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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 M 1 /r CENTRAL INTELLIG-ENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the A.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorised person Is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form Is prohibited. SECRET/CONTROL-US OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION SUBJECT Soviet Railroad Network REPORT DATE DISTR. 31 July 1953 NO. OF PAGES 1 50X1-HUM REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1-HUM SECRET/CONTROL-US OFFICIALS ONLY STATE ARMY INAVY I IAIR FBI AEC OCD x {Not,: Washington Distribution Indic- hd By "X"; Field Distribution By "#".) Focht 51-61 diRnuary 19535 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 U. S. S. R. AILWAY NETWORK DECEMBER 1952 T CO4TROt.. U, ~..~ c NLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 U. S. S. R. THE RAILWAY NETWORK DECEMBER 1952 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 I N D E 1~ II- Local conditions ............................. III- General view of the railway system.......... 1.- General characteristics... .............. 2.- Railway network..... ...... ............. IV- Rolling stock ................................ Foreword ............... ............,.............. Page I- A short historic,-l account................... If A.- Techniea-_ features.................. B.- Cars pcr]-......o......?? ....... ...' a) Goods trains pa--k ................ 1.- Traction equipmOn*t ...................... A.- Locomotives ......................... B.- Diesel locomotives .................. C.- Traction equipment parke............. D.- Locomotive plants... ................ 2.- Wagons...- ............................... b) Coaches park ..................... f) Single altemate current' nt 20 KV and 50 Hz., ..,., V... 1 2 5 7 7 8 10 10 10 12 13 15 15 15 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 22 23 year plan..... " 23 B.- Reconstruction, improvement, double- track lines.......... " 25 C.- Electrification...... ............... 26 D.- New constructions...... .............. " 26 B.- Automatic si _ .-1.1_ing apparatus...... " 26 F.- Renewal of the permanent way........ " 26 G.- Works in the annexed.territories i the west....,............ 27 H.- Capabilities of the lines........... " 27 4.- Considerations .......................... It 27 VI- Electric traction ............................ 29 1.- Evolution of ele:;t-rification. ............ " 29 2.- Characteristics of electrifications..... " 32' A. Power. .......... ..................... 32 B.- Types of power used, ...... 33 a) Continuous currnt at 550-570 V.. " 33 ,.b) Continuous current at 2000 V..... 33 c) Conti i Du.s current at 1500 V., .... " 33 d) Continuous current n-,; 1000 V..... " 34 e) Single phase alternr.te current at 15 KV and 16 2/3 Hz... 34 2.- During the war period ...... ............ 3.- At the end of the fourth fa_ve-year plan A.- The programt_e of the fourth five V- The railway lines It I.- Before 1941 ............................. 11 c) Rol1tr.? Mock factories.......... 3.- Considera.tior,ti .... .................... ? /? 34 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ..11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ? If 59 B. Rail centres...................... 60 C.- Trans-shipment, areas ........ , . , .. 60 5.- Sensitive points of the lines leading to the Caucasian border,.......,,, 61 A.- Bridges ........................... 61 B.- Railway centres ................... 61 6.- Sensitive points of the lines connecting Central Russia to the Ural Mountains and Siberia...... '~ 62 7.- Conclusions..... . ...................... 63 X- Developments foreseen by the fifth five-year pl-n (1951--1955) ....... 64 1.- Premise, .................."...?o....... 64 2.- Railway lines ......................... " 65 3.- Traction equipment and rolling stock,, " 67 4.- Traffic ........... ..."................. 68 5.- Considerations 69 -0-0-o.-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o- 3.- Traction equipment.-..??.....?........ Page, 34 4.- Considerations ........................ H 37 VII+ Organization.. ............................. 39 VIII- Traffio.": ,..?,"..~o.??~.-?.i??.~?/?...r..? " 40 1.- Goods traffic ...... ? ................... " 40 A.-Prewar period.. ................... 40 B.- War period ..... ?...? .............. " 42 C.- Postwar p. 45 2.- Passenger traffic .................., 50 3.- Considerations..... .....i...........Y. " 52 IX- Vulnerability ............................... 54 ,16- General.............,................... " 54 2.- Sensitive points of the lines leading to northern borders........., " 56 A.- Bridges ................?.......... 56 B.- Rail centre's.........,:........... " 57 3.- Sensitive points of the lines leading to the north-western border...,, It 57 A.- Bridges,...... .....~,:........... " 57 B.- Rail centres .......:.............. 58 C.- Trans-shipment areas........,..... 58 4.- Sensitive points of the lines leading A.- Bridges ................... 0.160##00 to the southwestern border..... If 59 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ,_,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 F 0 R E W 0 R D man General Staff; 1 - This study has been drawn up by using: - Soviet railway time-tables of 1949 and 1950; - Soviet atlas; - a railway map of European Russia drawn up by the Ger '" 50X1-HUM - anticipations and results of the Soviet five-year plans; news from the Soviet and international press; information which can't be controlled from different sources; 2 - The general conclusions arrived at are to be considered reliable enough. The numerical data and the technical details are on the contrary to be considered of different reliability. As an instance: the data concerning the consistence of the railway park arc to be considered onl r .:f.or guidance; the data about the railway *'yetem, and everything con- cerning the type of lines (number of tracks, traction) used at the end of 1949 are to be considered reliable enough; everything concerning the conditions of the lines (num bor of tracks, permanent ways, traction, existence of block systems) used at the end of 1951 has to be con- firmed; the data concerning the traffic are partly reliable and partly resulting from conjectures. The study tries to present a general view - in some fields we have gone deeply into.- of the Soviet railway transportations as they were according to information prior to Summer 1952.- -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 -~ - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 I - A SHORT HISTORICAL ACCOUNT -? ------------- The Russian railway a:~,sterj, built up in a period when the country had as characteristic u. power strongly centralized and few and very far centres of political, industrial, agricultural and commercial life, could develop itself but along radial lines which connected these centres with the power's seats and those of the political and industrial life of the country: Peterburg and Moscow. The long distances to be covered,. the consequent high in- stallation costs and the nature of the ground completely lacking of bed, compelled them to build up almost exclusively sinZle-i ck lines, with stations and traffic points far from each other and without ballast e As in consequence of the industrial and economic develop- ment of some peripheric zones the big radial lines were connected to secondary "pn (often built without any uniformity by trusts or big industrial concerns) ';he initial construction deficiencies began to show themselves and they were not able to timely repair them. The first consequence of this fact appeared in 1904 and 1905, during the Russian-Japanese war, which showed the incapa- city and backwardness of the Transiberian railway. For strategical rer4sons, the railway system of Western Russia was more develop: ed ' between the end of the 2"T::: century and the first years of XX by Luilding a thicker system and increasing the capabilities of the lines. laut this railway system too did not stand the test of Wo .:,.d War I. In spite of the efforts made in that period, both,thi:3 system and the whole one built by the Czars showed their impot3ace to meet the exceptional needs. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 The Soviet regime arisen from the revolution of 1917 and, the following civil war found the railway systempartly destroyed and partly disorganized. The railway system conditions were such that on the beginning it was not possibile to start an organical rebuilding plan. From the other side, the new regime, by deeply changing the economical and social conceptions existing during the czarist regime, changed too the economical relations among the different regions which had become republics almost independent from the economical standpoint. As for the railway traffic, this fact brought about swee- ping changes. Owing to the now course, it was in fact necessary to look -- to increase the capability of the already existing radial lines; -- to develop the railway system of each region to meet the requirements of the new industries and agriculture; to build sidings among the systei;:.9 of contiguous regions to increase exchanges by reducing the run; to. let the railways arrive in those regions which had not any and that they planned to develop economically. During the twenty years elapsed 'be' en 1921 and 1941, and especially during the second and third five-year plans, the Soviet regime, though facing heavy difficulties, tried to meet the re-. quirements caused by the new economical system either by partial ly renewing the rollingistock or by rebuilding, developing and renewing other lines. The results achieved, considering also the local factors, were in general satisfactory, though not yet such as to permit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 "I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 to meet the increasing needs of the traffic and the agricultural and industrial development of the regions which were gradually develop-ed. World War II, besides causing nearly the total destrcction of the lines, bridges and installations of the railway te-baork in the territories occupied by the Germans, and the loss of conside- rable rolling equipment, compelled to overlook all the other li nes, which in consequence lacked the necessary maintenance and the permanent way renewal. It resulted a quicker wear of the rolling stock. The reconstruction works, begun as the territory was re- co nquered, received a definite uidanoe in 1946 with the first postwar five-year plan, by which new constructions were given a considerable im~oulse. The results attained during the last five years are Tartly known, but what can be deduced from the traffic data published by official Soviet sources and what is generally known about the Sc viet railway system seems to prove that the latter is at present in a position as to follow the economical and inc,istrial deve- lopment of the country. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ._rn. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 II - LOCAL CONDITIONS - The large Russian territories present, as regards the sy- stem and operation of the railway network, the following chara- cteristics: - prevailingly flat ground except in some border zones (Carpathian Mountains, Caucasus, Turkestan, Altai). The same Ural Mountains, which greatest width is of 150 km., do not represent a uniform chain and show large and lit- tle ziised passes which can be slowly reached from the western watershed, while there is a greater grade on the eastern one; - a sail essentially formed by: different kinds of grounds (gray grounds, black gro- unds, steppes) lacking rocky material'by which to build the tallast . - large desert.' zones, often covered by sand and unfil- terable dust, very harmful for gearings continental climate with changes in temperature very great in the different seasons (from 40? above zero in Summer to'400 below zero in Winter)and regions; great courses of water generally little deep and frozen in Winter and which in the Siberian regions, during the thaw period, increfse their bed and run over for many mi- les in the territories they pass through. In consequence there e;.istt. - an easy marking out of the lines; - an almost absolute absence of tunnels; - a preference for the wide gauge which permits to employ heavy trains also on lines with a light permanent way laid directly on the ground owing to wantage of bal- last material findable on the spot; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 -7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 different devices which are studied for ler.anent and mobile installations to*prevent the consequences of snow, frost and dust; - bridges on the great rivers representing the most sen- sitive pointe of the whole railway system. -o-o- 0-0-0 -0 -0-0-0 -0 -0-0 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 III - GENERAL VIEW OF THE RAILWAY SYSTEM - ------------------------------- 1.- General characteristica.- ------------------------ The present Soviet railway system, with its 123.000 kms. of lines, considerably suffers from: - the geological, morphological and-climatic conditions of the country; - the political and social conditions existing when it was deve- loped; - the great extension on which it runs; - the different courses which governed its construction; - the vicissitudes of the country during last forty years; - the prob7 ere represented by the assimilation of the newly an- nexed territories networks and the need of easing the communi- cations with the western satellite countries. It presents the following characteristics: - 1, 524 m. gauge, broader than the European standard one (1,436 m.), which causes a difficult use of the newtwork by an even- tual invader; - great use of light permanent way, directly laid without ballast on the ground as soon as leveled: it represents an advantage as installation costs and there are also low construction times; -generally old tracks which must be renewed to get a greater cape bility of the lines so permitting a better preservation of the rolling stock; - lines generally in the plain and consequently with non conside- rable grades permitting-the use of heavy trairseven with locomo- tives of no great power; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 :_ CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 .._m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - gene rally . track lines, with stations and movement posts at a variable distance from 8 up to 30 km.; - growing electrification near the great centres (Moscow - Leningrad), in the areas of great industrial importance (Daub as - Ural - Kusbas) and in the mountainous ones (Cau casus); --- employment of very heavy trains (1) to counterbalance the low traffic speed (2) and the limited capabilities of the lines; - rolling stock being gradually renewed. 2.- Railway network.- The Soviet railway network (3) appears as an ensemble of different regional networks which: - in Western and Central Russia gravitate around Moscow, to which they'are directly connected by one or more in- dependent radial lines; - in Eastern Russia and Asia are interdependent and gene- rally gravitate towards the Transiberian line. We can locate these regional networks as follows: - Northern network; - Fin4ish Kaxelian network; (1) In 1939 the average load of goods trains was of 1.400 t. a- gainst 600 t. in France and 700 in U.S.A. It seems that in 1950 this average load reached 2.000 tons. (2) Mean velocity of freight trains: 14,2 km/h in 1934; 16,5 km/h in 1936. (3) See graphs Al and A2. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - Baltic and North-Western border area network; - Ukraine and South-Western border area network; - Donbas network; - Caucasus network; - Moscow network; - Volga network; - Ural Mountains network; - Turkestan network; - Eastern Siberia network; - Far East network. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 -- 10 A. - Locomotives.- IV.---ROLLING STOCK - 1.- Traction equipment.- Before World War I, Russian railways used two rain types of locomotives, built in Russia, with partly. imported pieces: - the type of E series for goods trains hauling, having a power of about 1.300 HP and a traction stress of 8,61 t.;, - the type of S.OU. series for passenger trains hauling. Between 1933 and 1937, during the second five-year plan marked by the sweeping reorganization and by the effective re- sumption of the Soviet railway traffic, new types of locomotives were used. completely built by the Russian industty and showing some technical progress. Among this progress it is to be noted: - a generalized installation of high pressure boilers ai- ming to increase the thermal efficiency; an increased traction stress which from the 8, 61 t. f'Or the old E type passed to 12,89 t. for the new goods train,_locomo tives (1); - adoption of mechanical devices (stokers) for coal stoking and the automatic haulage from tender to furnace. (1) An increased traction stress was reched also by modernizing the old locomotives. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 During this period, the following types started; - F.D. for goods trains having a power of?2.500 HP, which had to replace the old E type (1); - I.S.for passenger trains with a power of 3.200 HP, which had to replace the old S.OU. type. The locomotives employed during the third five-year plan had the following features: - a great traction power; - a theoretic speed of 50-70 km/h for the goods traffic and of 80-100 -^1/h for the passenger traffic. Among these locomotives it is to be particularly examined the S.O. type, a condenser tender, tested on the Transiberian line during Winter 1936-37. This type has a device for steam con- densation, especially qualified to be employed in areas poor of water installations. Though the climate inclemency let fear the freezing of condensation water in the piping,; these locomotives could attain a speed,varying according to the line and the cold intensity, between 36 and 42 km/h and replenish with water e- very 200 km. According to the builders plan,it were possibile to cover ui.interrupted distances of 1.000 km. The S.0, type weighs 62 tons (without tender), can beer a traction stress of 26 tons and develops a top speed of 75 km/h. After the war, the Soviet industry began to build new lo- comotives of very high power by generally reproducing American ;patterns. The following types are known: (1) There exist two F.D. classes: the F D 21 and the F D 20, that differ for traction weight 4nd axial load. They are locomotives I -E-0 with rear bissel. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - L (former "Pobieda") of 82 tons (without tender) built since 1948 in the Kolomna plant. It is able to bear a traction stress of 19,2 tons, has a power of 2.100-2.200 HP and develops a top speed of 80 km/h. It can haul trains of 2.300 tons; - O.R. 23, of 115 tons (without te.nder), built since 1949 in the Voroshilovgrad plant and bearing a traction stress of 21 t.. There exists also a locomotive 1 CC 2,. built in the Kolomna plants, with a six-axle tender, derived from the Mallet locomoti- ve and developing 3.000 HP. It hauls trains of 3.500 tons. B.- Diesel locomotives.- For, the lines poor of water the Soviet industry has stu- died and built locomotives.with Diesel engines. The first Diesel locomotives of mass production date back from 1942 and are of the Lomonozo' type of 1.150 HP. In 1934 they began to build a new type: the 2.300 HP V.M. During the war and till 1946, USSR received also from USA a number of Diesel locomotives built by the Alco-G.E.C. and the Baldwin Westinghouse. They were locomotives of normal type but with a 1,524 m. gauge and two six-wheel bogies(disposition of wheels: A 1 A - A 1 A), with a weight up to 1,20 tons, a nominal power of 1.000 HP and developing a top speed of 100 km/h. It seems that these locomotives were used as pattern for the Soviet postwar productions. The new built Soviet locomotives are: - the TE - 1 - 20 - 001 type, built in the Kharkc'v plants, of 120 tons, with a power of 1.000 HP, bearing a traction stress of 20 tons and having a top speed of 100 km/h; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 13 - a type of unknown denomination with a power of 2.000 HP, which would be able to haul a train of 2.200 tons on a gradient of 90/00. The Soviet industry builds ?a;- -pi-esnt two types of switching Diesel locomotives: - a locomotive able to sort loads up to 120 tons and built in the Sverdlovsk tractor plant; - a locomotive, the 150 HP T.M. 24 , built in 'the Ka- luga works. The lines where the use. of Diesel locomotives is more fre- quent are those of Turkestan and Usbekistan, with a total of a- bout 6.000 km. C.