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UDC 616-001.228.1-057-07
Prague PRACOVNI LEKARSTVI in Czech Vol 23 No 8, Oct 71 pp 265-271
[Article by Jana Pazderova, MD, (Clinic of Occupational Diseases,
Prague) et all
[Text) The purpose of our research was to contribute to the solution of
the question as to whether human health is affected by long-term exposure
to electromagnetic radiation in the VHF band, and thereby to enhance the
setting of health norms that would eliminate not only any possible dam-
age but also discomfort during work. The present work ties in with our
previous study of the environment of radio transmitters [35), where we
did not find any disease due to electromagnetic radiation, despite the
fact that the intensity of the electromagnetic field exceeded in most
cases the permissible level in Czechoslovakia. We will not dwell on the
general problems of electromagnetic radiation and instead refer the read-
er to certain summary reports and monographs [9, 24, 27, 28, 34, 441.
In the literature, however, we did not find any study that solved the
personnel's state of health at television transmitters, in terms of a
more accurately defined exposure.
Material and Methods
In 1969 and 1970, during a 5-day confinement at the Clinic of occupation-
al Diseases in Prague, we examined 58 employees of television transmit-
ters from the entire territory of Czechoslovakia. The criterion for
selection was the length and magnitude of exposure. We invited for ex-
amination persons who had been exposed the most and the longest. Of the
88 invited employees, 30 declined for family reasons and work schedules.
The mean age of the 49 examined males was 31.8 years (s = 7.6), and
their mean exposure was 7.3 years (s = 3.0). The average age of nine ex-
amined females was 33.9 years (s = 7.6), and their mean exposure was 6.9
years (s = 2.3). Of the mentioned 49 males, nine had worked previously
at radio stations, an average of 7.9 years (s = 2.0).
The majority of the examined subjects were employed as technicians and
shift supervisors. During most of their working time they monitored the
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operation of the transmitters. During the rest of their working time
they recorded the readings of measuring instruments located on the in-
dividual transmitters, readjusted them and performed routine maintenance.
By nature their work was routine intellectual activity with average re-
quirements in terms of intelligence, vigilance and attention. The edu-
cational requirement was secondary education, but 17 technicians were
continuing their education under work-study programs. At every work sta-
tion the work was in shifts, with work cycles of varying length, and the
workweek averaged 40 hours. The transmitters' frequency band was 48.5
to 230 MHz.
In the subjects' histories we noted whether some disease occurred more
frequently or afflicted several persons from the same work station. We
devoted attention also to the subjects' social history, to their commit-
ments outside working hours, particularly to enrollment in work-study
programs, to opportunities for resting after a night shift, to the man-
ner of commuting, etc. The results obtained in this manner were evalu-
ated individually, in relation to the overall clinical picture.
The employment history was supplemented by measurements of the electro-
magnetic field intensity, and by computations of the exposure levels at
the individual work stations. The electromagnetic field intensity was
measured according to the standard method introduced in Czechoslovakia.
Only the field's electrical component was determined by means of an in-
tegrating field-strength meter for medical purposes, due too Rezny [46].
Essentially this is a transistorized HF voltmeter. The error of this
method is given as ?30 percent. The measurements were made during the
transmitters' peak power, with the transmitters' doors always open
(Fig. 1), which is typical of the bulk of the operating time during the
year. By comparing the accurate time studies of the individual occupa-
tions with the employees' data, we computed the exposure per workday,
i.e., the products of the field intensity, in volts per meter, and of
the exposure time, in hours. The microclimatic conditions, the noise
level and temperature, were measured by the routine methods employed in
health inspection.
All employees were examined under the same hospital regimen. Of the
clinical and laboratory data, we first evaluated the pulse rate, taken
at the end of the physical examination at the time of admission. The
random blood pressure -- i.e., the mean of three measurements at rest --
was compared with the corresponding age group in Ripka's sample of the
Czechoslovak population [37]. Values that exceeded by more than ?2
the standard deviation of the control group were regarded as abnormal.
