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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 ARTI CL3 LPPEARF?D Oll FAGE_12_4L - WASHItvGTuN QUARTERLY Winter 1985 The State of MilitaryHistory Studies Martin van Creveld The purpose of this article is to present a brief survey of English literature on military history published during the last decade or so to determine whether there are in that literature any discernible trends and to point out some problem areas where existing la- cunae appear particularly glaring and where, in this author's view, useful opportunities for future work accordingly exist. To achieve these aims, the article is di- vided into four parts. The first will deal with the state of military history as written for popular, military, and academic consump- tion respectively. The second will outline some of the new themes that have emerged in this literature. The third will examine the advantages and disadvantages of some new methodologies employed, including in par- ticular quantitative analysis and war-gaming. Finally, an attempt will be made to draw all these various threads together, and to present an outlook for the future. To start with the good news, military his- tory is alive and well. As the shelves of newsstands and the book corners of depart- ment stores all over the Western world clearly show, wars continue to make rattling good history. Fictional, semi-fictional and even factual accounts of the exploits of past generals are as popular in our times as they were in those of Homer; one need only man- ufacture an illustrated work about Rom- mel-such as the one by that title by Charles Douglas Home (London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1973)-in order to start the Great War," a title which it took another and even larger conflict to eradicate. For reasons that are not far to seek-that World War 11 was the largest conflict ever fought and that it is likely to remain so in the future-the stranglehold in which this conflict has been keeping military history since 1945 is extraordinary. Rarely if ever in history has any single subject been so much written about and, since this is the age of the mass media, not merely written about but filmed, televised, modelled and put into the form of war games. Such has been the preoccupation with World War II that. con- sciously or unconsciously, it has come to be regarded as the model for future conflict, as is demonstrated by that extraordinary best seller, General Sir Hackett's The Third 'World War (London, 1978), which is really nothing but a rehash of 1939-1945 fought with superior but basically similar weapons, compressed into as many weeks as the pre- vious struggle had years, and ending some- what implausibly in a limited exchange of hydrogen bombs followed by the disintegra- tion of the USSR. Although excellent studies on World War II have continued to be produced during the last decade-witness David Irving's Hitler's War (London, 1976) and John Erickson's two volumes on the Eastern Front-in gen- eral their hold has been weakening. As his- tory continues its course and new conflicts break out to make us forget the old, many of the events of World War II which were, at one time believed to be of monumental importance are no longrer perceived as such. This is reflected in the publishing world. By the mid-1970s the production of official his- tories by the leading countries had been completed or else abandoned. except in the Federal Republic of Germany which, for reasons that are only too understandable, was a latecomer in the field. Moreover, as this author found out to his cost,2 titles such as "Japan's Invasion of ...," or "The Cam- paigns of General von ...," or "The Battle of 194 ..." (fill in as desired) were losing their appeal. Increasingly, they are being re- placed by other, more general works, em- Comm w Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 bracing many different aspects of the war besides the purely military one. Basil Liddell Hart's Histor of the Second World War (London, 1970) has had no successors and, indeed, there is no reason why it should have. Instead, we have witnessed the ap- pearance of such works as P. Calvocoressi and G. Wint's Total War (London, 1972): A. Milward's War, Economy and Society 1939-1945 (London, 1977), the title of which speaks for itself: and R. Overy's The Air War 1939-1945 (London. 1980) which, surprisingly enough, represents the first at- tempt to cover this very important field in a comprehensive rather than a fragmentary or an anecdotal manner. To put it all into a nutshell. World War II at long last is turning from The War into a war, a development which, in so far as it may help us regain a proper perspective. heralds nothing but good both for those who study past wars and for those who would plan conflicts of the future. L Nor is World War II the only subject the treatment of which is changing. It used to be that, particularly under the influence of Liddell Hart (the last edition of whose Strat- egy, originally written during the late 1920s, was published in 1967), wars were examined primarily from a strategic, operational and tactical point of view. in study after study, victories were represented as won and de- feats as suffered mainly because armies were outflanked or encircled, or because their communications were cut, or because their manner of operation was either too concen- trated or dispersed (sometimes. both)-all of which terms constituted a convenient short- hand for understanding. What was often overlooked was the fact that none of these terms and relationships made any sense whatsoever except when seen against the background of numerous other factors; in other words, the operations of war do not exhaust themselves in drawing topological patterns on a map but consist very much of supply, intelligence, and command as well. To start with supply, logistics may be de- fined as the science of dealing with every- thing an armed force needs from the moment it leaves the factory gates (nowadays the proportion of all supplies that comes from the fields rather than the factories is negli- gible) to the time it is distributed. or con- sumed. or expended. Since armies march on their stomachs. the subject is obviously vi- tally important both to the conduct of war and to its historical interpretation: yet it was long neglected by military historians who apparently did not consider it sufficiently interesting or marketable to merit their at- tention. One of the first to show the error of this view, and to call attention away from strategy towards logistics, was Larry Ad- dington in his 1971 hook. The Blitzkrieg Era and the German General Staff 1865-1941, a work which, though as disjointed as the title indicates, did point to the role played by supply and transport in the campaigns that it covered. In 1975. the Historical Office of the Italian General Staff published I senv- izi logistici delle unita italiane al fronte russo 1941-43. This was followed by the present author's Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton (London. 1977) which represented an attempt to trace the impact of logistics upon a number of impor- tant campaigns during the last two centuries and to draw some general conclusions co- nerning its development. Since then much- though not nearly enough-work has been done to shed additional light on this side of war: one need only recall Donald Engels' magnificent Alexander the Great and the Lo- gistics of the Macedonian Army (Berkeley. 1978) to realize the vital contribution that a study of logistics can make to the under- standing of past wars. The second topic whose place in the lit- erature has been prominent during the last decade or so is military intelligence in war. Intelligence had long been neglected by se- rious historians who, with some justification, considered it the domain of mystery writers and other assorted hacks with the t that, since the historians knew nothing out t, they tended to belittle its importance. In this they were aided by the desire of the intelli- gence services themselves to conceal their activities a desire that stemmed part) rom the nature of their work and partly from a a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 3 desire to enhance its importance still further by enveloping it in a cloak of secrecy. During the 1970s all this changed. One reason was the sudden outbreak of the Oc- tober 1973 Arab-Israeli War which left peo- ple all around the world wondering how an intelligence service that had been regarded at among the verv best could have been publication in 1974 of F. W. Winterbotham*s The Ultra Secret, in which it was revealed that the British throughout World War 11 had intercepted, decoded. and read German mil- itary wireless traffic. Together. these two events led to an extraordinary outburst of publications which. collectively, tried to an- swer the question: how important are intel- ligence activities in modern war, and to what extent did the fact that they had now been brought into the open force a revision in existing interpretations of historical events? The following are but a few of the main publications that formed part of the debate. David Kahn in The Code Breakers (London, 1974) showed that, during World War II, almost everybody had been reading at least some of the messages of almost everybody else at least some of the time. Ronald Lewin in his Ultra Goes to War (London, 1978) provided the best short review of how the British decoding operation came about, but remained somewhat puzzled as to why the Allies, with such excellent information at their disposal. nevertheless suffered so many defeats during the early years. Francis H. Hinslev et al. in British Intelligence in World War 11 (New York. 1979. two volumes pub- lished so far) proceeded on a much wider basis than did Lewin. showing the way Brit- ish intelligence was organized, the assump- tions on which it rested. and the manner in which it operated. J. Dorwart in The Office of Naval Intelligence,- the Birth of America's First Intelligence Agency 1865-1918 (An- napolis. Md., 1979) and W. J. Holmes in Double Edged Secrets: U.S. Naval Intelli- gence Operations in the Pacc During (London. 19 ) an of Darkness (London. 