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Publication Date:
May 17, 1974
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17 May 1914
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security (P&M)
SUBJECT : Progress Report to All office of Security
Employees Regarding Commitments Made at
the 19 July 1973 Reorganization Meeting
Pursuant to your request, a draft of a proposed report
from the Director of Security to all Office employees
concerning the progress that has been made toward the
fulfillment of the commitments made at the 19 July 1973
Office of Security Reorganization Meeting is attached.
The report would presumably be distributed as an Office
of Security Notice.
Chief, Plans, Programs Branch
Attachment: a/s
Orig & 1 - Adse
- PPB File (Security - Reorganization of OS)
I - PPB Chrono
OS:PPB: :dlg
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Some eight and one-half months have now passed since
the first meeting of all Office of Security personnel was
held in the-auditorium. I would like to take this opportunity
to report briefly upon the progress that has been achieved
toward fulfilling the commitments made at that time.
At the 19 July 1973 meeting the primary topic, of
course, was the reorganization of the Office. However,
as most of you will recall, in addition to announcing the
new organizational structure and personnel assignments,
the functional Deputy Directors, and I outlined
a number of specific goals we hoped to achieve and the
particular steps that would be taken to attain them. Our
Office, like the Agency as a whole, has endured considerable
disruption of normal routine in recent months as a result of
personnel reductions, changes in leadership and a heavy
burden of unusual and time consuming requirements levied
upon it. Nevertheless, I feel that through the determined
and conscientious efforts of all Office of Security employees
we have successfully surmounted these obstacles and.that
the rough water is, for the most part, behind us. Now,
what were the goals that we.set for ourselves last July
and wbat.has been done to achieve them?
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First of all, noted at the July meeting
that it was the first of its kind and that he anticipated
having such meetings at least once a year in the future.
I fully concur with the view that they can serve a valuable
purpose and, as you know, two additional meetings of Office
personnel have been held in the past few months.
Last summer we indicated that we were restructuring
the Career Board and that we intended to report periodically
on its activities to all members of the career service.
In this regard, a new Competitive Evaluation System was
established last October to aid the Board in its decisions
and to provide careerists with an understanding of those
standards upon which they would be competitively evaluated.
New guidelines were also adopted pertaining to the preparation
of fitness reports in an attempt to make them a more useful
tool for career development. All Office of Security employees
were subsequently apprised of those personal attributes and
skills upon which they would be rated. Another commitment
concerned our desire to bring the Board closer to individual
careerists through the technique of more direct contact in
cases involving selection for senior schools and reassignments.
Thus far we have been able to do this to only a limited
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extent, but greater emphasis will be given to this approach
in the future. 1, myself stated at the July meeting that
a further step in improving our career management system
would be the establishment of panels to assist the Career
Board in promotions, assignments and career development
of our personnel. This was accomplished last August, and
a directive was distributed to all Office employees explaining
the role of.the panels and showing the initial membership
of the four Career Management Panels and the Overseas
Subcommittee. A later directive issued in October 1973
expanded upon the functions, responsibilities and method
of operation of the panels. The panels have been extremely
active during the past eight months with primary attention
having been focused on the task of ranking personnel for
promotion. Additionally, considerable time has been spent
selecting nominees for vacancies and for external training.
At the reorganization meeting it was indicated that
we planned to establish an Office of Security Management
Advisory Group. On 4 September 1973, the previously
constituted Long Range Planning Group and the Advisory
Management Group were disbanded and the new Management
Advisory Group was formed. Since that time, the MAG
has completed a thorough review of the Individual Career
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Advancement Program.(ICAP) and its recommendations for
various revisions to the program were approved by the
Director of Security. The full text of the MAG's report
on ICAP was made available to all Office of Security
employees in January of this year. Currently the MAC
is engaged in a study of the Clerical Career Board and
it is anticipated that a report of its findings and
suggestions for making this Board more responsive to both
management needs and the employee concerns is anticipated.
Turning to another area, we said that there would be
a continuing study of our Field Office organization and
we have devoted a great deal of time and effort to upgrading
the effectiveness of our investigative capability. In an
attempt to distribute more equitably the workload and to
make better use of our field personnel, we have carried out
two realignments of Field Office territorial coverage.
The first, in October 1973, involved a transfer of 25X1A
responsibilities between the
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We will continue to monitor the workloads of all the
Field Offices and make further adjustments when they appear
In summary, I feel that we have sincerely endeavored
to carry out the commitments made last July, and that we
have made significant progress toward accomplishing the
goals of our reorganization. There is much more to be
done and new needs will surface from time to time requiring
further adjustments of our priorities. We said that we
felt the reorganization would work and work well, but that
if further changes were indicated the necessary steps would
be taken to effect them. This is still my philosophy and
I will continue to welcome comments or suggestions from
any Office of Security employee relative to the improvement
of our operating procedures or policies.
Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-AP83B00823R000100110002-3