The same method was employed to evaluate the blood-sugar curves obtained
by the Hagedorn-Jensen test [22]. Our control was the corresponding age
group in Svoboda's sample of healthy individuals without familiar heredi-
tary trends [42]. The protein spectrum of 54 subjects was investigated
by the method of paper electrophoresis [22]. We determined the total
protein, the percent of alpha 1, alpha 2, beta, and gamma globulins,
and the albumin-globulin ratio. We compared the results with a control
group of 55 healthy individuals whose mean age was higher by 6 years;
we used the "t" test to determine the significance of the differences.
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;b !l 6 r.
Figure 1. Work station of a TV transmitter's operating personnel.
Venous blood was taken for a complete blood count. The erythrocyte and
leukocyte counts were based on the measured-volume principle. The plate-
let count was made by the Piettes' methodi(361. erythrocyte count we also
count was made from 100 cells.
compared the hemoglobin content and the hematocrit, which methodological-
ly is more accurate than counting erythrocytes. In the leukocyte com-
ponent we determined the total leukocyte count, the number and percent
of segmented neurophilic leukocytes and of lymphocytes, and the percent
of eosinophils and of monocytes. We compared the results with our own
control groups of healthy adults, and then determined the statistical
significance of the obtained differences by means of the "t" test. The
total plasma cholesterol was determined for all subjects by the routine
laboratory method [22). In view of the fact that in 1969 most hospital-
ized patients, and hence also the investigated sample, showed excessive-
ly high cholesterol levels, we do not regard these values as realistic
and have not evaluated them.
Furthermore we performed liver tests (total and direct bilirubin, glu-
cose tolerance, SGOT and SGPT), the ESR test, urinalysis and microscopic
examination of the sediment. We took chest x-rays, and electrocardio-
grams with standard and chest leads. The female subjects underwent
gynecological examination. The pathological findings of the examina-
tions and tests mentioned in this section will be analyzed separately
Fifty-six subjects underwent neurological examination, according to the
customary basic scheme. Close attention was devoted to neurovegetative
symptoms (emotional erythema, Maranon's sign, dermographism, changes in
acral temperature and sweating, tremor of the extended fingers, and
changes in the pulse rate during examination, due to emotional causes
or to a type of respirational arrhythmia). The methods of examination
and interpretation are described in greater detail in our previous work
on the environment of radio transmitters [351. The results of the
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V0 >, 0 M ~F o
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examination were compared with a 57-member control group of'the same
age. Docent Styblova, who interpreted the electroencephalograms, did
not find any statistically significant difference in the distribution
of the normal, abnormal and pathological rhythms, as compared with the
control group [41].
On the basis of random selection, 46 subjects. underwent psychiatric ex-
amination. The results were compared with the findings for a 21-member
control group of the same age and educational background, and were sub-
jected to the chi-square test. The selected level of the least signi-
ficant difference was p = 0.05. All the examined subjects completed
psychological questionnaires aimed at detecting neurasthenic symptoms:
Knobloch's N 5 questionnaire, the Eysenck EPIquestionnaires'A and B [17],
and the MHQ questionnaire [11]. The results of the examination were
compared with the findings for the Czechoslovak population, as reported
on the basis of such questionnaires by Engelsmann et al [15, 16].
One ophthalmologist examined 51 subjects, and the rest were examined at
another work station. This does not affect the evaluation of the re-
sults in any way, because also here the findings were routine, commonly
occurring among the Czechoslovak population. The anterior segment of
the eye was examined in focal light, the refractive power was measured
subjectively and objectively, and the lens was examined by biomicroscopy
under artificially induced mydriasis. Intraocular tension was measured
in subjects over 40, and the field of vision was checked when indicated.
By means of the "t" test, the results were compared with a control group
of 106 healthy individuals whose mean age was 33.1 years.
Examination and Test Results
The measured intensities of the electromagnetic field are presented in
Table 1. It is evident that the standard limit of 10 V/m was not ex-
ceeded at any work station. To the contrary, the mean values for the
individual work stations are fairly low. However, the mean level of ex-
posure at one of the work stations exceeded the permissible limit of 80.
What the field intensities were in the past cannot be determined accur-
ately, because systematic measurements were not conductedl. to some ex-
tent it may be assumed that initially, during the installation of the
equipment, the field intensity might have been temporarily higher, but
upon the commencement of transmission the intensity was probably lower
than now when the transmitter operate more hours per day.
