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ST Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 ?... ON PAGE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE 10 May 1987 REAGAN'S BAND OF TRUE BELIEVERS y" By Frances Fitzeverald SOON WE WILL know more about the Iran-contra af- fair. Witnesses be- fore the special prosecutor's grand jury, and before the Congressional commit- tees that began hearings last week, will expose the opera- tions in much greater detail. They will delve into the un- derworld of arms dealers and financial brokers into which Lieut. Col. Oliver L. North and his fellow National Se- curity Council staff members descended. They will tell of Manucher Ghorbanifar, the main intermediary with the Iranians and the Schehera- zade of polygraphs. They will enumerate the secret arms deals and try to account for the millions of dollars gone astray on their way to the contras. In the end, we may discover what the President and his Director of Central Intelligence. William J. A Casey. knew and what they clisl. But the Tower Commis- sion report has already made the style of the opera- tions quite clear ? and it has given us important clues to the central question of how such a thing could have oc- curred. From one perspective, as a number of commentators have noted, the affair could be seen as merely the latest in a series of attempts by American Presidents to con- centrate power in the White House and to make their for- eign policy independent of the Congress and the State De- partment. (Robert C. McFar- lane, after all, thought of his role in the Iran initiative as analagous to Henry A. Kissin- ger's in the secret negotia- tions with Beijing.) Yet seen from another angle, the affair belonged to a pattern quite specific to the Reagan Administration: It was not just a matter of the President's "management style," or the arrogance of those whose President had been re-elected in a landslide. It was a particular philoso- phy of government shared by many Reagan appointees, a strain of home-grown radi- calism that has deep roots in American history and that carries with it a disrespect for institutions and rules. The radical strain had surfaced repeatedly in the struggles over domestic policy as well as in the conduct of foreign affairs. The Iran-contra af- fair merely exemplified it at its most extreme. In the conclusion of its re- port, the Tower Commission denounced all those involved in the operations for ignoring "the constraints of orderly process" and for failing to ad- dress "significant questions of law." In tone, these Latinate phrases suited the commis- sion's solemn purpose, but con- trasted sharply with the events described in its narra- tive ? for the story is bizarre. As the Tower report shows, the atmosphere in the White House was quite different from that in the Nixon White House during the secret bombing of Cambodia and the Watergate break-in. In the first place, Reagan staff members were extraordi- narily credulous. Not only did they believe Ghorbanifar's stories, but they never even suspected that Iranian offi- cials might be manipulating them, rather than vice versa. While the Nixon people knew their actions were illegal and did their best to conceal them, Reagan's men hardly seemed to have asked them- selves where the statutory limits were. They believed in I what they were doing, they believed in the authority of the President, and that was that ? even though what the President knew or remem- bered of their doings was often unclear to them. In general, they calculated little but felt a great deal. Vice Adm. John M. Poindexter once accused North of "getting emotional again," but when the contra operation came to light, he told Donald T. Regan, the White House chief of staff, that he had done nothing about his suspicion that funds were being diverted because he was "so damned mad at Tip O'Neill." To read the computer- transmitted conversations between North, Poindexter and McFarlane is to see that a certain strangeness had come over the group by 1986. Those involved were com- pletely alienated from the rest of official Washington, including the rest of the Rea- gan Administration. Tim hated "the libs," as they called the liberal Democrats A n Congress: they despised the career C.I.A. and they suspected all the N.S.C. prin- cipals who were not involved. North told the Iranians fan- tastic stories about the Presi- dent. In the end, wearing him- self out, getting only two or Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20 three hours' sleep a night, North began to imagine the contras would win a great victory and that the Presi- dent would go down in history for ending the Iran-Iraq war. McFarlane told North that North should be Secretary of State ? and later that he should join him at the Center for Strategic and Interna- tional Studies, where the two would "continue to work the Iran account as well as to build other clandestine capa- bilities so much in demand here and there." 