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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 5X1 DATE ~6-I O DOC NO G1- M 97- t')O3( OIR PGPD J Untral Intelligence Agency 2 5 FEB 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: Glen Fukushima. Director for Japanese Affairs United States. Trade Representative.. Chief, Technology- and Industrial Competitiveness Division SUBJECT: Contribution to Article 305 Study on Supercomputers 25X1 1. As requested, we are providing a contribution to the 305 study on supercomputers. The attachment provides a brief history of the Japanese supercomputer industry and summaries of the three Japanese supercomputersuppliers. Attachment: Contribution to Article 305 Study on Su er rs 25X1 GI M 87-20036 Februar 1 8 25X1 , y 9 7, 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 I I , 11 iIII11; 11- - ---- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 5X1 SUBJECT: Contribution to Article 305 Study on Supercomputers Distribution: Orig - GlenFukushima, USTR 1 - Interagency Strike Force.for a.301 Investigation on Supercomputers SA/DDCI ExDir Executive Staff 25X1 DDI DDI/PES NIO/ECON DD/OGI, D/OGI CPAS/ISS OGI/EXS/PG CPAS/IMC/CB C/TICD C/TICD/TEC 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 1 II 1'111' II 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90T00114R000404380001-9 Contribution to Article 305 Study on Supercomputers 4. Japanese Supercomputer Industry 4.1 Brief History 4.1a Government Role: Questionable Short Term Impact The current generation of supercomputers offered by Fujitsu, Hitachi and NEC was developed support from the Japanese government. Most of the circuit and systems design and production technologies in Hitachi's and Fujitsu's supercomputers, and to a lesser extent NEC's, are based on Japanese general-purpose mainframe technology developed in the late 1970's. Much of the development of this mainframe technology, however, was funded-by Japanese government computer programs, including: the MITI-sponsored 3.75 general purpose computer project, the Pattern Information Processing System (PIPS), directly targeted towards the development of a supercomputer. the-software production technology development program, as well as NTT-sponsored programs such as the Denden Kosha Information Processing Project (DIPS). Although these projects greatly contributed to the overall current state of Japanese computer technology, none were Branch, Office of Global Issues. ------------------------- This memorandum was prepared by GI M 87-20036 Technology Analysis 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90T00114R000404380001-9 LI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Future supercomputer developments, however, will benefit from direct government support through several programs that are currently under way, including the High Speed Scientific and Fifth Generation Computer Projects. Although many of the stated goals of the programs are ambitious and may not be realized, these programs could result in important spin-offs as Japanese firms attempt to foster innovation in supercomputer development. High Speed Scientific Computer Project. The High Speed Scientific Computer Project is an eight year program initiated in 1982 to develop circuit technologies and system architectures useful in supercomputer design and production. According to the program guidelines, the project is designed to give the Japanese clear-cut domination in the high-speed, scientific computer area. The funding for this project,,is estimated to be about US $150 million, with matching funds coming from the six participating Japanese firms, Fujitsu, Hitachi, NEC, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, and Oki. The first six years of the program are aimed at development of Josephson junction and gallium arsenide (GaAs) circuit technologies. Concurrently, the project calls for the development of hardware and software designs that are to be configured into a high speed system during the final two years. The goals of the project include; o Uniprocessors capable of 100 million floating point operations per second (MFLOPS) and a multiprocessor capatileeof 10,000 MFLOPS. 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 o High-speed logic and memory devices, including; a 3,000 gate array chip with 10 picosecond delays (a picosecond is a trillionth of a second), implemented in Josephson junction transistors or low temperature gallium arsenide; a 3,000 gate array chip with'30 picosecond delay and a 16K memory device with a 10 nanosecond access time (a nanosecond is a billionth of a second), both implemented in room temperature gallium arsenide. o Software design and system architecture capable of supporting 100 individual processing elements for maximum parallel operation. The project has not met with great success. With less than three years to project completion, expectations appear to have been drastically scaled back, and Japanese officials concede that they have yet to Ai' settle on the basic