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Document Release Date: 
November 9, 2009
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Publication Date: 
September 28, 1960
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STANDARDFDI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020026-6 ' "' =_1 ? L i 4 ^ ^ ^. ^ W Office Memorandum UN1ED STATES GOVERNMENT ? Chief, Plans and Policy Staff, OTR DATE: 28 September 1960 FROM : Chief, Assessment and Evaluation Staff, OTR suBJECT: Recommendations Contained in the IG Survey of the Office of Training, Dated 30 August 1960 1. Although A&E was not directly involved in any of the IG's recommendations, I would like to comment upon those in which A&E has a particular interest. Recoimnendation 1. The Directors of Personnel and Training together with representatives from operating components take a fresh look at the over-all problem of clerical usage and make recommendations for a more effective system. This should be followed by an OTR re-assessment of the clerical training program. Comment. The Assessment and Evaluation Staff is just finishing a research study of clerical EOD aptitude testing. Information on this study that might have some relevance for this recommendation will be forwarded to you when completed. Recommendation 8. DD/P take appropriate steps to ensure that DTR be made a participant, through the presence of his representative or through other effective form of consultation, in all long-range planning for the employment Comment. It is recommended that whoever becomes DTRrs representative in working with DD/P on this matter be briefed thoroughly on A&E services so that they can be appropriately utilized in the planning we were to determine the types of people entering on duty over the professionals enter the Agency each year. We would have to o some long-range planning to handle a group this large. The implications of this recommendation for our Staff could be better understood if Recommendation 19. The DCI establish as Agency policy that all junior professional officers enter Agency employ through the JOTP. Comment. If this recommendation is to be put into effect, the A&E t'v'ties would have to be considerably expanded. call, of the IG's office told me that approximately last several years. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020026-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020026-6 EG3I U Iri E11THAL Recommendation 20. The DTR establish a JOT Selection Panel composed of line officer representation from the three Deputy Directorates together with appropriate representation from the Office of Personnel and Training. The Chief/JOTP should chair the panel. Comment. This is a type of panel on which members of our Staff have served effectively in an advisory capacity. If and when this panel is established, consideration should be given to appointing an A&E member as a consultant. Recommendation 22. The DTR arrange for the participation on a rotational basis of line officer representation from the three Deputy Directorates in JOTP placement panels. Comment. This is a type of panel on which members of our Staff have served effectively in an advisory capacity. If and when this panel is established, consideration should be given to appointing an A&E member as a consii] n NFIDEWIAL E[ET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100020026-6