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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061AO00400010002-6 50X1-HUM WUKLV c,V11VIMU IV I~ AtfAIi . #4 ICM AND "SOCIALIST CAMP" AFFAIRS 5 July-1 August 1966 1. The Warsaw Pact and CEMA "summit" meetings in Bucharest last only 3 days and 1 day, respectively, with no significant new moves or agreements thus far revealed. The former produces a hard-sounding statement on Vietnam, and a lengthy, 7-point declaration on European security, further developing earlier Soviet pronouncements on the subject. The communique of the latter does not indicate Soviet progress toward greater integration, but rather talks of the coordination of national plans and "collaboration in accordance with the principles of complete equality in rights, respect for sovereignt and national integrity-," etc. 50X1-HUM the decisions were made in advance at the Moscow foreign minis- 50X1-HUM ters' meeting (which stretched from an anticipated 3 days to 11, see #3), 50X1-HUM and the Rumanians successfully led the opposition`to Soviet efforts to strengthen and tighten both alignments. 2. Sino-Soviet polemics flare anew as the Chinese goad the Soviets into counter-attacks over the, issue of escalated U.S. bombings in N. Vietnam. Each accuses the other of serving the U.S. imperialists by its conduct. The Chinese also lash out at the Soviets on a number of other matters and occa- sions (as well as at the non-Communist Indonesian, Indian, Japanese and Dutch Governments); -- see below. INTERNATIONAL FRONT ORGANIZATIONS 3. The Peking "Afro-Asian Writers' emergency meeting on Vietnam" stretches 3 days beyond schedule (see #3), and many delegates are reported touring and meeting throughout China afterwards. Its communique and 37 resolutions on various A-A "anti-imperialist. struggles" reflect the Chinese line, -- but they do not specifically mention the Soviets (in contrast to harsh'anti- Soviet attacks by the Chinese and some of their closest allies in speeches during the sessions), or even mention Cairo as the site of the condemned "splittist meeting" of the rival group! TANYUG's Peking correspondent ex- plains this restraint as due to the refusal of the North Vietnam and NLFSV representatives to accept any accusations directed against the Soviet Union and other "socialist countries." NCNA publicizes a statement attributed to 5 "delegations" from Africa to the meeting which denounces 6 Cairo-based "African organizations" as "bogus revolutionary organizations ... tools of the ... foreign policy of the Soviet Government." The Ghanaian Embassy in Peking protests the meeting's resolution on Ghana. (Details in Chronology) SECRET (WCA Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061AO00400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 4. A TASS statement on a 10-day Cairo meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Students (IUS) reveals no disagreements, -- but does not mention the long-postponed 9th World Youth Festival. A long NCNA account more than a week later describes a violent struggle between the Chinese -- and Soviet-aligned factions. (Details in Chrono, July 20 and 29.) 5. See under China for Peking's "1966 summer physics colloquium of the Peking Symposium" -- not truly an "international front," though the Chinese are obviously trying to build it up as such. 6. The rival Chinese-line and Soviet-line "World Conferences Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs" are scheduled to be held in Japan in August: see under China for Chinese reaction to Japan's banning of the Chinese delegation chief. SOVIET AFFAIRS 7. A week-long visit by Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko to Japan brings agreement on a consular convention and on a Japanese role in develo in g Sib- erian resources -- and blistering Chinese attacks. (July 24-30) 8. Duputy Premier Polyansky achieves agreement in Canada on reciprocal direct air fli hts, the first direct air link between the USSR and North America. (July 11) 9. Moscow is host to a procession of top-level visitors from the non- Communist world: India's Gandhi, Britain's Wilson, the UN's U Thant, and Iraq's Al-Bazza. The Soviets manage to draw Mrs. Gandhi one step closer to their views on Vietnam and to have U Thant relay scare propaganda on the .dire consequences of U.S. "escalation." (July 12-August 1) 10. French CP GenSecy Rochet visits Brezhnev, they reaffirm complete unity. (July 15) 13. U.S. analysts see in the Soviet-announced figures for plan fulfillment in the first half of 1966 no improvement over the unsatisfactory performance of the soviet economy in recent years. "A decline in the rate of principal civilian uses of h mac inery seems to suggest a further increase in the share of durable d s evoted to military and space programs." 