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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 CLASSIFICATION CONFI IAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMEN TS OR RAF+I BROADCASTS COUNTRY China Economic - Agriculture, real estate Military; Political - 0/B, transfers Sociological - Public health, doctors SUBJECT HGN NMI Icurn LANGUAGE WHERE PUBLISHED Chi, a DATE PUBLISHED 10 Ja',-29 Jul 1953 REPORT CD NO. GATE OF INFORMATION 1953 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION INFORMATION ON ECONOMIC 6'?ILITIdtY POLITICAL ANDSOCIOLUOICAL ACTIVITIES FROM fiOTICES TIIBLISI,t;b IN CHINESE CO:~NNIST NEWSPAPE;S [Comment; This report giving information on economic military, Political, and sociological activities is based oz: notices lished in Chinese Communist pub- newspapers dated from 10 January through 29 July 1953. Names of various agencies, institutions, organizations, or persons are listed and the purposes for which the notices are Published follow. This report is divided as follows: a military agency notices gricultural notices, real estate notices, , lating notices to on educational identification actibadges organizational , industrial notices, noticets re- no -es, notices of foreigners vities, notices in medical information, leaving China, and miscellaneous notices. The names and dates of issue of the publications from which information was extracted info are given in parentheses preceding the information cont.ined in the notice.] I. MILITARY AGENCIES 1 CiviliAviation Bureau, People's Revolutionary Military Council P g, min Jih-pao, 6 May 53) On 1 May 1953, the badges of the Civil Aviation uureau ol?thepepP ,e's Revolu tionary Military Council were invalidated, and new badges with the wur?as Ser- vice Bad-e" - h on red cloth background were adopted. NAVY 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 2. Construction Center No 3, Barracks Construction Division, Central-South China Military District (Hankow, Chang-chiang Jih-pao, 29 Jul 53) Construction Center No 3, the former Central-South China Construction Unit, has completed the work on the Central-South China Military District Children's School. All those who have unfinished business with the project are requested to settle such business before 3 August 1953. 3. Construction Unit No 1, Rear Service Barracks Control Department, Northeast Military District (Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 27 Jun 53) Construction Unit No 4 and the Construction Company of the Rear Service Barracks Control Department of the Northeast Military District merged tc form the Construction Unit No 1 of the Control Department. 4. Cooperative No 21, X Motor Regiment, Yen-ch'i (Urumchi, Si.iltiang Jih-pao, 3 Jun 53) Since the cooperative is being reorganized, persons holding shares in the Soldiers' and Veterans' Cooperative No 21 are requested to turn in the docu- ments before the end of June 1953 so that profits can be calculated and Busi- nesses placed in order. 5. Cooperative, X Detachment at Sui-lai (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 12 May 53) Since the cooperative is being reorganized, persons who have been transferred to other locations and who have shares in the cooperative (including funds for fur coats and personal pay) for which refunds have not been made are requested to send their certificates in by 25 May 1953 so that the accounts may be settled. As decided by the Military District, payments will not be made on the 1950 pro- duction bonus. 6. First Battalion and Guards Battalion, Signal Regiment, Military District (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 24 May 53) The former First Battalion and Guards Battalion of the Signal Regiment, Military District, have received orders to clear up their affairs, therefore groups or individuals having financial or other relations are requested to settle their matters by presenting papers at the Finance Office (at the sawmill) of the Construction Column of the Military District before the end of May 1953. Peiping Military Control Committee (Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 19 Jup.,5,3J t_-f: The Peiping Military Control Committee announced that all regulations issued previously concerning registration of magazines have been rescinded and that all registration certificates for magazines are cancelled. 8. Organic Products Testing Office, Health Department, East China Military Control Commission (Shanghai, Hsin-wen Jih-pao, 30 Apr 53) On 1 May 1953, the Organic Products Testing Office of the Health Department of East China Military Control Commission is to be renamed the Shanghai Organic Products Office, Ministry of Public Health, Central People's Government, in brief, Central Shanghai Organic Products Office. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 9. Sinkiang Military District, Chine3e People's Liberation Aray (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 2 Jun 53) In preparation for the distribution of labor production bonuses, soldiers who came to Sinkiang with the Chinese People's Liberation Army are requested to register by 30 June 1953 with their respective units in order to receive their shares. 1. Veterans' Farm No 93, Nen-Chiang, Heilungkiang (Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 3 Jun 53) In 1950, some employees of the Veterans' Farm No 93 left the organization to support the Korean conflict and lost contact with the farm. Agencies who know the addresses of these people or of their relatives are requested to notify the farm so that wages can be forwarded to the proper party. 