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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 I. A. B. 10th Meeting CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA COPY NO. 22 For the Meeting to be held in Room 2169 New War Department Building on .Thursday-, 7 November 19+6, at 2:30 P .M P.M. 1. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS -- CHINA (C.I.G. 19) For consideration of the recommendation contained in C.I.G. 19, as agreed at the last I.A.B. meeting. 2. ESTABLISHMENT CF A CHANNEL BETWEEN THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP AND THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF C.T.G. 15) For further consideration of the problems presented in C.I.G. 15. 3. ASSIGNMENT OF FUNCTIONS IN THE FIELD OF STATIC INTELLIGENCE TO THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP (C.I.G. 13 and C.I.G. 13/1) For consideration of the committee report contained in C.I.G. 13/1. JAMES S. LAY JR. Secretary, N.I.A. I;.L, 10th Meeting Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 25X1 T T TOP SECRET COPY ATO6 , 22 I.A.B. 10th Meeting (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION) C.0?TTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTFLLIGfl CE ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of Meetin;; held in Room 2169 New War Department Building or. Thursday, 7 November 1946, at 2:30 P.M. Lt. General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Director of Ce_?.trsl Intelligence, in the Chair 1, ?BSS PRESTI'?T Mr. William A. Eddy, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Research and In- telligence Maj. General Stephen J. Chamberlin, Director of Intelligence, Rear Admiral Thomas B. Inglis, Chief of T'oval Intelligence Brig. General John A. Samford, Deputy Assist- ant Chief of Air Staff-2 ALSO PtlFSEZ T Mr. A. Sidney Buford, Department of State Colonel E. J. Treacy, U.S.A. Captair R. N. Davis, U.S.1'. Colonel E. P. Muasett, U.S.A. Mr. Donald Edgar, Central Intelligence Group SFCRT TARIAT Mr. James S. Lay, Tr., Secretary, i;.I.A. TOP SECRET IA 10th Meeting Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 TOP SFCRFT 1. NATIONAL IRTTLLIGFTJCE REQUIRT_7 'TTS--CI?IPTA GF?P EF...L srjid that he had difficulty understanding the purpose of this paper. If it was intended to cover over-all long-range intelligence requirements, he felt that it was incom- plete. If, however, it covered only some intermediate objective, he did not have much to say except to suggest a few minor changes. ZZ%. TLG-12 explained that this paper did not cover departmental requirements, which it was assumed would be drawn up by the various agencies. He pointed out, however, that uncoordinated and uncerre- lated sets of instructions were going out to the field which did not completely fill national requirements. Therefore, the only require- ments put in this paper wcre those which are most important from a national viewpoint. This paper covered only China as a trial area. It did not attempt, however, to define the ultimate requirements for national policy intelligence. Gi'?