1979) reviewed some of the technological aspects of intelligence, whereas Charles G. Cruickshank in Decep- tion in World War 11 (London, enlarged edi- tion. 1981) attempted to show the impor- tance of his subject without, however, getting very far beyond what had already been published. All in all, the spate of books on intelligence and intelligence-related ac_ tivities. which is only now showing some signs of abating has added considerably to our understanding of the subject as such and. has done much to restore its lost respecta- bility. It has not, however, forced any very significant revisions concerning historical events. and indeed there have been several publications devoted to explaining why this has not happened.' Closely connected with intelligence, but embracing a considerably wider scope. Ls the entire problem of command. control. and communication (sometimes abbreviated as C') in war. Traditionally historians have written about the activities of armed forces and about the qualities of commanders: the means through which the latter have been translated into the former have seldom been subjected to systematic examination, how- ever. and indeed from reading the pages of military history one would rarely guess that coordinating the performance of bodies of men numbering hundreds of thousands or even millions presents any problem what- soever. During the 1970s, the wrong-head- edness of this view was forcefully brought up by Edward N. Luttwak in his brilliant study, The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire (Baltimore, Md., 1976), whose claim that the empire had a coherent strategy rationally developed by a coherent organi- nation on the basis of carefully assembled World War 11 (Annapolis. Md.. 1979) tried to make out that intelligence had been in- vented by the U.S. Navy. So did the United States Air Force. ed., Ultra and the History of the U:S. Strategic Air Force in Europe vs. The German Air Force (Frederick. Md.. 1980). a carefully researched if somewhat slanted piece of official history the real pur- pose of which is to show that, given good intelligence the bomber can still get fooled in such a way; the other was the through. R. V. Jones in Most Secret War 78 d A Price in Instruments information and staff work has been the sub- ject of an ongoing debate. Unfortunately much of that debate has taken place on the pages of learned journals. Good books on the question of how historical armed forces were commanded. how they did their staff work. and how their various components communicated with each other and coordi- nated their activities are only now getting into print. Finally. a very important theme which has dominated much of military-historical writ- ing during pan of the 1970s is the question of guerrilla warfare. Spurred on by the U.S. experience in Vietnam-where the most powerful and technologically advanced mil- itary machine ever assembled failed to triumph over a small, backward and eco- nomically poor people and its armed forces-and also by the outbreak and spread of spectacular acts of international terrorism from 1968 onward, works on the subject flooded the market. Among the best must be mentioned John Ellis' A Short Histon? of Guerrilla Warfare (London, 1975); Walter Laqueur's Guerrilla (Boston. 1976). which comes complete with a companion volume on terrorism and with another consisting of readings; and Robert Asprey's War in the Shadows: the Guerrilla in Histon? (Garden City. N.Y.. 1975). the most massive volume on the subject. As in the case of intelligence, however. guerrilla warfare and its compan ion, terrorism. seem to have lost some of their appeal since 1980. Interest in their his- tory was at its peak during the mid-1970s. but has suffered some decline after the last colonies in Africa and Asia gained their in- dependence and after it became clear that scattered kidnappings. hiiackings and assas- sinations did not. after all, represent quite the threat to the world's continued existence which at first they appeared to do. The long and the short of it is, military history during the last decade has been greatly enriched by the emergence of a va- riety of new themes which, for one reason or another, had previously suffered from ne- glect. Some of these themes. not all of which could be listed here, originated in historians' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 4 attempts to break existing deadlocks and find new explanations: others were the result of interest in contemporary affairs being pro- jected backwards, sometimes very far hack indeed.4 Since it is usually the juxtaposing of past and present which makes history in general. and military history in particular, the fascinating subject that it is, it may be safely predicted that, in the near future, problems that are currently being wrestled with by the military will constitute wide open fields for successful and remunerative historical research. Among these problems, apart from C3, are the impact of modem technology upon military organization and performance; the role that women have, can and may play in their country's defense; and the question of morale and the willingness to fight which, in most Western societies, appears to have undergone a remarkable de- cline. During the middle of the nineteenth century. Friedrich Engels was only one among the many who tried to grasp the impact of new breechloading arms on the tactical attack by calculating what percentage of the men in an assaulting unit would be hit by what number of units at what distance and within what time.' In 1915 the British mathematician F. W. Lanchester succeeded in formulating a small number of simple equations which have been in use ever since and which pur- ported to express the relative power of dif- ferent armies as well as the rate at which, firing at each other, they would be attrited. While some kind of mathematical instru- ments for determining range and elevation for artillery have been in use since the time whole. We shall therefore limit the discus- sion in the