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Publication Date:
May 28, 1954
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_.__ __ DATE OF
PUBLISHED Monthly periodical
PUBLISHED Apr-Aug 1953
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... ^orc.,c u~?, coos. ? ..c,o ~. .. ?, .~ is ? ?an
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DATE DIST. ~ S May 1954
[Comment: During 1953, L_upta de Cleea, monthly organ of the Ruma-
nian Workers' Party, carried several articles discussl
in variou~unes, Two of theca ar i Tn ~ party problems
,~ n? i s on P .t n ti rest )~
tional articles, descri es "~`? `?r"j''~ zaxen from four addi-
various party activities in Hunedoara, P1-
testi, and Ploesti regiunes, and in Camping Raion.
Numbere in parentheses refer to appended sourcea.J
Selection and Trainin of Pnrt Personnel Hunedogra Re tune
The bureau of the Hunedoara Regiune Party Committee has analyzed the man-
ner in which party organizations are dealing with the selection, education, pro-
motion, and assignment of party members. In this analysis it discovered errors
in the work of some raion committees and required Lhem to give greater atten-
tion to the selection and political and ideological training of raion gctivista
and secretaries of primary party organizations. Raion committees were in-
structed to work individually with instructors and to study the work of each
secretary of primary party organizations.
The regiune committee is particularly concerned with recruiting and train-
ing new specialists devoted to the building of socialism. Today there are tea
times as many students in technical and trade schools in Hunedoara Regiune as
there were in 1938? A coal institute has teen established, which every year
turns out significant numbers of mine engineers. ~.ery enterprise in the re-
giune operates a school or conducts on-the-fob training. At the Cheorghe
Gheorghiu-Deb Steel Combine there are two schools which teach Stakhanovite
methods, More than 250 workers, enterprise directors, directors of institt>,It~s,
and party activists are taking evening or correspondence courses at various
Party and state intermediate schools, and at enterprises. Workers, engineers
and technicians trained in the USSR are of great help in training workers, At
present 22 workers, technicians, and engineers from enterprises and institutes
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180378-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180378-2
in Hunedoara Regiune are receiving training in the USSR. The regiune's more
than 1,000 Stakhnnovites and its 4,860 leading workers are constantly under-
going technical training. Some of these men, such as Vasile Costnche and
F~Bineer Cornel Scurtu, have become famous. The latter, who advanced from
unskilled work, has developed five innovations used for the repair of steel
ilxrnaces. In addition to the training of specialists, the Hunedoara Regiune
Committee is devoting special attention to attracting older specialists to
the party and educating them.
Leninist principles are used in the selection, promotion, and assignment
of men and in fudging thelr professional and political qualifications. The re-
giune committee supervises the application of these principles, combating the
attitude of those who are interested solely in the professional qualifications
or in the political standing of worY,ers. The regiune committee makes every
effort to promote only those men who place most importance in the interest of
the state and of the people, and who are capable of applying party and govern-
ment decrees. In 1952 alone, the Runedoarn Reeiune party Committee selected
more than 600 new men for the party. In thcr: r t.., ,,?;
with ti, 1 , r, ,{ +. :rr r - r r - ? ne ,Late plan. In conformity
chalrm,-r. _t rti, , ` +t .., ummnn?d
,,, t. party secretaries,
and wog r rc, r ,~. -. t e i;,ological trust, engineers,
react iv it z,. 1?,t_,_ "? '?'{ +',Pu:n to discuss methods of
and unpl .~,. y,_ ~', ~ .,.,' bJ nc~? maximum use of tools,
Furl.:, .r, i
restotinr.~ ?. ..., t
In the f;r.;~ y,:ae:
month; of
,r. i'~% 2,%'09 tuns in the first 7
Tl:c r i r.