2. Sinkiang People's Government (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 14 Jun 53) Pursuant to a Northwest Area directive concerning summer harvesting and seed selecting, the Sinkiang People's Government has issued the following addi- tion to cadres: Study the directive and adapt it to local conditions since over 40 percent of the cultivated lEnd in Sinkiang is wheat acreage and seed selection has been neglected.. Prepare to reap, avoid unexpected losses, and reap promptly. Mobilize peasants for seed selecting. Tie in evaluation process with the activities. 3. Sinkiang People's Government (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 16 Jun 53) Rules governing rewards on the production of abundant crops in 1953 issued by the Sinkiang People's Government include the following: A fifth crop, grapes, is being added to the four -- paddy rice, wheat, cotton, and corn -- previously stipulated. Standards for bonus on good grape crops are: Unit Bonus Area Production Per Area Unit Mutual Team Individual 3 mou 1.nou 375 kg (raisins) 375 kg (raisins) A high production unit, besides reaching the bonus grade must show a better average amount of the specific crop for other areas. Other high production bonus standards may be drawn up on the basis of these stipulated by the district but such standards must be approved by an appropriate government office. The stand- erds of production apply only to irrigated land; awards will not be given to crops from dry fields. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 1? Building Mortar Factory (Tientsin, Ts Kung Pao, 6 Jun 53) In a notice of repentance, the manager of the Building Mortar Factory stated that a piece of land in the west suburbs of Tientsin was purchased with Permission of the Real Property Control Office to take up earth to one foot in depth, but the firm did not follow the control Policy and dug up 3 feet instead. The manager promised that this would never happen again. 2. Mu-tan-chiang People's Government (Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 15 Jun 53) and The Mu-tan-chiang People's Government announced that the exchange of house dures; land deeds will take place on 1 July 1953 according to the following proce- Owners must bring uld documents to the municipal office to obtain new papers. A group may select representatives for applying en bloc. Absentee owners may appoint a proxy. Buildings on the registers may be given temporary ownership papers. The dates to make application are1 Ch'u No 1, 1 through 15 July; Ch'u No 2, 15 through 31 July; and Ch'u No 3, 1 through 15 August. Printed forms supplied by the government at cost are to be used. 3. Ssu-p'ing People's Government (Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 5 Jun 53) On 15 February 1953, an item was published requesting property owners to clair their real estate held in trust by the Ssu-p'ing People's Government. notice said tat allsunclaimed propertytwouldbe period reverted been to extended the d state. days, after which time 4. Second Construction Company (Tien, Tientsin Jih-pao, 10 Apr 53) The Second Construction Company, directly responsible to North China govern. ment announced that graves in the public cemetery at Wu-ch'iang gsi.n must be removed to make way for the construction of the factory. Between 13 and 19 April 1953, the owners of grave plots are to present documentary proofs for payment and permission for removal. Graves of families failing to comply within the stipulated date will be moved to the Chao-chuang Cemetery in Tientsin by the company. 5. T'ai-yuan People's Government (T'ai-yuan, Shansi Jih-pao, 2 Apr 53) The Land Office of the T'ai-yuan People's Goverrm,:it announced that certain pieces of land have been designated for new building and that grave owners are to remove the graves within 7 days. After the 7-day period, the graves will be treated as without owners. 6. T'ai-yuan People's Government (T'ai-yuan, Shansi Jib-pao, 11 Apr 53) iAndtice ppuubbllgsshed by the T'ai-yuan People's Government urged that trees for the :+-.. -the city. Arrangements are being made by the government Purchasing o f saplings and for appropriate agencies to rare for the plantings. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 I 7. T'ai-yuan People's Government (T'ai-Yuan, Shansi Jih-pao, 15 Apr 53 The public is notified that all property under public ownership anG held in trust by the T'ai-yuan People's Government has been rented out and that no more is available. 8. T'ai-yuan People's Government (T'ai-yuan, Shansi Jih-pao, 18 Jun 53) A notice published by the T'ai-yuan People's Government stated that construc- tion would proceed on two parcels of land outside of the Hsin-nan-kuan and that owners of graves now on the land should apply for the removal of such graves with- in 7 days. 9. Wuhan People's Government (Hankow, Chang-chiang Jih-pao, 24 Jul 53) The Real Estate Control Office of the Wuhan People's Government published a notice concerning the use of land at Kuei-shan-t'ou, Han-yang, by the Anti- Aircraft Committee of the Public Security Bureau for construction purposes and warned grave-owners to remove the graves within 7 days. 1. Northeast Office, Chinese Communist Party (Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 27 Jun 53)? The Northeast Office of the Chinese Communist Party stated that efforts made toward planned management and the responsibility system have been only partially successful, and effective steps should be taken to nresist in these efforts, to improve technical operational procedures, to expel confusion by planned management, to stress discipline, and to implement the Five-Year Plan. 2. National Labor Insurance (Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 10 Jan 53) After a 2-year trial period with good results in carrying out the National Labor Insurance Rules, the Government Administrative Council announced that the scope was to be enlarged to include other groups and the benefits were to be in- creased. 