- Traction oi~;12ark.- It is very difficult to draw on the subject data of con- siderable reliabilitS either because those at our disposal are poor and cannot be compared, or because the official data from Soviet source are sometimes in real units (1). (1) The official Soviet sources, in announcing numerical data, in order to ease comparisons among quantities of locomotives of different ty_,:e, often take as conventional unit the E and S.OU. types, to which they assign coefficient 1 and give: - coefficient 1,5 to the locomotives of F.D. and IS. ty- pe - coefficient 2 to electrical locomotives. It-is unknown the coefficient assigned to Diesel and new type locomotives. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ,T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 . - 14 - Two schedules have been drawn according to data at our disposal. Of them: - the first ahowa : the number and type of locomotives built since 1928 (Annex 2); - the second s1lows:: the consistence of the traction equi. ent park since 1912, together with its increase in connection with the yearly output and its valuation in reference to the length of the working railway lines (Annex 3). From the comparative examination of the data of the two schedules, it might be inferred-that: 1) the 32.000 units the'park is composed of, are represented by about : - 26.000 units (81%) built during the Soviet regime from 1928; - 6.000 units (19%) built before 1928. 2) Of the 26.000 more recent units: - 18.000 (56% of total) -tie types of who are roughly known, are locomotives of great power: 2.300 - 2.500 HP; - 8.000 (25% Qf total) are of different and unknown type, having a low power. 3) Of the 18.000 units of high power: - 7.600 (23,7% of total) have less than five years; - 7.400 (23% of total) have more than five and less than 13 years; - 3.000 (9,3% of total) have more than 13 years. 4) Of the 14.000 units of low power (44% of total): - 6.000 (19% of total), as foresaid, have more than 22 years and date back in the greatest partftvmthe Czarist period; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 15 of the remaining 8.000: - a little more than 5.000 (16% of total) have 12 up to 17 years, and - about 3.000 (9% of total) have 17 up to 22 years. 5) The indices given by the available number of locomotives di vided for the total length of the lines and which show the avai lability of locomotives for every km. Of line were in the prewar period of 0,21 up to 0,27 and in 1950 :were of 0,26. From this it can be inferred that the availability of locomotives is at present nearly the same as in 1940. D.- Locomotive-plants.- The industry for the traction equipment production is ge- nerally concentrated in the areas of Central Russia. Repair works are on the contrary located in almost all the regions of USSR. In Annex 4 the known works building and repairing traction equipment are shown. 2.- Wagons.- A.- Technical features.- a) Freight cars. - The freight cars existing during the period of World War I were almost all six-axle cars having an.-a.. Yerege~.oarrying capacity of 15 t. The mass production of four- axle cars started only during the first five-year plan. The following five-year plans planned the production of only four-axle cars having an average carrying capacity from 50 up to 60 tons. Since 1937 the Soviet industry has tried to reach the one of the Western countries in the railway cars production r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ._m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 16 and it has succeeded to put in service special cars of,mo- dern type: self-unloadi ng cars of 65 t., care for cattle trap sportation, wagons for live fish transportation, isothermal wagons, gondola care of 100 t., bascule cars for bitumen tran sportption and other uses. According to the present tendency, these wagons have a steel casting chassis with welded parts. They have also au- tomatic brakes and a self-coupling system. At present, 93% of cars have automatic brakes and 75% the self-coupling system. The cars length varies from in. 6,40 for the two-axle cars up to in. 36 for some special ones (probably the gondola cars). b) Coaches - Most of the coaches used before World War I were in. 18 long and weighed 38 tons. The first and second class coaches had room for 24 beds, while those of third class had room for 56 seats or 42 beds. The production of these ooaches was interrupted during World War I and the civil war, emd was started again only di 1926-27. On the beginning, the production was very low (726 in 1927), so that a real park renewal was begun towards 1932, at the end of the first five-year plan. Materials underwent tech.tical improvements only during the third five-year plan. The new building courses brought to the construction of coaches having the following general features: - length: in. 25,2; - all metallic construction, by using special welded steels; I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 .- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 17 - - streamline; - automatic brakes and self-coupling system; - electric lighting and conditioned heating or air. Passenger cars differ according to their employment on the great lines, the local lines or the peripheric. lines of great towns. The first have all room for beds, while the others have springy seats or not. The still used old coaches are generally employed on the regional lines. But they are often used in the same trains together with new ones. B.- Cars park.- a) Goods trains park.- According to information partly from Soviet official source and partly drawn from.technical international works, a table has been drawn up (See Annex 5) which shows the consistence of Soviet goods cars park during last 40 years. .Y From this table, the details for the drawing up of which are specified in the foot notes, we can draw data that, though not exact, are generally of good reliability. From these data we infer-that: -,the Soviet goods cars park is composed of about 908.000 real units, of which 48,4w (430.000) is repre eente d by two-axle cars having ar' average carrying capacity of more than 50 tons; the two-axle care were all built before 1938 and at least half of them were built before 1917. Among the four-axle cars: I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ?-? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 18 - 255.000x(28% of total) were built after 1945; - the remaining cars have my all less than 20 years, while the oldest are of 1928; - according to the fourth five-year plan previsions, the yearly production of goods cars after 1950 amounts to about 150.000 conventional units per year, corre sponding to nearly 80.000 four-axle cars. b) Coaches park.- The information at our disposal are poor and conflicting. The most reliable have been summarized in Annex 6. From these data we note that: - were the coaches built before the Soviet regime real- ly condemned, on 1951 the park had to dispose of a- bout 30.000 units; - in the most probable case that these coaches have not been condemned but only set aside for an emergency period, the park had to dispose in the same time of about 41.000 units; of the comparatively 3.000 modern coaches: - about 18.000 (60%) have less than 12 years; - about 12.000 (40%) have 35 up to 13 years; - the construction of coaches during the fourth and last five-year plan has been equal to the 50% of the one of the third, and this confirms the Soviet, trend to direct towards air lines the passenger traffic on the great distances. c) Rolling stock factories.- At the beginning of XF century, there existed in Russia 15 factories and assembly plants of railway material, eight of which new built ones. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 In 1927, when since some years after the war period the rolling stock production was also started again, the wor- king plants, on the contrary, were only 11. It was only during the second five-year plan, when the railway material was greatly increased, that they began to equip new factories. Among the factories and worksh?i~s existing to-day, tho- se shown in Annex 7 are known. 3.- Considerations.- In general,,according to official information, the So- viet railway park would have at present two main features: in course of being renewed: the 46,7% of locomotives would have less than 13 years, the 28% of goods cars would have less than 6 years, the 60% of passenger cars would have le as than 12 years with a yearly in- crease - in real units -of 2.300 loco motives, 80.000 goods cars of 50 tons and 1.250 passenger cars; it is formed, as the modern material is concerned, of high power locomotives and of great carrying capa- city goods and passenger cars, and this owing to the marked tendency to prefer very heavy trains (an avera ge of 2.000 tons). On the other hand it includes very old equipment: the 19% of locomotives has more than 23 years and generally more than 35, the 23% of goods cars are two-axle cars and have mwe than 35 years. It follows that the Soviet park is at present scarcely homogenous and while it permits the use on the great linea of very heavy and modern trains, it compels them to use on the o- ther lines comparatively heavy trains but built with obsolete material needing frequent repairs. -0-0-0-0-0-0- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 20'- V.- THE RAILWAY LINES - l.- Before 1941. - ----------- The great distances to be covered, the ground nature, often the impassableness and absence of. driving-roads in the area, the poor initial traffic and the deficiency of capitals induced the Russians, during the Czarist period, to build qui- te rudimental railway lines. The greatest part of the lines in that period and also some-one of those more recently built (1) were built by di- rectly laying tracks on the ground as soon as it was leveled and so starting at once the working. They completed afterwards the bridges and other permanent works. At the end of the works, these lines were formed by sand or similar materials (seldom gravel), by wood sleepers (1.440 per km.) connected to rails by..eimple tvaok-.riveta, stiffening tie-plates applied only in the greatest curves and by tracks which in the stations were often of iron. On the li nee there were steel tracks but had a weight nearly always less than kg. 38 per metre, (2). We can so explain that, though being great communcation lines more rationally built, till 1934 the mean velocity of goods trains was of km. 14,2 per hour and the passenger trains one of km. 23,7.- (1) For instance: the Dezhevka - Komsomolsk in the Par East. (2) In 1935 the 2% of tracks weighed kg. 43 per metrv, the 16% kg. 38 and 82% less than kg. 38. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 y_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 21 - 1934 was marked in the same time by the greatest tran- sportation crisis, which followed to the industrial improve- ment that took place in Russia after the end of civil war, and the beginning of the .railway lines renewal. As the crisis of transportations had been caused by the impossibility of rapidly the traffic among the big industrial centres (1), Kaga- novich, who was appointed head of the Communication Commissa- riat and obtained enough means and manpower, faced the problem by beginning and ending within 1937 the renewal and moderniza- tion of a little number of jrincipal lines, along which he concentrated the traffic of raw materials, fuels and building material, from which the whole industrialization programme of the country depended. These lines were those connecting the Donetz basin with Moscow and Leningrad and the Kuznetsk basin with the Ural Moun tains and Moscow. Along these lines, and only along them, double tracks, where they did not exist, were laid;n~onger and heavier rails (2), w1t automatic switch and block systems were set up. When the transportation crisis was overcome, thanks to the increased capabilities of these few lines, the Soviet Go- vernment reduced materials and manpower allotted to railways to send them to other branches of industry. In consequence, in 1940 there existed a great carrying capacity difference between the old and the renewed lines of the Soviet railway system. (1) From 1931 up to 1934, about 15-20 tons of goods stopped in the stations. (2) The new lines had tracks weighing 43 kg. per metre, 1.800 sleepers per km. and stiffening tie-plates along the whole line. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 In that period, 24.900 km. out of nearly 306.000 had dr-ible tracks, about 20.000 had a heavy permanent way, 8.400 had automa- tic installations and 1.870 had electric traction.. It is interesting to note that of these 106.000 km.,70.740 had been inherited from the Czarist regime, 16.570 had been added to the Soviet network following the-annexations of the western border territories and 18.790 had been built by the Soviet Govern ment. The new constructions concerned almost exclusively the A- siatic regions. 2.- During the war period.- War operations on Soviet territory caused the almost com- plete destruction of the railway network of occupied territories. As a whole, this destruction concerned: - 52.400 km. of lines; - 17.513 km. of secondary tracks; - 2.342 bridges of great and medium length; - 4.100 railway stations with their installations; - 317 roundhouses. The rebuilding of the destroyed lines and installations was made as the territory was reconquered, so that in 1943 about 19.000 km. had been already built and in 1945 about 49.000 km. and 1.850 bridges. But it'waa a hasty rebuilding and was made by using as far as possibile salvaged materials. Besides that, all the double-track lines were rebuilt with one track only. In consequence, the capability of the rebuilt li- nes was in general lower than that of the old ones. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 23 On the contrary, in the occupied territories they increa- sed the capabilities on the principal lines, completed the comple mentary and inter-regional lines begun before invasion, and ra- pidly built lines to be used for.the exploitation of zones ha- ving new industrial or mining resources or for backing military operations. So Between 1940 and 1945 were built new lines for about 11.000 km. Among these lines a special attention must be devoted, owing to its importance, to the Along-.the-Volga line, which follows the Volga valley along the western bank between Stalingrad and Kazan and which in 1945 was almost completed and working. At the end of the war and before the beginning of the fourth five-year plan works, the Soviet railway lines had a longitudinal development of 112.868 km., of which: - 21.000 km. double tracked; - 6.950 km. having P signa1iirig apparatus for.&utomatic blocking;. - 2.038 km. of electrified lines. 3. - At the end of the fourth five-year plan.- --- ------------ W------------ A - The programme of the fourth five-year plan.- In the first Postwar -- - ------------------ five-year plan, the Soviet Government, after having stres sed the importance wf giving the priority to the railway recon- struction, allotted to railways the 16% of the funds to be irre- ste d during the period 1946-1950. But this percentage is slightly higher than the investments average during the period 1928-1940 and is lower tin the one fixed in the yearly plan of 1935 corre- sponding to the period of the trenaportation crisis. This demon- strates that in 1945 the situation of railway transportations was considered less troubling than it 1935. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02_ CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 24 The funds allotted had to serve for executing, in the field of permanent installations, the following reconstruction program- me: (See also Annex 8): 1)- to complete within 1948 the general reput-in service of the railway lines of the Donetz and Krivoi Rog minerary basins, and of the lines connecting Moscow with Leningrad, with the Donbas and Caucasus along a longitudinal development of 15.000 km.; 2)- to reput in service and build ex novo o-. the railway lines of the former invaded territories, 1.800 bridges, 1.500 railway stations, 1.300 roundhouses, 128 wagon depots and repair shops; 3)- to fully reactivate the railway system of the former invaded territories and in the same time: - to increase the grewar level of the following lines capabi- lities: Moscow - Donbas (1.100 km.) Donbas - Krivoi Rog ( 440 km.) Moscow - Rostov - Caucasus (about 2.500 km.) Moscow - Leningrad (651 km.) Moscow - Kiev - Lwow (1.500 km.) b oeoow-Smolensk-.Mi.nsk Kaliningrad (1.289 km.) Moscow-Veliki Luki-Riga (922 km.) Moscow-Gorki-Kirov-Sverdlovsk-Omsk (2.453 km.) to complete and improve the Donbas Likaia-Stalingrad-Ilovlia-Saratov- Sizran-Kazan Along-the-Volga line: (1.500 km.) 4)- to build and renew secondary tracks for a total of 12.500 km. 5)- to electrify 5.325 km. of railway lines; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 -"- - 25 6)- to build new railway lines for a total of 7.230 km. (including the Stalinsk -Pavlodar - Akmolinisk - Magnitogorsk line); 7)- to set up automatic signalling apparatus along 14.000 km. of railway lines; 8)- to lay on the existing railway lines 50.000 km. of new heavy rails (1) by which to renew 32.000 km. of railway lines (30000 to be rebuilt and 29.000 to be renewed). In the programmes of the fourth five-year plan no specific hint was included to the works required to bring the lines of the annexed territories in the west - which had a gauge of m. 1,435 - to the gauge of m. 1,524 existing in the Soviet Territory. The Soviet Government has been very laconic about the rea- lizations '.f this plan. On April 1951, the official Soviet sources limited themsel ves to say that it had not been fully achieved. About the effe- ctive realizations of the different points of the programme, we have the following information (not always from fully reliable B - Reconstruction, improve.ent,double-track lines - (Points 1) 2) 3) 4) of the programme.- According to the official communi- oation of the Central Committee for Plans, the works concerning the reconstruction of the secondary tracks, railway stations and junctions had been executed only on the main lines. A careful and detailed study of the Soviet railways offi- cial time-table for 1950 stresses that also some principal lines along which the second track had to be reactivated or built ex n~ vo, in the period when the time-table was drawn up, still had on ly a track:(the Moscow-Briansk Kharkov line; the Briansk-Bakhmasc line; the Moscow-Riga line; the Gorki-Kirov-Molotov-Sverdlovsk- Tiumen-Omsk line and others). (1) R.50 type. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 The lines which according the interpretation given to in- indications of the fourth five-year plan, would have a double truck,. are shown in Annex n. 9. Their total development is of 33.440 km., that is to say slightly inferior to the 33.500 km. which would result from the sum, Of:'the 21.000 km. existing in 1945 and -the 12.500 km. contemplated by the plan. C - Electrification (Point 5 of the plan) See the chapter concerning the Electrical Traction. D - New constructions (Point 6 of the programme).