13 Y 1986, THOSE IN- volved in the Iran and contra operations were behaving rather less like na- tional-security officials than like a bunch of Keystone Cops. But there is a more pre- cise analogy for what was happening among them, a more apt parallel for the strange behavior of this small group of Government officials. The analogy lies, oddly enough, in the sociology of contemporary religious "cults." The so-called cults, after all, New Age or Chris- tian, commonly have a char- ismatic father figure and enormous assets raised by contribution (assets that have a tendency to disap- pear). And those that are self-destructing tend to go through a very particular form of group dynamics. In such groups the process of unraveling begins when the charismatic father fig- ure, who once had much con- tact with his followers, re- treats within an inner circle of guardians and goes into si- lence. What he does (if any- thing) is known only to a few intimates; what he knows be- comes a metaphysical, or at least an epistemological, problem. Yet the ordinary members still believe that they have ? on some level ? a direct, personal relation- ship with the leader. The problem is that they have no institutions or rules governing relations among themselves; the group is an anarchy held together by his charisma. (Thus N.S.0 staff members put together an ad hoc group drawn from vari- ous agencies with a shifting cast of characters and no clear lines of authority.) Since the father figure refuses to intervene, even the smallest argument has the potential to explode and de- stroy the group. To preserve itself, the group projects its hostility onto outsiders, and a we-they relationship de- velops in which group mem- bers come to believe that they are entirely good ? indeed su- perior ? beings, while all out- siders are entirely bad, in- ferior and untrustworthy. Now the group cannot accept out- side advice or criticism; its members at the same time lose all normal skepticism about those who profess to support their cause ? even those who look, speak and act like crooks or con artists. At some point, the inner cir- cle, sensing hostility from the outer members, withdraws into itself. (North once told McFarlane that Poindexter's job was much harder than his, since "I only had to deal with our enemies. He has to deal with the Cabinet") Its members set themselves "above" the ordinary mem- bers and develop secret poli- cies that are the very oppo- site of the stated policies of the group. The more they de- velop and carry out their poli- cies, the more they lose touch with even that reality the or- dinary members could give them. Once exposed, their ac- tivities appear to outsiders as quite mad ? and possibly they are criminal. The ordi- nary members express shock at the behavior of the inner circle. But, in fact, all along they have sensed something strange going on within it, and evidence of wrongdoing ? such as a rattlesnake in the mailbox of an opponent ? has appeared in more or less plain sight. The question is, of course, how this sort of dynamic could establish itself at the center of the United States Government. READ THE EIGHTH Beatitude of Matthew 5," Colonel North told a reporter through the win- dow of his truck the day after 1 the Tower Commission re- I port came out On the evening 12/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 news, Peter Jennings re- ported that the verse read, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the king- dom of Heaven," adding that the Tower Commission had chosen as one epigraph a quotation from the Roman satirist Juvenal, "Quis cus- tocliet ipsos custodes," "Who shall guard the guardians?" The juxtaposition of the two quotations was pure poetry, for the texts pointed to two very different views of human nature. That Chris- tian and classical texts should be invoked on either side of a political conflict in 1987 seems on the face of it extraordinary; yet the texts pointed directly to an impor- tant aspect of the Iran-contra affair ? to the particular conflict fought out within the Reagan Administration. In the United States, the secular, Roman tradition is embodied in the Constitution, with its checks and balances, and in the public architecture of Washington, notably in the Capitol building. More than in Europe, where national tradi- tions predate the Enlighten- ment, secular rationalism is the foundation of the state and the law of the land. The Judeo-Christian tradi- tion plays no parallel role in government, yet one particu- lar strain of it, evangelical Protestantism, has pro- foundly colored American civic culture. It underlies the notion of American excep- tionalism: the idea of Amer- ica as a redeemer nation, a people charged with a divine mission in the world. Beyond that, it has been the engine for most social-reform move- ments on the left and on the right, and it has sustained the idealistic, even visionary, quality in American life. Abolitionism, civil rights, women's rights, pacifism and internationalism have histor- ically grown out of left-wing evangelical movements with their optimistic millenarian- ism. Social conservatism, nativism and jingoistic na- tionalism have grown out of conservative evangelical movements and pessimistic millenarianism. Both millen- Mal traditions look forward Continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 to an end to human history, an end to politics and govern- ment. In a sense, the secular and the religious traditions cluster about the two names for the country: "the United States" being the secular, constituted Republic, "Amer- ica" being the organic mythic or moral land. In the Reagan Administration, this latter tradition was strong. Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., in his recent book, "The Cycles of American History," proposes a regular, cyclical alternation in American life between periods of concern for the public interest and periods where private inter- ests come to the fore ? the first bringing government controls and democratic re- forms, the second a relaxa- tion of controls, a greater role for the market and a retreat into private life. This alterna- tion, he maintains, is a natu- ral, systolic-diastolic move- ment. While each phase nor- mally brings a corrective to the one before, both contain dangers; for as too much gov- ernment can stifle and re- strict, too much "privatiza- tion" invites corruption, in- justice, even tyranny. In Schlesinger's terms, the last six years represent a right- ward swing of the pendulum: a period of lower taxes and looser regulations, and a period of some public apathy about injustice and the prob- lems of the society. But there was another ele- ment in the national mood, one that was clearly reflected in the makeup of the Reagan coalition. Arriving in Wash- ington in 1981 with the new President were not just the genial Republican business- men that such periods usu- ally bring in, but a great many people inflamed with a passionate desire for reform. These people believed not simply that the government had become too big and too burdensome, but that it had become a moral evil infecting American society. Many be- lieved the free market would create the promised land of milk and honey. Yet outside the economic domain they be- lieved fiercely in the impor- tance of government, not the government that existed but the one they themselves would create: a government that would bring America back to morality and make it a tower of military might ? a fortress invulnerable. Many of these people commonly spoke of "America," and not of "the United States" and saw the country as a Babylon they would remake into a New Israel. The "movement conserva- tives," as these people called themselves (once the term "New Right" had aged), were virtual strangers to Washing- ton when they arrived in 1981; yet they had an ideological lineage as old as any extant party or movement in the United States ? their an- tecedents lying in anti-Ma- sonry and in a certain nativ- ist strain of Populism. Even with all this history behind them, however, and with all their nostalgia for an earlier age, they were not a conser- vative party in the usual sense, for, whether Catholics or Protestants, they were, in- tellectually speaking, evan- gelicals. Theologically, and as a habit of thought, evangelicals put the emphasis on direct experience rather than knowledge of doctrine or ritual practice: the individu- al, once born again, becomes a regenerate being, free of the past. Evangelicism is thus by its nature anti-intel- lectual, ahistorical and wholly democratic. It is also highly individualistic and dis- posed against institutions. It focuses on the future and the quality of will or intention rather than on the record of past deeds, good or bad. The "movement conservatives" were thus temperamentally impatient, and, as pessimists of the right, they looked for- ward to impending national destruction if they did not succeed. What made them different from previous right-wing evangelical par- ties was their numbers, and the great many activists brought to Washington on the Reagan tide. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, evangelical move- ments of the left and the right had appeared and disap- peared many times ? but without the temporal regu- larity of the Schlesingerian cycle. They seemed to appear I in times of profound eco- nomic change and social dis- location: in times (and in places) where the old order was crumbling, creating un- certainty, insecurity and the need for new standards around which to organize life. These reform movements appeared in a more or less secularized or ecumenical form in the 1960's ? and then in the late 1970's. Before 1980, however, right-wing evangel- ical movements, important as they were in the country, made relatively small in- roads into national politics. In part, it was that their largest constituency ? white South- ern Baptists ? was politi- cally immobilized for more than a century by the issues of slavery and segregation. In part, it was that until the late 1950's the economy of the South was that of an underde- veloped country compared to the North. In the 1960's, the civil-rights movement freed pastors, such as the Rev. Jerry Falwell, from their self-imposed silence. In the 1970's, the movement of new industries to the South and Southwest created the Sun- Belt phenomenon. In this newly rich region, freed by its affluence from the Demo- cratic Party, most voters had strong roots in conservative evangelic is m. As candidate in 1976 and in 1980, Ronald Reagan drew his strength from the new Re- publican Party of the Sun Belt, and as President he brought a good many of its leaders to Washington. This party included both "move- ment conservatives" and laissez-faire businessmen, and the two had a good deal in common. When it came to the threat of international Com- munism or the role of the Federal Government in do- mestic affairs, men like Jesse Helms and Edwin Meese 3d saw eye to eye. On these and other issues the movement conservatives found a variety of natural allies in Washington: the "sagebrush rebels" on Fed- eral land use; the supply- siders on taxes; the neocon- servatives on the Soviet threat, and conservative Catholics on abortion and aid to religious schools. On each of these issues the movement conservatives and their tem- porary allies ? people such as James G. Watt in the De- partment of Interior, William Continuci Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 Bennett in