~JERAL CHAMBERLIN noted that only three subjects wore covered, whereas there are .many others of interest to the Or Eepartment. GU-LP,.L VA!".LT BZRG said that the War Department was expected to send those out, except in those cases there C.I.G, might specif- ically ask for additional information. Imo. EDGAR explained that at the first interdepartmental meet- ing on coordination of the intelligence effort, it as agreed that the first step should be to develop a coordinated collection of in- tclligcnee requirements area by area throughout the world. Each agency :representative was asp:ud to turn in the requirements it con- s-.eorcd most important. Those were then synthesized by the Office o t Reports and Estimate 3 in C.I.G. Some of the information required was of interest to more than one department, end when the depart- ments agreed, these rciudrcments were put in the paper. If this paper is approved, the collection representatives from all agencies will look over. Part II in crier to decide Vieh field re prescnta- ti;'cs arc best located to obtain the desired i.nfcpration and to at- tcnpt to allocate these rcaui.rcmcnt to the our.iovo field a;^,cncies. GF?1TFRAL GHAMBFRLLT did not sec how coordination could be ac- complished in this way unless the whole problem was solved. M. EDDY pointed o:'t thet this was mcrcl a ?c:st case, and :t this paper mi Fht _.L ok 70ieally different a :car fvom now. MR. EDGAR noted t; it these requirements viouK be reviewed quarterly. GENERAL CHAISTRLIPJ asked why V02 items of i_n porten_co, such as topographic data, were not included. MR. EDGAR explained that no attempt had been e?adc to include static or basic intelligence. Also, no scientific intelligence requirements were included because it vas felt there. was nothing of interest in this area. ADMIRAL INGLIS noted that these r::quiremc:n.ts covered only those that arc currently essential. GVERAL CHAIII3FRLIII expressed the belief that this was intended to be an attempt to coordinate the whole collection effort in China. GENERAL VANDENBERG said that it was impossible to do this until the agencies had agreed on more basic issues, such as assignment of Primary responsibilities,. Meanwhile, this was an attempt to move forward as far as possible. TOP SECRET IAB 10th Meeting - 1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 TOP SECRT'T AD11IRAL IYGLIS said that he was -Milling to approve the paper as it stands, but that he was also baffled by the v;ording, ~:Esscn- tial hlemants of I;ational intelligence ~~ . He thougl.h.t they v;arc all right, however, as targets for the next trrcc months and as a trial case. . : EDDY said that he was t:villirg to approve the Paper as it stands. G7714,, SAL VAF-D12TBFRG said t.'-_at they value of this paper v.ould depend ul:on the effort which all agencies put bcliind it. G; T'EPP~L CT'AI'B ': LI said that if the three items mentioned were considered the most important, the 1h'ar Dcportrec'nt v1ould fulfill its part of the effort as a rriattcr of priority. G'-?TM~L SAI:"F'ORD understood that this was an cxpcriricnt in stating current cmph ,sis. 11c considered the paper all right as it is. GF'-'?T'RAL CIA Ii3FRLI1T c?nresscd the belief the-,t the tc.::minology was twisted. T '.. EDGAR explained t'__ot the first etc had been to study na- tionel policy toward China, on the theory that should operate for the policy-makers, to show them z_cthcr the policy was a success or needed charge. It was felt that the csscr,tial clc- ments were stctcd too broadly and were there or: broken down into collcetion requirements which could be turned over to the collce- tior:. rcprescntstivcs to draft a collection r;c realized that the terns used we c somewhat differ nt froie military isage, b :t that the four a ,er oy rcprc scrt i tiv a had cgr,_ a d upon the prc s- ent terminology. C.I.~~. , however, di O not feel strongly about mGl:.