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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 50X1-HUM OrY . tom: ? XTLTrM `.: Wv$: "Training or M litatry Faculty Officers,,, by C?1oria1 6. tgyazev Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 ? Training of lflitarN' Faculty Officers by ? colonel S. "MM (A reply to an article published in No. 30 of the Collection) Articles on the command training (ko^andirskaya podgatovka ) of officers from military faculties are seldom published in cur press. Therefore, we, officers of the department of higher ed7ucatiXal institutions (otdel vusav--Yuz--wyssheys u.:hebnoye zavedeniye ), were particularly interested in the article by Colonel V. iedarov ? It is true that the author has stated the primary problems somewhat sketchily, and seoreaver, we cannot agree with some of his opinions. First of all, he is wrong in his assertion that the eiocel officers and generals from military faculties of higher institutions are isolated from army life and are badly provided with military literature. Daring the last two years, in the Carpathian Iilitary District, more than half the officers aaft'iaengenerals with higher military faculties nave been rep ced by young military education who have come directly from the troops. Slmy are coping successfully with the great tasks given them and are skilful3y iWarting military kaovledge to their stuleata, the future reserre officers. Of course, the young instr darn an military faculties used assistance in mastering teaching matb4s? It is just to this that the heads of faculties and the departments of higher ednaticeual institutions in military districts should pay the most attention when plama5ng commend and methods trainisng, especially in the case of seysn to ten-day refresher courses (*bar). As far as literatwe is eocaroad, the officers and psseerals employed at military faculties suffer from no lack of it. Wavash the directorates of the lfinaistry of Dtfenssea, lare provided t district with a headquarters may, just as all other &M setticiont guuanttty of revulations,, courses in riksssnship, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 textbool.e, and visual aids. Bach military faculty subscribes to the necessary military, technical, and special journals. Officers at the faculties systematically attend command aurercises, visit units during refresher training caurrses, and while the students do their training, participate in commend staff and tactical a 'cises. For example, in February 1960 seven-day district refresher courses were held for all officers em loyed on m. itary faculties. All military faculties held four-or five-day refresher courses at the end of the spring semester used before the start of the new academic year. During the year more than a third of the officers participated in command staff exercises and exercises with troops and a considerable number attended special refresher courses conducted by central and district directorates. The military faculties at higher educational institutions are fully provided with the necessary training weapons and combat and transport equipment. This allays all exercises with students on tactics, special tactics, fire and drill training and other subjects ? to be conducted under cooditione in the field approximating those in combat. Officers of military faculties are becoming less and less cart off from the soldier's life every year. Colonel V. Fedorov considers that the most suitable time for district refresher courses for officers and generals employed at military faculties is when the students are on winter ~i the only our opinion, the winter vacation is not only suitable a possible time for holding district refresher courses be4muse for the ?rhol a of the re ms ining time the officers and the generals are busy teaching, and during the summer vacation they are, together students, in camp for practical training and special practice with the troops. It should be borne in min!, however, that the winter vacation does not fall at the stare time Sn all the hilbe r educational institutions. Rbere!oa e, we inquire beforehand at the higher educational institutions vbe i their vacation begins and arrange the bates for the district refresher canrses to *nswe a 100 percent attendance of officers and generals. -3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 The author of the article under discussion has shown too sketchily the orgmnizatin and conduct of district refresher courses for off icera and generals from military faculties. He deals in a particularly weak manner with such an important question as the training of the intructors in teaching methods. In this connection we should like to discuss in some detail the experiences with refresher courses for officers and generals from military faculties which were eooducted by