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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600300068-3 CLASSIFICATION CoNFInErrrIALG6~d~ldsi~d~~l:i~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Sociological -Education HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Hong Kong DATE PUBLISHED 27 Jan - 6 Feb 1950 Tx11 DODYNINT CDNTAIxI IxIDxxATlOx A!/[CTIx1 Tit xAT10 NAl DI/I xit 01 }N1 YNITID ITATII 11TMIx iN[ xtANlxa 01 lI rIDNADI ACT ID x. 1. '.. it AND 11. At AYIxDI D. ITt TIMINIItlOx Ox TNI xIY1UT1Ox oI ro coxnxn a Axr xAxxlx ro Ax YxAUTxouxlD rluox a rxo~ xnrtao n LAq. xvxoournox or TNU roux a rloxmno. w. -- DATE OF lP;FORtAATICN 1950 DATE DIST. /O ppr 1950 N0. OF PAGES :3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CCP ESTABLISHES REW UNIVERSITIES, REDRGANIZES OLD ORES IR SOUTH CHIRA KWAbTGTUNG MII,ITARY UNIVERSITY THRIVES -- Wen-hui Pao, 6 Feb 50 The Kwangtung branch of the Military University (Chun-tn), established under the leadership of Yeh Chien-ying, was opened oa 5 January 1950. It is now a thriving organization, designed to meet the needs of the present revolu- tionary situation and to aid the establishment of a modern national defense. Predecessors of the main university xere the famous Red Army University (Hung- ta) sad the War of Resistance University (K'ang-ta). The campus is well-located in the area ,lust northeast of Kuang-thou, next to the Tien-Ho Airport, and near Fai-yun Shan. Chung-shan an3 Nan-fang Univer- sities are close by. The grounds and buildings, left in bad shape by the retreat- ing KMT, have been thoroughly reconditioned by 1,000 laborers working more than 40 days. Equipment is meager and comforts are few. Uniforms and other necessities are furnished by the university. Before long, a modest stipend will be included. The ccamtuaal living is Spartan and regimented, but the students are full of enthusiasm for the revolution. The coeducational student body is organized into 24 corps. There are dabs, reading rooms, daily news on a bulletin board, games, and contests, with many opportunities i..~ self-expression and growth. In learning, emphasis is placed on Marxism-Leninism and Mao's ideology, with lectureb, .iiscussions, an3 research. A collective or communal method is used which includes these features: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600300068-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600300068-3 1. Theory and practice united. Experience shows that only those who can linkrfarxiam-ieninism with our work, our learning, our thinking, and with China's revolutionary problems have a genuine understanding of Marxism-Leninism. Apart from this principle, we have only empty theorists who are bound to fail. 2. Criticism and self-criticism. This is a moat effective weapon in learning the ideologies of Marx, Lenin, and Me.o, and an important stimulus towards progress. Whoever can grasp this effective weapon can advance a great deal in his study. ia~nC tiCni m0thud6 of iEni uiiig iii0iiiiie lec ~3re6 and grOUp di8CU6610IIR. r?~aGh one determines to learn well, for this is his responsibility to the people. As Deputy Chairman Li of the political committee has said: "We must make the school a workshop, and the classrooms battlegrounds in which to train nex personalities." The new movement in learning is based on this point of view. In the noble atmosphere of the university, students are trained, learn, and grow. Each one has strong faith that by earnest study in the 6-month course he may take responsibility and be a servant of the people. NAN-FANG UNIVERSITY OPENS -- Weu-hui Pao, 2 Feb 50 Nan-fang University, the revolutionary university of the people of South China, opened on 1 February 1950 with an impressive convocation in the assembly hall. Yeh Chien-ying, president of the school, in his address to the assembly revealed that the establishment of the school had priority over many other tasks, indicating tY,e government's need for turning out a large number of trained leaders. There are 3,690 students in the university of which 1,603 are pro- fessional school graduates. The proportion of men to women is about 10 to 1. CHUNG-BRAN UNIVERSITY ORGANIZES ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE -- Kung-shang Jih-pao, 28 Jan 50 After being taken over by a CCP committee, Chung-shan university has, under orders from the Minitary Control Commission, organized a Provisional Ad:~inlstrative Committee. It consists of 14 professors, two instructors, and two students. Six members form a standing committee. Liu Ch'u, deputy chair- man and secretary, is acting as chairman until one is appointed by the Bureau of Education. Deans of the several departments of the university have also been appointed. CCP REMOVES UNIVERSITY HEAD -- Kung-shang Jih-pao, 27 Jan 50 . After Kuang-chou changed hands, Everything at Chung-shah University took on a "progressive" quality and the acting president, Chen Shih-hsu, encouraged all the students to take part in victory parades and in learning Communist ideo- logy. But now after an interval, president Chen has been dismissed by the Mili- tary Control Commission as reactionary and incompetent, in league with "reaction- ary agents" and an obstructionist against "progressive students." Chen Blipped away from the University yesterday. Professors and students had nothing to say. With the installing of its new president Chen Ju-yang, Kuo-min University in Kuang-chou has thorough~.y overhauled its administration and courses. A pre- paratory committee for an administrative committee, consisting of about 30 oYYicials, teachers, xorkmen, and students, has been formod. The various departments have Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600300068-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600300068-3 been reorganized and will go on much as before; aRussian-language course has been added. A11 the courses have been revamped in accord with the Cam- mucist ed~~cationol policies. Steps are being taken to anroll nex students from Macao, $ong gong, etc., as xell as locally. ~~[~~E~_~F~ ~ yell Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600300068-3