhcr
things being equal, the less the mm11lber of wells, the
less the current reservoir production as a whole is
and in most eases the less gas or oil take-off is too.
't'hat is why a thorough and comprehensive study
of the problenf is neccssar in order to determine
the optimum production of both the deposit as it
whole and individual wells, that is, to find the most
advantageous system of development. This requires
a deep analysis and profound knowledge of geo-
logical, physical, gals ltvtlrodynufnie and economic
Rational system of development of a gas field
taking into account the development of other fields
must satisfy the country's gas regmirenfents to the
full at the minimum national-economic expenditure
:tnd ensuring as I'll]] gas and oil take-off of reservoirs
(deposits) as possible. It. goes without. saying that
the raising of economic efficiency of gas or gas-oil
field development by means of reducing the nulubec
of wells, must be accompanied by file growlh 1)f
their production, so that. (lie total production of the
deposit or the field as a whole may not diminish alld
gas and oil take-off may remain high. hvidently this
may be achieved by means of the optili)unt well
spacing on the area, the optimum distance between
the wells fully taking into account geological, psysi-
cal and gas Ilydrodynantic fcalures, by nlc:nts of
rational conditions of well operation and various
measures intensifying the processes of devt?lopnurnt.
But all this is possible only ill case each of these
problems and the System of field development. as a
whole are worked out of., more precisely, grounded
by means of really scientific methods of designing
and analysis of development of gas reservoirs and
fields. 'T'hese scientifically-based inelhods of de-
signing of rational development of gas, gas-conden-
sate and gas-oil deposits in every individual case
are based on combined use of mlclhods of geology,
geophysics, lulderground gas I)ydrotlynanfics and
reservoir physics, IIranch and general economlics,
nucle:u? ph\sit?s and modern rlcclrouic conlpuling
II gtics wilhuul s;lyiOg Ih;tl flit' nn)dern level of
inlrcduc?lion of scientific :fruit 'eniolils inlo the
practice of develupn)enl of gas, gas-condeus:tle anll
:c;-oil fields will he Iliglicr and higher and our
111ccrclicnl knowledge will alwavs grow only ill case
conslaiil and cancel analysis of the achieved is
cilstu?cd ;)fill a cancel eslinfale of uin? currcnl tuis-
takes and achieyenu?nts is given.
Sunuuing 111) the above, we call point owl that by
the svslcIll 1)l' developnfenl of gas fields we mean Ilse
cunlrnl of the process of gas nfigraliotl ill the reser-
voir (tlcl)usil) to wells by 1ucaids of spacing life opli-
nunu number of oiler:fling (anti observation) wells,
it definite order of their pulling into operation and
cslablishlnenl of the opt 01111111 lec?hnological condi-
l ions of operation.
In the Soviet Union every gas and gas-oil field is
developed on the basis of a project of technological
schemes of its develupmc?nt. We usually call such
schemes a general scheme of development of a
field or a deposit.
The project of construction of ;t gas or gas-oil
field is included as a rule in every genemul scheme
of field development.
I,et its briefly consider the basic principles of de-
sigrting the general schetme of field development and
of the project of consh?uclion of the gas field.
Al designing the system of dcvelopnfent the main
rcquircnu?nt is to get as accurate initial data as pos-
sible which would correctly reflect Ilse actual con-
dilions of gas (or gas-condensate Oe gas and oil)
accullmialiun ill the reservoir.
For a long time we lfave already passed on from
geological-statistic mnethids of estimation of the pro-
cess of development to more strict, scientifically-
basetl methods of investigation of the physics
anti mechanics of the migration of gases and liquid
(Iwo- and three-phase systems) ill porous reservoirs
and to the use Of the laws of gas-liquid systems fittru-
tion at projecting field development. Methods of geo-
logical ill vestigalion of gas and oil deposits as -swell
as methods of economic analysis of various systems
of development have undef?gone as rapid a progress.
An example can be given to conl'irnt this. As a
result of :application of scientific principles of de-
velopment of'I'11ifnaz:t oil field in the Bashkir ASSII
for the first tittle the method of artificial main-
tenance of reservoir pressure by means of edge
water flood was used inn large oil field. This made
it possible to increase rapidly the intensity of using
wells as industrial constructions. In this field we
gave 11p forilterly used well spacing in the form of
h'iangle every 251) nt. and passed on to well spacing
ill the forum of ring lines parallel to the internal cOn-
four of water-oil contact in accordance with the
field slruc.ture. 'T'he chosen distance between the
lines was 5(1(1 nt. and between the wells within the
lilies -- 101 in. Owing to such well spacing their
numhcr was reduced nearly .1'1)111' tinter. The pro-
duction of, wells proved to be o1) the level of planned
one, high and steady. Fluty production method of
Operation was principally applied which has already
rent:fined for more than 12 years. This splendid in-
d11S11?i;iI experiment carried uul ill one of the largest
nil fields Of Ilw world made it possible to luakc lase
t,l' the uhlaim'd experience with Currc.4p1)nding 1110-
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p flu6CIAL USA Cann e
On time b
difications in all other gas-oil fields of the Soviet
As to purely gas and gas-condensate fields, at pre-
sent we do not apply artificial methods of main-
tenance of reservoir pressure in them but this ex-
perience made it possible to adopt a general method
of designing of the system of development of these
fields and their analysis in the process of develop-
At present for every gas and especially gas-
condensate field being developed research and de-
sign work is carried out to determine the expediency
of using methods of maintenance of reservoir pres-
The use of gas hydrodynamic methods to deter-
mine, the main technological indices of the process
of development by means of electric and other mo-
dels is a basic feature of the scientific principles of
development designs of gas, gas-condensate and gas-
oil fields. Analytical "testing" of many versions of
technological schemes of development for a given
deposit and obtaining the main indices charac-
terizing different versions of a scheme allow as if
to makethe reservoir (deposit) work under various
conditions, i.e. tinder various depressions, numbers
of wells and their spacing, various productions etc.
