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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260272-1 INFORMATION FROM CLASSIFiCATIUN C(7YfA'IlTB'ATIAL ~~~fj~~~ ~ ~~~~ CENTRAL IDJTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPURT~ COUNTRY Lg~ DATE OF SUB,)ECT HOW PUBLISHED lAonthly periodianl WHERE PUE1rISHEi) 3%necos,Y DATE PUBLISHED Cct 1948 'if+NGUA.GE Russian YNI/ OOCYY{NY 09NTAlNL iNI01A,AYlON AIIIOTINY TNI NATIONAL pI9CNY! 01 TNL UNIT{0 LTATLY RYININ Y~[ lLAMilI OI {LIIORAN[ AC: itl Y. {. 0., /l ANl lL, A/ AN LNpYp. IT/ TRAN{NI1310N 00 TNN Aitl[LATION THS HCgFC1~C BASa"8 Fit A>1TONS:IZATItii~ OF IpD0.91gtTAT. P'R@CL8Bilf3 $6sr n eocinliet eaanomy there .are unlimited ~oesibilities for nutoactization of iadastrinz processes, Bovover, all proble~e ooncarn:~ng the erpodieaay of neing cc~bimatic~ aanchine tools sad aatomntio transfer machine lines require onreful eoc:_ ~o>xio nan]yois. IIp to the present, these problems hnve not been varied out, The Aetho{'olagienl approach, the basic darn, aid indezea nre missing. 'Eae econozio espe?Liena~ ~f appi?'.n~ su~`omeltizatian can be determined only by capering glt,an.ed ;anabt~aa tool.e and. Baas wixh either those pre9en+`~ in opeantion or with the more modern nonnit~uastlc maohininv eletho~lc vhiah have 'peen used under epeoif_c ooaditions. IiA ~ui:.:aR1sGiG It iR L.Ot O211P 2fACa6.^. :."~ a.^. ?..1ta_ yn?:.: rtt'a:w~lla:v t'_l rn *.ha '. n_r.T+a_a__aa_ in productivity, bnt oleo the ezpendSture of lids and ~eater9.e.1 labor: This aa,7 be soh:ered by acapnring undez various ccs,d?tione the coet9 of maav.ining n single part or the costs of caking the part for n year by dlfferont: nojhodm. Ia caaparing tho variatnt! c+f autmudvis open.tioNA 4i*.:; the variRints Sn noonuta- matio methods, it ie neceel3~r?; tc a~!z;$ar in .}a,.b ar,=c utst,* aler~en~ie decrease the leagt'n bf the production cycle, A.Sing the inope_,~nt:ETe per9T~d of the rmchine too=, the cost oP its operntiosa is aeterained bq the wages paid to th+~ .,p~,aa?or ~ the d7pleaiBtion Gcl the egniament, t+`hen 4:3:s atchinb is idAia~, re h(dd tho cost of replnire and elsotrio power aooeured to the first two ezpenees. FI$HTIAL uUf~F~UtI~ I lAL . STATE NAW NSP.B - GISTRI9UTION A~2NY AIR FBI I ~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260272-1 N0. OF PAGE5 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORt~1A?ION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260272-1 and let R stand for the machining time and time required far secondary aperatioae, l~ov, the operating cycle on ~~.:iautom.tic machine tools can be repraeentod by Z-R, A eemiautarpatic machine will be reprosented by Z-AR anal an autoffitir, by AZ _lEZ. Working a nonautomatic machine Lool raquirae the undivided attention of one operator, An alZtoasatic machine tool raquirae the attention of an operator only during inserting and removal of the part, thus leaving him free to opera*,e other maohines during the remainder of the time. Ths extant of such free tS~~ depends on the ratio: 0 where tz equals mime required for inserting and.. removing the part, and to equslo total t T opera ing time. hus, tz plus tr egual.e to, in which tx equals actual working time (machining and secondary operations). L the nature and or'~r of tAa op?rations parfe.rmed oa an autoffitic machine tool renaAn constant, the to of the process will be constant.- The t may increase due to tLee required to chau,3e tools (secondary losses, nooordina to G?. A. Sheamyan'e tarminolagv), The automatic machine tool is more oostly to manufacture nad raquirae mbre time for repnirs tian a eoaventi'arusl machine tool. Despite the faot that shortened machining time cute tool wear and pmrar consuaraption, an automatic machine tool in more expensive to operato than a no;zautomRtic tool. `i2~e economic expediency or automatization lies in the wago oavinp. which derives from o.-,e man's operating severaa ffiechinea. 50X1-HUM Let ne discuss the possible methods of automatizing conveyer lines of nonautomatic machine tools (sae Lines 0 appended chart). The symbol T represents +,he nonautomatio cycle of intercperational transfer of work part. The symbol AT represents au*.omatic transfer. In Column A are ehovn the varian!