the Department of Education and William Brad- ford Reynolds in the Justice Department ? formed as it were a radical party in con- tradistinction to the tradi- tional conservative party of men like Paul A. Volcker, George P. Shultz and Wil- liam E. Brock. Many of them held high positions in agen- cies throughout the Govern- ment ? including those agencies they most wished to destroy. But in matters of domestic policy, the radicals experi- enced a good deal of frustra- tion. There were so many regulations, so many statutes on the books, and when they tried to hack away at them, they were set upon by public- interest groups. They could trim their departments and deregulate as the conserva- ? tives saw fit, but, generally, they could not go further ? for their strength lay in the Administration, not on the Hill: in Congress they lacked the votes to change the laws as they wished. In frustra- tion, some of them took ac- tions which liberals and con- servatives construed as law- breaking. The Environmen- tal Protection Agency, for example, suspended most hazardous-waste regula- tions; the Justice Depart- ment ignored or defied civil- rights legislation; the De- partment of Health and Human Services dropped thousands of people from the Social Security disability-in- surance rolls and adopted a "policy of non-acquiescence" when the action was judged illegal. In practice, the courts found these and a great many other such radi- cal actions illegal. At the same time, and for reasons not unrelated, an as- tonishing number of Reagan appointees had personal colli- sions with the law or the Ethics in Government Act. There was a simple "sleaze factor" in the Administration that reflected the general lax- ity in fiduciary standards across the land; in addition, there was sleaze complicated by ideology. Some of the radi- cals had, after all, grown up believing that all government regulations were unjust re- strictions on, their personal freedom; others purely and simply felt that government was the enemy. In the E.P.A. scandals, for example, ideol- ogy was a factor ? as it clearly was in the Iran-con- tra affair. While the radicals were constricted in the domestic arena, they had more room for maneuver in foreign af- fairs, where the executive held greater sway. (Here, as they saw it, their main im- pediments were the career diplomats and the bureau- crats at the C.I.A.) As it hap- pened, the primary passion of many movement conserva- tives was foreign and mili- tary policy. This was true from the beginning ? and even for many people best known for raising "the social issues" and injecting them into the 1980 campaign. In the 1960's and 1970's, Phyllis Schlafly, for example, wrote five books on nuclear strat- egy with a retired rear admi- ral ? all designed to show that Robert S. McNamara, Paul H. Nitze, Henry Kissin- ger and their co-conspirators at the Council on Foreign Relations were Soviet dupes plotting the unilateral disar- mament of the United States. In truth it was not precisely foreign policy that interested such people. In his speeches, the Reverend Falwell never used that word at all, but spoke about Nicaragua and South Africa under the head- ing of "defense policy." This was no idiosyncrasy. In the international arena, right- wing evangelicals see politics not as the collision of differ- ing self-interests but as the expression of a transcendent power struggle between good and evil. For them, the enemy is a free agent, not one caught up in history or con- fined by geography and local politics. Thus, on the global battlefield there can be no stable balance of power and no agreement to disagree: the threat to national security is everywhere at once. In foreign policy, the move- ment conservatives found that President Reagan spoke their language. In March 1981, the President described American aid to El Salvador as an attempt "to try to halt the infiltration into the Amer- icas by terrorists, and by out- side interference and those who aren't just aiming at El Salvador but, I think, are aiming at the whole of Cen- tral America and possibly later South America ? and, I'm sure, eventually North America." Actually, the President was far more optimistic than most movement conserva- tives, but he shared their nos- talgia for a simpler time and their notion that international institutions, such as the World Bank and the United Nations, were meaningless, or even vehicles for some general conspiracy against "America." On most foreign- policy issues the Administra- tion was divided, as it was in domestic affairs, between traditional conservatives and radicals. The divide was no- where more explicit than in nuclear strategy and arms control. While negotiators ? including, indeed, Paul Nitze ? labored away at inter- minable arms talks in Gene- va, the radicals ? such as Richard Perle ? blocked all potential agreements in the conviction that the Russians could not be trusted and could not be dealt with until the United States had built up a commanding lead in nuclear weapons. Surprising every- one, the President took the radicals off the hook by proposing that the Strategic Defense Initiative would soon unfurl a vast, invulnerable umbrella over the country ? thus rendering the arms talks moot. Many did not ac- tually credit his belief in this form of salvation from nu- clear war until Reykjavik, when he toyed with the idea that the abolition of ballistic missiles might be just as good. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7 WHEN THE IRAN initiative came to light and news re- ports indicated that some in the White House had seen it as a geopolitical gambit and some as an effort to free the hostages, it was not hard to guess where the President stood. Over the years Ronald Reagan had made it plain tht he conceived the world in terms of individuals. He ended most speeches with a story about some one person: a gallant lad who had saved someone's life, a Vietnamese refugee made good, Baby Doe or a welfare cheat who bought vodka with food stamps. As the Tower Com- mission discovered, the President, who had spent some time with the victims of the T.W.A. hijacking of June 1985, asked his staff almost every day about the fate of the hostages and the plans to get them out. What he thought about the political situation in Iran, the Iran- Iraq war and the problem of maintaining stability in the Middle East remains unclear even now. As the White House focused on the hostages, so it focused on two other categories of in- dividuals: "the freedom fight- ers" on one hand and "the ter- rorists" on the other. For movement conservatives, both groups were generic. In a speech to a group in Nash- ville in May 1986, Colonel North (who also ran the coun- terterrorism unit in the Na- tional Security Council) linked both groups with a syl- logism. The Russians, he maintained, supported ter- rorists around the world (from the I.R.A. to Abu Nidal); therefore, the United States had to help "the free- dom fighters" to "go after the Soviet model" in Nicara- gua. Quite possibly North and his fellow movement conservatives connected these two groups in meta- phorical ways as well. When they spoke of "freedom fight- ers," their vision was, as North put it, "young men and women who have taken up the cause of democracy against a government that is cruelly repressive." It was also, perhaps, a vi- sion of guerrillas, irregulars, who went into the jungles into an area of freedom ? free- dom, that is, from civilization itself. "The terrorists" did the same: they were evil, but they, too, lived beyond the law fighting governments ? indeed all civilized institu- tions. "The terrorists," too, were free. What was more, the cause of "the freedom fighters" and the cause of an- titerrorism ? like the cause of the hostages ? permitted North and his associates to go beyond "legal constraints" and institutions into the same realm of freedom Ram- boesque derring-do. In fact, the Rambo story could stand for both the Iran arms deal and the contra operation. Rambo, after all, bucked the United States Government to go rescue his buddies from prison camps and torturers; the lone war- rior then came back from the jungle to take revenge on the bureaucrats who had so cyni- cally left American soldiers to die. The Rambo story is the same story of justifiable, vio- lent revenge against evildo- ers and "the system" that runs through so many Amer- ican movies, notably those starring Charles Bronson and Clint Eastwood. Rambo, however, is a narcissistic fan- tasy figure: a larger-than-life hunk of gorgeous oiled mus- cles who performs impossi- ble feats. But then there seems to have been some ele- ment of narcissistic fantasy at work in both the Iran and the contra operations. At the very least there was a certain solipsism. THE RAMBO STORY and religious "cult" behavior both involve anarchic freedom from rules and responsibilities. To use the cult model to help under- stand what happened in the Iran-contra affair is to see that if those directly in- volved constituted an inner circle, then the outer circle included not just other Ad- ministration officials but, at some metaphorical remove, a large part of the American public as well. Those who now feel deluded or lied to had all the clues they needed. When he was speaking to us, the Great Communicator told us all about his particu- lar world view. More specifi- cally, by 1985 the news media and the intelligence commit- tees in Congress had all the information they needed to start an investigation of Colonel North's activities on behalf of the contras. Here as elsewhere clues to the dark side of the Reagan Ad- ministration lay in plain sight. Not only Reagan's popu- larity but the enduring ap- peal of such movies as "Rambo" and "Death Wish" suggest that there is in the American psyche some deep sense that civilization is intol- erably repressive. These movies offer us fantasies in which our anarchic urges are fulfilled and go unpunished, but the great American novels show us the reality of what we are about: the reality is Gatsby, Huck Finn and Clyde Griffiths; it is also Ahab, who creates his own enemy and pursues him to the death. But happily that is not all there is. The members of the Tower Commission chose their language well. Their Latinate phrases signified that the Iran-contra affair should end as a comedy in the classical tradition: after a period of mayhem the so- cial order is duly restored. In his response to the report, the President acquiesced, promising to start a new life in which he would act respon- sibly and obey the rules. After the hearings, the Con- gress may adopt stricter legal constraints on the Presidency ? or take other measures. But the arrival of Frank Carlucci and Howard Baker in the White House signified that the Romans had already won.? Frances FitzGerald is the au- thor of "Fire in the Lake," "AmericcbR evised "a,4 most recently, 'Cities on the HilL" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/27: CIA-RDP90-00965R000301920012-7