the Lldrpathian Military District in February 1960. The refresher courses were planned for the first week in February and by the 15th of Decker, the commandeer of the troops for the military district bad already confirmed the following allocatice of hours and subjects for the refresher courses. S Arrangements made Allocation of Hams ~TTcr~al Hours *rxist -Len.i nist Training 1 6 Training in Tactics and Special Tactics Methods Training Drill Instruction Report on the Results of Students' Training for the First Semester,, Statements by Refresher 23 10 2 5KU-res Practical V-~uatcises 10 13 - 10 - 2 Coarse Students, Instr4c- time from the Ccmand+er 5 5 TOTALS 46 21 25 A- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Subjects for the Refresher Courses NARXI -I aIS T TR:; I Internations I Position of the, Soviet Union (lecture) - 2 hrs The Results of the Work of the Decermber Plenum of the Oentral Committee of the Soviet union (lecture) - 2 bra The Influence of Scientific and Technical Progress on the Development of Combat Xquipment and Methods of Armed Comet (lecture) TRAINZ$G IN TACTICS AND SECIAL TACTICS (for all participants in the refresher course) A Precipitate Attack on a Prepared 1lSoem ' Defense Position by a Motorized Rifle Division (a act-x re) - 2 bra The Use of Atomic Weapons and Artillery during a Precipitate Attack an a Prepared ZDwW Defense Position by a Motorized Rifle Division (lecture) - 2 bra Seminar on the New Combat and Field Mtnua1 - 3 bra ? engineer Support during an Attack by s )btcz used Rifle Division (lecture) - 1 hr course except officers of the medical service) -13 bra Group nap exercise on the subject "Mad cal Support in a Precipitate Attack an a Prepared snamq Defense Position by a Motorized Rifle Division" (practical exercise for officers of the sadical service) -13 bra Supply of Technical squ ipaut for an Attack by a Motorized Rifle Division (lecture) Group map exercise can the Subject of "A Precipi- tate Attack on a Prepared seesyr Defepee Position by e Motorized Rifle Division" (for all participants in the MILL RI TI(* (for all participants is the refresher Comm) Practical exercise on the subject "D: ill 16ss01 and Marching, with Arm" ?5- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 rrww ~ ~~ ~n n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 ? For lecturers on canined-erns a ?ects : an open exercise (otkrytoyc zanyatiye) on the subject of "Control of a Rifle Platoon during an Attack" - 5 bra A d manstration (poky znoye .aryatiye) of "?ire Control in a Rifle Platoon in Defense" - 5 bra For artillery officers : a demonstration "A Coammnd Platoon of an Artillery Battery in an Attack" Tactical exercise of an artillery division with comet firing by day and by night an the subject of "Whys and i thoda of Work to sure a >`9eving of Time and an Increase in Accuracy of Tire" Tom officers of the medical service the folloving lectures : "W derv Problem of Orpnizatioc and Tactics in Medical BuTpcat, for the Troops" "Organization and Utent of Surgical Aid at the stages of *dical Evacuation" "The Sorting of.Oasuelt2es at the Stages of Medical Evacustioa" "Current Inforstion on Zn=W Preparation for Barteriologtearl Warfare and the Qrgunization of Antihacteriological Protection of Troops and the I c:al Population" "Proaisioc of Medical and 1vacuation Services for Troops in an Area Sit by a Chemical Weapon" -1-brs 6 bra - 2 bra - 2 bra - 2 bra Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 ? The responsibility for preparing and conducting all exercises was given to the appropriate ccmr z4ing officers of arms of troops and cc tndf,ng officers of departments and directorates of the district. Control over the preparation of teaching materials, open exercises and demonstrations was exercised by the assistant caamander of trce,,ps for higher educational institutions in the district. The organizaticsal i.netructtc a for support of the eoursas provided for the allocation of vehicles, motor transportation potential and aama:nition, and also of financial means (taking into account the printing of the training and introductory problems, and of the starting situation on topographical cape),, location of the course, the number of study groups, was informrtion measures, and feeding arrangements. A31 training materials were prepared 7 to 10 days before the beginning of the cotrses. The leaders of tactical training groups rehearsed 4 or 5 days bet are the courses. The responsibility for organizing and conducting the course was placed an the assistant commander of troops for higher educational institutions in the district. F`ross the allocation of hours and the selection of subjects, as shown above, it will, be seen that more than half of the training time wee allotted to practical exercises. Out of the 25 to 30 hours of practical exercises, 