-e of conceutratione of opera+.ioas on one machine tool, Column B shows tho variants posei'ule on automatic transfer machines lines. Prof G. A. Sbr,umyan, Doctor of Technical Sciencec?has given us an analysis of the p;.roductivity of multiposition machine tools and iranefer lines. He points out that the increase in productivity brought about by further combining oP tools in not pro- portional to the increaso in productivity brought about by the addition of vork positions. The }roductivity decreases if the number of pc:.iti~ns o=ceede the calcnletbd' optimum. In other words, the length of the working cycac of a e]ngle nonautomatic operation tr is in t6ie case laps than the length oP the working cycle o? ass automatic machine, tax', or a line which has undergone further comhinaticn of tools. Sometimes, however, a d, tease of operating tine is achieved even when tar ie grester than t ae a reeul.t of a cut is the time for loadinK and unloading, and in interopera*.icxal ~ranefer of tna work part. Under the systems of automatization shown in Columns I a*,d :.: tpe time for mapual operations sad transfer Se ehortea~d, and the machining tim3 fr ~u3ntly increased. The outlay for wages Se decreased since several combination mcchino tools and other mnchlae tools can be operate3 by a single person. Even more machines can be operated by one ~n order the variants I - 2 or II - 2 when loading operations are also made autmatic. ThE economic expediency of using variants (Columoe 1 sad II) iacraeses ae the length of the single operations increases. It should be remembered that xaga eaviuga inth'_s snrlycic moat ba balanced a~ sat substantial increneee in ope^ating costa of the equipment. F'erticularly favorable reeulie may be achieved by petalled c~binatione (Column III), when Dither Due part ie marhingd simultaneously by seveml.toole or the same operations are eimulte.neongly perforaed on several parts. Under these conditions the vork ppnth for one part is sharply reduced in comparison with nonautomatic machines (Line 0), ~~09~~ ~'~'lT~AL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260272-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260272-1 7Snoa of combination machine tcols have all tkae virtues and dlsadvantagea of any aerial or parallel operation. l~zreasive lengthening of the 11ne can mpidly lar:er productivity ae a result of increased length of idling tiua during tool changing, spot breakdowns, repairs, etc. I: has beam found advisable where mnall parts are basing macnined to break the aui:amatic line down into separate sections with automatic feed hoppers in between, ~cmz the paint of view of design complezities and ecanaumy effected, the aut?atizing of loading and interoperetional transfer of ?sll parts is not usually ~uatified. The introductlen of automatizing loading and transfer of large, complez parts requires careful preliminary analysis of design and economy probleffis, since the wage saving door mot always warrant the increase in operating expenses, particularly repair and deprwciation, which complaz loading and transfer mechanisms incur. Automgcic electric and 2tydraulic mechanisms are particularly complez and extremely sensitive e otirats of a machine 11ne; they axe frequently responsible for l aig pari~de of idleness hem they break down]. With a longer xork cycle and the use of mots simple means of transfer, such se roller convey era, pneumatic lifts end others, the attending personnel can perfox~ the transfer and loading functions without effort,. The advantages of using auto; tic lording and transfer require conolderable econc$iic analysis. To take a simple ezamplee Ala;?ge multigrsdryated s+~iaft unclergoes rorzgh machining and finishing on a lathe. The total operating time ~, tD la 34 minutes, including machining time ~ tya which equals to ?6 minutes, By msonining this shaft on two multicut semiautomatic machines (Model lAc3), thq length of rough and finishing operations ~'~ to is 2 z 5.2 minutes, durl.ayg which the time for loading and unloasdirg is ~ tv eq? 2 t 0.9 minutee~. mom th6 equation L-a~t~.. equals :>~? - O.g , we find that one ~`'z 0.9 worker can operato at least 4.8 machine tools. With the output of 40,000 panto pa: year when one worker operates two tylodsl ]18 semiantcmatir; machines, the eznense of acquiring, _ nc., Clearly ~ustifien~ ]:P the two-~le~miatt~estio saea;~irae diaenesbd?>above v~De~toe>ve avippe3 with. ep3e1a1 devipea fur leading, unloading, and transferrir.F the wurk part, the time for eaccnaary operatlon9 could be cut by 2 x 0.4 minutes. This would increase the annual output to 43,000 pieces. One third-clhse worker can operate t%!a two machine tools. The saving on wages, including the ezpenditures for social insurance and paid ;a cations, amounts to about 400 rubles par year. The increase of output fiY;m 40,n0^ to 43,000 parts per- mits us to decrease the relative depreciation allowance by 600 rubles. The yearly saving, than, xould be abouo 1,000 rubles. Th1e is obviously not worth it ruilesa the cost of SnetaLing the automatic devices w;,re very low. The above ezamp~e of economic analysis reveals that with the obvious ezpediency of e.:tnma.ticizing the cycle accordir>,3 to the foraul~-P.P~-T-~-AR]~,~7ccmplete ante-? mntization of the process according to the formula A2-A$ AT- AZ- cannot ba ~uetifled economically. Thia is the sort of analysis that mast be made of all machine-tool combinations and lines before decisions on the eztent of autanatization are mace. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260272-1 u~~F~~~~~T~AL ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260272-1