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Document Release Date: 
October 9, 2009
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Publication Date: 
March 19, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030048-5.pdf143.55 KB
Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030048-5 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO : Director of Training FROM : Deputy Chief, Plans and Policy Staf suBJECr: Weekly Activity Report #11 DATE: 19 March 1959 PPS has completed arrangements for the writing of a handbook on nuclear warfare requested by the Clandestine Services. This project has been assigned to Miss for implementation. 25X1 1. Handbook on Nuclear Warfare 2. ELINT Program At the first of the week PPS called Mr.l to inquire what was the present status of the ELINT training memorandum to be approved by General Cabell. He stated it had been held up in the office of DD/I undergoing coordination with Mr. Amory's staff. He hoped to expedite their passing it to DD/S and DD/P. stated that the main body of the group is made up of GS-15's and 16's and although a great deal of time is being lost from every-day activity, the course content is of sufficient value to make it worthwhile. Special) course is being well accepted by all participants. Mr. cations Office, it was determined that the Basic Management (Co_ 3. Basic Management (Commo Special) In discussion with Mr. Chief of Support in the Communi- 4. Suggestion Awards Program It appears that the Suggestion Awards Committee is either cleaning out their in-basket or business has picked up perceptibly, for the Plans and Policy Staff has received six suggestions during the past ten days requesting comment. 5. Hull Committee Report Mr.~ SPA-DD/S, has advised that the semiannual Hull Committee Report is due in his office on 31 March covering the period 30 September 1958 to 31 March 1959. An innovation this year is that Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030048-5 Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030048-5 Z&UHLI 1W if there is nothing worthwhile to present, or nothing startlingly new, a report is not required. A repeat or re-hash of prior reports is evidently not desired. 6. New Building Contract 25X1 The award of the building contract to the low bidder, has not been made as of the date of this report. Action must be taken, however, by 27 March. 7. Space Study The Real Estate and Construction Division, Logistics office, has requested that the space necessary for activities outside the new building be forwarded to them in detail and that the present location and square footage of such. activities be documented. In order that all activities will be covered, a list of the present space authorized in the new building and the space needed outside the new building is being forwarded to each School Chief requesting his approval, additions, or deletions. In this manner, each School Chief will be on record regarding his total space requirements. 8. Bureau of Standards Inquiry was made as to when the Bureau of Standards buildings fronting on Connecticut Avenue and Reno Road would be available. No move is contemplated for as much as three to four years. Plans for a new Standards building(s) have not been formalized. in any way. The Real Estate and. Construction Division of the Logistics Office has been requested to keep abreast of this situation and advise periodically. It is not believed that a further report on this matter is necessary, as the Bureau of Standards buildings will not be available until our new building is constructed and all moves have been made. 9. War Planners Conference PPS, noting that war plans training has been omitted from the agenda of the War Planners Conference, has arranged a. half-hour period to be devoted. to this subject from 1000 to 1030 Monday, 23 March, in room 153., F__] Both the Senior War Planners, Pacific and Europe, 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030048-5 Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030048-5 SECRET had stated they would like this subject included on the agenda. 25X1 Mr. will address the group on war plans training. 25X1 Training Officer, DOB/8R Division will discuss agent training. The purpose of this presentation is 25X1 to stimulate group suggestions for OTR activity in support of war plans functions. of the War Planning Staff will notify ference agenda. ET Approved For Release 2009/10/13: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100030048-5