present section to the work of one man, Colonel (ret.) Trevor Dupuy, who to our knowledge has made the only serious attempt to date to construct and publish ex- plicit mathematical models which, he claims, make it possible to understand past conflicts (or rather, battles) in digital rather than metaphorical terms. Dupuy's method, as expounded most fully in his Numbers. Predictions and War (New York. 1979), is roughly as follows. First, a theoretical model of the relative power of historical weapons. ranging from the javelin to the one-megaton H bomb, is constructed by analyzing the casualties it might inflict on a densely packed formation of men (one We are living in the age of the computer, and nowhere is the contribution of the num- ber crunchers greater than in the military by and for whom many of the original machines were developed from World War II onward.' Indeed, the use of computers with their ex- traordinary ability to rapidly process vast quantities of data has led to a revolution in every aspect of military use; without them the armed forces of the present, vastly more complex than those of the past. could hardly exist. much less engage in active operations of war. Whereas computers are relatively new, at- tempts at quantitative analyses of war and military affairs are not. Ancient writers on military history, such as Thucydides, Xen- ophon. Arrian and Polybios, were usually quite careful in giving the strength of the various contingents that made up the armies they describe. Early in the eighteenth cen- tury the French military engineer. Sebastien de Pretre de Vauban, attempted to fix precise rules as to how many guns had to fire how much ammunition in order to bring down what kind of fortress in what length of time.6 of Nicolas Tartaglia in the sixteenth century, man per square meter) occupying a limited mathematically-based operations research space. Next, the actual relative destructive- only came into its own during World War ness of these weapons is calculated by di- II, when it was used to model small-scale viding the result by the average space oc- engagements between destroyers and sub- cupied by troops in battle during various marines or aircraft and antiaircraft artillery. periods. Factors such as attack versus de- Even in 1939-1945, however. this work was fense (of which Dupuy recognized various still being done by experts whose tools, in. kinds, ranging from hasty all the way to addition to their own often outstanding heads fortified), terrain, weather, troop quality, (some of them, such as P. M. H. Blackest, leadership, etc. are then introduced into the were subsequently awarded the Nobel equation, and each of them is assigned a Prize), consisted mainly of logarithmic ta- numerical value that is based on trial and bles and slide rulers, and whose ability to error. These data, which derive from several process data was, accordingly, quite limited. historical battles and which are juggled After 1945, all this changed. Increasingly around until they fit the actual outcome. are powerful computers gradually made it pos- then applied to other battles to see if they, sible, in principle at any rate, to construct too, can be fitted into the model. The ulti- mathematical models of entire armed con- mate result of the method, known as Quan- flicts and to run and rerun those conflicts titative Judgement Model or QJM. is a series through the machines so as to observe the of equations which, according to Dupuy effect that changes in various variables- himself, fits the past with reasonable accu- from the weather to the weapons em- racy and should also be able to predict the ployed-would have on the outcome. The outcome of future campaigns and battles if dvance i il bl foundations for this kind of work were laid by such men as John Neumann, Norbert Wiener, and Thomas Schelling, and in both the U.S.A. and the USSR it has been going on ever since. However, only a very small fraction of the millions of games that must have been played by the experts has ever been published, and most of those are con- cerned with small-scale, specialized engage- ments rather than with armed conflict as a . n a a e sufficient data were ava This is not the proper case to evaluate the work of Dupuy and his associates. All that can be said is that it appears to rest on a data base much larger and more detailed than that available to any other historian this author knows of, and that its equations are also more detailed than any others seen by him. If his work is defective on both theoretical and historical grounds-as this author had dfAttWd Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 S. occasion to find out when he tried to apply plowed by an entire industry whose purpose it to the Battle of El Alamein. obtaining very is to model past conflicts and enable enthu different results depending on whether or not siasts to replay them as if they were the prisoners of war were counted as casual- warlords, or commanders in chief, or gen- ties-nobody seems to have prnduced any_ erals in charge. Employing methods very thing hater. All in all, the quantitative study similar to Dupuy's, often based on extremely of military history is only in its infancy; that painstaking research and going into a level it deserves to be continued cannot, in this of detail rarely approached by academic his- writer's view, be doubted at all. torians. the range of these games and their In any case, Dupuy's