- :.g o alien c it t t ."r",ir.olofly. P1r ^o. ar stcd, end it was '.g-;rccd, that Es,~c:rtiel Elements of ' : -.-ionnl Irte'.lli.ncncc~ should b., changed to reed "Current Essentials of ''~tior,.l I~ telli once". G IIL~J. C~ra:'D'"pcL'_ scic that he :.ould f?:_. not to approve _.'~.c pap: r until he had seen the collection C _reotivc be cad thereon. li: did agree tcnt,."civ. _1y t'"~- t th,_ paper v.^s all ri^L,t r's a basis i'or preporetion of a further collection direutivc. ADT'IRAL IITGLIS suggcstcd that the meeting of collection rep- rescntetivcs be hold to break do-.,n th rcrai_crr ;:rts into elloce,- ?ions to c cch ag :r_cy. These could be erccc:.d with the I.A.3. , arid when cp,rcovcd cai,h a.g..ncy v,ould issue dire ?;-ivcs to acecor..plish its pert of -Ghc r'issivn. GFT"I L VA''DEZ:BT:RG asked if farther I.A. 3. meeting would be necessary if the rcprescr:tetivcs of the. agenci.cs .'recd on the col- lcction directive:. ADI IPL L I "GETS did not tl,inlh it would be rcc,-s 1-17 to put the paper on the ^ger.da, for another meting;, but felt that it could be checked informally with the I.A.B. members rd issued -s another C.I.G. paper. EDDY sugg,cstcd ep ;rovol of the pCY ::I with the understanding th.r t distribution would be withheld until e.ssi.^,nmc rit of collection responsibilities .Creed upon. In answer to 11r. Eddy, 11M. EDGAR said that the directives ,:would be distributed to ambassadors nd theater commanders through the appropriate departments. TOP SECRET IAB 10th I.Icoting 2 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/01 : CIA-RDP10-01569R000100060004-1 U After further discussion, TIir Ii T-LLIG-YCE ADVISOnY BOi:RD: Agreed upon the follo%ing o:mendments to the ~nclosure to C.I.G. 19: (1) Chonge "Essentiol Flerients of 11'oti_onel Intelli- getieo" to read Current Esser-rtiels of I tion.rl Intclli- gcnce" throughout the p^pcr. (2) In porn rc h 1, line. 4,,c ?,rcquircments" to recd "objcctivcs~'. b. Approved the :Tnclosurc to C.I.G. 19, os emended, tcn- tc.tivcly f;s e for the prep,-rotion of ,, subsecuent collec- tion directive, i,ith the uiniderstci,dir_. th.t distribution vould be vithheld i til the collection directive hod been orrced upon. 2. FSTABLIJI-271TT OF A Ch:A''TI L TTT C~I'TRAL I:'TT:?LLIG 'CL G, ,OLni S'T'D TI TOI1T'1 1? F 0 ST FF C.I.G. 15 G?T .TtAL V.A. DI ~BL~ G ex?-lvined th .t con eider Lion of this Iprob- lem: hod been deferred -t JrcviouS and requcstcd r_y further comments. 1.DI?I-R.,L I_'GLIE thot the r.:--ttc.r h - ( , been discussed in the J.I.C. It r, s cor.plic- tcd, and it s.;-->> h' rd to decide v,h_cther J.I.C. or I.:,'3. should discus, it furthc ITC- seid that the ITevy Dc?~':rtr:1".ilt fc cls t:.: t one so1n.-.tioi. is G,.r_,: r ~1 V2rdcnbcrE;'s Uri?in`rl ]proposel, v:hich r",c.cs much f-rt;icr th:'I1 ` 'l Inglis' propos.l in C.I.G. 15. Adi_,irel Innis circuletcd si':etch shoving, hove the 1 ov- tho?,''.t s:.ncr: l Ve:Td;:r tier 's p_o ;os 1 mi ;ht be I ut into effect. T'__i i:..volvcd movi,-rc J.I.C. e'_'ld tlc J.I.S. into the structure of the C,I.G.. It lsc, formed - lirl: bctv.ccn the J.C.S. c.nd tiic Director of Ccntr-l I::tclli;;crcc ric between J.C.3. subcommittees :nd the c7.T. _. It )ro-,-)osc- d ch-noc in. the member- ship of J.T,C. to service oic:rbers only, plug the -'ddi_ ton of the Director of Centr:nl I::.telli ;cncc -s mcrebe_: ii, the s~?~~.ic m-nncr ^s or the I.:.'3. With the. ch, ng,c in riembbcrs ii'p it `r' S su,;gcstc,d thn.t the n:-.II:c be ohem cd to Joint intclligcncc Do-rd (J.I.B.) . Admirr1 Irr.1is ti,_ounht th? t in pence;tir.,c the Dirc::ctor of Ccrtrr l Intclli- is rc:ronsible to the '_''.I.... but tlic t tl.