architecture for the prototype. Much of the problems are related to controlling parallel operation efficiently. Several Japanese engineers say that even if a prototype is developed, they doubt that it could result in a commercially usable machine in the near future. Additionally, research on Josephson junction technology and GaAs devices has not moved as fast as was originally expected. Designers say that they would now plan to use conventional silicon chips for all but a few of the new machine's components. Fifth-Generation Computer Project In 1981, the Japanese initiated a new program, the Fifth Generation - 3 - 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Computer Project, to define new levels of performance for computer systems in the 1990s. It is an eight year program; calling for funding of about US $500 million by . the. participating Japanese computer makers (including all. of the firms in. the High Speed Scientific Project) and the Japanese government. The program'is not explicitly intended to promote the development of Japanese supercomputers. It could, nonetheless, have implications for Japan's capabilities in the supercomputer field. An integral part of the high performance needed to implement these fifth generation systems will be the use of parallel processing techniques. Much of the hardware and software technology developed in this project could be used in the design of future generation supercomputers. Fifth generation systems (and supercomputer systems) will be increasingly dependent on parallel processing to realize high performance. However, mechanisms that control massively parallel systems have been difficult to design and build. There will likely be no short-term benefits of this program for the Japanese supercomputer manufacturers, although future systems may borrow on the technology that is currently under development. I.1b Fujitsu and Hitachi Entry in Late 1983 Fujitsu's entry in the supercomputer market were the VP-100 and VP-200 with claimed peak performance ratings of 250 and 500 MFLOPS respectively. (Table 1 outlines-,the full supercomputer product lines Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 1 1 LI. 1J11 LL . _ -A-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 of the three Japanese firms.) These machines were first delivered in December 1983. A low-end model, the VP-50 (160 !FLOPS) and a high-end machine, the VP-400 (1,140 MFLOPS) were ready for delivery in late 1985, and mid 1986 respectively. Hitachi entered the supercomputer market at about the same time as Fujitsu, with the introduction of two supercomputers, the S-810/10 and S-810/20, with a claimed peak performance rate of 315 MFLOPS and 630 MFLOPS respectively. In late 1985, the company introduced a low-end version, the S-810/5. The firm is also planning a high-end processor, similar to the Fujitsu VP-400, that will have a maximum performance rate over 1,000 (FLOPS. 5 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90T00114R000404380001-9 In achieving their levels of performance, Japanese supercomputer designers demonstrated some insights into critical factors affecting supercomputer performance. they avoided potential bottlenecks by providing high-capacity memory expansion units, improved channels,from main memory to the processors, and increased memory storage outside and inside the processors. The Japanese also benefited from basic software research performed in the United States, but not yet applied by US manufacturers. For example, Fujitsu's automatic vectoring FORTRAN compiler received critical acclaim, not just for its vectorizing capabilities, but also for its well designed interactive user interface. The VP and S-810 machines also show that Japanese supercomputer designers made some mistakes because of their relative inexperience in supercomputer development. The designers gave too much capability to their vector processors, which handle large arrays of data, compared with their scalar processors which manipulate single units of data. -6- 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90T00114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 As a result, important elements of the Japanese machines sat idle during many applications, while other portions ran too slowly. Although the Japanese decision to base their supercomputers on their general-purpose mainframe computer technology lessened development costs and risks, it also resulted in diminished performance. The supercomputers from Hitachi and Fujitsu-had an important difference from the original supercomputers offered by their US counterparts at Cray Research and Control Data. These Japanese systems were designed to run IBM-compatible operating systems. They could also use standard IBM-compatible peripherals. This was not surprising since Fujitsu and Hitachi benefited greatly from having IBM-compatible mainframe lines. Besides selling to the traditional target market for supercomputers---the scientific community--Hitachi and Fujitsu believed that they could make inroads into