work is only the tip varier is truly astonishing. One can have a of an iceberg. He may be about the only tactical reconstruction of the battle of Nor- quantitative historian of war whose findings dlingen fought by Gustavus Adolphus in and methods, whatever their real worth, are 1634, but the same few dollars will also buy available to the public almost in their raw a full-scale model of the principal belliger- form. Similar methods, however, underlie ents in World War II, complete with the another important military-historical phe- various politico-military-industrial-financial nomenon of the last decade and a half, factors and the relationships among them. namely the board war game as played by Often accompanied by pamphlets of mathe- both professionals and amateurs. Once matical rules counting dozens of pages, and again, such games are not entirely new. Both increasingly relying on computers to make chess and its less well-known-though the necessary calculations and on data links equally deserving-Japanese equivalent, to transmit the information from one player (Go), started out as war games and for a to another, many of these games succeed in long time reflected the manner in which wars reconstructing the past with a degree of ur- were actually waged in their respective gency and immediacy that is hardly ever countries of origin. War games were quite achieved by the printed word alone. Fur- popular among Prussian and Russian staff thermore, the games. like no other medium, officers during the early nineteenth century, make it possible for the players to engage in and if the Austrians refused to learn them as actual competition against an opponent who, well, this was allegedly because there was as in real war, is to a large extent free to do no money to be made at them. As is often as he pleases; hence there is also plenty of the case, when the Prussian-German General room for the elements of chance, uncertainty Staff rose to world prominence following its and friction that are too often absent from victories over the Austrians and the French, the pages of military history. The literature the war game that it used, the so-called that has grown up around this kind of war Kriegspiel, was endowed with almost myst- game during the last decade is vast: besides ical qualities: in the eyes of experts and lay- many periodicals (the most important of men alike, it came to be thought of as one which is Strategy and Tactics) it is only of the principal secrets behind the staff's necessary to mention Nicholas Palmer's The excellence. Comprehensive Guide to War-gaming (New When the German General Staff was York, 1977) and S. P. Glick's and I. purged in 1945, the Kriegspie! did not die Chartre's "War, Games and Military His- with it. On the contrary, it was further de- tort'" (Journal of Contemporarty History, veloped by the addition of operations re- October 1983, pp. 567-82), probably the search and of computers. Though the exact best analytical treatment of the games and nature and results of the games that were their value to the study of military history. being incessantly played at the Pentagon and Nor is it amateurs alone who are trying their in the Kremlin were not, of course, made hand at reconstructing the past in this way; public, the methodology on which they rely in only slightly modified form, board war appears to be remarkably similar to that em- games have been adopted by the military and are being extensivel\ used for tactical. op- erational and strategic training. Unlike some of his colleagues in the social sciences, the present writer is not a computer nut. He does not believe that quantitative history invariably stands for better or even more accurate history. nor that it is necessary to jump to attention and salute every time an equation or graph or table are presented in evidence. It appears quite clear, however. that the new methods based on quantitative analysis on the one hand. and on war-gaming on the other, do present unique advantages of their own, and that traditional military history with its reliance on the printed word, maps and the occasional picture can only ignore those advantages at its own cost. if there is any obvious lacuna in existing mil- itary historical literature that cries out to be filled, surely it is the need to integrate these various approaches and use the methods of each in order to enrich the others: for it is by combining existing elements in new ways that advances in historiography. as in any other field. are made. Summing up this paper, it might perhaps be said that military history has reached the mid-1980s alive and well, itself no mean achievement if the sorry state of such dis- ciplines as psychohistory and international relations is used as a measuring rod. Not only has military history retained its attrac- tiveness as a form of popular entertainment, but it has also succeeded in recapturing lost ground among the professionals of war and among political decision makers who, as re- cently as fifteen years ago. were on the point of discarding it altogether if they had not done so already.s Ridding itself of some long established traditions and stereotypes, mili- tary history during the period under discus- sion has also branched out into numerous new and promising directions. though much more remains to be done. Also. some new approaches and new methodologies made their appearance, though their integration with