Ploest: t,~ f .i
"r ~ ,?=in~nt of the 1 Mai plant in
ductiou r~ ~ ~ }~ i i ` t ?, +y+~ is not enough, and that pro-
the 1 Mat } l it t , ? }?_~=r t r .,, r I r 1Y forged drill collars made by
Targovi.te. L~,t "c v1:1 ? ? ,h_orghe Gheorghiu-Deb works in
filling, ?~.:, r.,n ,, . ? 'r t. t^ r.,cc i. ,iii. . -e~^trted the latter
} . plant from ful_
Fart.,; ' ; :,_ ,,?,,_t: rt.;.i:' -rnn.?
mic nr;:anlzarions must also supervise the
apPlicattr.~n oY tto-:: ,artJ ,.r. ~'., r
for the w3~ ,r. wt, , t. r " rnm ~ spheres, They are responsible
party lin ?tmi i; t: .,r, ,+ ,: ?L1''_ti~ and state trade units apply the
party decree. a.,-t iv: `, t.: ;a:n see to it that government and
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180378-2
Some ?ctivists in economic organizations and party units have been shown a
narrow, departmental attitude which obstructs the application of government and
party decrees. In Pogoanele Reion some activists withheld part of the grain de-
stined for central state stocks to fulfill local needs. This action was espe-
cially dangerous since it prevente3 fulfillment of collection and procurement
plans and played into the hands of hostile elements.
There are many examples in Ploesti of misunderstanding of the principle of
party leadership in the activities of economic organizations. Some par*.v orasn-
izationF have misunderstood their right of control over enterprise admin-
istrations, givi.na rise to infractions of the principle of single
management, and transforming an enterprise into a kind of parliament.
The regiune committee mace et'forts to see that party anu union organizations
understood the importance of unilateral management and strict responsibility
for the operation of enterprises.
Nevertheless, there are still raion committees which interfere with the
solution of administrative economic problems t,elonging within the ,iurisdiction
of state and economic units, and lose sight of political cork required in build-
ing socialism. These committees take into ti,eir own hands control of sowing,
harvesting, and collecT,ion, ignoring the eronomic units in ::harge. The Ploesti
Raton Commmittee, for example, was unable to concentrate on the socialist trans-
formation of ?grlrulture br_cause it ::oncerned itself with broad administrative
problems, giving orders to chairmen, interfering with enterprises, and issuing
directives :'or the use of transportation facilities. Other committees took over
the management of collective farms, ignoring the rules of internal democracy.
The economic sections of the Ploesti Regiune Party Committee and of the
raion committees devoted much attention to personnel questions. In the second
quarter of 1952, for crumple, the regiune and raion party committees promoted
to managerial roles in industry 40 directors, assistant directors, and chief
engineers, j4 men in cooperatives, and 81: men in banking.
Nevertheless,the assigrmeni and selection of personnel has suffered from
bureaucratlsm sari disreg?rd 2'or professional training and character, ns was
illustrated icy the ~ppoint~ent of a carpnuter as -:iirector of an oil refinery.
One party activist, after being remove3 from the party apparatus as an un-
desirable member, wa: appointed 9irector of t7u?ee enterprises in succession.
The ?bsence of vi;zilnnce in some party orrnnizations?of Ploesti Regiune
has led to tte ?p}>ointment, of kulaks, speculators, and other hostile elements
to positions of e^_onomi:: responsibility, particularly in banking and finance.
The regiune and raion Harty committees took measures to remove these elements
from the fiscal and banking apparatus, replacing them with young workers de-
voted to the building oi' socialism. St?te and economic organizations are still
unmasking enemy elements who ?re trying to saLotage r,he building of socialism.
It was recently discovered tt:nt the Campin? Rion Conunittee h?d appointed nn old
capitalist servant as lirector of ? factory. This man r'alsified figures on pro-
duction and concealed the full. poten?ial of the plant, preventin;; the fulfill-
ment of ttre Five-Year Plan within !+ years.
On the other hand, the Ploesti Regiune Committee _riticized severely the
harmful pr?ctise of considering old specialists ?s enemies. Zt directed ,party
organizations to work with old specialists and technicians who sincerely desire
to contribute their creative efforts to the building of socialism.
The Ploesti Party Committee undertook to enroll the largest possible number
of persons engaged in economic activities for party courses. Thus, 69 persons
registered at the Evening University of Marxism-Leninism, and 229 activists
signed up for indivi