Noise at the work station consisted predominantly of low-frequency noise
generated primarily by the air-conditioning equipment. The numbers of
th.e noise-level grades ranged from 65 to 81 N. The optimal temperature
at every work station was exceeded by 2?C on average.
In the following we will dwell on the results of the clinical examina-
tions and laboratory tests. In the subjects' histories we did not find
any accumulations of nosological units; the individual diseases occurred
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(1) Kontrola
- r-(
(9) Televiznl pracovn(ci
Af I
Beta -I Cia )
(7) globuliny
54 54 54 54
8,65 10,74 18,93 1,28
0,47 0,49 0,70 0,07
63 53
10,57 19,72
0,47 0,84
(10) Televiznl a rozhlasov( pracovnici
9 I
(11) T-testy
Kontrola: televir.n(
(13) Kontrola: tolevizn(
a rozhlasov(
*Level of least significant difference 5 percent. **1 percent.
1. Control
2. Total protein
3. Albumin
4. Alpha 1
5. Alpha 2
6. Gamma
7. Globulin
8. Albumin-globulin ratio
9. Television personnel
10. Television and radio per-
11. "t" tests
12. Control vs. TV personnel
13. Control vs. TV and radio per-
in an isolated manner and at the same age that we encounter the diseases
in other patients. This in itself excluded the possibility of any cor-
relation between these diseases and exposure, and therefore we did not
evaluate them statistically. In four male subjects we found hyperten-
sion that was diagnosed already during the study. Hypertension in two
of these subjects was of the juvenile type. One patient aged 60 showed
also pronounced signs of coronary insufficiency and hypertension that is
not readily curable. The fourth hypertonic had also an anginal syndrome.
In, all these cases, hypertension had been diagnosed already before
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employment at television transmitters. The blood pressure of the other
subjects did not differ significantly from the blood pressure of the con-
trol group. Neither physical examination nor electrocardiography re-
vealed any pathological irregularities of the pulse rate.
The blood-sugar level was pathological only in the case of the already
mentioned 60-year-old patient who showed signs of general arterioscle-
rosis. In the other patients there were no significant differences as
compared with the control group. We present the protein spectrum in
Fig. 2 because there are certain irregularities already in the second
sample from an environment exposed to electromagnetic radiation. The
mean hemoglobin content was higher for the male subjects than for the
control group: 16.46 g% (ts = 0.29) as compared with 16.15 g% (ts =
0.18). The difference is merely at the 5-percent level of the least
significant difference. The hematocrit values did not differ from the
control group. The erythrocyte count of the female subjects did not
differ significantly from the control group. The mean leukocyte count
of the investigated subjects was higher than for the control group:
6655 (ts = 457.8) as compared with 6028 (ts = 371.7, based on a least
significant difference level of 5 percent. Equally significant was the
rise in the absolute lymphocyte count of the investigated sample, while
the percent breakdown did not show any significant difference. Leuko-
cytosis in five subjects was a concomitant symptom of inflammation of
the upper respiratory tract or of the urinary tract. Without these
five subjects, the mean leukocyte count was 6280, without any signifi-
cant difference in comparison with the control group.
Two males with hypertension and coronary insufficiency had correspond-
ing pathological electrocardiograms. The electrocardiograms of the
other subjects were normal. We diagnosed a single case of focal pul-
monary tuberculosis, in the induration to calcification phase. Accord-
ing to this patient's history, infection occurred in childhood. The
liver tests were pathological for one female subject with chronic liver
damage and pronounced hypercholesterolemia, for which she had been
treated for some time. The gynecological findings of four female sub-
jects were pathological: two had cystic degenerations of the ovaries,
diagnosed prior to their present employment; one girl had chronic ad-
nexitis; and one woman in her menopause had a myoma of the uterus.
However, these women did not report any impairment of fertility, if
and when pregnancy was desired.
Entirely rare were complaints of a loss of potency in males, always
within the framework of a neurasthenic syndrome, specifically among the
male subjects who were enrolled in work-study programs and were over-
burdened. There was no opportunity for a systematic sexuological ex-
amination, and therefore we did not evaluate these data.
