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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400181-6 CLASSIFICATION S-E-C-R-E-T SItu CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Economic; Technological - Chemical industry, drugs, abrasives, glass Daily newspapers USSR 27 Jan - 31 Mar 1951 Russian IN IS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFICTINO Till NATIONAL DEFENSE OF TH/ UNITED S.ATII WITHIN TNN REARING ON NSPIONAOI ACT 90 9 REV LESION N ON TH S. C.. SI AND SS. AS AMINDIO. ITS TRANSMISSIO ?. Any WARREN TO A [ LAW IS NINNODUL'TION OF THIS FORK ISI FROHINRITID. IS FL O? F In MIIITIDCONTENTS WIN STALIN PRIZES FOR VITAMIN C, IIPASKII PRODUCTION; GLASS INDUSTRY NEEDS REORGANIZATION DEVELOP NEW METHODS OF PRODUCING ASCORBIC, PARAAMINOSALICYLIC ACID -- Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 22 Mar 51 Stalin Prizes havq, been awarded to Professor A. A. Shmidt, regular member of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR, for achieving the industrial synthesis of ascorbic acid (vitamin C); to S. A. Giller, senior scientific associate of the Institute for Problems in Forestry, A. I. Kalnin'sh, regular member of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR, G. M. Semenyuk, director of the Riga Pharma- ceutical Plant, and M. M. Gershov and N. N. Naumenko, engineers at the same plant, for introducing a new method of producing the medical preparation PASK (paraaminosalicylic acid). Ascorb'.c acid can be obtained from plants rich in vitamin C, and also by the synthetic method, Shmidt, together with other Soviet scientists, began his research on vitamin C in 1931. At that time a technology for producing the antiscorbutic concentrate of vitamin C from pine and spruce needles and the fruit of the sweetbrier was first developed. Later crystalline ascorbic acid was successfullypbtained from the sweetbrier. Crystalline preparations of vitamins have great advantages over the con- centrates, since they can be administered bot:i subcutaneously and internally In the case of certain disturbances of the stomach and intestinal tract, the direct injection of vitamins into the blood provides faster saturation of the organism than when they are taken into the digestive tract. It has recently been established that the most economically suitable method. of obtaining crystalline ascorbic acid is to produce it in industrial plants by chemical synthesis. This type of production has now been set up in the USSR. As a result of tireless efforts by the party and the government, the Soviet vitamin industry is being successfully developed. The USSR ns available an adequate supply of various kinds, STATE ARMY DATE OF INFORMATION :9)D - 1951 DATE DIST. A Jul-1951 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. LASSIFICATION S-E-C-R-E-T NSRB DISTRIBUTION FBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400181-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400181-6 `1 MECHANIZE ABRASIVES PRODUCTION -- Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 14 Mar 51 The Orekhovo-Zuyevo Karbolit Plant produces such items as parts for light automobiles, textolite bearings for machine-building plants, and rollers for the Moscow subway escalators. In 1950, the plant put out considerable above- plan production, but the possibilities for better utilization of the means of production have not been exhausted. The plant has increased productivity of all presses in the press shop 20- 25 percent by equipping them with solenoid distributors which make possible the mechanization of hand processes. Five new conveyers with automatic and semi- automatic units have been put into operation in the raw-materials-processing shop. Anc`.her shop has a new type of turbine-driven dryer for continuous dry- ing of "vo]oknite" C fibrous material, and a third shop has acquired two new impregnating machines. Last year the suggestion was made that the plant initiate continuous out- put of Labrasive7 powder, and that it set up a worm conveyer. Now every proc- ess is mechanized, from the pulverizing of the resin to the production of finished powder. Results of the work of the worm conveyer'have surpassed ex- pectation. The new technology has provided more thorough impregnation of the wood meal and the production of good-quality powders. The plant has begun to fill all its consur'.ers' powder requirements which for a long time have been difficult. Measures which made it possible to utilize the boiler room more efficiently were adopted. To obtain constant steam pressure, and to eliminate its escape and uneven feed to the shops, control of the processes of burning the fuel and feeding the boiler water were made completely automatic. Fuel supplying has been mechanized, and improved blasting units have been installed. About 20 scientific research institutes assisted in solving problems con- nected with the technological improvements. As a result of improved techniques and training throughout the plant, the output of plastics increased 58 percent from the same production area; pressed powders, 64.3 percent; voloknite, 82.3 percent, and textolites, 50.7 percent, - 2 - S-E-C-R-E-T SECRET Up to 1948, wide use of PASK vas impossible because of the difficulties involved in mass-producing it. The complexity of its chemical synthesis was repeatedly pointed out in foreign periodicals. The chemical industry of the capitalist countries has not yet mastered the principles of producing PASK. This problem has been solved only by the Soviet scientists and engineers. Throagh the efforts of chemists working at the Academy ff Sciences Latvian SSR, a basically new solution to the problem of making PASK has been found. A new technology was worked out, and mass production of the preparation was set up in the plants, -- Professor Ya,. V. Peyve, Academician and Secretary, Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR b@ing used,to tre.. e a $ivgsvery good results. o?work.. PASK.iF also yf P&tie}te have teortain other illnesses. i t : A valuable medical preparation for the treatment of tuberculosis owsPASK (paraaminosalicylic.acid , 4 chemotherape is ~&,xhiche~1961,a B wb3ished .