more traditionally oriented commercial computing environments. These were believed to represent about 20 percent of IBM compatible mainframe operations. the Japanese enjoyed reasonable success in the sale of their supercomputers. At the end of 1985, Fujitsu had installed 17 machines---three were at Fujitsu plants, one was at Amdahl in Sunnyvale, with another 18 systems on order. Fujitsu's low-end machine, the VP-50 proved to be its most popular model and is likely to comprise almost half of its future orders. Twenty-two of the 25X6 25X6 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Fujitsu's 35 total orders were in Japan. The other 13 were overseas. Four of the overseas orders were booked by Amdahl, which is selling the Fujitsu supercomputers in the United States, but under the Amdahl company label. Hitachi has not done as well as Fujitsu. At the end of 1985, Hitachi had only shipped seven systems and had two additional systems on order. Three of the installations were within Hitachi. There were several reasons why Hitachi sales were significantly below that of Fujitsu. Performance tests indicated that the Hitachi machine was not as fast as its Fujitsu counterpart. Additionally, Hitachi was slow to introduce a low-end counterpart to the VP-50. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Hitachi restricted its sales to the domestic market, while Fujitsu was selling its supercomputers on a world-wide basis. In-the future, the Japanese supercomputer'suppliers will face increasing competition When-the Japanese supercomputers were introduced, a major selling point was that they were IBM- compatible, while Cray and CDC supercomputers were not. The Japanese strategy received a setback at the low-end when IBM introduced a vector facility for its 3090 processors announced in early 1985. IBM used a different instruction set than Fujitsu and Hitachi for their vector processors. This will not be a major problem in Japan, but could severly limit the sales of the Japanese in offshore markets. The Japanese could have real problems in the low end of the supercomputer performance spectrum because of IBM's competitive' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 I __L_ _L_ .. II. .1 Jll.l.l; _ . -1_1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90T00114R000404380001-9 hardware and superior. marketing power. 4.1c NEC Enters the Market in 1985 NEC announced and delivered two new supercomputers almost two years after Fujitsu and Hitachi. In the middle of 1985, NEC had available two systems, the SX-1 with a claimed maximum performance of 570 MFLOPS, and the SX-2 that had a performance of 1,300 MFLOPS. At that time, the SX-2 was the highest claimed peak performance of any commercially available supercomputer. In early 1986, NEC shipped its first SX-1E, the low end of the SX series with a maximum performance of 285 MFLOPS. The NEC machines were quite different, both architecturally and physically from the machines offered by Fujitsu and Hitachi. Specifically, the NEC machines represented some of the first attempts by any Japanese computer manufacturer to address some of the tough engineering problems facing next-generation supercomputer suppliers. Unlike Fujitsu and Hitachi, the NEC supercomputers were not an extension of the firm's mainframe line. The NEC supercomputers used water cooling---a first for any Japanese computer manufacturer--as well as an advanced multilayer ceramic chip package. The system had an extremely fast cycle time (6 nanoseconds), fastest available at the time from any Japanese or US manufacturer. Like the other Japanese manufacturers, the NEC supercomputers were heavily dependent on pipelined vector operations to achieve high performance,, thus limiting its range of applications. Additionally, the SX supercomputer had one Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90T00114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 of the fastest scalar processors then available. In general, the hardware of NEC's SX series represented a giant step forward by the Japanese in supercomputer development.' Although the SX systems were impressive on paper, there were many disadvantages to the machines. Most importantly, like the rest of the NEC data processing line, the SX systems were not IBM-compatible. This greatly limited the commercial acceptability of the systems. Also, the operating systems and support software that was supplied along with the system was considered weak, and diminished the capability of the system to perform at high rates. By the middle of 1986, NEC has only shipped seven machines, three internally to NEC. NEC, though not traditionally an aggressive force outside Japan, spent some effort trying to market the machine Ai- themselves in the United States. NEC only sold one machine in the US, toga university research consortium in Houston. the company announced last year that they would begin a joint venture with Honeywell to market NEC supercomputers in the US. NEC hopes to sell more than 50 supercomputers through