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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070001-1 FOR OFFtC . USE ONLY CENTRAL INTEL.UGENCE AGENCY REPO T INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS Cu NC,. SUBJECT Scientific - Electronics, wave propagation, PUBLISHED Monthly periodica WHERE PUBLISHED Moscow DATE PUBLISHED Feb 1951 LANGUAGE Russian C`tTFil i1TEL."_` E Cla:~1=;CATI;R SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ;~ s ..... Thij IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOLUTION CF SOME BCGNDARY PROBLEMS OF TEE ELECTROII'AGNETIC FIELD BY IBANS CF 7W0-DIMENSIONAL MODELS Docent N. I. Shteyn, Cand Tech Sci Moscow Power Eng Inst imeni Molotov Submittal 14 Dec 1949 Figures referred to in text are appended-7 (Author's abstract. In this paper, an analogy is broup,I+t c..t bttveen the field equations and the equations characterizing the relationships between voltagec and currents in a model Ezasples are given of drawing up models for the solution of problems connected with the propagation of electromagnetic waves in wave guides and with the study of the electromagnetic field in cav- ity resonators). The accurate solution of some boundary problems involved in the study of processes occurring in the electromagnetic field in a two-dimensional, and especially a three-dimensional space, with certain boundary conditions is very difficult in practice The use of the finite difference method for the solution of equations describing, these phenomena involves the aolrti,n of merry equations with many ununoens, a'difficult and time-ionsoing process. it has 'yen shown tnt acwAsw pro;, a may be solved approximateiy by toe electrical modeling method, using models-developed by L. I. Gutenmakher 4, J, consisting of passive inductive, resistive, and capacitive elements tthis problem was discussed in a paper read by the suthor at the All-Union Co fexere on Electrical Modeling in 1949). CLASSIFICATION VENNIAW STA'E I NAV1 I NS23 DISTT19UTION ARMY IAiq F91 FO; OFFICIAL. U& ONLY DATE OF INFORMATION 1949 $lltt FIST. 7 Jun 1952 t~:'Ct I STAT 'STAT r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070001-1 The desired components of the field under study can be found by measur- ing the voltage at the junction points of the model. But the distribution of voltage at the junction points of the model characterizes the scalar field of the space. Therefore, if the model is used to study a vector field, the latter must be resolved into components with respect to the axes of the co- ordinate system in such a manner that the numbers used to measure the compo- nents of the field vectors may be scalar. Consequently, in the solution of an actual vector field problem, one must perform as many cycles of voltage meas- urements at the jun