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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 CLASSIFICATION CUNFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS SUBJECT Economic - Transportation, railroads HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Bucharest DATE PUBLISHED 22 Jan - 20 Feb 1953 unw or .,. ce.nrs~?oo..~c u., .. .. ~ .u*.c.i xo,n ae.'? REPOR CD NO DATE OF INFORMATION 1953 DATE DIST. / 9 Aug 1953 NO. OF PAGES 10 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION fc-omment: The following report, taken from Rumanian newspapers, gives information on achievements and difficulties of the CFR iCaile Ferata Romana, Rumanian Railway System). :n January and February 1953, the CFR and its component units were discussed in numerous articles in the Bucharest daily newspapers These arti:les pointed to increased efficiency, saving of fuel, and great production at railroad workshops. The reports culminated in the announc'ment of a nationwide conference of railroad workers Bucharest In L4 and 16 February, she newspapers carried speeches of delegates to the conference, which criticized various aspects of railroad oper- ations, On 16 February, the papers reported a. speech by Gheorgiu- Dej which summarized achievements and errors In railroad opera- tions. An examination of speeches made at the conference, to- gether with individual newspaper articles published before and after the conference, gives a general picture of difficulties of the CFR. It is interesting to note in this connection that Rumanian news- papers appear to emphasize each month the industry which is lagging farthest behind in plan fulfillment. Coverage of the railroad con- ference resembles that of the national conference of coal miners in June and July 1952 At the coal conference, dele- gates similarly expressed criticism of errors in mining The high- light of that conference was also a speech by Gheorghiu-De.j As a consequence of the coal conference,. Bucharest newspapers for many months carried numerous reports of better living and working conditions for miners and of a sustained drive for greater coal production. Subsequently the Ministry of Coal attained a higher degree of plan fulfillment than ever before STATE ARM( CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL NAW NSRB DIST,IBUTIDN Ali Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-87]1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 National CFR Conference Vista Capitalei. reported on 16 February that representatives of 180,000 railroad workers throughout Rumania attended a conference in Bucharest to dis- cuss fulfillment of the Five-Year Plan in 4 yesrs,(2) According to Vista Sindicala of 18 February, 1,100 delegates attended,(1) On 14 February, Vista Capitalei reported that the conference, called by the Ministry of Railroads and the CFR Trade Union, was under the chairmanship of ,Tone! Diaconescu, Minister of Railroads. Speakers included A. Moist and Dumitru Gabor, general directors in the Ministry of Railroads; Petru Moldoveanu and Ion Baicu, assis- tant general directors in the Ministry of Railroads; Dumitru Mocanu, Assistant Minister of Railroads; Ion C. Ion, personnel director in the Ministry of Railroads; and speakers fron. CFR installations in Arad, Giarglu, Forsani, Oradea, Timis, Medgidia, Adjud, and Bucharest (3) Achievements of the CFR According to Viata Capi.talei of to Fehr:arv. Gheorghiu-Deb, in his speech before the railroad conference, discussed n:h:evements ;.,,t the CFR as follows; During the war, a great part of the Biurainl:in railway system was destroyed. Railroad centers and repair shops. such as Gr'.v!ta, Ploesti, Stalin, the Buch- arest Marshaling Yards, and others were destroyed By the end of 19- 6, how- ever, 83 percent of the system was repaired Large installations Such as Grivita in Bucharest, the Bucharest Mar=haling Yard=, an,i installations in Galati, Pascani, Simeria, and Rosiorl were rebuilt n 1450, rebuilding of the CFR was completed. Particu'-.arty c; vri; he nstru:tIcn of the Bumbesti-Livezeni, the Rosiori-Craicv'., A%J Viseului lines. Gbeorghiu-Dej stated that the volume of investments in railroads under the 1953 plan is to be doubly '.ha? o:' 1952 Morn '.har half of this expenditure is to be used for rebuilding and prcducirw. roll:, s ock In 1952, the first electric line in Rumania was built between ?,:11n and Car,?,'na In 1952, the production and repair of locomotives was 1, p'-scent. cre;,?er than to 1948, and the production and repair of freight rays 25. pe;,-e?,r erer,ter The net kilo- meter-tons of freight in 1952 was more than d_,ut,1.