- The con dition of the works on the new lines planned in 1946 or which in that period were still under construction and had to be ended wi- thin 1950, is shown in Annex n. 10. - 26 - E - Automaticsignalingapparatus (Point 7 of on the subject exact information installations the programme) either about or the lines along which they It can be presumed that the lines We have not the consistence of have been aatctt~o Annex n. 11 and which have a longitudinal development of 19.212 km. have au- tomatic signalling. It must be remembered that according the fourth five-year plan the total of the lines having automatic signalling would be of km. 20.950 (km. 6.950 existing in 1945 and 14 km. contemplated by the plan). F - Renewal-of-the permanent - way.(Point 8 of the programme) ------------------------- We lack reliable information..We. can however presume that at least within 1951 the planned programme has been partially e- xecuted. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ._,R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 27 - It is difficult to assess how it has been.exxcuted and which really are the lines having a heavy permanent way or at least a comparatively modern one. In the Knnex n. 12 are shown lines for a total of 42.'F'1 kkk. which can be supposed to have such a kirk of permanent way. G - Works in the annexed territories in the west.,. In 1940, wr rN-__N~Nr__r_---M~M~-~-__~i-r-NN_r_ following annexations agreed on with the German Government, while for some lines the trasnformation was accomplished or was underway, on someone having a double track only a track was transformed and many others were left with the European gauge. It seems that after the war, in the annexed territories the tray sformation into Soviet gauge was executed in almost all the occupied territoriee&(3). H - Capabilities of-the-lines - We have not enough elements to assess the capat.ilities of o%oh line at the end of the works contemplated by the fourth five-year plan. In the graphs Al .-. A2 is shown the capability of each railway section of Western Russia lines and of each railway section of the remaining territory principal lines, calculated on the ba- sis of the lines condition at the end of 1949. In graphs 01 - C2 is shown the capability of the USSR prin- cipal lines estimated on the basis of the lines supposition at the end of 1951. - Considerations.- r-r-_'rr--r-_rr It is difficult to have an exact sensation about the con- dition of the USSR-railway lines. It must be stated beforehand (1) Excepting perhaps some local lines of the Baltic_Republics. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 28 that what can be said on the subject is the result of argomenta- tions drawn from the poor information from official Soviet source and from not always reliable press news.. We think however it can be presumed that: - the damages caused by war would have been partly repaired, excepting what concerns the-equipment of some stations and some lines of Western Russia which originally were' double-line and have been rebuilt as single track; - the present longitudinal development of railways would run about to 123.000 km., of which! - 33.000.(26,8%) double-line; - 20.000 (16%) with automatic block signalling apparatus; 45.000 (36,5%) having a new or recently renewed heavy permanent way; an indetermined number, probably amounting to at'le ast 40% of total, having light permanent way (with rails weighing less than 38 kg. per metre), without ballast and not renewed since long time; while the big communication roads with the European countries and the internal ones connecting the big in- dustrial centres are modernly enough equipped and have good traffic capabilities, most of the internal secon- dary lines or of Asiatic regions (Turkestan, Central Siberia, Far East' are equipped in '& rudimental way and have a very limited traffic capability; works aiming to improve the condition of the oldest lines are underway; big construction works are underway only in the Asiatic regions, where they are trying to exploit new territories and to connect in a better way those industrially more developed. It seems consequently that the railway lines system too,like the rolling stock one, lacks homogeneousness and is now in course of being renewed -or improved. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 29 VI - ELECTRIC TRACTION - 1. - The evoluti2_2 f_..ele ctrifitation. - During the Czarist period did non exist railway lines with electric traction. A project concerning a line in the Peterbourg outskirts was not carried out. A first plan of electrification studied in 1921 concerning a line of 3.860 km. to be finished in 9 years, was scarcely begun owing to difficulties deriving from tha lack of an electromecha- nical industry, so that in 1930 existed in the USSR territory on- ly 100 km. of electrified lines, namely: - 33 km. of the Baku-Sabutaki line, with a 2.000 V. conti- nuous current (1); - 70 km. in the Moscow outskirts, with a 1.500 V. continu- ous current. Within 1932 - end of the first five-year plan which in the field of electrical traction aimed to improve the original plan of 1521 - they succeeded only to end a section of 63 km. of the Transcaucasian line, between Stalinisk and Zestofoni through the Suram hill. This realization was however important because the experiment of exploiting a 3.000 V. continuous current gave very good results and induced to use this type of current for all the new lines to be electrified, besides the already existing lines which were to be completed. From 1932, where it was possibile to exploit water pov,er, they tried to apply the electric traction to all the lines which (1) To put in service this line the permanent material was impor- ted from Germany slid tmerioa, while the traction equipment was imported from Austria.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 30 - showed special difficulties from the profile or traffic, standpoint. During the second five-year plan, between 1932 and 1937, electrification underwent a develo}mnent, but the works brought to a hap')y result were inferior than planned: 1.041 km. instead of the planned 5.000 km. During this period: - the following lines were electrified; - Dolginzevo -?Nicopol -Saporosie (182 km..) - Dniepropetrovsk - Dnieprodzerzhinsk (40 km.) - Kizel - Ciurovskaia (in the Ural Mountains) and other line sections north of Sverdlovsk - the lines of the Moscow and Leningrad outskirts were continued; - the electrification of the Murmansk-Soroksk aia line was begun. The rolling stock was almost entirely imported from Ameri- -ca, Italy, England and Austria and only some 3.000 V.. with conti- nuous current locomotives were built in the Soviet factory of Ko- lomna. In order to limit importations, the Soviet authorities be- gan in that period to build up a big factory for locomotives and electric locomotives at Kashira. The reorganisation of the railway traffic accomplished at the end of the second five-year plan showed that t3ae electric tra- ction was, more advar..tageous, so an impulsion was given to the el- ectrification of grEat traffic lines. In the meanwhile, new stu- dies and experiment: were begun for the use of high voltage single- phase current. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 31 - On the beginning of 1940, the total development of electri- fied lines was of 2-32 km., of which 406 km. of suburban lines. During the war, all the works underway were discontinued, except_'r those on the Moscow-Setun line. On the other side, with the German invasion all the occu- pied territories installatices were destroyed and the railway net- work at the end of 1941 was so reduced to only 1.323 km.; but at the end of 1946 it was again of 2.038 km. .The fourth five-year plan allocated 'Jo- electric traction 2,5 milliards of roubles, by which they had to rebuild the de- stroyed installations and to equip 5.325 km. of new lines in or- der to reach a development of electrified lines.of 7.363 km. The programme planned, besides the repair of the destroyed lines: - the continuation of works on the lines of Moscow and Leningrad suburbs; - the extension of some already electrified lines (for instance the Caucasus ones); the electrification of the Transiberian between Ufa and Novosibirsk, besides that of the lines: - Sverdlovsk - Celiabinsk - Kartali -Magnitogorsk - Kartali - Akmolinsk - Karaganda - the northern part of the Vorkuta arctic line. This'programme was however revised and everything lets us suppose that it has been realized only in a small part. According to unconfirmed information, the condition of the electrified lines or in course of k>aing electrified were at pre- sent the following: I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 M_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 32 - - the lines of annexed territories have been rebuilt,-including a part of those of the Tallin area; - the following branch lines have been electrified: - Sampredia - Sukumi, of the Transcaucasian line (161-km.) -Dioma - Ufa - Kurgan, of'the Transiberian line (747 km.) - Akmolinsk - Karaganda ( 95 km.) - Novosibirsk - Novo .Kt:etsk (449 km.) - Koshva - Vo rkut a (459 km.) - on the following branch lines works are underway: - Kurgan - Novosibirsk (1.168 km.) - Sverdlovsk- Celiabinsk-Kartali 142agnitogorsk ( 667 km.) - Kartali - Akmolinsk ( 805 km.) - Tuapse - Sukumi ( 219 km.) Upon the whole, there were in service 5.430 km. of lines (See Annex n. 13) and 2.859 km. of lines under construction. 2. - Characteristicsof -electrifications.- A - Power.- The first electrified lines having a considera- ble development (Moscow, Caucasus) exploit the power of a rather high number of hydroelectric and thermoelectric p3 rots 'f low po- wer. Afterwards, for the Donbas and Krivoi Rog networks, they preferred to concentrate the production of power in high power by droelectric plants, and a similar trend is at present followed. For the Transiberian line electrification it is in fact planned the construction of big hydroelectric power plants on the Volga, at Kuibishev, and on the Siberian rivers. But while waiting the end of these works, thermoelectric power plants having a power Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 33 - of 50 up to 100.000 KW have been built and they are connected through a line of 110 KW. Of these power plants those of Novosi- birsk, Omsk and Petropavlosk are knwon and they will be afterwards connected to the new hydroelectric power plants under construction respectively on the Ob, Irtich and Ikim rivers. As combustible of the thermcclectric al power plants they use peat, brown coal, shale oil and coals which if gassified can- not be exploited in the same deposits. B - Types-of-electricpower used - Nearly all the known types of power suitable for electric traction have been tested and during a certain period the 3.000 V. continuous current hac been preferred. It is not however known, specially after the last experi- ments with single-phase alternate current, which will be the de- finitive choice, a)- The continuous current at 550 - 570 V is used in some industrial and mining lines of the Ural Mountains and Siberia, with a development of 335 km. On these lines circulate about 200 electric locomotives, 70 of.which were imported before 1937. b)- The continuous current at 2.000 V is used only on the 72 km. of the Bak-i -Sabutski line, on which circulate 5 electric locomotf_ves and 25 three-car electric trains, c)- The 1500 V. continucu~g current was used in the Leningrad, Moscow and Tallin suburbs on 250 km. of line. During the fourth five-yea", plan, these railway networks would have been transform3d into 3.000 V. continuous current. The Moscow railway; network would have to-day a develop- ment of 600 km. aril would have 690 two or Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 34 - electric trains, almost all newly built.. d)- The 3.000 V. continuous current is the one used till to-day on the main lines and according to the fourth year-plan it ought to have a total development of 4.500 km. Technical details concerning the equipment of these lines are ghown in Annex n. 14. e)- The single-phase alternate current at 15 KV and 16 2/3 Hz is at present tested along the most northern branch of the Vorkuta line. Material used for the construction of this line would come partly from the German lines of Leipzig - Magdeburg and Saalfeld - Halle* f)- The single-phas.e alternate current at 20 KV and 50 Hz is at present tested along 50 km. of the Moscow - Tor bino line.For this line 4 electric locomiti ves have been expressly built. derived from the most recent So- viet series of the C.C. type with a 3.000 V continuous current and the addition either of a polyanodic recti- fier or of ignitron (1). It seems they wish to use this type of current on the Kartali-Magnitogorsk line. 3. - Tractionequipment.- A - Electric locomotives fcr 3.00 V c.c. lines (See Annex n. 15).- For velocities lower than 85 - 95 km/h,electric locomiti- ves of C.C. type are used. These Soviet-made electric locomotives, that is to say those of V.L. and S.K. series, derive respectively (1) Mercury arc rectifiers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 35 - from the electric locomotives of S.S. series supplied by the Ge- neral Electric (1) and from the electric locomotives of the S.I. serie,p supplied by the Italian Tecnomasio "Brown-Boveri" (2). For velocities higher than 115 - 130 km/h,electric locomo- tives built after 1935 and of the 2C2 type are used. In fact, el-_ ectric locomotives of this type are those of the P.B.21 series, which is very similar to the Italian.326 series, able to haul trains of 700 tons on switchbacks of 100/00 at a speed of 40 km/h or trains of 400 tons in the plain at 110 km/h. All the Soviet made machines V.L. 19 and P.B. 21 have the same motors, bilateral transmission shaft and electropneumatic equipment. All have elastic gears (excepting those of the P.B.21 series, which have a Wastinghouse apparatus A.E.G.). With the extension of the electric traction and the increa se of the trains weight, the electric locomotives of the VL 19 and 21 series and S.~.22, which all can bear a traction stress of 20 tons per hour, showed themselves scarcely powerful for simple tra ction and too powerful for double traction. It was consequently necessary to new , more powerful electric locomotives and so appeared those of V.L. 22 and 23 and S.K. 23 series: the former able to bear a traction stress of 28 tons and the latter of 23 t. Among two V.L.19 electric locomotives and a V.L.22 one there was a difference of 12 tons, which was considered too high. It was then devised and built a new eight-axle electric locomotive of the 2 DD2 type, having a power of 5.500 HP, able to-bear a tra- ction stress of 33 tons and which can be used either for goods trains or fast passenger trains. (1) 8 complete electric locomotives and the equipment to build. 20 more. V (2) 7 electric locomotives. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 36 - All the electric trains of V.L.23, S.K.23 series and 2 DD2 type, as they have a waight per axle higher than 22 tons, cannot circulate on lines having a heavy permanent way (with rails wei- ghing more than kg.38 per metre) and bridges devised for similar weights. Lately, a heavy electric locomotive of the BB+BB t;-pe has been built, which derives from the already existing diesel-electric TE-20 locomotive of 2.000 HP9 which power would be of 5.400 HP and its top speed of 160 km/h. As for speed, it seems that the late electric locomotives of the CC and BB types can all develop a speed equal to the P.B.21 one. Another feature of the late electric locomotives would be the existence of a gear variation which permits-to use'polyanodic rectifiers or ignitron so to be eventually used also with single- phase current at 50 Hz. Type CC electric locomotives were also studied with the pos sibility to be feeded either by pantograph or through a diesel- electric set. B - Electric-locomotives-for-single-phasealternate-current at -20 KVand50Hz. Two prototypes off the C.C. type, V.L.22 series were built. These electric locomotives were supplied one with a polyan- odic rectifier, and the other with ignitron. As both have kept the apparatus and motors of the types of normal series, they can circulate also on lines with continuous current at 1.500 V, or at 3.000 V. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ?, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 A 37 - 4. - Considerations, The interest the Soviet Government has in the development of electric traction 3s :not ~cc~ed to the convenience to sa- ve other sources of power, but rather to: - the necessity to increase the efficiency of the lines in the sections where traffic is most intense, so postp- oning to a future date the construction of redoubling; - the advantages the electric traction has over the other types of traction on the mountainous areas and where ve- ry low temperatures are attained. In spite of the efforts made during the last twenty years, all the devised plans for electrification have shown themselves too much optimistic with regard to the effective capabilities of Soviet industry in the fiald of electrical and. electromechanical constructions; so that in practice all the realizations have been inferior than expected and the last five-year plan too has been executed only in a small part. It is however to be noted that in the last five years ha- ve been electrified lines having a longitudinal development of about 4.000 km., that is to say nearly the double with regard to those electrified till 1940. This shows how the Soviet industry, though it has not reached the expected speed of development, has however done some progress. What has been till now carried out can be summed up as fol- lows: 5.430 km. of lines in service and about 3.000 under con- struction, most of them concerning: great traffic lines, suburbs of big industrial centres, mountainous zones, a- reas where the low local temperatures prevent a good ef- ficiency of the steam engines, mining zones; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 38 - foreign traction equipment or most of it built on foreign patterns, generally good and lately built; - the most known types of power have been tested and till now the preference is for the 3.000 V. continuous cur- rent; - it is not known whether, after the last trials with high tension (20.000 ITV) single-phase alternate current, the former trend will be kept or, i-~ seems li'.e7_~?, this type of current will be preferred. It seems consequently that we can conclude that: - something has been carried out, though less than expected from the quantity standpoint; - the development of Soviet specialized industry in this field will allow to increase in the future the number of electrified lines, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 .? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 39 - VII - ORGANIZATION - The organization of the railway network and railway traf- fic is under supervision of the Ministry for Communication Routes, at present headed by Besdteev Boris, while the construction of rolling stock depends upon the Ministry. for Transport Engines Con structions, at present headed by Maksarev Juria. The Soviet railway network is subdivided among 10 Railway Sections each of which includes a number of departments. The dep- artments include local railway networks and principal lines or sections of principal lines. Sections and Departments have a name deriving from the region or the principal town they serve or from the name given to a line they cover. On the basis of Soviet official documents, sections and de- partments have been located and they are shown in Annex n. 16. The personnel employed in the Soviet railways would amount to about 1.500.000.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ._? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 -? 40 - Goods traffic.- VIII - TRAFFIC - A - Prewar period.