the mainstream of traditional and par- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 /_ ticularly academic military history remains far from complete at this writing. All in all, and contrary to the opinion of some who insist that there is a crisis in mil- itary historiography. the picture presented is quite encouraging. This does not mean that there are no gaps to be filled and weaknesses to he corrected-on the contrary. it was one of the declared purposes of the present article to point out those gaps and those weak- nesses. Nor if it by any means certain that the present favorable climate to military his- tory will necessarily continue, for much of that climate is the product of factors beyond the scope of the discipline proper. and those factors may well change again. In the near future. much will depend on the military historians themselves. To sur- vive they must continue to branch out in new and relevant directions. adopt new metho- dologies borrowed from other fields or de- veloped by themselves, and integrate their findings into the mainstream of historical research. Alternatively, they may once again allow themselves to be imprisoned by ster- eotypes. old-fashioned thinking and, in the case of academic military history. sheer big- otry. Provided military historians can meet this challenge. however, the present writer sees no cause for anxiety. and to those who insist that military history is in a crisis, or that it stands in need of socializing or that it has outlived its usefulness, the reply can only be epure si n7uove.9 Martin van Creveld teaches histor at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Of his man), publications on military affairs, the latest is Command in War (Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1985). 1. Richard Perle, "Technology and the Quiet War," Strategic Review, Winter 1983, p. 35. 2. Text of President Ronald Reagan's July 8, 1981 Arms Transfer Policy Directive. The White House, July 8, 1981. 3. Interview conducted with director of procurement, Raytheon. Washington, D.C., June 21, 1983. 4. President Reagan's letter to House and Senate lead- ers transmitting proposed bill to amend the Export Administration Act, April 4, 1983. 5. "Offset/Coproduction Requirements in the Aero- space and Electronics Trade," Report of a Survey of Industry, Department of The Treasury, May 24, 1983, p. 2. 6. "How Defense Will Handle Critical Technology Exports-and Why," National Security. May 1979, p. 16. 7. "COCOM Rejects Bid to Ban New Technologies to Eastern Bloc," Electronic News, May 16. 1983. 8. "An Analysis of Export Control of U.S. Technol- ogy-A D.O.D. Perspective," Report of the De- fense Science Board Task Force on Export of U.S. Technology, February 4. 1976, Washington. D.C. 9. "International Transfer of Technology. Goods, Ser- vices and Munitions," Department of Defense Di- rective, January 17, 1984, No. 2040.2, p. 2. 10. Interviews with various government officials and private contractors conducted in Washington, D.C., June 1983. Not for attribution. 11. "Standardization of Equipment Within NATO," Ninth Report to Congress, January 1983. Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense. 12. "Congress Draws Itself into Foreign Policy For- mulation," Clyde Farnsworth, New York Times, March 25, 1984. 13. "Soviet Acquisition of Western Technology," CIA, April 1982. 14. "Scientific Communication and National Security," National Academy of Sciences (Washington, Na- tional Academy Press, 1982). 15. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, Depart- ment of Defense, Technology Control Program Re- port to the 98th Congress, February 1983-re- quested funding of $11.6 million and 157 personnel for technology control programs for fiscal year 1984. In 1983. DOD made a one-time transfer of $20 million to U.S. Customs Service's Operation Exodus. 16. Interview with official in the office of the deputy assistant secretary of defense (international eco- nomic, trade and security policy). June 20, 1983. Not for attribution. 17. Joint statement by Secretary Baldridge and Am- bassador Brock, Spring. 1983. Office of the United States Trade Representative, Washington, D.C. (These figures are constantly cited, yet source and derivation are not.) 18. Comments of a U.S. corporation with extensive and varied experience in international production. Internal memo, not for attribution. 19. Report to the House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services, Special Subcommittee on Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9 70 NATO, "Standardization. Interoperability, Readi- ness," June 22, 1978. 20. Karl Harr, Jr., president of the Aerospace Industries Association of America. Inc. Letter to Deputy Sec- retary of Defense Paul Thayer, March 4, 1983. 21. Joseph Gavin, Jr.. president of Grumman Corpo- ration, in personal correspondence with the author, April 27, 1983. 22. Export Administration Act: Hearings before the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Af- fairs, United States Senate, February 3, 1983, p. 23. Caspar Weinberger, "Department of Defense: The Technology Transfer Control Program," Report to the 98th Congress, February 1983, p. 9. 24. Richard Perle, "Technology and the Quiet War," Strategic Review, Winter 1983, p. 35. 25. 1 am grateful to Brigadier General H. V. Larson (USAF-Ret.) for the "bucket" analogy. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000706930001-9