= the loll f;durc- The average daily load carried by freight car-; was ?:4 p.,r-:,nt greater than in 1944.(2) Production achievement?- in i.^?iiv!dua'_ reported before and after the conference, were as follows The Red Banner for Production was awarded to the Cluj Regiune CFR Direc- torate for outstanding production by its units, Romani:: Liberu reported on 12 February,(4) The Grivita Rosie Railroad Equipment Plant carried on a drive to fulfill the Five-Year Plan in 4 years, Viata Capitalei states on . "February The weldingtt lathe, and locomotive sections of the plant wens leaders in produc- tion,.(51 On 10 February, the same newspaper reported Lila' Stekbancvites in section IV-a of the plant were setting the pattern for other workers by pledging greater production (6) An article appearing in Vista Capitalei on 12 February reported that the boiler section, under Alexandru Codescu, was exceeding its norms for the installation e` pressure tubes A. second article on the same day, reported that members of car section. 11-a of Grivita Rosie were exceeding norms by as much as 35 percent The welding brigade of car section III-a fulfilled its plan for the production of electrodes 180 percent, saving 800 lei, The women's brigade in boiler section III-a sur- passed its quota for the production of spacer bolts 40 percent.( 7) On 23 Febru- ary, Vista Capitalei reported that boiler section Iii-a of Grivi.ta Roste had 50X1-HUM WOMEN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 pledged fulfillment of the 1953 plan ahead ut scheduie(9) .'uccrding to Viata Capitalei of 14 February, the following sections, of Gri%r1ta Rorie were surpassing production norms: assembly section Ii-a. machine section IV-a, smelting section VI-a, boiler section [H-a, machine section II-a, and car section III-a.(3) On 22 January, Viata Sindicala reported that the worts hop of the Bucharest Marshaling Yards was building is cur of the ITD type, for the fur- ther expansion of transportation in Rumania A prototype was built by a collective of 27 leading workers under Ion Ciomartan, chief n,f the car sec- tion, and master Ioan Ionescu. The new car, which is to go Into mass pro- duction in 1953, is equipped with journal boxer built according to Soviet specifications, a welded chassis, and a-oading surface. 14 sluice meters greater than that of old cars (9) On 30 January, Vista Sindicala reported that the "lire Ptnttlie" CFR workshop in Iasi was expected to begin mass prc,iu-t ion of iTD freight cars in 1953. Construction of large production ',hops for the m,n'ifacture of these cars began in December 1952; however, the car section .If the workshop pledged that it would turn out the first /TD car t:srng old Pooh t e and equip- ment,.(10) According to Romania Ltbera of 5 FFebruary, a tea type of electric mine locomotive was being built by Electrop tere The r.ew locomotive was built according to Soviet plans and with the aid of Soviet tcehnirtans it is to be used at the V. 1. Lenin Hydroelectr'.c Power Plant to Bi:az and 'a mines (11) Greater efficiency and the saving of fuel, an a result of new methods at CFR installations, were reported as follows: On 1 February, Romania Libera reported that :ne first train with planned routing traveled from Socola Rosie to Na:-asesti Th,? tratr, consisted of 45 cars, A second article on the same day, reported that !1)- CFR installation in Galati had surpassed its passenger train plan percent, :.s freight plan 11.6 percent, and its kilometer plan `,? percent, a r?'sult of the adoption of new methods.,(12) According to the 3 February issue of Rovurnia LC!era, the Port of Constants Locomotive Depot adopted the slogan, "Let us fu_fi the plan in 10 months." Crews of 17 locomotives at the depot saved a:ri lubri:-ants worth 17,700 lei between 1 and 20 January (:3) According to Vista Capitalei of 5 February, the Bucharest M,1rchaling Yards' locomotive depot made every effort to rationalize methods of trans- portation and to plan train routes: Individual crews exceeded hauling plans and conserved 60.9 tons of fuel in January 1953 114) At Bucharest-Calatori, according to an article appearing in Romania Libera of 5 February, workers pledged to cut the use of fuel 9 percent. As a result, large quantities of fuel were conserved on locomotives 321,062; 2,209; 2,833; and 2,921, A second article reported that the Nicoiina-Iasi Main Workshops, under the Iasi CFR Regiune Directorate, surpassed plans 36 percent and saved 7,630 kilograms of raw materials between 10 and 20 January.