- As we have seen, the Soviet regime during the first years, as regards railways, was anxious. only to rebuild what had been destroyed during World War I and the civil war. He faced so the rapid industrialization of the country with a railway system which resulted nearly equal to the Czarist one. On the beginning this system met the traffic requirements showing to be able to bear a developing traffic without any need of a corresponding increase of the e-ristinp e?atpnent. Trusting the intiial success, the Soviet Government's bo- dies persisted in limiting means, materials and manpower for rail ways preferring to help industries. This fact caused an increased transport demand, which was by far higher than the increased traffic capabilities with the result that, though the railway traffic increased by 80%.from 1928 up to 1932, at the end of this year 20 millions of tons of not forwarded roods stopped in the stations. This crisis, which damaged the development of the economic plans, worried the Government who tried to stimulate the traffic increase but without increasing enough the necessary means. In spite of the reached improvement, at the end of 1934 the quantity of not forwarded goods amounted' still to about 15 millions of tone. It was only in 1935 that the Soviet Government decided to allot to railways the required materials and manpower. Kaganovich was appointed as head of the reorganized Commissariat for Railways, he tried to find out the solution of the crisis by concentrating I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 , , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 41 - all the means he had at his disposal on a little number of prin- cipal lines, which he improved at the utmost degree and along them was set going the traffic of raw materials upon which the industrialization programme` depended. Within 1937 the crisis was overcome. According to Soviet sources the following were favourable factors: - the already mentioned improvement of some main lines con- necting the greatest centres and industrial areas; - the putting in service of four-axle goods cars having a great carrying capacity; the tendence to let more and more heavy trains circulate, even to the detriment of velocity., The ever increasing request of transportations and the fact that it would be difficult and expensive to continue the-improve- ment of the railway system on the sole basis of the trends fol- lowed till then were one of the reasons which in 1939 induced to study and to carry into effect a new economical policy foun- ded on the theory of the industrial localization. By this theory the importance of the regions' self-sufficien cy was stressed and a reduction of the exchanges of goods among very far regions was ordered, so compelling the concerns to look for the necessary supplies among nearer sources. The carrying out of these leading principles, while permit- ting a reduction of the average transportation way, since 1940 brought to a transportation reduction of about 80-90 milliards t/km., which the increased volume of goods to be transported drew advantage from. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ..R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 42 - B - War period - -- r The German occupation reduced during the first year of war the length of the lines used by the Soviet to about 60% with re- gard to the one they disposed of in 1940 but it did not reduce proportionately the rolling stock they could evacuate. Consequently, on the available lines, the proportion of lo- comotives and wagons was higher than the prewar one. This fact allowed the Soviet railways, relieved at the utmost degree of the civil traffic, to bear easily enough besides the military traffic also the one concerning the operations of eva- cuating people and industrial equipments from the invaded or three tend countries. In the second half of 1941 these evacuation tran sportatims absorbed about 7.000 cars daily, i.e. the same traf- fic volume which in the same period was employed for shipments of purely military character. A chaa^acteristic of war years is the increased average length of transportations (from 700 km. in 1940 to 851 of 1943) owed to the increased traffic with the East. It must be taken into con sideration that the Ural industries had to be supplied from the far Kuzbas with the materials before they received from the nea- rer Donbas. The examination of the data concerning the traffic during the war period (See Annex.n, 16) shows also, in opposition to what on the beginning can be presumed, how the traffic intensi- ty (tons of goods divided for km. of line) decreased while war continued. This can be explained by considering that, ',oth nn the peripheric lines not having a particular military character or concerning the war constructions and on the ones which were repaired while the terri-tories were reconquered, the prewar traf- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 _ CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 43 fie of civil nature practically ceased. All the war effort for transportations, concentrated on a comparatively small number of lines, does not appear from the data showed in. the Annex n. 17. To got an idea rough enough we show the data about the daily average of the cars (1) loaded with war materials and troops bet- ween 1941 and 1945 and the relative percentage in comparison with the total of the loaded cars: 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Cars loaded with war materials (dai ly average) 7.100 (2) 12.100 13.500 16.9000 17.100 (3) % in comparison with the total of loaded care 8,4 29,7 30,5 Upon the whole, during the 47. months of ware the number of the loaded cars with war materials and troops was higher than 19 millions. We don't dispose of the official data of the war period con- cerning the average time of the care -repair and the daily ave- rage.of the employed cars, i.e. of those which can give a better idea about the use of the available means. By inductively drawing up them, we obtain (with enough accu- racy at least for 1952) those shown in the Annex n. 17. (1) Conventional two-axle cars. (2) Average for the second half-year 1941. (3) Average for the first five months 'of 19450 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 -11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 44 - The examination of t.iese data allows us to explain how with a railway network reduced to 60% in comparison with, that of 1940 but having: - a greater density of rolling stock; - a higher load for each car; - an enormously increased requirement of transportations owed to- military needs; the railways succeded to transport goods for a total which in 1942 was the 46% that of 1940 if expressed in tons and 54% if expres- sed in tons per km. In fact, we observe that. in that year to an increase of 17,7% of the average transportation length corresponded an increase of 83% of the average rs?pai r time i.e. an increase which, owing to its entity, can't be entirely ascribed to the increased length of transportations. It is difficult to assess which other causes influenced and in what intensity they influenced this fact* It may be presumed that we must look for among the following: - necessity of keeping in the parks, at the disposal of the military authorities, for military operations, high percen- tages of cars; - long unloaded return runs; - lose of time during the operations of loading and unloading; - poor equipped and badly organized shunting stations; inadequate fxibil3 ty of an organization accustomed to fun- ction eeoording to traffic plans and systems studied and assimilated since long time. The fact that the average time of the cars repair ; after stopping during the whole 19,.3 around a figure roughly equivalent Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 46 .. - average transportation length from 794km. to 690; goods movement from 315 milliards of t/m. too 532; average time of care repair from 10,9 days to 7. These aims, together with those concerning the new railway constructions, show how after the war the leading principles were resumed which during the period immediately before the war gover- ned the economical development of the country and the one of its railway system. In fact, they show that, while they tried to adapt the tran- sportation development to the one of economy, they persisted: - in the theory of the industrial localization (reduction of the average length of distances); - in improving the main lines (rebuilding and building up of new lines); - in increasing the average load of the cars and the weight of the trains (new constructions of cars having a great carrying capacity and of high power locomotives). Which were the results attained in 1950 is shown by the da- ta contained in the Annex n. 1 (1). It is to be noted: the transported goods exceeded the foreseen plans of 50 mil- lions of tons i.e. of 6,48%, If true, it would show that the Soviet economy had a development more rapid than foreseen in 1946 and ,the railways were able to follow this development at least to an increase limit of 6,48%. (1) Data either direcly drawn up or through calculations of official information from Soviet source and consequently of doubtful reliability. i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02_ CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 47 - b) The planned reduction of the average length of transportations were not fully attained as it resulted 6,O8f higher than estima- ted. This result indicates that the regional economy resisted to the Government's will, which tried and is still trying to push it towards a higher degree of autonomy.It is however to be taken into account that the average length of transportations was ne- gatively influenced - as far as their reduction is concerned - by another Governmental leading principle: the one recommending that transportations on short distances, specially in the mining zones, be transferred from railways to motor vehicles. Now, it is known that during the five-year plan the automoti ve traffic increased so that the progress in thie field made it more difficult for railways to reach the fixed aims. According to .a rough calculation for 1949, without the increase of the automo- tive traffic, the average length of railway transportations would have been, in that year, of 715 km, instead of 737. c) The traffic of goods was higher than foreseen of 69 milliards of tons per km., i.e. of 12,95?. This fact is a consequence of the higher quantity of transported goods and of the lorger distances covered. d) As for the average time of cars repair, the official report of the Soviet Central Office of Statistics does not give any data, but limits itself to maketknq'tn that, though it is considerably low compared with 1945, it has not reached the fixed limit. ---------------------------- According to the study shown in Annex n. 18, we can calculate that in 1950 this average time would be around 7,7 days, so being higher of 4,45% than the one of 1940. As we have tried to explain in the Annex n. 20, the increase would to owed not only to the con- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 48 - temporary increape of the average length of transportatione, but also to the getting worse of the stopping times in the shunting stations and to the getting worse of times among stations of un- loading and new loading. This getting worse of stopping times in the shunting and traffic stations indicates that the service organization has be- come worse compared with 1949, and this is likely to be attribu- ted to the following facts: - the rebuilding of stations in West Russia is not yet com- pletely accomplished; - the equipmcrt of railheads has generally made no progress compared with the traffic intensity; - longer unloaded runs are perhaps effectuated, e) The average load for each car (conventional two-axle units) would have reached 18,91 tons and this fact would imply an increa- se of 13,9% compared with 1940 and of 2,96% compared with the plan. This increase is explained by the putting in service of the new cars having a great carrying capacity and by a more rational ex- ploitation of those in service. About the latter point, it must be taken into account that in 1937 too, the-Soviet railways pre- sented the peculiarity to be able to bear an average load per axle very high (5,6 tons compared with 3,7 in Germany and 3,9 in Ita- ly) owing to the fact that in the Soviet Union nearly all the ship ments are made with full loaded care and very few are the ship- ments of single packages. So it is evident that the shipments of single packages have been further reduced. f) From the comparison between the data concerning the daily av- erage of the cars in service-and those concerning the consistence Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 49 - of the cars park (See Annex n. 19) we can,see that the percentage of-the immobilized cars for repair or other reasons is higher in ----------------------- 1950 (21,8%) than in 1940 (1993%)* As for this fact, it is to be initially observed that in 1946 the Soviet Government foresaw a daily average for 1950 of 800.000 cars in service, while they knew that th would be able to rely, with the new production and by keeping in service all the cars existing in 1946, on a park of 1.315.000 cars. Now, as it is not to be presumed that they cal- culated to keep more than 500.000 care immobilized, we are indu- ced to think that it was a Bart of the Soviet plan concerning the renewal of the rolling stock to eliminate. about 200.000 cars built before 1917, and to e1-3nate a part of those more recently built but more deteriorated. The fact that in 1950 the daily average of the cars in ser- vice exceeded 900.000 lets us clearly suppose that the Soviet Go- vernment suspended-the planned elimination of the old built cars. rrr rr rrrrrrr rrrrrr-r-rrrr.~r rrrrrrrrrrrr~.rr--r-rr-r.~~. However, we don't have any information about what really. haE pened and the data concerning the consistence of the cars park as sume a purely indicative importance which canft be a basis of com parison. Then it follows that nothing can be said as the reliability about the percentage of immobilized car6+,cxcepting that this per- centage is by far higher than in 1940. g) The efficiency of the cars in service, ton-kmo per car yearly, would have exceeded in 1950 of 13,9% the one of 1940.And this fact is a consequence: - of the increased average of the carrying capacity of cars; - of the increased average distance of transportations; and in spite the average time of repai~tincreased in a proportion higher than the increased transportation distance. i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ._,~,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 2' Passenger- traffic.- ---------------- - 50 - A - The passenger traffic along the Soviet lines has always had the characteristic to be modest and to be represented, most of it,.by short distances. This in consequence of the existing police regime and of the Soviet economical policy which allow the citizens to go by train. only for work reasons, serious family rea- sons or evidenced health reasons. In 1940, for instance, the 75% of passengers and 25% of the whole traffic, expressed in km-passengers, were represented by suburban displacements of workmen who daily went and came back from work. The data concerning the passenger traffic since 1940, accor- ding to official Soviet sources, are as follows: 1940 1945 1946 1947 1950 (1) Passenger-km. (milliards) 98 66,2 97,8 95,1 98 Number of passen gers (milliards) 104 0,84 1,09 --- 1,35 Km.per passenger (km.) 73 78,06 . 89, 3 --- 72t6 The same 9curces have generally disclosed that in 1948 the passenger traffic (passenger-km.)had decreased in comparison with 1947 and that in 1949 had begun to increase again reaching and exceeding the standard fixed for 1950. (1) Previsions of the fourth five-year plan.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ?~7 .IL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 51 - From the examination of these figure% we draw the following considerations: - the Government's policy would tend to keep unchanged* the railway passenger traffic in spite of the increased exten- sion of the controlled territory and of the constant popu- lation's increase; this fact confirms the tendency to tran- sfer the passenger traffic from railways to the automotive lines and waterways for short distances and to airlines for great ones; - the passenger traffic really tends to keep itself statio- nary, so letting to be supposed that its natural increase has been canalized - according to the Government's will -- towards other ways. B - From the examination of the time-tables for passenger trains of 1949 and 1950, we note that: - the speed per hour of passenger trains on the great lines, very low in comparison with those of the great European and American lines, during 1949 has generally slightly in- creased, always exceeding now the 30 km.-per hour and pre- senting in some cases a -top speed higher than 50 km. only on the great 'meridian line Leningrad-Moscow-Kharkov-Rostov (See Annex n.'20); this fact, while explaining how it is that people having to cover great distances can easily pre- fer airplanes to trains, co.:ffirms the improvement of the railway system; - except along the foresaid meridian line, the couples of trains which daily connect great and far centres, do not exceed the number of three and often it is only one (See Annex no 20). This fact confirms the limited number of tra- vellers along great distances; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ..m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 52 - ti - the tendency to canalize the traffio, specially the one bound beyond the Urals, along lines which are not always the shortest; this perhaps owing also to the fact that the shortest lines are reserved to gods traffic. 3 - Considerations.- What has been said about the goods and passenger traffic can be summarized as follows: A - During the last war, the Soviet railway-lines: - were able to meet war requirements only to the detriment of civil neocls, reduced beyond aiy limit of roryral en- durance,and because in consequence of the initial Ger- man invasion, theycould exploit a density of rolling stock higher than the peacetime one; - specially during the first two years, they have consi- derably decreased their efficiency owing not. only to war reasons, but also to the deficient equipment of MM - _ rrww-_ stations and to the poor flexibility in the-service-or. ganization. B - After the war: Soviet railways could follow the development of Soviet economy even when the latter increased more rapidly than foreseen; to attain this result they had to delay, ag- ainst wr----rY_Y_Yw what it was likely the Soviet authorities had in mind, the elimination of the more obsolete rolling stock; - the tendence was increased to transfer: - the passenger traffic from railways to automotive li- nes and waterways on short distances, and to airlines along great ones; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02_CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 53 - the goods traffic from railways to motor vehicles on short distances and to waterways along great ones; - though giving a new impulse to the economic policy of in- dustrial localization, they have not yet come back to the standard of 1940 and this owing to the fact that the recon- struction of stations in West Russia is still to be ended and that the equipment of shunting stations has not been improved in accordance with the traffic development; - it seems that the causes which were a consequence of the war and could have a negative influence over the preserva- tion of cars have been partially eliminated; - the efficiency of railways were increasing owing to the greater number of cars having a great carrying capacity and to a more rational organization of transportations (a great er number of full loaded cars); - the mean velocity, owing to the improvement of the lines and to the new traction equipment, has increased and as far as the passenger trains are concerned, it has exceeded the 30 km/h, so reaching 42 km/h in the Transiberian line and 54 km/h along the Leningrad-Moscow-Rostov line. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ..,V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 54 - IX - VULNERABILITY - le- General.... The full examination o4-' the Soviet -railway network in order to seek the vulnerability, supposes the analytic study of railway junctionp,permanent works, developed power of each line, type of traction used, etc. This study will be done when we shall have the necessary in- formation; for the time being we purpose to examine the problem from a general standpoint. The Soviet territory stretching itself prevailingly like a plain, its form and extension, the great inland waterways which flow through it, the nature of ground, the aspect of the railway network looking like a cob-web in its European part and like a lengthened reticle in its western part, the type of the gauge used, while producing the impression to be difficult to put crisis such a railway netwo-k, they show that the big bridges over the great rivers and the border trans-shipment stations are the mok : sensitive points. The localization of such most sensitive points derives, as far as they concern: - the bridges over the great rivers, from the combined study of the river and railway system; - the trans-shipment stations, from the knowledge of locali- ties where the Soviet gauge is replaced by the standard one and of the installations and devices used for trans- shipment. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 _ CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 55 - The relative importance of such sensitive points and the cho- ice of them as targets depend on the contiary upon the developed I power of the concerned lines. and upon the particular aims we wish to reach. From a summary examination of all these is to be observed that: - the fluvial system, while covering like a reticle all the territory, is generally set, as far as the course of the great rivers is concerned, in the direction of meridians; - the railway network, owing to the direction of the most part of the territory, is generally set in the direction of parallels; the linea..of greatest developed power, by following the general course of the railway network, are also set in di- rection of parallels; the trans-shipment stations exist only in correspondence of western borders. It follows that, whatever the aims we wish to reach might be, in a general way : - it is nearly always possible to localize on each railway line one or more bridges where an adequate destructive act- ion can provoke aconsiderable interruption of the traffic; - the most vulnerable lines are those connecting East to West and which contemporaneously: - develop the greatest traffic; - in case of war at the western border would see this traf- fic still increased; - practically, they don't receive any help from the inland waterway network; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 - the lines of mostodifficult vulnerability are those run- ning along the meridians, that is to say those which; - connect the great industrial zones having the same lon gitude; - bring to northern borders and to the Middle East; - receive a great help from the inland waterways. The following detailed examinatioli aims only to indicate, in a rough way and without some specifications concerning the chara- cteristics of the targets, the most sensitive points of:- - the lines leading to: the northern border; - the north-western border; the south-western border; the Caucasian border; - the lines connecting the European zone to the Asiatic one. 2 - Sensitive points-of-the-lines-leading to northern borders (1). A - Bridges.- The most sensitive points of the railway lines leading to the borders with Finland and Norway are moetly along two flu- vial alignments: a) Neva, the Ladoga lake, the Stalin canal; b) Volga and Onega river. The first cuts all the three independent lines leading to borders, respectively at Leningrad, north-east ofodomoie Polie station and at Sorokskaia. (1) See graph Al.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 -R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 57 The second outs all the lines coming from the Moscow region and from the Ural Mountains at Kalinin, Volga, Iaroslav and Onega. The branch line which from Sorokskaia leads to Murmansk pre- sents also good possibili'biee of interruption: the bridges over the Kem river, the bridge immediately north of Louki and the one between Ruci Karelskie and Kandglaksha. It must,be pointed out the considerable importance of the only bridge on the Neva river at Leningrad in consequence of the three lines leading to the Finnish border south-west of the Lado- ga lake. B - Rail centres .- Besides the Leningrad rail centre, which is scarcely vulne- rable owing to its extension, the rail centres of Volkhovstroi and Obozerskaia must be signalized as important and sensitive ones. - Sensitive points of the lines leading to the north-western -------------------------------------------------------- border (between the Baltic-Sea-and-the Carpathian Mountains)(1) A - Bridges - There exist 16 railway lines which cross the border with Po- land and 6 - 7 independent lines coming from Central Rug: si.a which feed them. Among the lines crossing this border: - all the nine south of Volkovisk are vulnerable on the brid- ges over the Bug and the San; - the seven north of Volkovisk are on the contrary easily vulnerable in the area between the Nieman river and the border. (1) See graph Al.- ------------------- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 - 58 - 'However, the fluvial alignment Nieman - Bug - San cuts - excepting the Ternopol - Lvov - Sambor - Samok line - all the o- ther lines in the following ten localities: Sovietsk, Kaunas, Grodno, Mosti, west of Baronovici, Cieremka, Brest, west of Kovel, Grudeshuv, Przem. West of this alignment another one can be localized: that formed by the Dvina, Dnieper rivers and their tributaries, which by their course represent an obstacle for all the lines leading to the north-western border. The crossing points are the following: Riga, Kruspils, Daugavpils, Polotek,.; Vitebsk, Borisov,.Orsha;. Moghilev, Slobin, north-west and south-west of Kalinkovici, west of Ciernigov. Between the above said alignments other sensitive points might be localized, among which the most important are those along the Minsk-Brest line in correspondence of the Nieman and the Shu- ra (a tributary of the Pripet). As shunting stations of all the traffic with Poland, must be signalized as especially important targets the following railway centres, which are they too on two alignments: - advanced alignment: Sovietsk, Kaunas, Grodno, Volkovisk, Kovel, Lvov, Ternopol; - rear alignment: Pskov, Polotsk, Orsha, Osipovici, Kalinko- vici, Ciernigov. C - Trans-shipment areas - -------------------- The trau-ehipnent areas among the Soviet gauge lines and the lines with European gauge of Poland are not all known. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 ,__ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 59 - On the main lines that of Brest on the Radom-Deblin-Brest- Minsk and the one of Przem on the Cracow-Tarnow-Przewoedsk-Przem- Lvov have been localized. 4 - Sensitive points-of-the-lines leading to the south-western border (from the Carpathian Mountains to the Black Sea) (1) A - Bridges - The system of railway lines leading to the borders with Cze- choslovakia, Hungary and. Roumania (2)passes near the border, and precisely in an area having an average width of 100 km., through two line of obstacles: - the Carpathian chain and the Prut river - the Dniestr river. The first of these lines is crossed by six railway lines (three cross the Carpathian Mountains and three the Prut). The most sensitive points of the three railway lines cros- singtintkhe Carpathian Mountains, specially after the recent works, ~ie t~ireoenridges s over the Prut, all very important, are those of Ciernovtsi, Ungheni and Reni. Between Prut, railhead of a Soviet line, and Zorleni, railhead of a Roumanian line, there does not exist any bridge. (1) See graph Al.- (2) Two lines lead to Czechoslovakia; One leads to Hungary; Six lines lead to Roumania (they are practically 5 because two of them, immediately after the border line, flow together into a Roumanian line, the Valea- Sakva). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ?? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 60 - On the second line of*obstacles, the one of the Dniestr, the-se- ven railway lines crossing it use six important bridges: two north-east of Strii, that of Stefaneshti, that on the Oknitsa- Zhmerinka line, that on the Beltsi-Slobodka and that of Benderi. The seventh bridge, that on the Sianki-Sambor line, were on the.contrary less important and could be easily repaired because it is in the higher part of the river. A third fluvial alignment representing an obstacle for the lines wich from Ukraine lead to west, can be localized on the ri- vers Dnieper-Southern Brug. This alignment, in the bridges of Kiev, Ciercassi, Podgorodnaia, Kolosovka, crosses all the railway lines bound to west, except a very important one: the Dniepropetrovsk- Koristovka-Fastov. Eventual destructive actions on this line, concurrently with the action1,on the bridges supporting the other lines, were to be made on the Znamenka-Tsvetkovo branch line. B- Rail centres - In order to break up the railway traffic towards west the following alignments must be taken into account: a) Sambor - Strii - Stefaneshti - Oknitsa - Ungheni Benderi; b) Kiev - Tsvetkovo - Pomoshnaia - Kolosovka. C- Trane-shipment areeas - The trans-shipment areas localized are those: between Cernia pri Ciop, Slovenie Novo Mesto and Michalany in Czechoslovakia; - between Slovenie Novo Mesto and Miskols in Hungary; - Zahony in Hungary; , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 - 61 - - Rad aut s i in Ror i "i p : - between Jassiiand Ungheri, and - between Galaci and Reny astride the Roumanian border of the Prut. S - Sensitive points of,:the line's leading to the Caucasian border('') A = Bridges - Only two linea pass-through the Caucasus: the Mediterranean and the Caspian. We don't have enough information to localize in these'branch lines important bridges: representing sensitive points. North of Caucasus the two lines are fed by three independent lines along which sensitive points can be localized first on the alignment Kubail river and Terek river (the bridges of Kavzavskaia- Kotliarevskaia and Ciervlenaia) and then on the alignment Don - Volga (bridges of Rostov and Astrakhan). While the three lines are vulnerable on the first alignment, only two are vulnerable on the second. The line Povorino - Stalin grad - Kuberle - Tikhoretskaia escapes. To break it off a contin- UOUB action on the bridge over the Manic (south-west of Kuberle) were to be made, because this bridge does not seem to have a great importance. B - Railway centres - As railway centres shunting all the traffic bound to the Tur- kish and Iranian borders the following are to be taken into account: - Samtredi, Navtlunghi and Al~at south of Caucasus; - Tikhoretskaia, Armavir and Gudermes north of Caucasus. (1) See graph Al - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 - 62 - 6 - Sensitive points of the lines connecting Central Russia to the Ural Mountains and Siberia (1) - Through the industrial improvement of the Ural area and of that of the Kuznetsk` basin, a great importance the lines connecting these areas to Central Russia, and in consequence with the West, reached. So, it will be of particular interest, in case of war, to reduce to the utmost degree their efficiency. This result might be reached west of the Ural Mountains by acting on the bridges of the following fluvial alignments: - Sev Dvina - Viatka - Volga; - Kana - Bielaia - Ural. Six bridges of the first alignment (Kotlas - Kotelnici - Zelenie Dol -- Ulianovsk - Sizran - Saratov) and six on the second (Molotov - east of Agriz - Ufa - Orsk - Ckalov - Uralsk) serve all the lines bound to west. Of these bridges, the most important are those of Sizran (on the first alignment) and of Ufa (on the second alignment) serving the line of greatest capability (the Trans iberian). However it must be noticed that the bridge of Sizran might be outflanked by the recently built line on the right bank of the Volga, between Sizran and Kuibishev. It was built in consequence of the works oonoerning the cgnstruction of the new, big dam of Kuibishev. The capability of this line is unknown. (1) See graph Al - I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 - 63 7 - Conclusions.- The above detailed examination confirms what in a general way was initially said: all the lines of strategic importance present sensitive points.. The breaking off of them would provoke a considerable obsta%le for the traffic regularity. As we have seen, these points generally correspond to:. the bridges over the great rivers, -to: railway centres and trans- shipment stations. Owing to the characteristic of these to gets it follows that to put in crisis the Soviet railway transportations it is neces- sary: - to destroy the big bridges; - to make massive and continuous actions on the critical railway centres and on the trans-shipment stations. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 ,.,R L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 64 - X - DEVELOPMENTS FORESEEN BYTIiEFIFTH P+IVE-_UARPLAN _ ( 951_1955) 1 - Premise - The Soviet fifth five-year plan, made public during the 19" Congress of USSR communist party (October. 1952), gives some elem- ents concerning the developments which the Soviet Government plans to give, within 1955, to the system of railway transportations. (See Annex no 21). These elements are vaguer and more incomplete than those of the preceding plans and consequently, the data which can be drawn about the situation of railways which they wish to reach at the end of 1955 are only for gv'.dance. By basing ourselves on what is known about the situation up to 1950 and on the elements concerning the fifth five-year plan, the situation of Soviet railways in 1955, according to the Se'viet aspirations would roughly be as follows: Total development of railway lines km. 141.000 Double-track lines km. 53.000 Lines having automatic block avot.?n or automatic signalling apparatus km. 47.500 Lines having heavy permanent vlay or a recently renewed one km. 95.000 Electrified lines km. 26.900 Consistence of the traction equipment park no 40.000 Consistence of the park of two-dxle' goods ears no 430.000 Consistence of the park of four..axle goods cars no 860.000 Consistence of the passenger cars park. no 42.000 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 65 Goods transported in the year (millions of tons) 1150 up to 1190 Average length of transportations km. ? (1) < 725 Goods movement in the year milliards of tons per km.810 to 840 Average time of cars repair days 6.3. Average load per car tons ? > 19 Passengers transported millions 1.350 As comment and supplement it can be observed the following: 2 - Railway lines - The five-year plan wn?.tl' foresee: new constructions for a total of about 18.000 km. of lines, but it does not specify that someones, i.e. (2): - he Abakan - Akmolinsk, nearly all built except in.the section Abakan - Stalinsk; - Kungrad - Makat and the - Guriev -Astrakhan, which with the Ciardzhou - Kungrad (nearly all completed) and the Makat - Guriev (in servi- ce since many years), will connect the Turkestan to Cen- tral Russia through a line which will be a redoubling of the already existing Aris - Kandagash; - Krasnoiarsk - Ien!sseisk in Central Siberia; - Agriz - Pronino -.Surgut which together with the already existing sections will represent a new feeder line among the four lines conneQting the Ural Mountains to Russia. (1) It is likely to amount to. .700 km. (2) See also Graphs Cl and C2,- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 66 - I1 is not to be excluded that among the lines which are not mentioned are included: - the new line which will connect the Turkestan, through the Singkiang, to the railway network of north-western China; - some sections, not well specified, planned in the Far East; - the redoubling of tracks for a total of about 20.000 kms: of lines; there is no indication to be able to localize which lines they plan to improve; - installation of automatic block system and automatic signal- ling apparatus along non specified lines for a total which might be calculated around 26.500 kms. of line; - renewal of non specified permanent way. On the basis of the rails at disposal of railways (85% more than those at dispo- sal of the preceding plan) and taking into account the new constructions, we could roughly evaluate the development from 35 up to 45.0000 kms. of line; Gloat 3ations for a total of 21.500 kms. of lines, that is to say works corresponding to the triple of the lines existing in 1950. We don't Piave enough elements to assess whether this program- me will be executed in the fixed time. We are doubtful about this" possibility. Greater reservations must be made as for the electrifications which are planned in a considerable quantity. If the Soviet indu- stry of electric and electro-mechanical constructions will be really able to make such an effort we ought to think that in this field it 3s: Itt the head of world inaustry,a4 it is not to be consi- dered as possible. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 67 3 - Traction equipment and-,,rolling stock - The five-year plan made public does not show any data ei- ther on new constructions or on the material thcy plan to replace. It limits itself to say that they will provide: - to meet the requirements of traction and rolling stock; - to begin the production of new powerful locomotives and Diesel locomotives with gas turbines; - to supply the wagons which still do not have it with a system of automatic coupling. It is consequently difficult to determine the park composi- tion at the end of 1955. The composition reported in par. 1 is only for guidance and it was set up by supposing that during 1951-1955: - the capability reached by Soviet workshops at the end of 1950 will not change (1.800 locomotives, 80.000 four-axle goods cars, 2.000 passenger cars); about 1.000 old locomotives, 30.000 old two-axle cars and 15.000 old four-axle cars will be eliminated; they will eliminate as many passenger cars. ae they will be able to build new ones. eading prlciples the Soviet Government till now followed about railway transportations, would let almost unchanged, with regard to 1950, the availability (1) of locomotives per km. of line (0,28 in 1955 in front of 0,26 in 1950), would let increase from 1Q,5 Such a composition of the park, which takes into account the 1 (1) Evaluated in real units. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 68 upto .10,8 the availability (1) ?of goods cars per km. of line and would -let unchanged, b-pt would improve it from the qualitative standpoint, the total consistence of the passenger cars park. 4 - Traffic - The five-year plan, while saying nothing about the passen- ger traffic - which consequently might be supposed unchanged -plans: - an increase of goods transportation of 35% - 40% in compa- rison with 1950, i.e. an increase from 210 up to 240 mil- liards of tons-km.; - a reduction of 18% of the average time of cars repair, i.e. of 1,4 days compared with the presumed 7,7 days of 1950. This fact would imply a reduction of the average length of transportation; - an increase of 12% of the average,: daily run of locomotives and as we don't know the data to which to assign the in- crease,it would imply an unspecified increase in the effi- ciency of traction equipment; - an unspecified but considerable increase of the average load per car; - a further increase of the goods trains tonnage. It follows that the complete execution of such plans would bring about: - a reduction of the average length of transportation to at least'rW0' km. (this goal was not reached in the fourth five- year plan); - an average increase of effiaUncy of the traction equipment from 26.054 up to 41.800 tons in a year on a km. (almost (1) Evaluated in conventional units of two-axle gods cars.