2 SECRET (WCA Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 COMMUNIST CHINA 14. The Party's "cultural revolution" sweeps on, with Chen Po-ta identi- fied as "leader of the group in charge." Lu Ting-yi, the Party's propa- ganda chief and one of Mao's closest associates since the Yenan days, be- comes the second (after Peng Chen) purge victim at the Politburo .level. Lu's removal is known through identification of Tao Chu as his successor. And Lo Jui-ching's long-suspected ouster from Army Chief of Staff position is confirmed by identification of Yang Cheng-wu as Acting Chief. Mean while, the elusive Mao not only surfaces but swims! (See details in Chrono.) 15. Peking holds a 9-day "1966 summer physics colloquium of the Peking Symposium," -- attended, according to the communique, by "l4 scientists from 33 countries and regional institutions in Asia, Africa, Latin Ameri- ca, and Oceania." Although Peking boasts in general terms of scientific gains, published reporting indicates that it is heavily loaded with the Chinese political line. (July 23-31) 16? Liberation Army Daily viciously attacks Sholokhov's(Khrushchev-favored) novel The Fate of Man. Reprinted in all Peking papers, it denounces those who "exaggerate the terror and misery of war" and preach "the philosophy of survival." "A true fighter considers it shameful to be taken prisoner ... would rather die standing than live kneeling." "Of course, in wars ... some 'pots and pans' are bound to be broken and sacrifices made. But these are completely justifiable, and worth while...." (July 13) 17. Peking continues its running attacks on implicating Americans and"the Chiang Kai-shek gang in the "anti-Chinese outrages" in I. (Details in Chrono) 18. The Chinese Government heavily attacks the Netherlands Government in connection with the mysterious case of a Chinese engineer attending a welding conference in The Hague. He was seriously injured jumping from the house where he was quartered, taken by the Dutch to a hospital, ab- ducted from the hospital by the Chinese, and died in their hands. The Chinese blame it all on "secret U.S, agents, with the connivance of the Dutch Govt.'!.", The Dutch expel the Chinese Charge d'Affaires, and the Chinese reciprocate, keeping the Dutch charge as "hostage" for the other Chinese engineers, wanted by the Dutch police as witnesses. (July 19-22) 19. Reacting to Japan's denial of an entrance permit for Liu Ning-yi, head of the Chinese delegation to the "12th World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs," the Chinese lash out at the "grand joint anti- China performance by U.S. imperialism, Japanese militarism, and the Soviet revisionist clique." (July 26-28) 20. Peking again blasts India, this time (together with the Soviets) in connection with Mrs. Gandhi's Moscow visit. (July 26) On August 1, Delhi releases an official protest note revealing that Chinese troops 3 SECRET (WCA Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 along the Sikkim border have been "making propaganda broadcasts through loudspeakers" to Indian forces urging rebellion. 21. A Chicom diplomat defects to the U.S. from the Embassy in Damascus. (July 29) 22. Hanoi creates a "Committee to Investigate the War Crimes of the U.S. Imperialists in Vietnam and issues a memorandum on "the new criminal U.S. steps in the escalation of the war in N. Vietnam; 31 January-15 July 1966.''' T1 NLFSV issues a new "black paper on-the crimes of the American aggressors and their satellites in S. Vietnam." (July 22-23) 23. American Marine/ARVN troops just south of the Demilitarized Zone cap- ture documents and weapons which reveal that they are fighting the North Vietnamese 324th Division recently arrived via the DMZ and being supplied with food directly from North Vietnam, -- and that the Division brought new tes of Soviet and Chinese weapons which have never before fallen into American hands. (Secret) YUGOSLAVIA 24. The Yugoslav Party and police purge and reorganization proceed with limited publicity. Moderate former Foreign Minister Koca Popovic is elected to replace Rankovic as Vice President; several provincial security police chiefs are ousted. 25. The Albanians make the most of Yugoslavian developments: in admit- ting the secret police abuses, the Tito clique is telling the truth for the first time,but is is only a tiny morsel of the truth. Actually, as "the great Stalin said 20 years ago" and as the Albanians have been say- ing ever since, "Yugoslavia is a terrorist police state, a ferocious dictatorship" where "there is only one power, the UDB" which has drenched its road with "the blood of thousands and tens of thousands of workers and peasants killed without trial," etc. (July-71-9772-17 26. Another editorial denouncing the K revisionists of Eastern Europe for wanting to build "bridges" with imperialism strikes a telling note when it adds that "each wants its 'bridge' to be its own, so as to be able to cross it without the permission of Moscow!" (July 8) 27. An Albanian Party plenum decides to convene its 5th Con ress on November 1 (more than a year late according to the statutes). (July 14) 4 SECRET (WCA Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 "Observers here believe that such a tenor was imparted to these documents only by the representatives of South and North Vietnam, who unmistakably showed in their speeches that 1,heey