To workout a general technological scheme for
gas or gas-condensate field development the geo-
logical data of the given geological province and of
the deposit or field, physics and hydrodynamics of
reservoirs as well as all the technical-economic in
dices, are studied in detail.
On the basis of studying the general geology and
hydrogeology of the, given geological province the
sources of pressure in the field and hydraulic head
pressure of the water drive system are determined.
On the basis of the investigation of gas inflow in
wells the permeability of the reservoir and bottom
hole zone according to field data, pressure bearing
characteristic, reservoir conditions, productivity
factor, mechanical strength of the reservoir (or more
precisely, that of its bottom hole zone), well pro-
duction under various conditions (under constant
rate of gas flow from the reservoir to a well, constant
depression, constant gradient and constant recovery
etc.) are determined; reservoir pressure according
to the measurements of the well, gas-water contact,
the activity of reservoir waters, the possibility of
water coning in wells, the conditions of water con-
densate falling out in the well bore etc. are de-
Taking into account the above-mentioned factors
as well as general dimensions of the structure and
the thickness of separate reservoirs, commercial re-
serves of gas and condensate are determined and
when there are oil rings, oil reserves are determined.
Complete absense of leakage on the path of gas
movement from the reservoir to the surface is one
of the main requirements of the rational scheme of
gas field development.
Gas seepage from the reservoir through leaks in
the casing or in the cement ring between the casing
and the well wall or through leaks in the place of
contact of the cement ring with rock on the well
wall is absolutely intolerable. These strict demands
are caused by the necessity both to preserve gas re-
serves and to ensure the safety of people living and
working in buildings situated in the zone of possible
gas migration.
asis of the gener:d scheure of field de-
velopment a project. of construction of the field is
worked out. This project envisages: well head setting
tip; series-parallel gas gathering system; gathering,
gas purification, dehydration and metering centres;
gas gathering pattern; gathering system of pipe lines
for gas condensate; water pipe lines and sewerage;
power lines and lighting circuits; communication
system; roads; fields offices, repair shops, garage
etc.; settlements for personnel. If there is a sufficient
quantity of gas condensate in the field, gas distilla-
tion facilities and plants for additional gas dehydra-
tion and purification on head constructions of gas
mains are installed.
In gas-oil fields besides these installations accord-
ing to the quantity of casing-head gas (recovered to-
gether with oil) gasoline plants are built, in some
cases of large capacity.
In the USSR the problems of telecontrol of the
principal objects of gas fields are on the whole
solved. These objects include wells in operation
spaced on vast field territories, the systems of gas
gathering and local gas transport, gas separation;
purification and dehydration as well as gas teetering.
However it is necessary to point out that all work
in the field of telecontrol and automation of gas
production did not include the principal techno-
logical process of gas and gas condensate field
development, that is the process of control and re-
gulation of gas reservoir operation. One can imagine
a reservoir of approximately uniform properties and
thickness with wells spaced according to the project
of field development. Development drilling of the
deposit is completed, rates of development and
consequently the level of gas output are determined'
In this case the control of the process of develop-
ment can be based either on the principle of uni-
form pressure decrease in the gas deposit or on the
principle of uniform gas front advancement.
When maintaining reservoir pressure in the pro-
cess of gas condensate field development gas and
gas-condensate recovery from separate wells as well
as distribution of gas repressuring among injection
wells must be determined, also according to the
principle of uniform gas front advancement.
As the operation of some wells is stopped for long
terms there will be a very complicated problem of
finding in the process of field development for every
moment of time, the distribution of the predeter-
mined total gas production among separate wells in
operation and the total volume of water repressing
through injection wells, to preserve the above-
mentioned conditions as well as the permissible de-
pression value.
The problem of the control of the processes in the
reservoir characterized by its considerable hetero-
geneity will be very complicated too.
Automatized control of the process of develop-
ment will evidently include: primary instruments
supplying information about the current condition
of the reservoir and apparatus treating this informa-
tion and either making recommendations on the
control of this process or directly controlling it by
means of actuating mechanisms.
At present Soviet experts in automation of gas and
oil producing industry are working out such a pro-
gram of control. It is evident that in the nearest
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future the solution of these problems will he found
by means of special electronic computers combined
with electronic analogue computers.
These electronic computers and analogue com-
puters will also find wide application for the solu-
tion of problems of complex designing, rational
methods of field development, gas gathering, puri-
fication and distant gas transportation.
The use of fuel and power resources of our country
having the most favourable technical-economic in-
dices and thermal characteristics is the general line
of the development of fuel and power industry of
the Soviet Union for the current seven-year period.
Growth of natural gas utilization in the USSR by
main consumers during a three-year period, is cha-
racterized by the following indices:
Ratio of 1959 to 1957
Total growth of gas consumption 1.9 times
Growth of gas consumption by:
a) public utility services .... 2.4 x
b) industry ................ 1.9
Thus priority growth of gas consumption for the
above-mentioned period took place with utility ser-
vices and despite relatively great difficulties in the
gasification of utility consumers as compared with
gas supply to industrial enterprises this task is the
primary one when' problems of gas supply of the
country are being solved.
Among industrial consumers the greatest growth
took place with metallurgical, chemical and cement
Natural gas supply to power stations deserves spe-
cial attention. This consumer is of great importance
for gas industry because it can not only utilize large
quantities of gas but also diminish monthly and daily
gas consumption fluctuations.
Wide utilization of natural.gas .in the national
economy of the country gives a great economic ef-
fect, Suffice it to point out that labour expenditure
per I ton of natural gas production (in terms of
standard heating value fuel) is about 20 times less
than per 1 ton of coal production. The cost of
gas production is about 8-10 times less than that of
coal production. .
When utilizing gas, plants efficiency increases,
production quality improves and sanitary labour
conditions improve radically.
One should bear in mind that the degree of effi-
ciency which is achieved by industrial enterprises,
when utilizing gas, is different; it depends on many
factors, namely on the kind of fuel substituted, its
cost, distance of gas transportation, process tech-
nology, type of plant units etc.