the joint venture over the next five 25X6 25X6 25X6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 4.2 Principal Companies and Market Performance 4.2.1.a Fujitsu Fujitsu is Japan's leading computer company and second overall behind NEC in Japanese industrial electronics, with more than US $6.5 billion in revenues in fiscal 1985. (See table 2 for a financial comparison of the three Japanese computer firms.) The firm is first and foremost a computer firm; approximately 60 percent of Fujitsu revenues are derived from sales of computers and data processing systems. (See table 3 for a breakdown of the firms' data processing revenues.) For the rest of its revenues, 21 percent comes from semiconductor sales, 13 percent from communications equ~pments sales, and the remainder from sales of products including automobile electronics. It is much less diversified than the other giants of Japanese electronics. Compared with Hitachi annual revenues (US $20.9 billion in 1985) and NEC (US $ 9.9 billion in 1985), Fujitsu is a relatively small firm. Despite its size, Fujitsu has a leading-edge position in computers, and semiconductor technologies. In computers, the company offers a wide spectrum of products, ranging from supercomputers to mini- and micro-computers. Fujitsu currently holds 29 percent of the Japanese mainframe market, and more than 18 percent of the domestic microcomputer market. Fujitsu has also recently announced some of the most impressive Japanese mainframe systems offered to date - 11 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 J _l.l~AJLLL. . JLI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 In peripherals, Fujitsu has announced impressive developments in erasable optomagnetic disks,.and sputtered thin film magnetic disks. Through the Fifth Generation Project, the company is involved in the development of systems based in artificial. intelligence and parallel processing techniques. In semiconductors, Fujitsu is a leading supplier of high density memory components, and is particularly strong in developments related to large computers--- high speed logic and gate arrays, and fast bipolar, memories. Fujitsu is also a leader in the development of GaAs semiconductor devices. GaAs devices offer the potential to have higher-speed, lower-power performance than their silicon counterparts. 1 Fujitsu, along with many other Japanese and US electronics firms, believes that GaAs components could play an increasingly important role in the production of future supercomputer and mainframe systems, as well as advanced telecommunications systems. In telecommunications, Fujitsu has one of the fastest optical transmission systems available on the market, and appears to hold the lead in the field of optoelectronic integrated circuits. A major area of Fujitsu interest has been ISDN technology for central office switching. Fujitsu has announced developments in the entire range of telecommunications systems components, including new switching and transmission techniques as well as terminal development. 25X6 25X6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 NEC offers a wide range or important electronics products and is a major player in the computer, telecommunications and semiconductor markets. NEC products are well balanced across the spectrum of high. performance electronics. NEC revenues from computers and industrial electronics is about 32_percent of total revenues; communications equipment account for about 28 percent, microelectronics for about 27 percent, home electronics and other products generate the remaining 13 percent of total revenues. NEC products include: o A full range of computers. In microcomputers,, it holds 70 percent of the domestic market for 16-bit machines. In supercomputers, it currently offers one of the highest performance systems available in the market. o An extensive line of subscyiber switching products--key telephone systems, private branch exchanges, and hybrid KTS/PBS systems. o A complete selection of networking equipment including central office switches, packet switches, and a wide spectrum of transmission equipment. For its communications equipment, NEC relies on the quasi-privatized Nippon Telegraph and Telephone for about 25 percent of its total sales, sales to the US telecommunications market account for another 25 percent. o A broad range of semiconductors and components--NEC is the largest semiconductor manufacturer in the world merchant market, - 13 - 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 I I H., _1 Jl.LL . , . 