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December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 2, 2009
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Publication Date: 
May 7, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060066-8.pdf125 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060066-8 ~~~ Chef, Ptan~ and I~+~lfc~- taff eel Actfvity Report ~~ 3 7 k~ta~~> i 9 9 1. F''~ Ira. acr.~t~a.nce Frith your appi'ov'al, I have ~lvexa arty analy~l~ Qf 25X1 I'ula~ L8 E~5-Stl7' Strad ~pF~ P~~ tt3 ~. 0 ~aad at~g:?isea that he is respansl.bla:: f+a~ adv#~q Y~ can anY p~~r c~c' i~xadural ~actian xaeces~r to camplg ~~ the ~. 25X1 l~xa ~rppa~.iaatmerat ~ ~ ~rz~nged far' Mr, i~ri 3x~sg e- taaea~t ~~, tar gee ~r~ and iratlate the study on 1?he parcacuure$ s _. _. : 25X1 i 25X1 25X9 1964 tQ same at in ~'9.s~1 19G1. R~'~rntael ceetaaa~ted rem#i~~ ih ~'~1;~rwS ova been ccraapted wfth #~adiVi+d3.tr~1~ ca~cern~ on thre ~lti~.sm of the IBS progrs,rn avid peravnaltties, ~,~encuaer~cl:,irar~~. srtc~ ~ resvtf~ae ~ the dis~,ua$ian~ have been fc~r~ar'ded. to y~csur office. Tha Cat spaca t~~ffi~s s~tside ttue new btd# ccpl~d ~'Y ~5riy taf ~ta1s v+~;ek. This study was requested I;y G&ie#, t3ufld#.ru,~ Plannfn~ ~~f#. !:n c,~d 'fit a~gEen ~equ.~r~m~:~~ts cold be detc-irieri. ~t,~it~. ti~e~ple#,t~n ~f th~.s dam, the ft..e +~ and petrQnnr~t regiaitement~ ft$ ~ ~V,1~t331 ~,yalimin~:Wy 19~~w a de~reaa;e is dollars frcx~a in Fisc:~l Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060066-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060066-8 ~r~~e~t~, tx~th fay the new buat~tner ~d autc~i w D~ givt to the Ac?ir~f st~~#!v~ tfic;~ _ ~~-, n ~+m~ncu.e ~p~ce matt~-s vn the ~tub,~e~t in t'ut~re. PPS held wrar end ~m~rg~~* pl~nr~i~g d3~cu~sic~n~ with tine . +tztd T~f~'t~. 'W~ revid tfie 7 t31 m~m~d~m ~ett,~att ~ the xw ~3~~t~e ~~v~~~ p1~tn~ ,pr~d~r~ ~~~ o~ th.,~a w~~ c~tain~d +a~d ~en~ ~ ~~ t~g~ 3~, arm In4e11~- ~~~ ~1 ~ th~afr retn~#,o~,, .win, a~dit3~~ aap~r ,,~ routed to monad the 3C4. Gf ~~ ~nta~ a~r~a~. tc~ ~ ~ ,hares the ~_, F~51i ~~~~ tight he- c~ tc~ f~ixm up ~~~~ t~n~ r~qui~r+e_ ...........~ _ __ _ _ _ . ? ~~,yr 1~2dXlTI~~' th~til flow f tt '~1P ~. k+tePing with ct~nv~xsaticatx with ~~R~ thy: ~~ h:~s, beex. ~~st~d th~et ~ wt,},1 Tlt3t r+~q~c~~wt ~~~Ct j+C7T ~lvts cat' tuz~ds ~c~r th~r. ~. ~p~ct~lc r+~q~mrsnt~ !~ jT ~ t~'+~infzaq ~ levt~d ~r~ cur _~. - 5w~r~Fn 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060066-8