Ferrous metal industry is one of the large con-
sumers of gas entirely for Ieclinological purposes.
Gas utilization in the blast furnaces process (100-
110 cu.ur. of gas per 1 ton of cast iron) makes it
possible to reduce coke consumption by 15% as well
as to improve the process technology by means of
raising blast temperature, decreasing slag share and
heat losses Willi off-gases etc.
The efficiency of the utilization of natural gas in
open-hearth furnaces is also high.
In mechanical engineering and metal-working in-
dustry a considerable effect is achieved by natural
gas utilization.
Using gas instead of other kinds of fuel in various
heat treatment furnaces and furnaces for punching,
pressing and forging improves their efficiency, re-
duces fuel consumption, waste and losses from scale.
Substituting natural gas for oil fuel in various heat
treatment furnaces makes it possible to raise furnace
efficiency by 2-4~%, to decrease fuel consumption
thanks to better mixing of gas with air as well as to
reduce heat losses to the surroundings and with off-
Inside factory expenditure on fuel transportation
and on other economic items decreases simultane-
ously. It should be especially noted that substitution
of natural gas for other kinds of fuel in heat treat-
ment furnaces facilitates the application of more
progressive technology and design of plant units
themselves which can be confirmed by the follow-
ing comparison of results of calculations made.
(in % to the indices of an oil fuel furnace)
Oil fuel Gas furnace
furnace Ordi- High-
nary speed
Efficiency ............. 100 110 175
Standard heating value
fuel consumption ..... 100 92 59
Waste of metal ......... 100 67 17
Cost of heating ........ 100 92 61
In the industry of building materials natural gas
is also widely used. Economic efficiency from gas
utilization in this industry is considerable too.
In cement industry gas utilization makes it pos-
sible to reduce specific fuel expenditure and conse-
quently to reduce the cost of a production unit.
Besides the efficiency of cement kilns working on
gas increases.
Cement quality improves, capital investments in
building new plants diminish and the total quantity
of service personnel is reduced.
In electric power stations substitution of gas for
solid or liquid fuel greatly affects the reduction of
electric power cost.
Besides, electric power plants operation on gas
causes an increase in the efficiency of boiler plants.
Natural gas utilization for gas supply of towns,
settlements and rural regions is of great social-
econornic importance.
Besides the above-mentioned branches of industry
and utility consumers natural gas in the USSR is
used, for technological purposes in textile, light and
food industries as well as in oil-gas industry (for
manufacturing of special sorts of carbon black).
In all cases natural gas utilization improves
technical-economic indices of production and in a
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o WI-ir1tj1AL U6t UIVLY
number of regions this kind of fuel is preferable to
The highest effect is gained by natural ,its utiliza-
tion for technological needs of industry; gas utiliza-
tion in energetics is less effective but also in Ibis
case indices are incomparably better than at utiliza-
tion of solid fuels.
SYS1,Eif S
Gas supply of towns and settlements in the Soviet
Union is carried out mainly on the basis of natural
When designing town gas distribution systems a
complex solution of all problems of gas supply of
utility consumers and industrial enterprises etc. is
Socialist economic system, lack of private pro-
perty of land and mineral wealth make it possible,
when designing gas distribution systems, to solve
problems, connected with gas transport to towns,
routes of mains, placing of structures of town gas
facilities and organization of their construction etc.
in the most rational and economic way.
Designing of town gas distribution systems is car-
ried out by specialized organizations which solve
the problems of gas transport from a gas distribution
station to town and by town gas grids to the con-
sumer. Gas supply designs are worked out on tht?
basis of approved general plans of town planning
and building taking into account. their long-term
development. This makes it possible to choose the
scheme of gas supply correctly and economically and
to establish priorities in construction of gas pipe
lines and other gas facilities.
Designing of-town gas distribution_systems is car-
ried out in two stages: design plan with summary
estimate-financial calculation of construction cost
and working drawings with estimates defining the
cost of separate structures.
In the project plan the whole complex of pro-
blems connected with the construction of gas distri-
bution system is solved. These problems include a
rational direction of gas utilization combined with
other kinds of power supply (electrification and
introduction of district heating plants), the choice
of a type of the system suitable for the town as a
whole and for its various building districts, the
choice of types of facilities included by the system
and their spacing in the town territory, volume and
cost of work, sequence and economy of construction
and operation of facilities etc.
The following systems are used for town gas
distribution depending on pressure:
a) single-stage system gas distribution and
transport to consumers only by gas pipe lines of one
(usually low) pressure;
b) two-stage system - gas distribution and trans-
port to consumers by gas pipe lines of two pressures
(mean and low or high and low)
c) three-stage system - gas distribution and trans-
port to consumers by gas pipe lines of three pres-,
sures (high, mean and low) ;
(1) multistage system - gas distribution and trans-
port to consumers by gas pipe lines of four or more
'I'he following vatuus of gas pressure are pernrillecl
for town gas pipe lines by the approvers technical
a) low pressure gas pipe lines --- up to 300 11,111.
\\'(; or tit) to 500 nisi. WC, on condition that it local
pressure regulator is installed on every inlet to a
building, flat etc.;
h) mean pressure gas pipe lines - above 0.05
kg/cni2 and up to 3.0 kg/em2;
c) high pressure gas pipe
l:g/cut= and up to (i.0 kg/cn-l;
(1) high pressure gas Pipe lines - above 0.0
Rg/cin'2 and ill) to 12 kg/C1112;
e) gas pipe lines of higher pressures - on condi-
tion of their necessity and in accordance with a per-
mission of the technical supervision in every indi-
vidual case.