(11) The same paper stated on 6 February that the F_teet! CFR Locomotive Depot,using Soviet methods, had saved 400 tons of conventional fuel and lubri- cants in January.(15) 50X1-HUM 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 On 9 February, Vista Capitalei reported that stations under the Bucharest SEF (Serviciul Exploatare Feroviara, Railroad Exploitation Servire) engaged in competitions to reduce the time spent in stations by trains in transit The Fieni, Chitila, and Bucharest marshaling yards' stations were particularly successful in this competition.(-L6) Romania Libera reported on 10 February that the Medgidia locomotive de- pot had used 1.15 percent less fuel than planned, saving 32,578 lei in Jan- uary. In addition, crews of the depot made every effot to travel greater distances between repairs. A second article of the same date declared that Bucharest-Calatori had saved 54 tons of fuel per o:o:notive in January 1953? A third article stated that the CPR Motor Shop in Stalin had cut expenses by using new Soviet methods. A fourth article on the CFR reported that the Sibiu locomotive depot had saved more than 70,000 lei by cutting the time of repairs and by better maintenance.(17) On 11 February, the same newspaper reporte.s that th% C`R Installation in Braila had cut the length of stops in trr,c tt, had snit.: ed delays in transit, and had adopted the planned rout-Ink of trans As a result., the equivalent of 18 cars per month were freed fur ?'sul!nu ':c '? According to Vista Sindicala of 11 February, SEF Pascant stormed lu7 freight trains with 8,7 excess tons, Instead of the I.0u^ tons planned According to a second article, the Resita Sovreneetal Transport Service, using the Lunin and Papavin methods on nix locomotives, saved 16 tans of fuel in January.(19) SEF Rosiori sponsored competitions ;n Januar '_`?;? Ac a result, the monthly plan of the enterprise was exceeued 5 1 percent eraee loads per freight car on long hauls increased y per-.ent The percentage of trips without freight was cut 6.2 percent more than planned, acrordtng to Vista Capitalel of 11 February.(20) On 12 February, Viata Sindicala stated that t`,c ltcani t'FR depot and the Simeria locomotive depot were conserv!ng fuel avid upply:::g the Klavdiya Baran- ovskaya method.(21) The same newspaper reported on 1I February that the Caran- sebes locomotive depot and the Lugo ,S depot were s%::in~ fuel and exceeding their transport plans.(22) On the same day, Rumania Lahr rt ::-ont?a ned three articles concerning fuel economies and greater effiriencv st ::r,',roa;i inputs in Craiova, Galati, and Oradea.(23) Romania Libera reported '.j rebri.tary that the Simeria depot was cutting the quantities of fuel needed fur nau'_ink materials from Simeria to Hunedoara (24) Three articles in the 16 February issue of Viata Ce iuAlei described ef- forts at Bucharest-Calatori, the Bucharest Marshe. lr',: Yards, and other Bucharest railroad installations Jr honor of the rt:iiroad conference in pro- gress in Bucharest, These installations saved fuel, increased traffic, ex- ceeded plans, and formed trains with excess tonnage !'') Romania Libera stated on 19 February that the CFR installation -n Caran- sebes saved fuel by the Korabelnikova method (251 Romania Libera reported on 20 February that smelters, lathe operators, and boiler mak.r. of the Constanta Port Locomotive Depot were exceeding quotas. Crews of trains were maktu6 every effort to surpass the plan for the. conservation of conventicoal fuel (26) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 Difficulties of the CFR 1. Equipment Gheorghiu-Deb, speaking before the railroad conference in Bucharest, pointed out the following difficulties in regard to railroad equipment, ac- cording to Vista Capitalei of 16 February 1953: Significant progress was made by the Rumanian railroad in late 1952 and early 1953, yet complaints have been that the CFR is unable to keep up with industry or to fulfill transport needs, One of' the explanations for this situation is the need for greater quantities of modern locomotives, freight cars, and passenger cars. Although the number of locomotives new in use is sufficient to meet present needs, the locomotives are old and An poor condition, and repair work is slow. Larger locomotives of greater power are needed to meet increased transport requirements, as well as to replenish the park and to create reserves. In addition, the quality and speed of repairs must be improved Gheorghiu-DeJ stated that there are not enough freight cars. Those on hand are relatively old, are of inadequate capacity, and include too few types. However, the rate of production