could not accept accusations against the Soviet Union and other socialist countries...." -- NCNA on the 10th publicizes a "press statement" attributed to the delegations of Bechuanaland, Basutoland, Swaziland, Southwest Africa, and Azania (name used for South Africa) which denounces as "diabolical, malicious, and slanderous'' a June 24 statement "b organizations with offices in Cairo, namely: Southwest African People's Organization (SWAPO), Frente de Libertacao de Mozambique (FRELIMO), Movemento Popu- lar de Libertacao de Angola (MPLA), Idea Popular de La Guinea Equaltor- ial (IPGE), African National Congress of South Africa (ANC), and the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU). "These bogus revolutionary organizations ... have time and again been exposed as tools of the counterrevolutionary foreign policy of the Soviet Government...." -- TANYUG Peking on the 17th reports that the Embassy of the Ghana Republic in Peking protested the conference's resolution on the Febr- uary coup d'etat in Ghana, and noted that only 30 lives were lost during the event, not 2,500 killed and 3,000 wounded as claimed by the resolution. -?-? NCNA reports from Nanking on the 27th on anti-Soviet remarks made by A-A writers visiting there, such as: "One valuable lesson we have learned during this tour,' Agam Wispi from Indonesia said, 'is that the Soviet revisionists' so-called technical aid, as we saw for our- selves, is nothing but a deception, a U.S.-type of trade." New items this period July 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 28: A new round of Sino-Soviet recriminations flares over the escalated U.S. bombing in N.-Vietnam since June 29. Highlights include: --- A People's Dail1 editorial on July 5 charges that the bombings "are a product of the filthy political deal concluded between the U.S. and the S.U., which are working hand in glove. The Johnson administration confessed that before the bombing it had informed various 'key inter- ested governments' of its decision ... and that the S.U. was a 'key interest govt.' In additon, it admitted that it was 'in continuous touch' with the S.U. and other countries on 'all aspects of the strug- gle in Vietnam.' It added that 'there have been cautious approaches' between the U.S. and S.U." -- At a July 10 protest rally of 10,000 headed by Chou En-tai in Peking, Chinese Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Chen Yi declares, 5 (Chrono Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 ``... The bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong by U.S. imperialists was en- tirely the result of U.S.-Soviet collusion." He also adds that "they are making a militar deployment along the Chinese border in coordina- tion with the U.S. imperialist encirclement of China.:' -m A Pravda article on the llth, without referring to the Chinese charges, brands the American statements the ""nonsensical" work of "psychological warfare services." -W- On the 11+th, however, TASS states that it "is authorized to deny emphatically" American reports alleging that the S.U. was informed in advance. Referring to Chen Yips speech, TASS concludes: "The impression is made that this lie was fabricated in Washington with the special intent that it would be picked up by the people in Peking who are eager to pounce on anti-Soviet fab- rications. By this new slander against the S.U., made in unison with the concoctions of American propaganda, Chen Yi is in effect rendering a service to the U.S. imperialists who are waging a ban- dit war against the Vietnamese people." People's Daily strikes back on the next day, saying: "Nobody can deny the numerous facts of Soviet collusion with the U.S. in trying to force peace talks through bombing." July ?: People's Daily Commentator uses reports by UPI, British and Indian newspapers on June 16?.-17, with a VNA denial of June 19 (#3), all on the subject of alleged Chinese obstacles to shipment of aid to Vietnam, to charge the USSR again with anti-Chinese rumormongering: "... The lies fabricated by the Soviet revisionist leadership and circulated by Western news agencies have become ever more absurd and nonsensical.... These incidents reflect the fact that the S.U. and the U.S. are working hand in glove on the Vietnam issue, banding together for sinister purposes... to oppose China, under- mine the friendship and unity between the Chinese and Vietnamese people...." July 7: Ouagadougou, Upper Volta, radio reports that Central African Republic President Bokassa, in his Paris meeting with General de Gaulle, warned that: "The Chinese have created difficulties in the Central Afri- can Republic. I did not hesitate to break relations with the Chinese. To have peace, one must not admit the Chinese into one's country because they teach subversion. I must tell you that the CAR had in its territory a Chinese school for subversion, and even a camp to train marksmen." July 8: An Albanian Zeri I Popullit editorial, "The K. Revisionists Are Strengthening Their 'Bridges' With Imperialism and Are Struggling Against Internationalism,"includes the charge that: 6 (Chrono Cont. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 '?... Like the Soviet leaders, the K. revisionists of the countries of Eastern Europe also want to create 'bridges' with imperialism, but each wants its 'bridge' to be its own, so as tole able to cross it without the permission of Moscow." July 10 & 11: Chief Editor Masayoshi Oka of Japanese CP daily Akahata on the 10th defensively answers his readers with an explanation as to why A. has not yet printed a word about the "cultural revolution" in China. movement in Japan. It must be especially prudent in handling issues concerning the Communist and workers parties of other coun- tries. There are occasion.- l,rhei,, it is not prober to give a full report on an incident or an issue. There are also occasions when giving an assessment of such an issue would be ill?-timed...." ... Akahata is a weapon for correctly promoting the revolutionary On the 1lth, "acting chief" Chikara Hoshino admits that Soviet Trade Union chief Grishin had visited JCP HQ on June 23 (see #3, June 10, 21, 24) but rejects as "completely groundless and maliciously intended slanders" commercial newspaper "reports, based on information given them by public security autkiorities, that a change in the inter- national policy line seemed to be taking place recently in the JCP." Ju 11: Capping a visit to Canada by Soviet Deputy Premier Polyansky, the two governments sign an agreement to set up the first direct air link between the USSR and North America, with reciprocal flights by Air Canada and Aeroflot beginning later this year. July 12 & 13: Two separate cases of Communist espionage in the U.S. are disclosed on successive days. On the 12th, retired Army Lt. Col. Whalen is arrested by the FBI on charges of conspiring with two Soviet Embassy officials to pass high-level military information to the USSR. Both Soviet officers have since returned to the USSR. On the 13th, the State Dept. revealed that a Dept. employee, John Mrkva, who had been cooperating with the FBI since he was "recruited" by a Czech Embassy officer in 1961, had held 48 meetings with and received a total of $3,440 from the original officer and his successor over the 5-year period. Mrkva's final assignment ?-- which precipitated the FBI's decision to terminate the operation -- was to plant a "very effective" self-contained microphone-transmitter in the office of the Director of Eastern European Affairs. The State Dept expelled Mrkva's ?'contact," and notified UN SecyGen Thant that the original recruiter is now with the Czech UN Mission in New York. July 12-August 3: Moscow is host to a procession of top-level visitors from the non-Communist world, including Indian PM Indira Ghandi (fol- lowing her visits to Cairo and Yugoslavia 12-16, British PM Wilson 16-19, UN SecyGen Thant 25-30, and Iraqi Premier Al-Bazzaz 27-3- Mrs. Gandhi was assured of more Soviet aid and went further than before toward the Soviet line on Vietnam, calling for an immediate and 7 (Chrono Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 unconditional end to 'bombing N. Vietnam.. Thant told the press he re- ceived assurance of Soviet support for a second term but also relayed implied Soviet threats concerning the dire consequences of escalation in Vietnam. July 13: NCNA announces that all leading Peking papers have reprinted a July 9 Liberation Arm, Daily attack on Sholokhov's The Fate of Man, under the heading "The Bugler of the Clique of Revisionist Renegades." Bellicose passages include: "The literature of the revisionist renegades is in the com- plete service of the political bargaining between revisionism and imperialism. They sling mud at the nature of revolutionary wars and wantonly distort the truth about them. The exaggerate the terror and misery of war and preach bourgeois 'pacifism'.... What Sholokhov is destroying is the proletarian world out- look. What he is destroying is revolutionary heroism and what he is building up is the philosophy of survival.... A true fighter considers it shameful to be taken prisoner. ... A true fighter would rather die standing than live kneeling.... ... At one stroke, you (Sholokhov) venomously club to death both the great October Revolution and the Patriotic War. Why? By exaggerating the sufferings of war, you are trying to scare people in the vain hope of inducing them to take the sinis- ter revisionist road,the road of selling out to the enemy, just as people of your kind are doing.... Marx said: 'Combat or death; bloody struggle or extinction. It is thus that the question is inexorably put.' Of course, in wars resulting from aggression and suppression by imperialism, some 'pots and pans' are bound to be broken and sacrifices made. But these are completely justifiable and worth while.... The wheel of time moves on inexorably. K. has long been thrown out of the political arena and is an object of people's contempt. Although Sholokhov, under the wing of the Soviet re- visionist clique, is still ferociously snarling against revolution, his unclean soul smells to high heaven and he will never escape the punishment of history! Down with the revisionist philosophy of survival! Long live the victory of the people's war!1 July 14: Tirana announces that a plenum of the Albanian CC July 12- 13 decided to convene the Party's 5th Congress on November 1 (more than a year late, according to its statutes). 