Gas is supplied to dwelling houses, public build-
ings, municipal service buildings and industrial en-
terprises from town distribution gas pipe lines of
low, mean and high pressure (tip to 6.0 kg/cm2 in-
clusive). Gasholder stations, town gas regulation
stations and industrial enterprises requiring high
pressure gas (gas turbine power plants, chemical and
metallurgical plants and plant units equipped with
high pressure burners etc.) are connected with town
gas pipe lines with pressure above 6.0 kg/cm2 and
up to 12 kg/cm2.
Gas pipe lines of different pressures are connected
only by means of gas regulation stations equipped
with pressure regulators and safety devices prevent-
ing pressure increase beyond permissible value.
The choice of gas distribution system and its pres-
sure is determined by the project depending on the
area and planning of the town, gas supply sources,
Physical and chemical gas parameters, volume of
gas consumption, location of municipal services and
industrial enterprises to be supplied and gas-holders.
This choice is based on corresponding technical-
economic calculations..
When designing town gas grids one provides for
reliability and regularity of town gas supply, safe
operation, easy and simple service, possibility of
cutting-off separate town districts or microdistricts,
possibility of construction and putting in operation
by stages, uniformity of structures and assembly
units, minimum material and capital investments and
operating costs.
Town gas distribution system is calculated for
maximum hour consumption determined by means
of the combined maximum daily schedule of gas con-'
sunsption by all kinds of consumers.
Hydraulic calculations of low pressure town gas
pipe lines as well as branches and inlets are made to
provide for operation of domestic gas apparatuses
in the range between nominal and maximum heat
It is. assumed that the maximum heat load of
domestic gas apparatuses cannot exceed the nominal
one more than by 20%c, and decrease of heat load
with regard to nominal value can be permitted only
for a short term and cannot exceed 20% either.
Ihydraulic calculations of mean and high pressure
town gas pipe lines, branches and inlets are made to
provide for reliable operation of town and industrial
gas regulation slatio ns as well as burners of utility
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services and industrial enterprises
al7lely Ilie l,rol,lcnis of seasonal regu-
within FOP
quired range of heat load changes.
Town gas pipe lines, irrespective of their purpose
and the pressure of transported gas are laid at the
depth not less than 11.9 in. from ground surface to the
top of the pipe.
Crossings of rivers, canals and outer water
obstacles are made underwater. When crossing ri-
vers with unstable channel and banks, with high
velocity flow (above 2 iii/sec), arched crossings, as
well as crossings by suspension and specially con-
structed bridges are used.
In individual cases open layout or suspension of
gas pipe lines (with gas pressure up to 3 kg/emm2) to
reliable constructions of existing metal and rein=
forced concrete motor highway bridges and foot-
bridges are used too.
In the USSR only steel pipes are used for town
gas pipe lines. At present research institutes are
investigating the problems of using non-metallic
The construction of town gas pipe
ried out by specialized organizations.
The technical supervision of the quality of con-
struction and assembly work is carried out by a
town gas board which is established as soon as the
construction of town gas distribution system begins.
The same board examines' the objects whose con-
struction is finished and later on runs them.
The large share of industry in gas consumption in
the towns of the USSR makes it comparatively easy
to level off daily fluctuations of gas consumption by
domestic and utility consumers.
When designing town gas supply with natural gas,
construction of gas-holder stations is not planned
as a rule.
It is more difficult to level off weekly fluctuations
because on Sundays gas consumption by industrial
enterprises and power stations sharply decreases.
At present in the towns of the USSR the regulation
of week fluctuations is carried out by means of a
number of methods depending on local conditions.
When towns are supplied with natural gas and
are situated near gas fields, gas transport is done
according to a schedule corresponding to daily and
weekly working conditions of. gas consumption.
When towns are situated far from fields, weekly
fluctuations are levelled off using the accumulating
capacity of gas mains (final section of gas main).
In individual cases levelling off is carried out by
means of alternating gas supply to large industrial
boiler houses or power stations equipped with com-
bined gas-oil fuel or gas-coal dust burners.
Levelling off considerable monthly fluctuations of
gas consumption during the year presents a very
complicated problem for town gas system. At present
the most widespread method of seasonal regulation
of town gas consumption is the method of gas supply
to large gas consumers for levelling off gas con-
sumption for 5-8 months a year.
The rest of time these enterprises work on solid
or liquid fuel.
A number of drawbacks of this method of seasonal
regulation make it necessary in sonic towns to
construct special installations for regasification of
L.P.G. (propane and butane) using them for peak
shaving in winter time.
However even these measures of levelling off sea-
sonal fluctuations of gas consumption in towns can-
For this purpose at l,resenl in the USSR prepara-
tions are made to construct underground gas storages
near large industrial centres.
The method of accumulation of summnmer' gas sur-
pluses in underground storages and utilization of
these surpluses in winter period ])takes it possible
to solve better the problem of levelling off the sea-
sonal fluctuations of gas consumption by town con-
The economy of construction of town gas distribu-
tion systems varies within wide ranges. This is
accounted for by the variety of town planning and
building, of the structure of gas consumption, i.e. the
share of industrial gas load, of engineering geolo-
gical conditions of gas pipe line laying etc.
in towns with a large share of industrial gas load
and dense spacing of industrial enterprises specific
metal and capital investments are considerably less
than those in towns with a small share of industrial
gas load and sparseness of enterprises throughout
the town area.
The systems of gas distribution for towns with
dense multistory building have more economic tech-
nical-economic indices. For towns with sparse few-
storeyed building these indices are worse.
In recent years liquefied petroleum gases (pro-
pane, normal butane, izo-butane, propylene, butylene
and their mixtures) obtained in processing casing-
head gases at gasoline plants, in oil processing and
stabilization of oil and gas condensate in fields
acquire an ever-growing importance for gas supply
of the country.
Rapid development of oil and gas industry as well
as the fact that there is a wide field for using these
gases favour wider utilization of L.P.G. These gases
can be used as raw materials for chemical industry,
fuel of high calorific value for public utility services,
as motor fuel for internal combustion engines (trans-
port and stationary ones), as power and technologi-
cal fuel in various branches of industry, in agricul-
ture, for metal cutting and in other branches of
national economy and domestic use.