1_1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 surpassing the US-based Texas Instruments in 1985. A-wide variety. of other equipment including consumer .electronics,.facsimile,equipment, direct-broadcast-satellite receivers, cellular radio sets, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment. In data processing, NEC has carved out a niche market in which IBM compatibility does not matter. Its ACOS operating systems reflect NEC historic ties with General Electric and Honeywell. Unlike Fujitsu and Hitachi, NEC has been able to concentrate on mainframe technology and performance instead of anticipating IBM product announcements. This has, however, resulted in NEC being the least active Japanese large systems supplier outside of its domestic market.. Strategic alliances with France's Bull and Honeywell in the United States may help to increase NEC foreign participation in the near future. Hitachi generated over US $20 billion in revenues in fiscal 1985. Although the foundation of the firm is based on the older technologies of steel, chemicals and electricity, its long term goal is to transform itself into a company increasingly based on electronics. Total revenues generated by the industrial products category ---which includes computers and semiconductors-- accounted for less than 20 percent of Hitachi revenues in 1981, had risen to 30 percent or`nly four years later. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 1 .1 1 i.I ? 1L , .. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Hitachi is the most broadly diversified Japanese supercomputer supplier, revenues are generated from five major product areas: o 30 percent--industrial electronics including semiconductors, computers and telecommunications equipment. o 22 percent--consumer products. o 18 percent--wire and cable, metals; chemicals. o 16 percent--industrial plants and machinery. o 14 percent--power systems and equipment. Hitachi strategy in industrial electronics is simple; the company has isolated semiconductor technology as a key to its future success in a wide range of electronic goods. By focusing money and engineering talent on the semiconductor-business, Hitachi has moved into the number two spot in the world semiconductor industry, behind NEC. Because about 70 percent of Hitachi semiconductor revenues comes from the sales of semiconductor memories, the firms financial performance is closely linked to the rise and fall of that segment of the industry. Hitachi is attempting to diversify into other segments of the industry, with principle targets being microprocessors and microcontrollers. Historically, telecommunications equipment has ranked a distant third in Hitachi's corporate strategy, behind semiconductors and computers. However, telecommunications will.likely play an increasingly important - 15 - 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 role in Hitachi's future. Recently, Hitachi has introduced several new digital PBX systems designed to move it into some new vertical markets such as hospital and general business applications. Hitachi is also the sole supplier for cellular radios to AT&T. In Japan, Hitachi is a full-line supplier of computer systems, from personal computers to supercomputers. The most important task it now faces is successfully moving that product line into export markets. Traditionally, Hitachi has used original equipment manufacturer agreements to sell its computers abroad. Virtually all of the Hitachi computer products sold in North America carry another company's name, or are built into another companies product. In the North American market, Hitachi continues to rely on National Advanced Systems to market its mainframe products. This agreement is tenuous, and Hitachi may be looking for alternate distributors and seeking ways to bolster its US computer sales and service network. 16 - 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 1 I . _L J_.- . L I . . . 1 . 1 1 1 1 L . . . _1L I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Table 1 Japanese Supercomputer Product Lines Maximum Livermore Memory Announced FCS* Performance Loops Capacity (MFLOPS) (Harmonic (MBytes) Average, .MFLOPS) Fujitsu VP-400 1440 na VP-200 500 19.8** VP-100 250 18.7 VP-50 160 na 256 04/85 1H/86 256 07/82 4Q/83 128 07/82 12/83 128 04/85 11/85 Hitachi S-810/20 630 14.7 256 08/82 4Q/84 S-810/10 315 na 128- 08/82 4Q/83 S-810/5 160 na 128 09/85 1Q/86 NEC SX-2 1300 na Sr-1 570 37.7 SX-1E 285 na 256 04/83 06/85 256 04/83 1986 128 10/85 03/86 * First Customer Shipment * Harmonic average for Cray X-MP-1 is 13.7 MFLOPS - 17 - 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Table 2 Comparison of Leading Japanese Computer Firms Financial Status Fujitsu Hitachi NEC 1985 Total Revenue 6,563 20,919 9,899 1985 DP Revenues 4,309 2,885 3,761 1985 Total R&D 524 1,223 249 1985 Net Income 235 768 249 DP Export In percent (est) 19 20 14 PP&E as a percentage of Revenues over last 3 years 15.4 8.8 14.0 All number in $US millions unless otherwise noted - 18 - 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 LL i I L IL_ ILL, _ .. AL---- - -- -- -Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9 Table 3 Data Processing Revenue Breakdowns Fujitsu Mainframes 38* 29 32 Minicomputers 10 0 0 Microcomputers 4 2 9 Datacommunications 9 0 12 Peripherals 25 49 28 Software 6 7 10 Maintenance 9 10 9 Other 0 3 0 * percent total data processing revenues for Japan fiscal 1985 - 19 - 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90TO0114R000404380001-9