- I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 .,f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 69 - tOice as much the one the French equipment had in 1946 and nearly two thirds of the American ore in the same year). 5 - Considerations - The leading principles the Soviet Governments give-about the railway traffic of next years are unchanged compared with the pre- ceding ones: - development of the network in the East; general improvement of the network; great development of electrification; increase of the trains weight, of the average load per car, of the traction equipment capabilities; - reduction of the average length of transportations; - transfer from railways to other means (automotive means, airlines, waterways) of a percentage of transportations. The goals they plan to reach would imply a considerable effort specially as the enlargement of the railway network ,nea electri- fications and increase efficiency of the system are concerned. There do not exist enough data to surely assessirhethex this f,1ill.'be realized* except as far as the electrifications are concerned. This would appear rather difficul~vi.' we consider that' to eventual deficiencies of Soviet industry might make up for, and so is 11)w the case, the industry of Satellite countries. The complete carrying out of this programme plans to ' have : - double tracks along more than a third of the whole network; - renewed permanent way along near two thirds of the network; - station tracks for a total length corresponding to nearly two thirds of the network; i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 70 - about the 55 of the traction equipment park formed by high power machines with less than 18 years (1); - about the 65% of the goods cars park formed by four-axle cars having a great carrying capacity and a maximum of 27 years (2); an unpecified number of passenger cars, but certainly en- ough for the service on the great lines. It is not.easy to assess whether - owing to the planned traf- fic increase,(3) the improvements the lines will undergo and the improved composition of the rolling stock park, will let to So- viet railways a margin of unexploited power higher to the scarce- ly considerable one they have now. It is however sure that to enable them to meet quirements in wartime it will be necessary a reduction o1; transpor- tations which are not indispensable, s4aller than the one which would be necessary now. Besides that, it will be considered as reduced, owing to the increased capabilities of the lines, the time necessary to permit great units and their supplies to flow to Western borders. Generally, should the plan be carried out, in 1956 Soviet railways, though having characteristics quite different from the ones of Western countries, would become an instrument quite ade- quate to the economical needs of the country in peacetime to meet, without no difficulty, an eventual period of war emergen- cy, but by reducing a great part of the transportationo essential far civil population. (1) The 37% of total were to have less than 10 years. (2) The 78% of them were to have less than 10 years. (3) The traffic intensity in 1955 would be of about 8.290 tons per km. of line yearly, instead of the 6.674 of 1950, -0-0-0-0-0-0- ------------- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 n. l.- Regional railway networks,...,..,,, Pagg. 71 n. 2.- Construction of traction equipment... It " 76 n. 3.- Consistence of the traction equipment park................. if 79 n. 4.- Workshops for construction and repair of traction equipment....,,,, " 81 n. 5.- Goods cars park....................... 83 n. 6.- Passenger cars park .................. " 85 n. 7.- Workshops for the construction and re pair of railway wagons........... " 86 n. 8.- Excerpt from the fourth five-year plan as far as transportations are concer ned............... -' 88 no 9.- Double-track lines, ......... ......... 91 n.10.- Situation of works along the new built lines......... 93? n.ll.- Lines supplied with automatic signal-- ling n.12.- Lines with heavy or atPleastsrenewed? 95 E1 Permanent way ................. " 96 n.13.- Electrified 100 n.14.- Equipment of the lines fed by 3000V continuous current 101 n.15.- Types and characteristics of electric locomotives,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 103 n.16.- Railway sections...... , , , . ? 104 n.17.- Data on the goods traffic ......... ~~. 106 n.18.- Value of the average repair time of the cars in 1950,,,,,,,,,,6,00 108 n.19.- Traffic intensity - Yearly efficien- cy - Percentage of cars out of use " ill n.20.- Length of travel of the speediest trains on the great Soviet lines and number of daily corl,les con- necting the indicated railheads... 112 n.21.- Excerpt from the fifth five-year plan of USSR commerce - Transporta- tions - Communications ............ 113 -0-0- 0-0 -0 -0-0-0-0 -0- i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 _. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ANNEXES Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 T TTETWORKS--------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES --- ------------4----------------------------------------'- Annex n. 1 REGIONAL RAILWAY NET'VORKS (1 ) Leningrad and Ka relian-Finnish Baltic and north- western area net Ukraine and south- western border a- rea network Donbas network - 71 - the Konosha-Jaroslav-1,1oscow line. Ends in Konosha and is connected to . -oscow through a double-track line: Ends in Leningrad and is connected to Moscow by two railway lines: a double-track one,i.e. the Leningrad-! Kalinin-Moscow, and a single-track one, the Leningrad-Sankovo Moscow. It is connected to :Moscow by: a double-track line :Kalinint; '--.r ! Minsk-Smolensk-Moscow; + ~.~. uil-tD-v- v. -~ - 11 LLG . Jlr.6q.-1LC:%D GA Iii Veliki Luki-Iioscow. Ends in Kiev and is connected to Moscow by a partly double-track and + partly sin_-le-track line: Kiev-Bakhr:asc-Briansk-lM:o scow . Ends in Kharkov and is connected to 1,2oscow by two double-track lines:! -Kharkov-Orel-Tula-LIoscow; ! -Debalzevo-Kupiansk-Valuiki-Eleci- ! } 0zherelie-P,,oscow. (1) What is said about the conditions of the lines concerns the first Yoa" of 1950. 0/0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 72 - ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- 7 -----------`------ .. -_ ---------------------------------------- Caucasus network Ends in Rostov and is connected to Volga network Ural Mountains net Moscow by a double-track line: Rostov-Millerovo-Liski-Riazan-]Ioscow i It is not to be considered an inde- pendent network, but rather a trait- Ends in ;Moscow itself. slav-T,'osccw and Rostov-T..illerovc- sit one for the lines which from IJ} o Ural Mountains, Turkestan and Caspiirl ! Sea brim . to Moscow, Donbas and Cau r casus. As for the communications with! Moscow, except the dcuble-track line ' Gorki-?vloscow and the sin le-track o-! no Kazan, -Kanas1i-T,Tiro-_.-Moscow, it is backed b~: the foresaid Koncsria-Iaro Liski-Riazan-Moscow. It serves the 'Tra' Mountains -Lndu- serial area and is connected too the ?~es~,~,i~,.is by p western ro 'Lour independent ~ - lines. 1 - Sverdlovsk-MolotovKirov-Eui: this is a single-track line con nected to the Konosha-1,1o scow at Vologda and Danilov; 2 - Sverdlovsk-Kazan-Kanash-T,lirc,.i- L'loscow. This is a single-trac~_- - line; ------------------------ -----------------?------------------?. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 73 - T----------------------------------------------------------------, ETV'IORKS NOTES ----------------- -!-------------------.-------------------------- I ! 3 - Celiabinsk_-iiinel Kuibishev-Sizran? a double-track line and electrified till Dion-:a. From Sizran it continues ti-n oscow t:h,=ICh the Sizr=r-Inza-Rusa.iev ka (a par lydouble-trace and partly sintkle-track line) and Donbas tnrou, the double-+rack line, Sizran-Penza-.c o vorino-I,isk i-Valuiki X1zpiansk-De1h a_lze vo; 4 - K andagasl -Iietzk-Saratov (a single- track line). Frorrj Sarato?,- it cor~tilucs I too "oscow through, the doehbc-track ne Saratov-'aInbov ~1jcia.1 i rsk_Ria2O n, and towards Cauc as ~~s thro _ti;_;~~ t;~is glo-track line S: ratov-S al ink re ~1-Calsk ! -Tikhorestska is 5 - ho s._ ~_r-1e-_i racy line Orsl.-Cikalev- ! i inel, which joins itcolt tc the Cc- ! liabinsk-h.'tib ! s at Dine? (41 k ii,,. -Prot Kuibi_s~ e !Turkestan network! It serves all the area south of the Aral and Balkash lakes, between -t,hr Bt~p and Altai =h;ountai ns. It is C0X1_rlected: to the Ural network Caspian by a sin- ! t le-track ling; o _?ris-Arals1~- panda ash_ I1-3 == --------------------_---------------------------- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 - 74 - -------------------T-------------------------------------------- t NETWORKS NOTES ------------------4 ---------------------------------------------+ !Far East network 9 ~ to the Western Siberia network by two single-track lines: - Oii%-Tdoiriti-Zharik-Karaganda (a new sui It line in its southern part) - he Tarksib line: Alma Ata-Somipala- ti nsk-I3arnaul. It serves Sibe _i a between the Ural NNoun- twins and 1 .ik l lake and specially the mining zone of ? ra?~_nda and the mining -- industrial one of the Kuznotsk. It is connected to the Ural :.untaiils net } work by three lines: the Transiber_an (double-"track) . ls} t f 1 -Nova slbi k-Diilk?:-Oe1iabbins'' s ! -Omsk- iur_icr-Sverdlovsk (sin,nnle-.track j s ravlodar-AkmolinsJ ? artal~-.~:rlitoorsk (sir;;le-tract and partl,7 rider coi strta- c- won) Essentially armed ar the Tray. si'berian. Taishet--Irkutsk-Oita-Sk_ovorodir~o-Kabarovsk + -Vladivostok. It is a double-track line, from which the following :._ai- limes branchi ards Ulan-Bator, in Outer onf_...olia; ! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 75 - ------------I------------------------------------------------- NETWORKS ! NOTES J--------------t?+--------?--------------------------------------- from Cita a single-track line towards t Manrbi.c '' 3 from Karihishevka a single-track line to r , -- t vards Blagoveshevka and Manchuria from Dezhevka a single-track line towards ! ! t Konsomolsk; ! ! - from Voro shilnv a single-track line to- ! wards Manchuria and Korea. It seems this network:' will have within 1960 another line which passing through the regions of the Transiberian, would pra ctically represent a redoubling of this one! from Taishet to q onsomolsk.,A s far as the roi to iac:oncertnhis new line will have to fol- low we have very conflicting information. The Soviet maps do not give cry informa- tion. The new French ones present it as an ! r ! t t already built line but disagree about the route.The same can be said about the German ! ! ! maps. In the graph C2 the most reliable rc?uta ! ! ! is reported. ! ! ! ! ! r 1 ~ 4-------------' ------------------------------------ .---------- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 CONSTRUCTION OF TRACTION EQUIPPIIENT -------------------------------- r------------------------------------------------------------ } f YEAR CONSTRUCTION (in real units) OF -------------------------------------------------------- ETECTRIC , DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES ! LOCOMOTIVES LOCOMOTIVES S .J----- ~ ------ -------------------------------------- A 1)i -f-f'ar011t tcrnr~~ . f ! ! f 1 f !1928 --- --- i ! 700 (1) 1929 --- ! ! "(UU 1) 1930 --- ! ! 700 (1) !1931 1932 1 (2) ! 1 (2) !1933 ? f ? rn !1934 19(2) (2) ! ! 1935 ? 350(3) ! ? 248 (3) 2375 (3) 255 (3) i !1936 ; 48(2) 13(2) 985(3) 5116 (3) , !1937 1938 1939 1940 350(5) 350(5) 1870 (4) 1500 (4) 3200 (4)! 100 (4) 1941 1942 ! 1943-45 ? ? ? ? ? I ? !1947 ? ! 1948 555(6) 665(6 ......... 6165 (6) 1949 ? I ? 1950 300(7) 1 (7) ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 77 - NOTES TO ANNEX n. 2 (1) In default of other data we,have taken that (estimated) of the average increase of the park. (2) Soviet official' data. (3) Prevision of the second five-year plan realized only for a total of 5960 locomotives (Soviet official data). Prevision of the third five-year plan, probably not fully realized. (5) Estimate on the basis of the third five-year plan previ- sions, which planned 800 units among the different types F.D. - I.S. and S.O. (6) Prevision of the fourth five-year plan (the type of the locomotives is not exactly determined). (7) Output capacity on 1950 planned by the fourth five-year plan. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 78 - NUMBER-AND TYPES OF LOCOMOTIVES BUILT FROM 1928 (1) Electric locomotives ............................. 1256 Diesel locomotives....... ......... ............... 1464 Locomotives FD .................................... 4245 Locomotives IS ................................... 1755 Locomotives SO ................................... 3200 Locomotives of not exactly determined modern type 6165 Locomotives o:L' different types.................... 8716 Total.......... 26801 (1) The following data are partly drawn from the previsions of the five-year plans. The locomotives really built ww re less. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ANNEX n.3 CONSISTENCE OF THE TRACTION EQUIPMENT PARK (OF ALL TYPES !At Ddoember!Consistence !Increase of the!Output in con=!Output in! Km. of !Relation n. F31, of e= !of the park !park in real !ventional units! real units! lines !locomotives !ach year !in real units! units ! ! ! !Km. of lines 1---------!------------ !--------------- !-------------- 1----------!---------- l------------ 1912 1913 ;1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 '? 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 17.000 15.100 15.800 16.500 17.200 17.900 18.700 22.100 23.000 23.700 ? 30.100 24.000 32.000(11) 700 700 700 700 8 00 ! ?) 418 (1) ! 664(1)! ? ! ? ! ! ? ! 74.000 ? ! ? ! ? , ? ! ? ! ? ! 831 (2) ! ? ?(3.400 (2)!(1)1.307 ?) 900 (1) !(1)1.632 700 (1) !(1)1.583 ! ? ) !()1.626 ! ? ) ! ? ? (6490(4)! ? ? ) ! ? ! 6. 10O (;) ) ! 0)2.090 ! ? , ? r ? ! ? f?) 1 ? !113.000 0,21 ?) 1 1 ?(5960(1)! ?) ?) ! 86.000 ! 0,27 !?) ! ! !?) ! ! ! (11180!?( 7370(3)!106.000 ! 0,27 ) (3) !?) ! ! ! ! ? (7585 (7)! 9 '11655 '? ? ) '. ? ) (8) ! 2.720 (~ ! (10) 419b ?) ?(7585(6)! ?) ! !(9)2790 !123.000 ! 0,26 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 80 - NOTES TO ANNEX n. 3 N.B. - In the underlined figures the locomotives of the in- dustries are not included. (1) Datum drawn from "Etude et Conjoncture" n. 7 and 8 of de- cember 1946 and january 1947 and which report. data from official Soviet source. (2) Estimate. (3) Prevision of the third five-year plan, excepting the loco- motives Lir industry. (4)Prevision of the third five-year plan, included the locomo- tives for industry. (5) Losses owing to war (about 15% of the.1940 strength). (6) Prevision of the fourth five-year plan, probably realized only within 1951. (7) Taking into account the park's increase and considering it equal to constructions. (8) The coefficient 1,5 is given to all the 6165 locomotives of the fourth five-year plan (See annex n.2). If we give them coefficient 1 by considering that among these 6165 lo- comotives can be included switching locomotives of low po- wer, the result would be reduced to 8572. (9) Prevision of the fourth five-year plan (See annex n. 2)~ (10') Coefficient 1,5 is given to all the 2200 locomv;tives plan..- ned by the fourth five-year plan (See Annex n. 2). If we give coefficient 1 the datum would be 3090. (11) This estimation is made by considering that through the results of the fourth five-year plan all the war losses we- re recovered and the goals c:f third five-year plan rea- ched. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 81 - Annex n. 4 WORKSHOPS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OP TRACTION EQUIPIMI NT (1) 1.- "Kuibishov" work- It is one of the most ancient and most shop of Kolomna: important factory of locomotives, elec- tric locomotives and Diesel locomotives. 2.- "October Revolu At Voroshilovgrad: it is too one of the Lion"workshop: most ancient plants; it was rebuilt after the war. In 1947 it was building locomo tives of the S.S. and F.D. 2-7-2 types with a daily output of 1. 3.- Kharkov workshop It is too one of the most ancient plants. In 1947 it was building electric locomo- tives of the "Te-1-20-001" type. 4.- Kashira workshop Specially equipped for electric locomo- (Region of Moscow) tives construction. 5.- Kaluga workshop Specially equipped for small switching (Region of Moscow) locomotives of 300-350 HP. 6.- Novocerkask work Specially equipped for the construction shop (Donbas) of industrial narTowgauge locomotives. In 1949 it had an output of 4 locomoti- ves per month. 7.- Bezhitsa workshop Completely rebuilt after the war. It bu- (NW of Briansk) ilts high power locomotives for the Trans iberian lines (probably of S.O. type with condenser tender) and low power locomoti ves. In 1949 the monthly output was of 10 locomotives. (1) See also graphs B1 and B2. The running number corresponds to the graph's one. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 8.- Gorki workshop. 9.- Karaganda workshop 10.- Krasnoiarsk workshop 82 - (?) 11.- "Mogerievsk" workshop of Moscow 12.- "Lenin" workshop of Rostov 13.- "Sagoriesh" workshop of Kuibishev 14.- Orsk workshop 15.- Stalinsk workshop 16.- Ulan-Ude workshop 17.- Dzaudzhikau workshop (Caucasus) 18.- Mariupol workshop 19.- Batum workshop 20.- Kiev workshop 21.- Novosibisk workshop 22.- Omsk workshop 23.- Riga workshop 24.- Sverdlovsk workshop 25.- Tiflis workshop 26.-Ckalov workshop 27.- Chita workshop 28.- Dzhambul workshop (Turkestan) 29.- Sarepta workshop 30.- Molotov workshop Built during the last five-year plan. In 1946 it was building electric locomotives of the S.S.C.-5-1 type. In 1946 it was building wheels, ax- les and spare parts for S.O. lo- comotives. In 1946 it was building locomotives of the S.S.C. 1-5-1 type. It was building locomotives and el- ectric locomotives. Built after the war Built after the war For repair U n II II It H H II n j n n n -I -r Builds and repairs locomotives -0 -0 -0 -C -0 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 M co ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lu~J-- GOODS CARS PARK ANNEX n. 5 ------ ------------------------------------------------------ !Consistenceof ----------- Yearly construction of goods cars !Consistence in real units Year !two-axle conve7'---- ----------------------- ! !bonal units()! In conventional Two-Axle Four- In two-axletIn four-! ! TOTAL !-- --------- -!----units units 2x12__ cars axle carp _ _ ___ ------ ----------------- ----- -------- 1913 ! ? !24.416 (1) !24.416(1) ! 1 ? ! ? ! '? 1915 ! ? !36.525 (1) !36.525(1) 2 ? ! ? 1927 !442.000(5) ! 7.951 (1) ! 7.951(1) !442.000(5) !(1Q) ? !-442.000 1928 !452.600(5) !10.600(3) 110.600(3 !452.600(5) !(10) ? !452.600 1929 ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ! ? ? 19j0 ! ? I C) 66.000 : 1410 17an! I? ! ? ! ? t ? ! (4) (7) (7) r .1 `1 ! ? 1932 !508.000(2) !20.000(3)3j !10.600(3, 1476.130(7) !17.190(1!493.320 1933 ! ? ! ? r 4 ? ! ? ! ? 1934 ! ? ! ? 1187.000 ! ? ? ? f ? 1935 ! ? r ? ~_ (6) ! ? 63000167.000* 1936 !68. ! ? (8) (8) 000(6)) ! ? ! ? r ? 1937 !695.000(9) !59.100(6) ! ? 1 1539.130(9) !84.190(9) 623.320 ! 1938 ! ? ! ? ) !) ! 1939 ! ? ? )330.000 !) 178200!. ? r ? ! 1940 ! ? - ? ( (11) !( None (11) (11) r ! 1941 !959.000(12) ! ? ) !) 1539.130(13)!226.790(12)765.920 ! 1942 !765.000(14) 190.00001)) !) !430.000(14)!161.00O(1)611.coo 1943 ! ? ! ? ! r ~ ~ 78.000 - ) ! ! ? ! ? r ? 1944.! ? None (15) !42.000! ? ? r ? 1945 !843.000(15) ! ? ( -() ! (15)1430.000(13)!223.0 0(1r5)653i000 1946 ! I? r I , ? i 1947 ! ? ! ? 1472.500 !( !2551501 ? ! ? ! ! 1948 ! ? ! ? (16) !) None ! ! ? ! ? ! ? ! 1949 ! ? ! ? !( ! ,r ? ! ? ! ? 1950 !1.315.500(17) !146.000 !( ! 1430.000(13)!478.170(17)908.170 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 84 - NOTES TO ANNEX n. 5 (0) 100 two-axle conventional units equal to 54 four-axle real units or to 100 two-axle real units, (1) Great Soviet Encyclopaedia. (2) Le Chemin de For en U.R.S.S. - Prosse Universitaire de Fran- ce -? 