In pre-revolutionary Russia there was no pro-
cessing of casing-head oil gas. In 1924 in the town of
Grozny the first gasoline plant was put into opera-
At present the construction of gasoline plants has
considerably gained in sCQpe. Gasoline plants have
been constructed in the fields of Bashkiria, Tataria,
Kuibishev Region, Azerbaijan and the Ukraine.
The seven-year plan of development of national
economy of the country envisages a vast program of
further construction of such plants. It is planned to
construct both powerful stationary plaits for pro-
cessing hundreds of millions of cubic metres of gas
a year and small mobile units of low capacity for
processing up to several millions of cubic metres of
gas at year.
These plants and units are completely automatized
and provide for high recovery of gas fractions in-
cluding such gases as propane and ethane.
FOR O;I FiC ftiL
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L; k1i
As a. result of realization of planned construction the centre capacity is chosen depending on the local
of plants and units, the volume of gas processing will consumers.
increase in 1965 by 4 times as compared with 1960. In the USSR work is carried out on construction
At present in the USSR it is necessary to improve of liquefied gases (Indergroinul storages in various
technological schemes of liquefied gases recovery geological structures (in salt dollies, clays, exhausted
to increase gas recovery of the final products in oil and gas reservoirs).
connection with rapid development of chemical in- The construction of such storages will make it
dustry requiring large quantities of liquefied gases possible to solve problems of levelling off seasonal
and with considerable growth of liquefied gases fluctuations of liquefied gas consumption, to satisfy
consumption for domestic purposes and for motor better the increased demand of domestic consumers
transport. during the cold period of the year, as well as to or-
New technological processes with application of ganize more regular railway transportation of lique-
cold (low-temperature separation) are being de- fied gases.
veloped and used in new-constructed plants. Liquefied gases conversion of motor transport is
Continuous method of hydrocarbons recovery by of great importance for the national economy.
means of activated carbon permitting to recover all In the nearest future it is planned to convert to
propane and 60-70% of ethane is being mastered. L.P.G. a great number of motor cars in Moscow, Le-
Besides it is also planned to reconstruct the operat- ningrad, Sverdlovsk, Kuibishev and many other
ing gasoline plants. cities. Besides improving technical-economic indices
Taking into account the rapidly growing demand this will clear the air of the cities from exhaust
of the national economy of the USSR for liquefied gases.
gases high rates of their production growth are Liquefied gases exceed high grades of gasolines
planned providing for an increase of production in in many indices, namely:
1965 by 38 times as compared with 1958.
Liquefied gases are transported by special tank
cars or by pipe lines. This latter means of trans-
port is growing more and more. A design of a tanker
for liquefied
gases transportation by water is de-
Liquefied gases utilization by utility and domestic
Maximum compression Octane
ratio number
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 -12
i -Butane
7 - 8.5
7 - 9
Ethylated gasoline
6.5-- 7.5
The work on increasin < gas A design of lank trucks having the capacity from il g development reserves, improving
4 io 14.5 cu.nn. has , been worked out and their file methods of prospecting, development and opcra-
4 ouction has been organized. tion of gas and gas-condensate fields. and wells,
building of gasoline plants, construction of wide gas
The produced cylinders for liquefied gases trans- mains network, increasing the production of facili-
portation have tl le capacity from 1 to 112 litres. ties for liquefied gases transportation, carried on
A system of L.P.G. distribution centres for packing in the USSR, makes it possible to solve successfully
up and retail trade of liquefied gases is being the problem of gas supply not only of large industrial
created. centres, towns and workmen's settlements, but also
L.P.G. distribution centres and group storages be- of a considerable part of-rural regions of the USSR
ing constructed have various capacity - from 3 and thus to contribute to the further flowering of
thousand to 100 thousand tons a year. In every case our great Motherland.
consumers is developing faster than by other con- This makes it possible to raise compression ratio
sumers. Liquefied gases consumption for utility and of the engine and correspondingly to increase its
domestic use will increase in 1965 by 30 times as power. An increased compression ratio diminishes
compared with 1958. specific fuel consumption per power unit, therefore
There will be priority development of the group new-constructed engines or engines modernized for
system of gas supply of flats. The share of this operation on L.P.G. have higher economic indices of
system in the total volume will increase from 10% operation than gasoline engines. Besides, engine ope-
in 1960 to 35% in 1965. ration on L.P.G. makes it possible to decrease the
The construction of a great number of group stor- consumption of lubricating oils and to increase the
ages for L.P.G. to supply rural regions with liquefied engine run between repairs by 100-150%.
gases began in the Moscow Region, Byelorussia, Liquefied gases are utilized more and more widely
Kasakhstan and its virgin lands, in the Altai terri- in rural regions not only as domestic and utility fuel
tory and in some other regions. but also as motor fuel for the engines of agricultural
To provide for liquefied gases transportation to machines.
utility and domestic consumers mass production of `
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The construction of gas pipelines in the USSR is expanding year by year. They are built all over the
vast territory, in different geographic and climatic environments, and there is a trend towards further
increase in their length and size.
Standards and specifications regulating pipeline construction are systematically revised to keep them
abreast of current developments in construction technique. Pipeline design has been modified to make
tensile rather than yield strength of steel the main criterion of pipe quality. The physical characteris-
tics of pipes have been improved, resulting in a saving of metal.
Gas pipelines in the USSR are built by specialized contractors working under the guidance of the
State Gas Industry Department a>GLAVGAS>, and involve assembly line production methods. The various
operations involved in laying a pipeline are highly mechanized.
Clearing and grading of rights-of-way are accomplished by means of specialized equipment. During
the winter construction season, at sub-zero temperatures, special techniques and machinery are used.