8 (Chrono Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 July 15: TASS announces that French CP SecyGen Waldeck Rochet met with Brezhnev and Ponomarev in Moscow: they "reaffirmed the complete ident- ity of their views on all major problems of the time." July 18: The U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities makes public some of the testimony it received from Wladyslaw Tykocinski, former head of the Polish military mission in West Berlin who defected to the U.S. in May 1965. He stated that at least 38 of the 50 members of the mission were actually intelligence agents, and that their number had increased in recent years as the "hard-liners" strengthened their control of the Warsaw Government. Ju_1y 19: The leadership of the Lutheran World Federation discloses that the East German Government had barred the Federation from sched- uling its 5th International Assembly in Weimar in 1969. July 19-22: A public fracas between the Chinese and Netherlands Govern- ments breaks out over the mysterious death of a Chinese engineer in The Hague, where he had come for the 19th assembly of the International Institute of Welding. Press reports indicate that the engineer was found injured in front of a Chinese-rented house and taken to a Dutch hospital, from which he was abducted by Chinese diplomats and subse- quently died. The Chinese Charge d'Affaires, Li En--chiu,was expelled by the Dutch on the 19th. A scathing July 21 NCNA denunciation of the Dutch action ("coarse," "arrogant," "unjustifiable," "unscrupulous," "vicious") blames it all on the U.S.I It claims that "secret U.S. agents, with the connivance of the Dutch Government, used every sor- did means to induce, illegally and repeatedly, members of the Chinese delegation to desert and betray their country." The deceased's in-- juries were sustained, it says, when, "incited by U.S. agents," he Jumped from the building where he was lodged and attempted to run away. The Chinese retaliated by declaring the Netherlands Charge in Peking persona non grata on the 22nd _-?? but detained him as hostage until all members of the Chinese delegation had left the Netherlands. Reporting on the incident from The Hague, NYTimes correspondent Edward Cowan says: "Dutch experts believe that The Hague is a center of Chinese espionage activity. About a month ago the Govt said that Chinese working in the Netherlands without permission must apply for residence and work permits or leave the country." July 19 & 21: The Albanian Zeri I Popullit takes off on the Yugoslav Party and police purge and reorganization in a long, 2-part article: "The Lamentable Bankruptcy of the Political and Economic System of Titoite Yugoslavia." It first recalls that almost 20 years ago Stalin and the Cominform "denounced the lack of democracy in Yugoslavia and the introduction in that country of a 'shameful, terrorist, purely ottoman regime."' It goes on: "Through examples and authentic facts, our press and our propaganda have shown what is going on in the Titoist hell.... 9 (Chrono Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 They have protested with revulsion and profound indignation against the terrible Titoite concentration c_amps, the mass perse- cutions, the assassinations and the tortures inflicted.... We have shown that T. Yugoslavia has been transformed into a irison of the peoples, where national divisions and chauvinistic passions prevail, where the nationalities are divided into superior and inferior categories, into rulers and subordinates.... All that we have said is quite harmless compared to the un- masking which the T. gang inflicted upon itself at the recent plenum.... Tito is now obliged to admit that there is only one power in Yugoslavia, that of the UDB.... ... Even what was said at the plenum is sufficient to confirm once again -- and this time out of their own mouths -- what the great Stalin said 20 years a*o, what our party has always declared and said, what Yugoslav internationalist Communists declared, and what the Yugoslav people declare every day, namely that the counterrevolutionary white terror does rule in Yugoslavia and that Y. is a terrorist police state, the ferocious dictatorship of a gang in the service of American imperialism.... The UDB has soaked its bloody road against the peoples of Y. and against socialism with the blood of the thousands of inter- national Communists killed in the prisons and police stations; with the blood of the thousands and tens of thousands of workers and peasants killed without trial and without documents in city and country.... ... This is the first time that we can say that the Y. revisionists do not lie,... although they admit only part of the truth, a very small part, a morsel. The question arises: why did they do this?... The denunciation of