3. Production Cooperative, Urumchi Machinery Workers (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 3 Jun 53) During the reorganization of the Production Cooperative of the Urumchi Machinery Workers, the former executive of this organization, Hsu Chung-ch'i was dismissed by higher authorities. Persons having unfinished business with.. the organization are requested to have such business cleared up within one week. 4. Northeast Youth Corps Committee (Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 7 Jun 53) The Office of the Northeast Youth Corps Committee announced that it has moved to 116 Ho-p'ing Chieh, Ho-p'ing Ch'u, and that the telephone number of the executive office and the message center is 3-3274. All other telephone numbers remain unchanged. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 I 5. Tientsin Federation of Labor and Tientsin Business Federation (Tientsin, Ta Kung Pao, 9 Jun 53) A joint notice published by the Tientsin Federation of Labor and the Tientsin Business Federation stated that firms that have declined or neglected to turn over union expenses are allowed one month, from 10 June to 10 July 1953, to pay up without penalty, but that those failing to do so will h: dealt with severly. 1. Public Security Office, Tientsin People's Government (Tientsin, Tientsin Jih-pao, 15 Apr 53) As of 15 April 1953, the Public Security Office of the Tientsin People's Government discontinued the use of the round badges with red background and adopted one with a red ground, blue star, gold words, and border. 2. Tientsin Vegetable Oil Factor (Tientsin, Tientsin Jih-pao, y 16 Apr 53) The Tientsin Vegetable Oil Fa ctory announced that, as of 15 April 1953, the old badges would be cancelled and the new one with the factory name in old letters on red background would be used. g 3. Heng-ta Tobacco Factory, Light Industry Control Bureau, Tientsin Local State-Operated Department of Industry (Tientsin, Tientsin Jih-pao, 17 Apr 53) Beginning 17 April 1953, the badge formerly used by the Heng-ta Tobacco Factory was discontinued and a new round one with red background, gold star, gold words, and gold border adopted. 4. Tientsin Chemical Plant (Tientsin, Tientsin Jih-pao, 17 Apr 53) Beginning 18 April 1933, the old badges of the Tientsin. Chemical Plant are to be exchanged for ones of new design bearing the legend "Tientsin Chemical Plant, Tientsin Local State-Operated Department of Industry." 1. Tientsin Industrial Pipe Plant (Tientsin, Tientsin Jih-pao, 16 Apr 53) The Tientsin Industrial Pipe Plan, which is being uEd for debt in the People's Court, has requested all creditors to register in the People's Court within 3 days. 2. Tung-kuan Coal Mine (Sian, Chun-chung Jih-pao, 3 May 53) The Tung-kuan Coal Mine announced that persons in Chung-p'u and 1-chun who hold 'receipts issued jointly by the mine and by the Military Control Committee for grain borrowed from four hsiens in 1919 should present the receipts for redemption by 15 May 1953, after which date the receipts will be invalid. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190058-6 ? 1. Agriculture and Forestry Section, Sinkiang People's Government (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 12 May 53) The Agriculture and Forestry Section of the Sinkiang People's Govern- ment announced that with the approval of the Urumchi Land Reform Committee, the Agriculture and Forestry Section will build a technical school on the public land at the north end of the nursery plot at Lu-tao-wan. Owners of graves on this land are requested to remove the graves within 15 days. 2. Northwest Office Chinese Communist Party' (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 29..May 53) The Northwest Office of the Chinese Communist Party published a notice on stuuying the decision of the Central Committee and other documents on coopera- tive farm production stating that the following four documents are to be printed and distributed to all cadres: Decision of Central Committee on Coopzrating in Farm Production Directive of Central Committee Concerning Spring Plowing and Production Editorial "Key to Leadership in Farm Production," published in Peiping Jen-min Jih-pao Report by Ma Ming-fang Stimulating Farm output d~ t to Northwest Conference on 3? Communications Office, Sinkiang People's Government (Urumchi, Sinkiang Jih-pao, 13 Jun 53) The Communications Office of the Sinkiang People's Government stated that as provided for in a letter from the Northwest Highway Control Office, dated 19 May 1953, sightseein r ee'from organizations such as Communist Party, the government, and schools l-177 permitted to visit scenic spots in the Urumchi area without paying toll for the -use of tiie roads beginning 15 June 1953. 4. Northeast Art School and the northeast Music School (Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 19 Jun 53) The former Northeast Lu Hsin Art School was ordered to reorganize in February 1953 to become the Northeast Art School and the Northeast Music School, and to use the seals issued by the Ministry of Higher Education. 5. T'ai-yuan People's Goverment (T'ai-yuan, Shansi Jih-pao, 14 Apr 53) A number of schools in T'ai-yuan have changed their names