In Table 3 we present in detail the results of our neurological examina-
tion, because they are often the subject of discussion. Of the 46 per-
sons who underwent psychiatric examination, 19 or 41.3 percent had no
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Table 3. Pesults of N?urological Txamination, and Comparison with
the Ccntrcl (_;roup
lersons Percent
1. Clinical neurologi;,a 1 findings entirely
normal 29 51.70
Abnormalities that unquestionably are unre-
lated to electromagni.tic radiation
Carpal tunnel syndrome 1
Radicular syndromes 4
After basocraniai fracture, with minor
neurological symptoms 1
After paresis of th.~ facial nerve 1
Intercurrent hyj.ertensi_on 3
.?i.-tory of psychic disorder 1
Vasomotoric cephalalgia already before
Abnormalities of a vegetative type
With history preceding Exposure, or with
recognized exogenous causes
Without apparent exogenous or endogenous
Control group (57 individuals)
Abnormalities of a vegetative type
psychic disorder. Psychis disorders were found in the rfmaining 27 sub-
jects of 58.7 percent. On the basis of their symptoms these subjects
have been div'~dd into four groups.
1. Subjects with light neurotic disturbances (insomnia, loss of appe-
tite, fatigue, restlessness, nervousness, depression, and vegetative
disturbances). These symptoms were light and did not affect the subjects'
ability to work, nor their ordinary way of life. In this group we in-
cluded 18 persons inq that in our sample we did not find any eye damage caused by
electromagnetic radiation.
We have examined two-thirds of all persons in Czechoslovakia who have
worked the :Long.:-:t at television transmitters and have been exposed the
most. This is a sufficient number. to make our conclusions reliable. We
found that hygienic conditions at the work stations were favorable, that
on average the ?electro.magne ti.c field's intensity never exceeded the per-
in .issi to '1.0 \'/m, and that only at one transmitter was the exposure
higher on average than the 80 spe_?ified in the standard. In none of
the subjects did we find damage caused '%y elect:rcmagnet.ic radiation.
Thus, we may say with full responsibility that disease due to electro-
magnetic radiation cannot occur at the television transmitters if the
hygienic limits a_? observed.
It with the lengthening of the t.e?evisicn proyracn the hygienic condi-
_ions at the work :;taU4ions deteriorate -- i.e., if the electromagnetic
field's intensity and t:. e. exposure rise -- after a certain time it will
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be necessary to conduct a complete checkup of the employees' state of
health. The task will. be the easier because the medical examinations
of newly hired personnel for transmitter stations include also electro-
encephalograms, and thus it will be possible to compare the findings
with the state of health at the time of hiring.
Fifty-eight employees of television transmitter stations, 49 males and
9 females, were examined. Their mean age was 32.1. years, and their
mean length of employment at television transmitters was 7.2 years. The
transmission band ranged from 48.5 to 230 MHz. The electromagnetic
field's mean intensity was 2.9 V/m (s = 0.4, range from 0 to 9.2 V/m).
The mean exposure per workday, computed as the product of the field in-
tensity (V/m) and of the period of exposure (hours), was 30.7 (s = 3.8,
range from 6.5 to 97.1). The error in the methods of measurement is
given as ?30 percent.
The subjects' state of health was evaluated on the basis of a complete
medical checkup that included the patients' history and the following
tests: ECG, x-rays of heart and lungs, erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
urinalysis, liver tests, and gynecological examination of the female
subjects. The following examination and test results were compared with
control groups and were tested for statistical significance: blood
pressure; complete blood count including thrombocytes, protein spectrum
and blood-sugar level; and ophthalmological, neurological, psychiatric
and psychological examinations. Interpretations of the electroencephalo-
grams will be published separately.
In the examined subjects we found no sign of damage due to electromagne-
tic radiation. Among the laboratory test results, the mean plasma pro-
tein levels were significantly increased. Even though we do not regard
this as pathological, the possibility of its correlation with exposure
to electromagnetic radiation cannot be ruled out. The other test re-
sults did not differ from those of the control groups.
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