Rankovic concerns the total political and moral degeneration, the profound rot, of the Y. Titoite gang, which is like those gansters who, after their misdeeds, attack each other and kill each other off for a share in the booty. The Serbo-Croatian chauvinists are quarreling at theeexpense of the peoples of Yugoslavia.... The Y. Titoites feel that the people's hatred is rising like a tempest.... So now they try to divertthe discontent and the hatred of the people of Y. onto a Rankovic or a Stefanovic, to make the people believe that henceforth things will change...." July 20 & 29: TASS on July 20 announces the close of a 10-day session of,the Executive Committee of the International Union of Students (IUS) attended by representatives of 50 countries in Cairo: its bland statement indicates no disagreements, nor does it mention the long- postponed 9th World Youth Festival. On the 29th, however, NCNA issues a long account of how the Chinese delegation in Cairo "adamantly opposed the revisionist leading clique of the Soviet Union in its position of accomplice of U.S. imperialism and its use of the IUS to 10 (Chrono Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 further its own erroneous line of capitulation and splittism." It describes in detail how the Soviets "manipulated the meeting," how, whenever the Chinese or their allies took the floor, the Soviets "had the executive chairman arbitrarily stop their speeches, ... had the microphone cut off ... had their hatchetmen create a foul atmosphere by pounding tables, booing, and stamping their feet." "Not trusting their arguments at the meeting, the Soviet revisonist bloc indulged in all kinds of shameless base dealings outside the meeting." "Some delegates to previous IUS meetings said that some pretense of democracy had been preserved at these earlier meetings, but at this meeting even this fake democracy had been dropped." July 20: Clandestine Communist radio "Voice of the People of Thailand" on the 20th claims that guerrillas on the 8th ambushed a 40-man Thai police unit in Nakhon Phonom province, dank Ko district, seriously wounding two, and on the 10th "fought bravely against a large number of troops and policemen brought in by helicopters" in the Pattalung province. J~211 25: AFP reports from Manila on July- 21t "An army task force of several thousands and Huk bands terrorizing the Philippine countryside Vietcong-style may by the beginning of a long campaign in Luzon and new unrest in South- east Asia. The initiative is presently in the hands of the Huks, a Communist-.led peasant force that revolted and was crushed in the early 1950's and renewed activity this year, killing at least 30 people and kidnapping some 60 others.... Thursday night a Huk commando squad blasted its way through police barricades in a town in rice--growing Nueva Ecija Province, killing two policemen: Wednesday, what is believed to be the same group brought down two wounded Philippine constabulary troops and destroyed at least one police vehicle...." On the 25th APP cites "a central Luzon official" as stating that the or of Candaba and 5 of his security men were killed in a Huk ambush on July 19. APP adds that "Communist Chinese propaganda appears to have increased in the Philippines." July 22-23: TASS Hanoi on the 22nd reports publication by the NLFSV of 'a black paper on the crimes of the American aggressors and their satellites in South Vietnam" under the title: The Biggest War Criminals of the Present Epoch. Concurrently, the DRV Foreign Ministry issues a memorandum on "the new criminal U.S. steps inthe escalation of the war in N. Vietnam: 31 January-15 July 1966." Next day Hanoi VNA reports that "the Council of Ministers of the DRV has set up a committee to investigate the war crimes of the U.S. imperialists in Vietnam." Jul 23-31: According to the communique issued on the 31st, the "1966 physics colloquium of the Peking Symposiom is attended 11 (Chrono Cont.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 by 144 scientists from 33 countries and regional institutions in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Oceania." The list includes only three from LA (Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) -- and not Cuba. "Among those present," reports NCNA, "were Robert Williams, the noted American Negro leader; Djawoto, SecyGen Of the A-A Journalists Association; and foreign peace champions and expe.ts in Peking." "The colloquium held that only by first opposing imperialism, colonialism, and neo-colonialism would it be possible to develop the national science and culture of the masses of the people of the four continents." 