1946 - page 31. (3) Soviet official sources. Results of the first five-year plan. (4) International press. (5) Estimated datum by taking as not considerable the number of the four-axle cars. (6) Reeulte of the second five-year plan. (7) Estimated by considering that the 66,5% of the real constru- ctions of the first five-year plan had to be two-axle ones. (8) Estimated by considering that the 48,5% of the real constru- ctions of the second five-year plan had to be two-axle ones. (9) Estimated by letting the increase correspond to the produ- ction. (10) Unknown but however considerable. (11) Previsions of the third five-year plan. (12) Estimated according to the yearly average of the planned constructions of the third five-year plan (66.000). (13) Clonbalered unchanged. (14) The losses of the first year of war are considered about-the of the park. (15) Datum drawn from the Annex n. 18 and considering the daily average of the cars in service amounting to the 80% of the park consistence. (16) Increase of the park planned by the fourth five-year plan. (17) Prevision of the fourth five-year plan probably realized only within 1951.- -o-o-o-o-o-a- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 85 Annex-n.-6 PASSENGER CARS PARK T--------- T------------------- ----------------------------- Year ! Consistence ! Construction 1---------- --_--------------- 1------------------------------- 1915 1925 24..900 (1) 1828 (2) r 1926 ? 726 (2) } ! 1928 ? ? 1929 ? ? 1930 1? 1931 4100 (8) 1932 29.000 (1) { ! 1933 ! ? ! 1934 ! ? 1935 ? 5901 (1) ! 1936 ! ? 1937 34.900 (1) ! i , c ! 1938 ! ? - ! 1939 ! ? ! ! ! 1940 ? 12000 (3) ! 1941 1 44.500 (5) ! 1942 ! 35.600 (6) ! 1946 ? ! ! I o,dR 6000 (4) 1950 41.600 (7) --------------------------- ----------------------------------------- (1) Soviet official source (See: "Etude et Conjoncture"-Presse Universitaire de Franc;). (2) Great Soviet Encyclopaedia. (3) Prevision of the third five-year plan. (4) Prevision of the fourth five-year plan. (5) Estimate. In this figure are also included the old passenger cars which probably the previsions of the third five-year plan for 1942 (23.500 cars) did not consider any more. (6) Considering a loss of the 20% during the first year of war. (7) Estimate (included at least 14.000 cars built before 1915). (8) Estimate, considering the constructions corresponding to-the park's increase. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 86 - ANNEY n. 7 WORKSHOPSFORTHE-CONSTRUCTION AND-REPAIR-OFRAILWAYWAGONS (1) I Bezhitsa (north-west of Bxiansk) Completed during the second five-year plan; builds steel chassis and automatic brakes; much damaged during last war; completely rebuilt and equipped with modern machinery. It guilds wagons and wheels for wagons. II :Dniepropetrovsk Builds wheels for wagons. III Dnieprodzerhinsk Builds goods cars and wheels for wagons. IV Dzhaudzhikau Builds and repairs wagons. V Gorki Builds wagons and tank-wagons. VI Kadievka Builds wagons. VII Kalinin Built in the first years of 1900; enlar- ged and modernized recently too; it builds wagons. VIII Kaliningrad Equipped to be able to build self-unloading wagons. IX Kazan Builds wagons. X Kiev There are two workshops and perhaps three, of which: one in the ne igh1 ourho d d of the Darnit- za stations and builds goods cars of d_i.f ferent types, and specially truck-cars; i one ' 7 km. far from Kiev on the road towards Nasoka; it repairs wagons; one immediately out of the town along the Dnieper. XI Kremenciug Builds wagons. XII Kuibishev Builds wagons. XIII Leningrad Builds wagons. (1) See also graphs B1 and B2. The running number corresponds to the graph's one. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 - 87 - XIV Tjevsk XV Lwow XVI Mariupol XVII Minsk XVIII IZitisshi XIX Nikolaev XX Nizhi Taghil XXI Omsk XXII Riga XXIII Rustavi XXIV Saratov XXV, Stalinsk XXVI Stalin ,XXVII Stanislav XXVIII Strii XXIX Tambov XXX Ufa XXXI Uralsk XXXII Uroc XXXIII Zdanof It were building wagons. It builds goods wagons and passenger cars. Builds tank-wagons. Repairs wagons. It is one of the most ancient workshops;it builds wagons.. It builds iron bridges and railway equip- ment oe different kinds. It builds wagons. Repairs railway wagons. Builds wagons. It builds railway equipment of different kinds. It builds wagons and railway equipment of different kinds. It builds locomotives and railway wagons. It builds railway equipment of different kinds. It repairs railway equipment. It repairs rolling stock. In 1948 it tran- sformed German goods 6,irb into Soviet gau- ge cars. It repairs wagons. It repairs railway equipment of different kinds. Built during the second five-year plan: it builds wagons and wheels. It repairs wagons. It builds tank-wagons. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 88 - Annex n. 8 U. 0-I PT FROM THE FOURTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN AS FEAR AS TRANSPOrRTA- ..,_....._.....-------------------------------- --- ---------------- TIONS ARE CONCERNED In order to meet the increasing requirements of the natio- nal economy in the field of transportations,the following tasks were allotted: to ensure to the railway transportations in 1950 an avera- ge load of 115.000 wagons and a goods movement of 533 milliards of tons-km; to renew the railway transportations in those regions which were occupied by the Germans. To surpass the prewar standard as for the movement on the lines: Donbas-Moscow, Donbas-Krivoi Rog, Donbas-Along-the-Volga, on the roads coming from Caucasus.- Moscow-Leningrad, Moscow- vov, Moscow-Smolensk-Minsk-Kaliningrad, Mo scow-Veliki Luki-Riga; to fully_ and uninterruptedly meet the roqui. remeuts of the Ural Mountains and Siberia industries; to technically transform the railway roads on the main li- nes and to ensure the road conditions in winter first of all by electric and motor railways; to complete the railway park with 6165 locomotives, 555 electric locomotives, 865 Diesel locomotives, 472.000 goods cars and 6000 passenger cars; to supply the 93% oi' goods wagons with automatic brakes and the 75% of wagons with automatic "pufer". To repair the out of use cars and improve the repair of electric locomotives and wagons; to speed up the movement of the wagons on the railway lines bringing it from the 1099 days of 1945 to 7 in 1950, to reduce Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 89 - the transportation distance of railway shipments from = 790 km. to . 690 km. in 1950. To reduce at maximum the stopping of wagons on the railway lines of the industrial enterprises; to appropriate during th;, five years - for the works con- cerning railway transportations - 40,1 milliards of roubles; to complete in 1948 the general restoration of rail-lines in the Donez mines and the Krivoi Roe mining basin, of the rail lines connecting Moscow with the Donbas, Leningrad and Caucasus on a total length of 15.000 km. To restore and build ex nova along the railway lines formerly in German hands, 1800 big and small bridges, among which those too on the rivers Dnieper, Don, Dniester, Neva, Nieman, Zapadna, Dvina, Volkhov, Juzni, Bug. To renew and build 1500 railway stations, 1300 roundhouses, 128 depots for wagons, workshops and repair; to build during the five years new railway lines for a to- tal of 7230 kmi., among which the StaliinskMagnitogorsk line; to build and renew secondary tracks for a total amount of 12.500 km. To electrify 5325 km. of railway lines. To set up automatic signalling apparatus along 14.000 km. of railway lines; to o mtinue the works of development and technical supply of the railway stations and main centres, to btiild or renew 22 mechanized pointsmen; to lay on the existing railway network 50.000 km. of new rails by which to rebuild 3000 km. of railway line and to make a general repair on 29.000 km. of railway line; to renew the plants for repairing electric locomotives and wagons destroyed during the occupation an4i to build up 11 new plants for el e c t romo tore i ?pair, I plat fo3r- nagore repai r and 3 plants for the production of spare parts; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 90 - to ensure from 1945 up to 1950, 5p5 millions of square me- tres of room for the housing of railway. transportations workmen; to allocate to railway transportationsfrom 1945 up to 1950 4,5 millions of tracks, 2 millions of sidetracks and 185 millions of sleepers and begin the construction and laying of heavy tracks; to increase the mechanization of the railway transporta- tion loading and unloadin;,, works by 75% with regard to the to- tal amount of the works; to ensure the restoration of local railways in the areas formerly occupied by the Germans, to rebuild the existing ones and to build new railway stations, especially those of the Ural Mountains and Siberia, and to improve the work of workshops for the transporti%t;i..,ns of industrial enterprises. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 91 - DOUBLE TRACK LUTES (1) Inservice-at-the-beginningof1950: Annex n. 9 .Leningrad-Gatcna ................ ............... Km. 47 Leningrad-Volkhovstroi........ ................ " 123 Leningrad-Viborg ......... ..................... it 130 Leningrad-Moscow...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....... It 651 Leningrad-Pskov ............................... it 276 Mga-Tosno-Gatena .............................. it 60 Moscow-Minsk .................................. it 747 Minsk-Vilno-Kaliningrad .............. .?...?... 522 Minsk-Brest ................................... " 349 Baranovic-Volkhovisk ........................... 126 Molodecno-Volkhovisk .......................... 238 Orel-Briansk-Gomel-Kalinkovici ................ 549 Kursk Konotop-Kiev-Zhmerinka-Lwow-Przem....... 1090 Kazatin-Rovnro-Brest.....................,.... " 442 Shauliai-Radvilishkis ......................... 20 Moscow-Tula-Orel-Kharkov-Lo zovaiaKilkitovka-Ro stow ............. 1351 Moscow-0zherelie-Valuiki-Kupiansk-Debalzevo... 966 Moscow-Riazan-Miciulinsk-Liski Millerovo-Re stov-Armavir-Prokladnaia ............... 1926 Lozovaia-Saporosie ............................ 179 Fastov-Piatikhakti ............................ 415 Debalzevo-Iassinovataia-Dniepropetrovsk-Krivoi ,log ...... . 497 Lv'v-Ciop (partly) .............?.............. " 240 Iassinovataia-Stalino-Mariupol................ 143 Costantinonka-Iassinovataia ................... 51 Valuiki-Liski-Povorine-Penza .................. 993 Miciulinsk-Saratov........................ .... 451 Moscow-Gorki .................................. " 439 Rusaievka-Inza............?... " 112 Magnitogorsk-Kartali.~,.......,,,,,,,,,~.?,.,., ++ 141 Kartali-Celiabinsk...' . ........................ +' 279 Penza-Sizran-Ufa-Celiabinsk-Omsk-Irkutsk-Vla.. divostok.... 8809 Moscow-Iaroslav-Obozerskaia................... 1002 Moscow-Dzmitrov??.?..?....?......?...??..?..?? 65 Moscow-Kuzovskaia ............................. 86 (1)See graphs 01 and C2.- Km. 23515 . /. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 92 - Km. 23515 Moscow-Naro-Fominsk...... ............. 70 Novorossisk-Kruiskaia ................. " 53 Mineralnivodi Kislodovsk.............. " 64 Baku-Alit-Tiflis...................... 549 Kharkov-Iama-Nikitovka-Debalzevo...... " 305 Novosibisk-Proiektnaia-Novo Kuznetsk.. 449 Akmolinsk-Karaganda ................... " 232 Outern circular of Moscow ............. " 300 Planned for the end of 1950 25.537 Km. 25.537 Moscow-Briansk Kharkov ................ " 859 Briansk-Konotop ....................... it 256 Moscow-Riga ........................... it 922 Gorki Kiro v-Molotov-Sverdlovsk-Tiumen-Omsk 2.314 Orsk Kartali .......................... it 271 Akmolinsk-Kartali ..................... it 805 Sverdlovsk-Nizhi Tagil-Goroblagodatskaia" 195 Zverevo-Debalzeva ..................... " 154 Likaia-Stalingrad-Ilavlia-Saratov-Sizran" 1.512 Riazan-Rusaievka...................... it 419 Inza-Sizran ........................... " 195 General totaal:. Km. 33.439 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 93 - ANNEX n. 10 SITUATION --OF WORKS ALONG THE NEW-BUILT LINES (1) ------------------------------------- 1) KONOSHA-KOTLAS-VORKUTA line (km. 1563): single-track; ended and in regular service; 2) ALONG-THE-VOLGA line: ILOVLIA-SARATOV-SIZRAN-KINDIAKOIVKA- ZELIENI DOL (km. 1024): in 1950 was ended and in regular service. Single-track. 3) BLACK SEA LINES. Section: ADLER-SUKUMI (km. 115) : ended, single-track, electrified and in regular service, 4) CASPIAN SEA LINE: ASTRAKAN-CIERVLENNAIA UZLOVAIA (km. 442): ended,, single-track, in regular service. 5) BALKASH LINE: Section : M0INTI-BEKKUL (about 450 km.): en- ded, 'single-track, but not yet in regular service. 6) AIX DARIA LINE: CIARDZHOU-KUNGRAD (about 650 km.), nearly ended and single-track, but not yet in regular service. 7) KUSBAS LINE : - SECTION: an unspecified point of the KINEL-UFA with STERLITAI~7AK-TUKAN (km.?) : under construction; - SECTION: TUIQ N-BIELORESK (about 120 km.) built and in service before 1945; single-track line; SECTION: BIELORESK-LIIIGNITOGORSK (about 100 km.) : under construction; - SECTION: I, `,GNITOGORSK-KART1ILI (km. 141) : built and in service before 1945; double-track line; it is being electrified; - SECTION: K .RTALI-AKL OLINSK (km. 805):, built and in ser- vice before 1945; single-track line; they are y---------------laying the second track; under electrification; (1) See graphs C1 and C2.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 94 - - SECTION: AKIIOLINSK-PAVLODAR (about 428 km.) : sin- gle-track, but not yet in service - SECTION: PAVLODAR-KULUNDA (km. 138); single-track line and in service before 1945; - SECTION: KULUNDA-BARNAUL (about 420 km.) : single- track line but not yet in service; - SECTION: BARNAUL ALTAISKAIA (km.15): single-track line and in service before 1945; - SECTION: ALTAISKAIA-GURIEVSK (km. 200): single-track line, but not yet in regular service; - SECTION: GURIEVSK-BIELOVO (km. 28) : single-track line and in service before 1945; - SECTION: BIELOVO-NOVOKUZNETSK (km. 141): double- track line; electrified and in service before 1945; - SECTION: NOVOKUZNETSK-ABAKAN (km. 260): not ascer- tained whether al.reaCy built; surely not yet in service; SECTION: ABAKAN-TAISHET (km. 650) : under construction. 8) ISSIK LAKE-KUL-FRUNZE-RIBACIE LINE (km. 136): single-track and in service. 9) SETaIPALATINSK-I.. LINOVOIE-OSERO (km. 110) : under construction. 10) ARALSK-BAIKONUR LINE (about .330 km.) : not ascertained whether already built or under construction; surely not yet in regular service; 11) SOSVA-AIAPAIEVSK LINE (km. 150): single-track and in service. 12) KARA KUI,2 LINE: URGENU-T&KHTA (km. 122): probably single-track built and in service for the construction of the TURK- I'NIA Canal. 13) ZIIILI. NSK DALI LINE: KUBERLE-IIDOROZOVSKAIA: under construction. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 95 - ANNEX n. 11 LINES SUPPLIED WITH AtTTOT141TIC SIGNALLING APPARATUS (1 1) MOSCOW-LENINGRAD-VIBORG...... .................. Km. 781 2) T,DS COW-T+TINSK-VI LNO-KALININGRAD ................. 1289 3) PIIINSK-BREST .................................... " 349 4) 1!DSCQW-BRIANSK-KIEV-D,1T0W ....................... " 1484 5) BRIANSK-KHARKOV ................:............... " 477 6) TJDSCOW-TLTLA-ORIEL-KHARKOV-LOZOVAIA-NIKITOVKA- ROSTOV.,,*,....... 1351 7) NDSCOW-OZHERELIE-VALUIKI-KUPIANSK-DEBALZEVO.... " 966 8) NOSCOW-RIAZAN-LISKI-TIIILLEROVO-ROS TOV-ARMAVIR-BAI1'U" 2558 9) YAVIR-TIFLIS.........,,.. ...................... 11 860 10) DEBALZEVO-IASSINOVATAIA-DNIEPROPETROVSK-KRIVOI ROG 497 11) KHARKOV-IAru1-NIKITOVKA DEB~;LZEVO ............... 305 12) LOZOVAIA-SAPOROSIE ............................. 179 13) RIAZAN-INZA-SIZRAN-KUIBISHEV-CELIABINSK-OI77SK- NOSIBIRSK-STALIITSK ...............wso.,. It 3818 14) LENINGRAD4L JR1TANSK ............................. It 1450 15) LDSCOW-IAROSLt',V..................... ........... it 275 16) WIGNITOGORSK-KARTALI-CELIABINSK .... 000&W . .000.0 It 415 17) LIKAI,A,-ST!1LINGRAD-SARIITOV-SIZRAN-KAZAN........6 of 1512 18) SAPOROSIE APOSTOLOV-DOLGHITZEVO.......... (about)" 182 19) GOROBLdGODLTSKAIA-SVERDLOVSK ................... " 195 20) LVlrv-CIOP...................................... it 269 TOTIAL......... km. 19.212 (1) See graphs C1 and C2.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 96 ? ANNEX n. 12. LINES WITH nLVY_OR AT LEAST RENEWED PERTZITENT WAY (1) (X) - Leningrad-I'urmansk 1450 (0) - Leningrad-Uiborg ....................... if 130 (X) - Moscow-Leningrad.................. .....Ott 651 (1). Moscow-Minsk............ ................ tt 747 (0) - MinskVilno-Kaliningrad ................ 522 (0) - ibnskRrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S . . . . . . . . . . 349 (0) - 1484 (X) - Briansk-Kharkov................ ?........ 477 (X) - toyka Rostov .............. 1351 (X) - Moscow-Ozherelie Valuiki ............. . . . 647 (0) - Valuiki Kupiansk Debalzevo.............. 319 (X) - Moscow-Riazan-Liski-2Tillerovo-Rostov-Ar- mavirBaku 2558 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (EO)- Armavir-Tuapse-Tiflis ...... ...........:. 860 (X) - Debalzevo-Iassinovataia-Dnepropetrovsk- Krivoi Rog.................. 49T (X) - Kharkov-Iama-Nikitovka-Debalzevo........ 305 (X) - Lozovaia-Saporosie ...................... 179 00 Moscow-Iaroslav. ...:......y .............. It 275 (0) - Moscow Veliki Luki-Riga ................. " 922 (0) - Moscow-GorkiKotelnic-Kirov-l,,Iolotov- Sverdlovsk Kurgan....... .............. 2117 (E) - Molotov-Goroblagodatskaia-Sverdlovsk.... 507 (E) - Goroblagodatskaia-Serov ................. 190 (XX)- Serov-Sosva Alapaievsk.................. 250 (0) - Alapaievsk-Nizhii lagil........ :...:..... 128 (xx0)-Likhaia-Stalingrad-Iloveia-Saratov-Sizzan- ,zan ................... it 1512 TOTAL.... Km. 18.427 (1) See graphs C1 and C2.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 - 97 - .......... Km. 18,427 (E) - Saporosie-Apostolavo-Dolgintsevo........ of 182 (XX)- Astrakan-Cievolennaia. 'Jzlovaia.......... 452 (0) - Lwow-Ciop................................ 269 (X) - Riazan-Inza-Sizran Kuibishev-Celiabinsk- Omsk-Novosibirsk-Iorga-Irkutsk-Dezh- nevka-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok..,....,. " 5,,283 (0) - Kartali-Celiabinsk-Sverdlovsk........... 526 (0) - (? ) Valuiki-Liski-Povorino-Pen za-Rusaievka" 877 (o) - (?) Riazhsk-Penza -Sizran " 650 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0) - (?) Miciulinsk-Saratov .................4 451 (0) - (?) Povorino-Ilovlia .................... " 273 (X) - Magnitogorsk-Kartali,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -- 141 (XX)- Kartali Akmolinsk ....................... 805 (XX)- Akmolinsk-Karaganda-Mointi .............. 577 (XX)- Mointi Bekkul " 450 (E) - Novosibirsk-Novokuznetsk. ................ " 449 (0) - Tonki-Kemerovo .......................... 38 (XK)- Akmolinsk-Pavlodar-Kulunda-Barnaul Bielovo" 1.250 (XX)- Novokuznetsk Abakan ..................... it 260 (XX)- Saratov-Urbach Astrakan.......0......... if 675 (XX)- Frunze-Ribacie .......................... it 136 (XX)- Ciardzhou-Kungrad ....................... of 650 (0) - Ki.nel-Cikalov-Orsk-Kartali...... , , , -' 598 (o) - Iaro Slav-Bui, Ko to lnic ........ . ... . . . . * . , it 758 (0) - (?) Moscow-Kazan-Sverdlovsk............. to 1.667 (o) - Danilov-obozerskaia-Arcangel,........... " 773 (xx)- Outer around Moscow line ................ 300 (XX)- Konosha-Kotlas-Vorkuta....,,.,,,. -~ 1.563 (XX)- Zverevo Debalzevo.......... ............. -' 121 General total km. 42.601 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 98 - P NOTE TO ANNEX n. 12 These lines have been determined according to a study which takes into account the following elements: a) the quantity of sleepers (185 millions), tracks (4,5 millions of t.) and sidings (2 millions of t.) put at the disposal of Soviet railways during the fourth five-year plan permits: - to build up or renew about 52.000 km. of biugle- track lines with 104.000 km. of rails having a weight of 43 kg. per metre; - to renew the sleepers of other 50.000 km. of tracks and sidings; b) with the material at disposal had to be: Single-track Double tracks Station lines railway lines km. km. - rebuilt 3758 6788 ? - built ex novo 7230 5712 8296 which in the total had to absorb about 54.000 km. of rails and an unspecified quantity of sidings; - repaired 32.000 km. of railway lines in service by employing 50.000 km. of rails and un unspecified quantity of sidings. From this fact it follows that during the five years had to have a permanent way new or in good conditions: - km. 10,988 of-in tracks; - km. 12,500 of secondary tracks - km. 32,000 of lines in general that is to say a total of at least 45.000 km. of lines in gene- ral (36,50) of the whole railway network). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 99 - C) The lines which, according to a study of the German General Staff, had a heavy permanent way in 1940 (km. 19175) (X) d) The lines built since 1941 with modern systems and according to the new rolling stock,at disposal of USRR (XX) e) The lines which according the fourth five=year plan had to exceed the prewar capability (0) f) The electrified lines (E) I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 100 - ELECTRIFIED LINES (1) ----------------- ANNEX n. 13 Baku-Sabutski .................................... km. Msta river-Torb ino (on the Leningrad -Moscow line) " Moscow railway network........................... L eningrad-pranienbaum ............................ Ligovo -Gatacna ................... :.... ........... Saporosie-Nicopol-Dolghinzevo .................... Iassinovataia -Nikitovka-Debalzevo (?)............ Sukumi-Samtredia-Tiflis..... ..................... Poti Mikha Tskakisi .................e............ -' Samtredia -Ba t um ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rioni-Kutais-Tkvibuli............................. Shorapani-Saoikheri .............................. Kha shur i -Vale ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~- Mineralnie Vodi-Kislovodsk ..............'...... ... Koshva-Vorkutz................................... Murmansk-Loukhi.................................. Dioma-Ufa-Ceti :bin; nc--ILurgan ... . 0 . 0 . . 4 . . . . .. & a * ... LIolotov-Garablagod?tskaia-Sverdlovsk ............. Solikamsk-Kizel-Ciizrovskaia ...................... Akmolinsk-Karaganda .................?............ Novosibirsk-Novokut3netsk .....:.................. Tallin-Ruena-Riga................ ....:........... Tiflis-Akstofa (East of Tif lis) .................. Nicolaiev-Kerson (?) ........:.........:......:::. Verkhoturie-BogoslovaIL..............??-.......... " Total..... km. 5.430 (1) See graphs Cl and C12.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 101 - EQUIPBZENT OF-THE-LINES-FED-By 3000V CONTINUOUS CURRENT The first electrifications with 3000V continuous current were made following the system of transformer substations with concentrated power; the distance among the transformer substa- tions was of about 40 km. On the contrary, the recent electrifications have been made following the system of the distributed transformer eta- tions (1). , The transformer stations of the first electric lines we- re equipped with converter groups. The transformer stations built after 1937 are equipped with F,: lyanodic rectifiers emitting 2400 or 4200 kW at 3000V per units instead of 1000 up to 2000 kW of the converter groups. The t f rans ormer stations are fed by three-phase current with lines at 6-6,6; 30-33 or 100-115 kV; the latter tension has been adopted for all the recent electrifications.InmDst of instal- lations, and specially in the steppa regions, the transformer stations have transformers feeding burners along a range from 40 up to 50 km., including industries, kolkhos and sovkhos. The contact lines are in general of polygonal type with only a cable at a height from 5,75 up to 6,40 m. above the rail. The relative shortness of copper recently compelled them to use for the carrying cables a cable compoued of twisted steel strands wound with copper cables.The percentage of copper is only from 20 to 30%. The contact cables are of copper. As standards, they have tested almost all the types with an actual prevailing of simple standards of the Grey type, tubes, and above all ' wood poles. The catenary suspension is generally made by skew brackets similar to the ones used in rontral Europe for the single-phase ----------------- (1) In this system, the transformer stations do not have reserve groups, but are drawn near so that in case of stopping, the time interval betwwen the two transformer stations concerned is fed in s=atisfactory conditions. ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 102 - electrified lines. As for the placement of the chainings, the average would be of 10 km. per day and with trains in motion, In France they succeed to place only 2 km. per day, but it is the traffic density which limits the efficiency of the shifts. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES ANNEX n.15 ? !Sourman! Vladimir Lenin! !Sergio Kirov!Polit ! S e r i e s !sk sovje!------- ------- ! ! ------------ !Buro PB! !tski S.! VL ! VL !SITIBBC!SK 22 ! SK !21 - 2 !???23 !... 23 20 '? !Geco !19 e 21! 22 ! !2 series 23 !series ! C - C -;--- c - c -f-- C - C --;-------;----f-------------!-------!-------- !TYPe.. .......... ..... I-C-C---}--- . C C . C C. 2C2 1.1CC1O!2DD2(3)!BB+BB(4) !Production year...........! 1931 ! 1932 ! 1946 ! 1931 !1935 !1947! 1935 ! 1937 ! 1950 ! 1951 !Hour power HP ....... ......! 2775 ! 2760 ! 3700 ! 3050 ! 2760 !3700!2760(2)! 3500 ! 5530 ! 5800 1 Continuous power HP......! 2405 '. 2430 ! 3300 ! 2550 ! 2430 !!3300!2430(2)! 3150 ! 5110 ! 5350 !Hour traction stress Tons ! 25 ! 20 ! 28 ! 28 ! 20 ! 23! 11 ! 27 ! 35 '! 30 !Total weight..............! 132 !114 ET. ! 132 ! 132 ! 132 ! 138!121 et ! 168 ! 238 ! 160 ! ! ! 126 ! ! ! ! ! 131 ! i !Traction weight tons......! 132 !114 ET ! 132 ! 132 ! 132 ! 138! 65 ! 128 ! 184 ! 160 00 !Maximum load per axle. Tons ! 22 ! 19 1', U` 21 ! 22 ! 22 ! 22 21 ! 23 7 et 21 ! 0 ! . . 23 ! 20 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 22.5 ! ! ! Total length ..... m........ 16.47 !16.00 F42 16.40 !16.50 !16.01 !16D1 !16.36 et18.80 ! 27.08 ! 24 ! !16.22 ! ! ! ! ! 16.58 ! ! ! Diameter of driving wheels! 1.20 !1.20 et! 1.22 ! 1.20 ! 1.20 !1.22! 1.850 ! 1.22 !1.120 ! 1.20 M. ! ! 1.22 ! ! ! ! 1 1 !Top speed km/h............! 65 ! 75 ! 85 ! 65 ! 90 ! ! 95+115 et ! 85 ! 110 ! ! ! 130 160 ------------------------ ! ! ! ! ! (1) Prototype electric locomotives built in two models. (2) This electric locomotive is equipped with three double motors. (3) 15 electric locomotives of this type were built in 1949 in U.S.A. but were not delivered. (4) These electric locomotives were already built as electric-diesel of 2000 HP. A prototype would exis- with single phase current at 50 Hz and rectifier. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 104 - ANNEX n. 16 RAILWAY SECTIONS SECTIONS ! DEPARTMENTS -------- North-Weptern r ------- K IRO V (Murmansk) KALININ (Veliki-Luki) LENINGRAD (Leningrad network) OCTOBER (Fine Leningrad-Moscow) ESTONIA LATVIA NORTHER, DEPARTMENT (Arcungel) PECHORA (Rotlas-Vorkuta) ----------------- 4 -------------------- --- yp' gte LITHUANIA WESTERN DEPARTMENT (Kaliningrad) ITE RUSSIA _ BREST LITOVSK ---------------- T--------------------- ---------------------- j ! South-western ! SOUTH-WESTERN (Kiev) ! VINITZA K0WEL LWOW ODESSA ! KISHINAU 4 ---- -------------+---------------------- ----- _~----- ' I I Central ! IA RO SLA V ! ! GORKI MOSCOW-RJA ZAN MOSCOW KKURSX MOSCOW-DONB.IS (PJIo scow-Va,luiki) ? MOSCOW_KIEV _________________~ ______- MOSCOW-(Outer-circular-line) TanQtz NORTHERN D0N ____ ETZ SOTJThERN DONETZ SOUTH (Kharkov) SOUTH-EASTERN (Voronesh-Likhaia) ! STA L INGRAD ------------______i STALIN (Low Dnieper-The Crimea) -------------------------------------- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 _ CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 105 - ------------- -- -- - SECTIONS i DEPARTMENTS T-------------------- T------------------------------------------ Volga KAZAN KUIBISHEV ORIEMBURG (Cikalov) RIAZAN-URAL (Saratov) i.-------------------- ------------------ -----------------------! Ural Siberia ! PERM (Molotov) ! SVERDLOVSK T OM SK SOUTHERN URAL (Celiabinsk) KARAGAND! 4---------------------j------------------------------------ --- ! Middle East TURKESTAN-SIBERIA (Turk-Sib) TASHKENT A SHKHABAD -------------------------------------------------------------- Far East KRASNOIARSK EASTERN SIBERIA (Irkutsk) TRANSBAIKALIA (Oita) AT:TUR FAR EAST (Khabarovsk) PRIMOR IE (Vladivostok) SAKHALIN --------------------4----------------------------------------- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 DATA ON THE GOODS TRAFFIC (1) ANNEX n. 17 !Transported!-'Average length!Goods move-!Daly avera!Average re=!Daily avera- !Average ! Year !goods mil= !of transporta=!ment mil= !ge loaded !pair time !ge cars in !load per !lions of t.!tion (Km.) !liards!cars(thou _ ! (days) !service (thou!car(tons)! !______!______ ____!___________ __'?__ __ _ !sands)__ ! sands) -----------A-----!------B------- I-----C------t-----D----- -----E-----1------F------!----G----! I 1913 ! ! ! ! 27.4 ! ! ! 1933 ! 268 ! ! ! ! 1 1934 ! ! ! ! ! t 1935 ! 375 ! ! ! 68.1(?) ! ! 1936 ! -400 1937 ! 484 ! ! ! 89.8(?) 1940 ! 593 ! 700 ! 415 ! 97.8 ! 7.37 ! 721 0 1941 ! 664 (2)! 693 (2) ! 460 (2)! 107 (2) ! ! 1942 ! 271 ! 823 ! 223 ! 42.6 ! 13.52 (7)!! 576 (7) ! 1943! 296 ! 851 ! 252 ! 45.5 ! 13.18 (7)! 600 (7) ! 1944 ! 370 ! 830 ! 307 ! 55.4 ! 11.73 (7)! 60 (7) ! 1945 ! 395 ! 794 ! 314 ! 61.8 ! 10.92 ! 675 ! 0946 ! 455 ! 743 ! 338 ! 69.5 ! 10.07 ! 700 ! 1947 ! 499 ! 710 ! 354 ! 76. 2 9.61 ! 732 ! 1948 ! 606 ! 743 ! 450 ! 90.9 ! 8.68 ! 789 ! 1949 ! 712 ! 737 ! 525 105.4 ! 8.08 ! 852 ! 1950 ! 771 (5)! 690 (5) ! 532 (5)! 115 (5) ! 6.96 (5)! 800 (5) 821 (3)! 732 (3) ! 601 (3)! 118.4(3) ! 7.7. (6)! 915 (6) 1951 ! 928 ! 725 ! 673 (5)! ! ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_'?---------- The data of columns D, E, F, G, concern two-axle conventional cars. ! , , i ! 15.09 ! 16.59 ! 17 (2) ! 17.4 ! 17.8 ! 18.3 ! 17.51 ! 17.94 ! 17.94 ! 18.25 ! 18.50 ! 18.37(5)! ! 18.91(3)! ! ! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 NOTES TO ANNEX n. 17 (1) D1 -awn directly or through calculations from data of Soviet of- ficial source. Relations binding the different data of the schedule: A.B. - C D.E. - F 365.D.G. = A (2) From tha data of the first six months. (3) Official report on the results of the fourth five-year plan. (4) Official repoiton the result of the 1951 plan. (5) Previsions of the fourth five-year plan. (6) Estimated datum by considering the annual increase of wagons availability. (7) Estimated according to the follo?,iing reasoning: being exclu- ded that after a year of war the, conservation of wagons (and consequently the percentage of the cars being repaired) was quite different from the one of the prewar period, it is to be admitted that the daily average of the cars in service (that is the one givin,; the effective possibility of transportation of the system) depended only upon the availability of cars. Now, being it knoum that the availability of ears in 1942 was equal to the 80% of that of 1940, we can take for granted that the daily average of the cars in service in 1942 was equal to the 80% of that of 1940 and consequently of 576.000. Now, if with 576,000 cars in service only 42.600 cars per day could be loaded, it means that the average repair time in 1942 was of 13,5 days. The same can be said for 1943 and 1944 by taking the datum of the cars in service among those included between the datum of 1942 and the known one of 1945. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 109 - Among the elements having an influence on the average repair time (average length of transportations, loading and unloading ti- mes, speed of the trains, stopping in the shunting anA ncvement stations between the place of loading and places of new loading) it is . officially known but the value of the average length of traneptrtation. By studying the repercussions which the variations of average length of transportation and speed have on the average repair time we can for instance observe that on a repair time of 7 days corre- sponding to the di etan^.e of covered by trains having an a- verage velocity of 20 km/h (1)at a parity of any other condition: a positive variation of 50 km. in the distance g that is to say of 7,14% brings a positive variation of the repair ti- me of 2,30 hours, corresponding to 10,4 cents per day,i.e. of 1,48%; - a r tlve variation of 5 km/h of velocity of the trains i.e. of 25% brings a negative variation in the repair time of 11 hours, corresponding to 45,8 cents per day, i.e. of 6,54%. It follows that positive variations of the average length of transportation and of the trains velocity not only have repercus- sions separately limited on the average repair time, but if have the same sign and occur_ocntemporaneously, tend to be elided. Consequently, by considering that the average repair time of 1950 is of 4,45% higher than the one of 1940, while contemporaneou sly that of the average distance length is of the 4,6%, it follows that not only the increased average distance had an influence on the increased average time of run. . /? ^ (1) That is to say, to set apart the velocity which is not known, in the conditions foreseen by the five-year plan. 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 By excluding that on such increase have had an influence: - an increase of the loading and unloading times with either in consegt:.ence of the Government's pressure on the users or in consequence of the modern systems which are being used ought to decrebae; - a reduced velocity of the trains, which owing to the impro- vements of the lines has on the contrary inc'eased, we come to the conclusion that it is owed to an increase of the times of stopping and movement between unloading and new loading. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 1940 ! 106 ! 893 ! 721 ! 593 ! 415 ! 5.594! 464 ! 19.3 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1950 ! 123 ! 1.170(3)! 915 ! 821 ! 601 ! 6.674 ! 514 ! 21.8 ! TRAFFIC INTENSITY - YLARLY EFFICIENCY - PERCENTAGE CARS OUT OF USE ANNEX n. 19 !Railway !Consisten !Daily ave!Transpor-!Goods mo= !Traffic!Efficien = !Percenta=! !network !ce cars !rage cars!ted goods!vement !intensi!cy per !ge cars Year !length !park (thou_!in servi=!(millions!(milliards!ty !car(2)(thou1j!out of !(thou= !sands cars)!ce (thou !of tons) !of tons- !(tons) !sa-:ds) use !sands km)! !sands) !. !km.) ! (1) ------;---------;----------- ;---------i--------- '---------- ; ------- ;------------ ;--------- r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ----oOo--- (1) - Tons of yearly transported goods per km. of line (2) - Tons/Km. per car yearly (3) - Taking into account the construction plan of cars fallen back of a year Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80S01540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 ANNEX n. 20 LENGTH OF TRAVEL OF THE SPEEDEST TRAINS ON THE GREAT SOVIET LINES AND NUMBER OF DAILY 009PLES CONNECTING THE INDICATED RAILHEADS. !of di= !------------ !------------ ! L i n !stance - !H ! Daily Length our Length!Hour !covered! in !speed! in !speed! couples ! knm. !hours !Km/h !hours !Km/h ! - Moscouw-Leningrad ..... ...........+--651-- ~--12 ! 54.3! 11-45! 55.2! 1 ----- 3 Moscouw-Zhmezinka-Odessa........... ! 1510 ! 40 ! 37.7.! 39.20! 38 ! 1 1 Moscouw-Voronrsh-Rostov-Baku....... ! 2542 ! 72 ! 35.3! 70 ! 36.3! 2 `\j Moscouw-Kharkov-Rostov .............! 1351 ! - ! - ! 24.18!54(1)! ! 10 Idem ...... ........................! 1351 ! 31 ! 43.6! 29 ! 46.2! ) ! T ' Moscouw-Bui-Sverdlovsk-Vladivostok ! 9344 ! 219 ! 42.6!219 ! 42.6! 2 Moscouw-Pensa-Celiabinsk........... ! 2102 ! 58 ! 36 ! 58 ! 36 ! 2 Moscouw-Saratov-Alma Ata........... ! 4030 ! 119 ! 33.8!117 ! 34.4! 2 Moscouw-Minsk-Kaliningrad.......... ! 1289 ! 35 ! 36.8! 34 ! 37.9! 2 Moscouw-Minsk-Brest ................! 1099 ! 28 ! 39 ! 26,30! 41,4! 3 Leningrad-Murmansk .................! 1450 ! 46 ! 31,5! 39 ! 34.3! 4 Moscouw-Arcangel ...................! 1131 ! 34 ! 33 ! 31 ! 36.5! 1 Novosibirsk-Semipalatinsk-Tashkent ! 2671 ! 91 ! 29.2! 89 ! 30 ! 1 Tashkent-Krasnovodsk ............... ! 1862 ! 60 ! 31 ! 61,30! 30.2! 1 Moscouw-Stalingrad ................. ! 1073 ! 36 ! 29.8! 35.20! 30.3! 1 Fastov-Dniepropetrivsk-Iassinovataia 797 !21.40 ! 36.8! 21.40! 36.8! 2 Moscouw-Riga ......... .............! 922 !26.15 ! 35 ! 26 ! 35.3! 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) - Diesel railway car. !Length ! 1949 ! 1950 ! ! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 rDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 113 - ANNEX n. 21 EXCERPT FROY,^lTHEFIFTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN OF USSR COMMERCE - TRANSPORTATIONS - CO.1-UN ICA T ION S ---_? -----------------?r_-_r-~~~r-___"'_~r To plan for 1955 with regard to 1950 an increase in the goods transportations of 35-40% by train, of 75-80% by waterways, of 55-60% by sea, of 80-85% by motor transportation, of at least twi ce by air and an increase of transportations of liquids and gas by ducts of about five times. To consider as fundamental duty in the field +'f railway transportations an increase of the traffic capacity of the railway lines. Consequently: a) to increase of ,,ut 60% compared with the last five-year plan the putting in service of the second track and to quadruple the electrified lines. To bring the length of the dead-end sidings up to the 46% of to railway lines length open to traffic; b) to build and open permanently to traffic new railway lines, two and a half as many times as in 1946-1950. To end the construction of the main line of southern Siberia on the sections from Abakan to Akmolinsk. To end the construction of the railway line Ciargiou Kungrad and to begin the con- struction of the line Kungrad-Ieniseisk. To develop the construction of the railway lines Krasnoiarsk-Ieniseisk, Guriev-Astrakhan, Agryz-Pronino-Surgut. To make the nencs sary works to rebuilt the railway lines in the Soviet So- cialist Republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 R, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 - 114 - c) to increase within the end of the five-year plan by about the 80%, compared with 1950, the length cZ the railway branches having automatic blocks and multiply by at least 2,5 times the length of the branches having automatic signalling r;i~tratus. To increase by about 2t3 times the number of the points electrically opera - ted. To increase considerably the use of the system of oe xtralized movement direction. To ensure further me- chanization of switching lines. To continue the requi- red works to introduce the radio connection while di- recting the trains movement and during the maneuvres. d) to improve the railway network conditions. To supply within 1955 the railway transporations with an increa- se of rails exceeding by 85o that of 1946-1950; e) to meet all the requirements of railway transportations concerning steam and electric locomotives, goods cars, isothermal and passenger cars. To end the automatic coupling of all the wagon park and to supply the rol- ling stock with ball bearings. To begin the production of new powerful locomotives, electric locomotives, Die- sel locomotives and locomotives supplied with gas ge- nerators. To improve the employment of the rolling stock; to re- duce within 1955 in comparison with 1950 by at least 18% the time the wagons take to cover a distance and to increase the daily average distance covered by locomo- tives by at least 12w. To considerably improve the exploitation of the loading capacity of wagons and to increase the tonnage of goods trains. To ensure the applying of measures aiming to improve the work organization of personnel attached to trains movement and above all of the engine driver and stoker sets. -0-e-0-0-0-0-0-0- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02: CIA-RDP80SO1540R002000160001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/02 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR002000160001-7