-.j_s m:ir ht be reversed in wertimo to m~?.1:c him responsible to the r.C.5 ITe felt thrt this nropos^.1 provided o ne ess. ry secaritT- wr:ll ^roai;cR th(. milit"'ry ' c- tivitics of J.I.C. T) - J.I.S. ricmhcrshir) 'A0 11 :3tny t'-_c s- m:~c except for the climinetior of the St - tc D L,:,ertruent mc:m'l c _?.v Lirison with the St - tc Depe.rtmcnt, ho%cver, vcoii1d be continued, but through the I..-.B. re.ther then the J.I.C. hDIaF..L IT'GLI6:, cxpleir_ _d or the 1~_ y r, of ir_tclli- gci:cc cstim tcs the pronoscd J.I.S. v,'ould go bot'-. to O.F.. . end, for dcp-.rtmcnt-l ir_tclli^c:ncc, to the other dcp rtrcnts. J.I.3. vvould belong to the J.I.B. , with 1^tc;r.ol comriu?:i.c :tior_s ~;.ith C.T. T. ..R. EDDY thou,,-'ht t.' I- t plight be n ultira? tc solution, but sug- gcstcd -ii interim step t'"~rt the J.I.S. serve : n ii;t(-llircrce -dvisory :;tiff to the I.A.B'. GBiTBpt.L CI:~.,ii3rr,LII sr is -chit he "'d not fi-'lre.d out r~ solution to the nroblcm yet, but th-t he did h.^vt some fumdemcnt l principles which he felt should be considered. Fir. st of 11, the Joint Chiefs of St-.ff must remain o n csscntie'lly milite'.ry Gcncr, non the J.C.S. to the President. Fi:.t , there should be nothir_n i_: t he ar1'ar_7el:1eft, as far as the of v,ar plans is concerned, v,bich interpolates a civilian ager:c;~ b tueen. plannir.F. agencies of the J.C.3., but, as General Var_denbcr; noted, these I.C.S. c,cr:cies should not be denied cry intellioer_cc nec::ssa.r to enoblc to perfor.-r.i their: mission. Fifth, no a r,crcies other ti-an strictly.' of j_tir should i-avc access to nilitar:; plans. This should be r.iettca:- of j n,l,t on tI- c p art of military Ugeincies, for s:curity reasons. C-ene.rel Chsr?berlj_n Said that he Vfc.,s linable to fi,,urc out an observed all of those fundaiocnttl I)rincj ley. fTc felt, ro`,.Cver, that t crc cs E, advantage in Admiral IL: 1is' on _; sstioil. in C.I.G. 15, since it V,ould at least provide a pieccrical _ roach to tlhc problem. Gr LR..;L VAI'DT'^?BTPSG said th .t tl.e prinei es enunciated by Gen- eral Chamberlin V,crc: also tic objectives f0 _i cr. the C.I.G. Vsas strivin .. Ise noir.tcu out that the C.I.C. T)ropo:3t:l u.:,-ovidcd a via- -di compartment i'or t,'-.c military. 1'e obscvcd, ;":ov~cver, that allied to that col:sidcrotio,.:. is tl,_c '.'Lict t t.h.e must the boat irt','11crcc and tha It st 'Lhe applied to thC1!1. The irtr,ll; nn:cr:ce a _^cy, t refo~e, , .~.J v.ork. ri ht alon' v-itl, the lar_nrs. S pceificclly, G.-ric_ol :I clibcr noted y T}gat Adrii r~l I.,.. I is' n(-;,,, ~)ro, o s ' 2 StL '7115. C'C, a CtCrti ': t C.":flit it ~l~mpartmient, but pl ~ctd it next ";o the C.T," , 'ere it could dray; or oil a va, 1.-'~7 irt, ilig~-ncc. C=-I7172_~L Ci'r:",T'LIi' not' -d cl,a thL rc :c or_c s i' .c"i;s cove rcd by J.F.C. subcommittees cl; C.T. :_ oul rot v: J DT'7r:.'iL IT 'TLIS said 'that S011c could ':J: "..'?.J.t under the .I.'"" ir.d others, such as t:_c Joir_t I:,tclli,l.r._cc ;t^.dT~ ^,.bli I;jrE hoard rand thc Publications tcvievv Subco: itt;-c, could 1,':: into .;rotor into C.I.G. I'?'. T?'DEY suj r.' th .-., i^,. v,illinr to acc:__ n,~~atohos~l as en ultimate obj-:ctj_vc Te hov,cvacr?, that it vuould bc, possible to proceed it;__ccij.. tcly to li%uidatc. chc. J.I.C, 2)1ihoomr.1tt`-:LS arid tJhcn f'Ollrw. that vit reir-_ 1 Tr!.'',11.5' hrci'7Si1. hG flJ c_il to justify the initial 5t.: 1''.'105