The field welding of pipelines is accomplished by automatic machines employing the submerged-arc
or CO,-shielded are technique. To cut down welding over ditches, pipes are triple-jointed on semi-station-
ary yards. The quality of welds is controlled by magnetographic flaw detectors or by gamma-ray radio-
Pipelines are coated mainly with asphalt-based enamels, and, not long since, self-adhesive plastic-tapes
became available. Extensive experiments are made in mill coating pipes with silicate enamels and plas-
tics. Coating is supplemented by cathodic protection and electric drainage.
Rivers, railroads and highways are crossed by carrying pipelines underground, or underwater, or by
aerial suspension.
Compressor station buildings are constructed of prefabricated frame and cladding sections. Thanks
to standardization of constructional sections, and of whole buildings, the general layout of compressor
stations has been improved and the number of station buildings lessened. Extensive panels having alu-
minum-alloy frames covered with asbestos-cement sheets and stuffed with mineral wool are used as wall
Increases in the scale of pipeline construction call for uninterrupted progress of engineering tech-
niques. To this end, scientific, planning and constructional organizations are working on a great num-
ber of technical, managerial and economic problems in striving for improvements in the quality of steels,
in methods of pipeline welding and the prevention of corrosion. for new and better designs and building
techniques, with the ultimate objective of raising the level of mechanization of pipeline construction and
reducing the cost thereof.
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Vassilq S. Tnrkin
Corresponding Member of 1/re U.S.S.R. Academy of
Conslr?rrclion and Archileclare
Alexell N. Yurysheu
Engineer, U.S.S.R.
Natural gas production and consumption greatly
rose in importance for the U.S.S.R. national economy
during the last few years. Only three years ago in
1958 natural gas production did not exceed 30 mil-
liard cubic meters. In 1965 its production will
amount to 150 milliard cubic meters. Intensive
growth of the natural gas industry predetermine he
steady expansion' of the gas transmission lines con-
struction. More than 26 000 km of gaslines will be
built in 1959-1965, their total network will rise to
35 000 km.
Gas transmission lines construction was started
soon after the end of the World War II. No later
than in 1947 840 km long, 325 mm diameter Saratov
- Moscow gas line was put in service. Since then
there was built a number of pipelines extending from
gas fields in the Ukraine, Volga area, Stavropol re-
gion, Bashkiria and other parts of the country. In
1951 1300 km, 529 mm Dashava-Kiev-Moscow gas
line was completed, and in 1958 - 1 300 km Stavro-
pol-Moscow gas line made up of two parallel lines
720 mm and 820 mm in size.
In 1959-1960 there were put into service such gas
lines as Serpukhov-Leningrad, 813 km long and
Karadag-Tbilisi, 510 kin long (both - of 720 mm
diameter); Dashava-Minsk, 622 km long and Kras-
nodar-Serpukhov, 637 km long (both - of 820 mm
diameter); Shebelinka-Ostrogozhsk, 246 km long,
1 020 mm in size. A number of other gas lines are
under construction at present.
Seven-year national economic plan of the U.S.S.R.
calls for the construction of two parallel 2 160 km,
1 020 mm gas lines from gas field Gazli, Uzbekistan
to Chelyabinsk and Svedrlovsk, Ural. In addition
Sverdlovsk will receive gas from newly discovered
Berezovo gas field in West Siberia.
There will be built a new gas line in East Siberia
too, from Ustj-Vilujskoje to Yakutsk. The Kerch
strait connecting Black and Azov seas will be crossed
by the subwater pipeline destined for transmission of
gas from Kuban fields to Crimea.
A branchy network of transmission gas lines
(fig. 1) will connect all the Union republics of the
country. Construction is to be carried in different
geographic regions with diverse climatic conditions,
including deserts of Central Asia, mountains of the
Ural and the Caucasus, peat-bogs of Byelorussia and
the Baltic Republics, Siberian taiga with its eternal
congelation, and so on.
Pipeline construction is characterized by conti-
nuous shift of working site and by great saturation
with machines and equipment.
Gas lines construction impending will differ from
that in previous years not only quantitatively but
qualitatively too. The lengths of pipelines and their
diameters are increasing year by year. It may be
worth mentioning that by 1960, 300 mm gas lines
constituted only 18 per cent of total mileage, 529 mm
- 23 per cent, 720 mm - 27 per cent, and gas lines
of larger than 720 min diameter - about 38 per cent.
Volume of gas transported via pipelines taken in rela-
tion to one kilometer of their length amounts in the
U.S.A. to 990 000 cubic meters. In the U.S.S.R. it is
already 2 080 000 cubic meters and by the end of
1965 it will exceed 4 200 000 cubic meters.
Construction of larger diameter pipelines is econo-
mically very advantageous. If to take the cost of
construction and operation of 300 mm diameter pipe-
line for unity, index for 500 mm pipeline will be 0.46,
for 700 mm - 0.29, for 800 mm - 0.23 and for 1 020
mm pipeline - only 0.17. It is intended to commence
by 1965 the construction of 1 220 mm gas lines.
From time to time Codes for gas transmission and
distribution piping systems governing their design
and construction are revised to keel) them abreast of
current developments in engineering and fabrication
techniques. In 1960 a new draft of the Code was pre-
pared with a special attention to the problems of
strength and safety and that of determination of
the optimal diameter. As the long distance gas lines
construction requires big quantities of steel its spar-
ing becomes especially important.