of freight cars is continually on the increase. In 1953, twice as many freight cars are to be produced as in 1951 Nevertheless, in order to overcome the continuied shortage, it will be necess- ary to continue to increase the car park, to manufacture four-axle cars of greater capacity, to develop new types of cars for special goods, and to improve the speed and quality of repairs A new locomotive plant in Moldavia Is being planned, and a new freight car plant will be built elsewhere in Rumania to sat- isfy these needs, He pointed out that passenger cars are old and uncomfortable. They are unable to meet traffic needs. Consequently the new Flamura Rosie car plant in Arad has been built to construct passenger cars, and Grivita Rosie shops in Bucharest and Timisoara are Increasing production The number of tracks must be increased, and temporary bridges must be made permanent. Flood areas must be improved and other terrain problems which endanger roadbeds must be overcome. Safety devices must be modernized, loading platforms must be enlarged, and telecommunications equipment must be. brought up to date In addition, ministries must take steps to overcome the la of discipline in planning transportation. CFR shops must increase the rate of repairs These shops will have to be reorganized and enlarged since the present repair situation is unsatisfactory.(2) This picture of the repair situation appears to be borne out by the fact that the four Bucharest dally :newspapers carried numercus articles pointing to increased efficiency and production, but reported only two instances of fulfill- ment of repair plans. On 5 February, Vista Capitalei reported that the CFR Spare Parts Shop had exceeded its January plan 1C b percent The lathe section, the iron smelting section, and the bronze section were leviers In fulfillment (14) On 15 February, Romania Liners stated that the CFR installation in Timisoara re- ported plan fulfillment in its locomotive repair shop and motor vehicle repair shop.(24) Three speakers at the railroad conference pointed out reasons for poor maintenance and repair of equipment as follows Vista Sindicala of 14 February published a speech made by Gheorghe Baba of the Oradea railroad car repair shop Baba declared that irregular train traffic is due in large measure to personnel difficulties in all branches of the CFR, but particularly in the repair service. The lack of labor disci- pline constitutes a potential danger In a number of places employees on duty Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700120594-8 have been seen imbibing alcoholic beverages, which endangers the safety of trains. Some workers attain successes at the expense of rules and regulations. Administrative organs contribute to the negligence, thus incurring serious losses and raising operating costs. Train repairmen are not taking measures to prevent accidents. He concluded that the lack of personnel is largely responsi- ble, and that the car repair service must attract more workers Gheorghe Gheorghievici, subchief of locomotive section 9 at Medgidia, also discussed.maintenance and repair, according to another article it the same issues of Vista Sindicala. He declared that linemen do not conform to the repair schedule. Team chiefs drive along the line without talking to the gangs and thus fail to maintain discipline. Eighty percent of the railroad accidents in areas under the jurisdiction of the installation are due rot to materials or equipment, but rather to old methods, lethargy toward deviations in discipline, and "familiarism" on the part of the leaders '22) According to Romania Libera of 14 February 1953? ion Buic.u, Assistant General Director of Railroad Construction, stated in a speech before the rnllroad conference that the supply of materials and equipment to railroad construction enterprises is behind schedule. He sail that the Ministry ci Railroa?.c, the State Planning Commission, and the State Supply Committee must study the supply of materials for the construction of railroads and bridges, parti:ularly at the Danube-Black Sea Canal project, in order that schedules may be met (231 2, Personnel In pointing out difficulties of the CFR in iu s speech at the railroad conference, Gheorghiu-Dej emphasized personnel protlems, accerairg to Viata Capitalei of 16 February. He stated that the number of trained perscauie. )_ the CFR was 12 per- cent greater in 1951 than in 1950, and 52 percent greater in 1952 than to 1950. More than 2,000 young workers took railroad courses at intermediate technical trade schools and at the Railroad institute ,uritit to