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May 25, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000100170055-4 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE ZIL, THE WASHINGTON POST 25 May 1982 KGB He~dAndr~piv. Wins ' ' Woihtngton Poet Focelgn servke ; MOSCOW, May 24-Yuri Andro- pov, chief of the KGB security police for the past 15 years, 'was elected to the powerful Soviet Centraj Commit-i tee Secretariat today in one of the most significant shifts in the Krem- lin leadership in recent years. The choice of the 67-year-old pol- itician to fill a post vacated by the' recent death of chief Kremlin ide ologist Mikhail Suslov clearly:.wid ?ened Andropov's responsibilities and strengthened his position has a- pos sible successor to ?: Soviet " .leade Leonid Brezhnev. The elevation of Andropov came at the end of a one-day meeting of the Central Committee, which unan- imously approved Brezhnev's special food program for the 1980s. -; ' ' In his speech at the session, Brezhnev talked about "big losses" of harvested crops and meat and milk products due to low efficiency, inad- equate storage facilities, "an insuf- ficient level of all-round mechaniza- tion" and "poor exploitation and tow) 'quality of many types of -agricultural machinery." But the 75-year-old Soviet leader said the new food program would pour massive amounts of money into the villages. He said that approxi- mately one-third of all Soviet capital investments in the period. of 1986-90 will go to the agricultural sector. Apart from reflecting a broad con sensus for decisive action to improve the food situation, however, the So viet leader's speech did not provide any specific details-to suggest a dra.' matic change in Moscow's approach. I Western diplomats said they exJ petted Andropov to take- over Sus] loo's position as ideologist, which! would give him great influence over. personnel matters as well as foreign policy. The diplomats said the main loser in the appointment appeared to be Konstantin Chernenko, Brezhnev's long-time chief of staff, who has been Andropov's main rival for Sus- lov's position. Chernenko, 70, remains as Central Committee secretary in charge of its) general department. He appears to' have a narrow base of support apart} from his personal closeness to thej Apart from Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko, the only senior fig-1 ure who is both a Central Committee' secretary and Politburo member is; Andrei Kirilenko, 75. He is described; as being seriously ill and not likely to emerge as a top contender for they job of party general secretary, which Brezhnev has held since October; 1964. The 11-member Secretariat di-' recta the work of the Communist Party apparatus on a day-to-day ba- sis, while the Politburo sets policy for the party. The Central Committee also pro- moted one of its secretaries, Vladi- mir Dolgikh, to the status of alter- nate member of the Politburo. At 57, Dolgikh is described as one of the most intelligent and educated per- sons in the leadership. Brezhnev said that the govern- ment plans to allocate the equivalent of $230 billion in this decade for building and road construction in the rural areas. "This is a big sum even by our standards," he said. But, he added, "this is a big policy decision aimed at eradicating distinctions in social con- ditions between town and coun- tryside." . I He also announced that wholesale' prices paid by the state to purchase grain, meat, vegetables and other products from collective farms would be increased as of Jan. 1. The pro- gram, he. said, envisages organiza- tional changes to improve produc- tivity and reduce waste. JJ Noting that the Soviet Union had been compelled to step up purchases of foreign grain, meat and other commodities "in the interest of the; people," Brezhnev announced that, Moscow intends to reduce such prac-1 tices in the future. The draft program, Brezhnev said,, "proceeds from the need to reduce; imports from the capitalist countries.; The interest of the country demands: that we should have adequate food and fodder resources of our own,-! which would put us beyond the' reach of chance." - In a clear reference to the. United States, Brezhnev said the Soviet' Union will "never put up" with cer- tain countries trying to use "grain anlaa" aj a meant of "-14..n1 .. Brezhnev's speech, which?`'ivas' read over Moscow- television-'and' then distributed by the government news agency Tass, did not include details of the food program. The So-; Viet leader talked in general terms. about the reasons for difficulties. He conceded that "the demand fors meat and dairy products is not ' yeti met, there is a shortage of vegetables! and fruits [and] disruption in trade of foodstuffs occurs in a number of regions." ? . . _ It was too early to make a? full; assessment of the government's'food program, which would 'require:care- ful study. The program has not, yet been published. In general, however, Brezhnev'r speech appeared to reflect growing concern about the country's ability to feed itself but did not suggest any' remedies that would involve ..b Id departures in Moscow's economic thinking. The program envisaged huge cap- it l investments in the agricultural sector and cash incentives to stim- plate collectivized farmers, Gut the measures seemed to be planned in the context of the existing central- ized economy.' Despite its professed political will to seek solutions to the food problem, the Soviet leadership has yet to de-1' monstrate the strength and ability to put in effect changes it wants to see. Brezhnev appeared to defend pastI policies by asserting that the deci-1 sions of a Central Committee'ple-t` num in 1965--during the firs, t'year of his rule-remain the basis of the J ''party's agricultural policy. He called it "a correct policy from which wel did not depart and will not depart." . He talked about increases in ab- solute production figures and as- serted that difficulties were caused in part by a massive exodus of the:' rural population into'the cities. -1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000100170055-4