This draft envisages a substantial change of the
pipeline design procedure officially approved five
years ago was substancially changed. According to
the original rules pipelines were designed proceeding
from the carrying capacity of pipes determined by
the yield strength. As the yield strength was made
the main criterion of pipes quality it was very na-
turale that the pipe industry aimed at raising yield
strength by all technically conceivable means first
of all by cold expansion. As was clearly shown by
theoretical research and experimental studies cold
expansion not contributing to raising of pipes carry-
ing capacity in effect led to deterioration of their
plasticity and ductility. It was shown that actual be-
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PMrA /R.}ro/
~)I i n f~
I/ }
KNEE < ,Jlrislol>. tapes made of asphalt, asbestos pow-
der, plasticizers and crushed rubber used as a filling
agent (10---50 per cent of weight). In normal condi-
tions enamel is applied in one coat 3 trim thick and
wrapped by craft paper. In highly aggressive media
coating system is strengthened. Before 1959 such
heavy coating system consisted of two coats of as-
phalt each 3 mm thick, the first of which was
wrapped by asphalt-saturated asbestos felt and the
second - by. craft paper. At present coating system
applied in critical media consists of one coat of
rubberized asphalt enamel, 3 mm thick, wrapped by
?Brisol>, 1.5 mm thick and by 'craft paper. For extra
heavy coating use is made of 2.5 nrm thick > Brisola
all other components being the same as in heavy
coating. The modification of heavy and extra heavy
VI COATING OF THE GAS LINES coating systems design made coating operation less
labour-consuming and facilitated its mechanization.
All the buried gas lines are protected from soil In the present-day practice of pipeline construe-
and stray currents corrosion by coatings and ca- lion the following method is finding ever wider
thodic installations. Nowadays pipe cleaning, coating application. Welded continuous string of pipe is laid
and wrapping are performed directly on the right- on ledgers not further than 2 m from the ditch. The
of-way. Pipes are cleaned by line-mounted self- first side-boom tractor accompanying pipe cleaning
travelling machines, of which most commonly used machines transfers the pipe to the ditch edge, and
are one-and-two-rotor machines OML (fig. 14) pow- other pipelayers located in the section where the
ered by 110 h.p. engines. As cleaning instruments coating machine operates line the string up with
scrapers, ball and flat brushes secured on the rotors the ditch axis and lay it down onto the ditch floor
are used. When cleaning 720 rnm pipes productivity (fig. 15). Continuity of the coating is controlled by
of the one-rotor machine amounts to 550-600 in per a flaw detector and its thickness -- by a magnetic
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ran UMWii"
Asphalt base enamel is applied by self-travelling A technique of clr?ctrostalic?pipe painting with
line-mounted machines spraying it through the ring silicate enamels Incited as painted by high frequen-
nozzle or simply pouring the enaiuel on the upper cy current is being tested on the mills.
part of the pipe and spreading in with brushes or Soil corrosion prevention of buried pipelines with
slings. When applying one-coat heavy coating ura- the organic coatings is supplemented by electric
chines are provided with elastic cap helping to re- protection by means of cathodic and sacrificial
gulate the thickness of the enamel applied. Thanks anodic; installations. Capacity of the cathodic sta-
to high efficiency of the coating machines coaling lions is determined by the pipeline size and organic
crew goes ahead at a pace of up to 2000 in per shift coating qualify. At present stations rated for 150,
(when laying a 820 nun pipeline). 300 and 600 watts are manufactured (fig. 17). If
Enamel is manufactured directly in the field on such a station lays far from outside power sources,
special yards having the melting pots and cony- electric power required is obtained from wind-
pounding equipment. Sometimes factory made rub- driven or thermoelectric generators and galvanic
bermzes asphalt enamel is used which qualities makc anodes.
it acceptable for widely divergent climatic condi-
Not rarely for corrosion protection of pipelines
self-adhesive PVC tapes are used which are wrapped
on the previously cleaned pipe by a relatively light
machine (fig. 10). Its qualities make one coat of
PVC tape 0.3 mm thick at least equivalent to a nor-
mal type coating system on a base of rubberized as-
phalt enamel. Heavy and extra heavy coatings are
made with 50 per cent overlap providing the double
coat of tape. Labour productivity when using this
tape coating material increases two-fold.
Pipe coating directly on the right-of-way though
almost completely mechanized still requires move-
ment along the route of a great quantity of equip-
nrent and material. Sometimes weal her presents
serious difficulties not rarely causing interruption
of the work. This stimulated the organization of se-
mi-stationary coating yards where the 36 in long
triple-jointed sections of pipe are coaled with rub-
berized asphalt enamel and wrapped with fiber-
glass fabric or ?llrisoh>.
Still the steady expansion of pipeline construc-
tion makes it prerequisite to organize mill-coaling
of the pipes. For this purpose a technique of mill
coating of pipes heated in the process of their m;inu-
facture with PVC powder is elaborated. According
to the econonlic estimates such it coaling will he
cheaper and better than traditional ones. Coating
operation becomes considerably less labour-eonsit nr-
For pipeline protection against stray currents di-
rect or polarized drainage installations, insulated
joints etc. are used. They oppose the stray currents
flow to the pipeline and drain off currents which
had reached the pipe. Polarized drainage installa-
tions are rated for 100 (fig. 18) and 500 amperes.
Pipeline routes cross different natural and uaan-
micole obstacles which call forth different designs
and construction techniques.
Cold handing of pipes for making changes ill tile
. FOR O FaC 106L ~ Qs ~_
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direction of pipeline, is performed by special pipe-
bending machines (fig. 19). 't'hese machines are de-
signed for bending definite sizes of pipe with the
curvature radius of 6 in - for 219, 27:3 and 325 mm
pipes, 7 in -- for 426 nun, 12 in - for 524 mm, 30
in - for 720 and 820 mm, and 40 in - for 1020
mm pipes.
Railroad and highway crossings of pipelines are
usually made underground either by driving or by
horizontal boring (fig. 20).
Narrow rivers and ravines are crossed aerially on
trestles (fig. 21). Across the wider rivers suspended
aerial crossings are made. For instance crossing
Aniu-Daria river by two parallel 1020 mm gas lines
is designed as suspended bridge.
Major river, lake, bay and strait crossings are laid
mainly in floorbed. Subwater ditches are made by
special equipment, in rock and heavy consolidated
clay the blasting method is used.
Fig. 19. Machine for bending 1020 nun pipes
On the navigable rivers dredgers capable of mak-
ing ditched in 4.5-16.0 m deep waters are used.
On the innavigable watercourses subwater trenches
are excavated by draglines, by blasting etc.
