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Document Release Date: 
December 2, 2009
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Publication Date: 
May 21, 1959
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060064-0 ~reCtt~ Cif ~'rdlA~I1Q I 25X1 j Pk~ns and Pcalicy S#af# HIV eekly Activity Repot #2 (~ I 25X1 i ~. l~~ty ~ 95 Thee should be nc~ problem m~ pour Mr~day, 25 .~~Cay S CtlnT3eCtSOn I talked l~iefly with ,who vitas at 25X1 vttith th6 Re8136taI~E GaurSC ~tW~e11 195p anti I95G. ,awed me the five-volume f l Q linear 3ncb,~ instructional g+uid+e they h1d used. As yt>Lt kAOw, it i~ now in 25X1 LJ/~ I deadline fcx the pc~.p~ hq pr~:pared with25X1 t~`fiGe. He als? showed ms a draft 1354 resistance manc~-.l vrr~lc.h eras an attempt to boi3 the ft~re volumes dawn ,into m~ct'e ma~geable ~ 25X1 ~. It was the inn'teatisssn o~ the resistance l~ta't:Lt~rs ~ ~ th6t illc'4,~lttal tJe t~dina#a~d with the PA~i ~ ~' lnterestec. ~ ~~ ?~ap+onents, but this did nc~# qet dc3ne. has alsc found ~t vrt~t he called itnq~-r+av+sd veacsio~;s ~ some a raatexial ixi the fire volumes is not aval~ahte h eat headquat;ers. ~[e thinks there 25X1 a~ r?alism and almprcrv:ing the instruction that i ~nrsauld suq~est wt 25X1 a8k t0 hdY~ reRcot'd bafc~re he take8 t!f# ftat~25X1 about i8 June, ar shall I teal him ylou r~uld like such a FaA~ ;, ~t , copies at ~ says he has- Mme ide~:s o had a isrief talk with 2ne is anvt~her mErnber ~: have dune it bare, I dp it ~-gs-tn" srhonl of thou we keep ru~~ into in this PAd field.. Bab_says there are still en+pu~h people ~rcrzd headquarters, ffioatly in ~T~~ with which he could pull tageth~:r a 'pt'ey` ff~ resistance ar Phi training pt'~'arn in f~arly shcs: t order if he vvvere told t+o da so. p#es td ttte PPS studies coac~q this metier we~ce sent. to :~.AS and ' '~ R ixt connection with their ac~l.on tin the State Repent ~ua~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060064-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060064-0 .- ~~~~ ~ ~o~ 25X1 25X1 3. remarks to the the ideas in the paxaer dr0 25X1 25X1 25X1 o~nation with C)TR $nd ha've been returned to him.: Near East and South Asia T7lvisian t3Ferational Program f~ F'Y 19fi~ and l'ar Est I,3ivisi4n Funds and Pea"sonn~el Requirements, s~peraLiaartal Z'r"am. 196p. ?hare were na apparent increases in demands on C?T~t. c~?e and was sham the piper on +Course and was told yot~' wish+~s about inq bandied about. tr,~ianal ~Prv~tau~~s The fc>llowinq items wars received from app~sar* enthusiastic about his assignm~:nt tc xLagement and oargar~irr~tic~n ref 4n Ei.INT ~raininq Course far D3~,~'P. slay, 19 May, he and rnst in the pi-S office. progress was made tawarsi dying the ob,~ectives of the +aour-e and determining likely sources of instructar and lecture ,parsornel. has been ca~ntt-+ctlnq k+~r members of LhE ELY Training e and has an apFoinlGmant tt~ see of C-C today. ~s special intellig~:nce c~sarance has been sent tc~ the assistant Directc,~r far Current Tnteliigtnce. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/02 :CIA-RDP62-00634A000100060064-0