~y Sct'ioii-on the tubeic78 ba ' me P treatment of varioua clinical Yegeecrch that ASK is ,,. emw* , :e'4emedy. in the tiY`?? tubecii .osis': In conjunction with other me of ?treatFtep P11~ a result df eta uR~ ice' ere A SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400181-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400181-6 . 1 SECRET S -E-C -R-E-T In 1951, it is planned to increase the coefficient of utilization of press equipment, to raise the output in the press shop 50-60 percent, to win the title of "Stakhanovite Plant," an(_ to complete the year program by 15 December. TOO MANY MINISTRIES INVOLVED IN GLASS PRODUCTION -- Moscow, Trud, 21 Max 51 The glass industry is lagging behind in the general development of the na- tional economy. In this field there are many small plants where production is unsystematic, techniques inadequate, and labor methods insufficiently produc- tive. The chief cause of the trouble is the distribution of the glass enterprises among different ministries. Similar plants are subordinate to the Ministries of Construction Materials. Transportation, Sovkhozes, Light Industry, Food In- dustry, Automobile and Tractor Industry, Health, and many others. Each of them have formed the proper main administrations and trusts with a large staff of specialists, and each ministry is working separately- single center for co- ordinating the experience and achievements of the different plants does not exist, and production is completely unorganized. For example, lamp and automobile glass, as well as a variety of glassware, have been made by hand in many plants up to now. Meanwhile the country is put- ting out automatics and glass blowing machines which can replace glass-blowing workmen completely. Miscellaneous pressed glassware, as well as many items for the automobile industry and railroad transport, in a majority of cases are produced on manual eccentric presses, Yet the Moscow Steklomashina Plant is producing automatics for pneumatic pressing which can successfully be used for making tumblers, dishes, automobile headlights, and all types of signal Lligh] glass. Glass for kerosene lamps is made by outdated methods,although this type of production can be completely mechanized. The entire glass industry should be amalgamated under one main adminis- tration in some ministry. This will make it possible to utilize equipment more efficiently and to develop production in an organized manner. REBUILD RAZED GLASS PLANT -- Vil'nyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 31 Mar 51 The Vil'nyus Krasnaya Zarya Glass Plant, destroyed by the Germans, is being reconstructed. Every year the enterprise receives new equipment. No long ago, automatic machine tools arrived from Krasnodar. One of these is ready for op- eration, and the others will soon be assembled. Before long, a new complex Soviet machine which performs all labor-consuming processes will be installed. The plant's Jar. r. :bxuary plan was fulfilled 103 percent, and many bri- gades are greatly e. , their norms. NEW GLASS PLANT ASE VARIETY OF OUTPUT -- Leningradskaya Pravda, 4 Mar 51 Two years A. Yeremin, a glass blower of 27 years' experience came from the Krasn;,,,; at Plant in Penza Oblast to work at the newly established Leningrad Antizc;: Glass Plant. He is teaching his trade to students at the Lplant'il industrial school. In 1951, the nev plant will put out about 150 new types of artistic items. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400181-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400181-6 SECRET REVIEW 1950 ACHIEVENYNTS -- Moscow, Komsomol'skaya Pravda, 27 Jan 51 The chemical industry in 1950 organized the manufacture of mineral fertiliz- ers in granular form, and greatly expanded the output of new highly effective poisonous chemicals for combating agricultural pests. The production of new syn- thetic chemicals has been developed. NEW CHEMICAL PROCESS MAKES EMBOSSED IMAGES ON STEEL PLATE -- Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 31 Mar 51 A group of workers at the Leningrad Plant inieni Sverdlov, under the direc- tion of the chief technologist, have developed and put into production a photo- electrochemical method of engraving ferrous metal. Company charts, monograms, and. diagrams were formerly engraved by hand or with a pantograph. Now the design is drawn on tracing cloth and is transferred from the cloth to the glass and from the glass to the metal. With the help of chemical reagents, and under the action of light, the image becomes fixed on the,steel plate. This is the first time in engraving practice that it has been possible to get embossed images. The plates engraved by the new method are - more attractive than the old ones, and the new method speeds up the work eight to ten times. The plait will save 220 tons of nonferrous metals a, year as a result of the new process. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400181