Laying a pipeline into subwater trench is per-
formed by pulling the whole welded string of pipe,
by lengthwise welding and drowning from barges
and so on.
Very often the negative buoyancy of pipelines is
enlarged by reinforced concrete weights. For this
job in many instances helicopters are used.
Cost of compressor and pressure reducing stations,
and other aboveground structures constitutes about
23-27 per cent of total initial cost of gas lines.
Compressor stations are equipped with centrifugal
gas turbine or electric motor driven compressors,
and reciprocating turbocharged gas engine driven
compressors. Type of compressor aggregate (com-
pressor+prime mover) determines the general lay-
out not only of the compressor building but of the
station as a whole too.
Compressor station buildings are typified and
erected of prefabricated elements. According to a
standard layout scheme each station has two main
buildings: technological and administrative (fig. 22).
If on the technical reasons a certain item of equip-
ment cannot be blocked with other machines build-
ing which houses this equipment may be erected
separately. Still the total number of such separate
buildings is not to exceed two or three for a station.
As a rule these are small buildings incomparable in
size with main ones. Blocking of the buildings and
equipment permitted to diminish considerably sta-
tion territory and length of station piping and other
buried structures, and roads.
Water cooling towers are substituted by air cool-
ing installations, vertical type dust separators give
way to oil filters.
Compressor room together with personal ac-
comodations is usually a two-span industrial-type
building. Foundations for building frames and engin-
es are made of cast-in-situ concrete. For columns,
floor beams and crane runways prefabricated ele-
ments are used. It is planned to use prefabricated
elements for foundations either. For, curtain walls
use is made of light panels with aluminum alloy
carcass covered with asbestos-cement sheets and
stuffed with mineral wool thermal insulating materi-
al (fig. 23). Typified panels are 6 x 1.2 in, their unit
weight approximates 50 kg/m2. Concrete foundations
P 111
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p,~~ l 2 -
Fig. 22. Artist's view of 12
reciprocating compressors'
Fig. 23. Erection of frames and curtaining walls of com-
pressor building
are cast in multiple-use inventory forms with con-
duits fixing wells for anchor bolts.
All t1 he building and installation works are done
in accordance with a schedule fixing the exact dates
of starting and finishing certain stages of operations.
Use of the prefabricated elements considerably
speeds up the compressor stations construction.
Gas lines construction in the USSR is a scene of
steady expansion. Total length of pipelines built in
1959 in comparison to 1950 increased six-fold. 3853
km of transmission gas lines were 'put in service in
1959, while in 1950-1955 length of the gas lines
built amounted to only 3024 km.
Labour consumption in relation to 1 km of gas
line considerably diminished, while outpup per
worker increased. If in 1955 building 1,000,000
roubles worth of pipelines demanded 26 fulltime
workers, in 1959 corresponding figure was only 15.
Raising the normal 7-hour day progress of the
spread to 1.5-2.0 km demands modernization of
building equipment. Construction of 1020 mm gas
lines in particular stipulates the development of
new machinery and new building techniques.
Systematic growth of pipeline construction makes
it possible and advantageous to typify all the above-
ground structures and buildings and line compo-
nents (elbows, bends, valves, fittings etc.). Full rea-
lization of this typification program will result in
still more considerable growth of labour producti-
vity in the pipe line construction.
Quantitative and qualitative changes in gas line
construction make it prerequisite to solve all the
technical, organizational and economical problems
in their interconnections as a unity. The main task
of the research, design, industrial and building
organizations is to speed up development and in-
troduction into practice of more advanced tech-
niques characterized by use of new better materials,
machines and mechanisms, of better designs, and
more rational organizational forms of construction
leading to improving its economy.
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1. Code for design and construction of gas transmission
lines. VNIIST of the USSR GLAVGAS, Moscow, 1960.
2. Standards of acceptability of gas transmission lines.
SN 83-60. Gosstrojizdat, Moscow, 1960.
3. Magazine ?Pipcline construction)) for 1959 and 1960.
Moscow, Gostoptechizdat.
4. Actual working conditions of pipeline and reservoir
constructions ))Transactions of the VNIISTROJNEFTs,
v. IX, Moscow, 1957.
5. Gas industry in 1960. A. K. Kortunov. Magazine > Gas
industry?, N 1, Gostoptechizdat, Moscow 1960.
6. Technical advance and cheapening of the pipeline
construction. A. K. Kortunov, Transzheldorizdat, Mos-
cow 1958.
7. Development of the Soviet gas industry. Yu. I. Boxer-
man, Gostoptechizdat, Moscow, 1958.
8. On the carrying capacity of the steel pipelines. V. S.
Turkin, Magazine ))Construction Technique and
Engineering Design)), Gosstrojizdat, Moscow, 1960.
9. Scientific and technical problems of pipeline con-
struction. V. S. Turkin, ?Gas technique publication
N 2s, GOSINTI, Moscow, 1959.
10. Bending of pipes in elastic-plastic stage. V. S. Turkin,
Magazine ?Pipcline Construction)), Gostoptechizdat,
Moscow, 1960.
11. Field testing of buried steel thin-walled large-dia-
meter piping for strength and stability. S. V. Vino-
gradov and Yu. M. Kruzhalov, VNIIST, Moscow, 1959.
12. Pipe bending. A. I. Galperin, Gosstrojizdat, Moscow,
13. Industrialization of pipeline construction. O. M.
Ivantzov, Gostoptechizdat, Moscow, 1960.
14. Pipeline construction in the mine workings areas.
A. G. Kamershtejn, Gosstrojizdat, Moscow, 1957.
construction. S. I. Levin, Gostop-
technology. V. D. Taran,
17. Welding of transmission and refinery pipelines. A. S.
Falkenvich, Gostoptechizdat, Moscow, 1958.
18. Automatic C02-sheldcd are welding of unrolled pipes.
VNIIST of the USSR GLAVGAS, Moscow, 1960.
19. Advanced methods of pipeline constructions. Gostop-
techizdat, Moscow, 1960.
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