110 of those attending are reported by NCNA to have signed a statement condenming U.S. aggression in Vietnam. NCNA's detailed reporting as the colloquium proceeded included -- On the 26th, a report read by the Chinese scientist Wang Jung en- titled: "Research on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Carried Out Under the Brilliant Illumination of Mao Tse-tung's Thought." -- On the 28th, a paper by "Suharjo, head of the Indonesian scientists delegation," which condenmed "the counterrevolutionary fascist regime of the Council of Generals" in Indonesia. ?... On the evening of the 28th, the scientists saw the Chinese color film "The East Is Red." July 24-30: Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko's visit to Japan brings agreement on a consular convention and on Soviet-Japanese cooperation in developing the economic resources of Siberia. The USSR rejected Japanese efforts to win reconsideration of Japan's claim to the South- ern Kurile Islands, taken by the USSR at the end of WWII. NCNA and People's Daily attack the visit on the 31st as "a new stage in the col- lusion between teen the Soviet revisionist leading clique and the Japanese reactionaries" and in the development of the "unholy alliance" of the U.S. Japan, and the USSR against China. Jul, r 26: Fidel Castro surfaces. after long absence from public view, with a long, fiery, frustrated speech on the 13th anniversary of his attack on the Monads Barracks which launched his revolt against the Batista regime. He is particularly critical of the "pseudorevolution- aries," "defeatists" and "capitulationists" in Latin America who fail to make revolutions even though they often have "better conditions" than he had in Cuba. He opposes "technical and economic assistance" to Chile, which is "a show window of imperialism trying to smuggle Christian Democracy in L.A., but the flirtations of Frei won't dupe anyone.... The prostitute will not become virtuous." (See July 2 report of a Soviet aid delegation to Chile.) People's Daily blasts Mrs. Gandhi's Moscow trip, Vhit fl6 64* howed up the foul features of the Indian renegace zo :t :her a geed __ . _ _... .. -i .... the S i t ?__-' _2 _ ov e n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 July 26-28: The !Japanese Government's decision on the 26th to deny an entrance permit to Liu Ning-Yi, head of the Chinese delegation to the 12th World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, draws sharp Chinese attacks. People's Daily Commentator on the 28th, notiig that Liu had visited Japan many times, including the last two bomb confer- ences in 196+ and 1965, asks why this sudden negative decision. It points to the July visits of Rusk and Gromyko in Japan. "What obviously is being staged is a grand joint anti-China performance by U.S. im- perialism, Japanese militarism, and the Soviet revisionist leading clique...." J2 9: The eirut press reports that a diplomat attached to the Chinese Communit Embassy in Damascus has defected and asked the U.S. Embassy for political asylum. The State Department in Washington con- firmed only that a Chinese national had requested political refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Damascus. Radio Dar es Salaam reports that Tanzanian President Nyerere laid the foundation stone for 2.5 million-pound textile mill being construc- ted at Ubungo, a suburb of the capital, "with an interest-free loan from the People's Republic of China." He thanked the Chinese experts for their hard work. "At the nearby new 100-kilowatt radio transmitter, also being built with Chinese aid, the President was conducted on a tour of the site by a fluent Swahili-speaking Chinese interpreter and met four Tanzanian radio engineers who are understudying the Chinese experts." July 29: Guatemalan newspapers report a press interview with Communist guerrilla leader Luis Turcios in his mountain hideout: he rejects the Government's anmesty offer and states that the rebels intend to con- tinue fighting to seize national power "for the people." August 1: The New Delhi INFORMATION SERVICE OF INDIA releases the text of a July 28 note to the Chinese Embassy in India: "The Indian Government has received reports that since 3 July 1966 Chinese troops entrenched across the Sikkim-Tibet border at Nathu La have been making propaganda broadcasts through loudspeakers to the Indian defense forces on the Sikkim side of the border. During the last week these broadcasts have become virulent, pro- vocative, and abusive. They malign the Government and people of India and even call on the officers and men of the Indian Army to oppose the Indian Govt...." After quoting some extracts from the broadcasts, the note says: ''It is time that the Chinese Govt realize that neither the people of India nor the peoples of Asia and Africa will tolerate such attempts at interference and domination from outside." It concludes by lodging "the most emphatic protest' and demanding that "this provocative and interventionist propaganda cease forthwith. 13 (Chronology) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/28: CIA-RDP78-03061A000400010002-6 #4 5 July-1 August 1966 WORLD COMMUNIST AFFAIRS CHRONOLOGY Delayed items from previous period June 17: Under a heading "The Founding of the Austrian _Marxist- Leninists (IL(L); No. 24 of La Voix du Pr-ale, weekly organ of the pro- Chinese dissident Belgian CP,princs a 14Ju.ie Grippa-signed "message from our Party to the Austrian M-Ls" congratulating the latter on their new organization, "which represents a great step for