10 hours were devoted to training the instructors in methods. I shuuld like to may a few words about open exercises and damonstrat_-can. In the 1958 courses, exercises on the subject of "A Rifle Platoon in the Attack" were conducted with the participation of a platoon out cadets of the Military Academy. The exercises were well prepared and conducted, but it vas not typical of exercises with students of higher odueaticzml institution-. We recognized this defect and since 1959 have been conducting open exercises and damonstrstioos with the Participation of groups of such students. Judging by the reaction of the ma joarity of generals and officers from military faculties, these exercises render them considerable assistance with training methods. -7- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 To judze fzoan Colcmel V. Eedarov' a article, a consideerable defect in the case 6t the Varoceth _ ilitary District is tlat not all the generals and off ic o=s frowi military faculties are included in the drill instruction. It should be borne in mind that drill training of students should not be taught by combined-arses officers alone. ArtiUcry. signal, and engineer officers, as well as officers of the rear and medical services, should be able to conduct drill instruction. Each instructor from a military faculty is assigned several study groups at different laTels which be moult instruct during the whole period. in one principal subject and two or three related to it. The transfer of subjects and study groups from one instructor to another is not allowed, as a rule. Tberefcn e, courses for all the officers from military faculties should include demonstrations and open exercises in fire and drill training. In exercises for arcs of troop. and services, it is desirable to study with officers only special, acxre difficult problaar on certain subjects in the program. Colonel V. scorer writes that at Voronezh, a group composed of officers from the military faculty is studying l!e-r tat-t intst training at the Officers` Club. In other garrisons the officers hear lectures at regional military commissariats (oblvoenkoarat) and political departments of special units of the garrisons, but senIzars are bell in the military faculties wader the guidcnce of the beads of faculties. In on opinion, this is not the only acceptable form of *rzist-LenInIst training for officers-from military faculties. Is it possible that all the officers from military faculties in the garrison are studying only one branch of Marxist-Leninist science, say, the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Mice, political econcagr, or Phil cipbyt Besides, how can the bead of the faculty co uct a seadnar when the officers are studying different branches of *rxist-Leninist science? With us, b1arxist-Leninist training in each faculty is dons in accordance with its own plan which is connected with the study plan of the higher educational institution. As is well known, political eeoDomy, history of the OPSU, and philosophy are studied by all the Instructors at civilian hig er educational institutions. got is why we recd ed that officers from military faculties should study directly at the higher educational institutions. we think that this is a quit.'acceeptable form of *rxist-Lsainist txailntag for officsrs from adlitery faculties and one, acreoArar, which is aars reliable from the Viewpoint of control. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9 50X1-HUM It is another matter when the officers are studying problems of military science in the classic works of )krxiei -Leninists. In such cases it is mc-?e desirable that studies and seminars be hall in district of.. _ -mss' clubs, regional military commaissartatc, political departments of special urLita of garrisons, and at, the military faculties of higher educational institutions. In order that officers from military faculties my keep abreast of the developments in tactics, veapos, and combat equipment, all faculties in the Carpathian W.litary Dist - pct are attached to military units and military training institutions. Hare the officers get acquainted with the latest types of armament, attend lectures which are pert . of ccmmmnders' training, and are present at critiques on varw tactical and cceimand staff exercises. At the saw time the officers from military faculties take an active part in the work ce local br*nches of the Society for the Diseemiwtion of Political and Scientific tnovledge and in military science societies, and they recount their experiences in training and educating students cos the, pages of the military press. A =mater of officers from the faculties have produced scholarly works rich have been published by the Military Publishing' Rouse. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/03: CIA-RDP10-00105R000403640001-9