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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260019-2 COUNTRY SUBSECT HOW WHERE l7ATE ~aNGUaGE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE P,GENCY`I~"'-'? " REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN QOCUMENTS OR RADI? EaROA?CA'ST~ ~conemxlc -Light industry gaily nerspapere use 22 dul - 5 ~u8 1949 THIS DOGYNINT GDNTAI NS IRIDRYARDR AIT[CTINR MI R111DXAL DSY[NSl DI TNt URITID [TAT[3 FITYIY TN[ YIARIR. 6I 13II9YA81 AGT 1tl [. 4. C.. 31 ARD 33. A[ 4Y1.9[D. iT3 TRAM1Y13310N OR TNL L[VILATIDR tl!:1R CDRYIRTI IN ART YAYRIR TU AR UTAUTN9R1?[D Il Rf 9N f3 If.3~ NI11T19 1T Li M. 11YR99UC119Y OL TNl3 TORY IL 114NIYIT?D. sQURCE DATE OF INFORMATION 1949 DATE DIST. I~ Eklt 1949 Nom. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNENAI_UATED INFORMATION LIGES ImIIgRgY 1~P41Gfs, D+~tePaB ?- fikbookenaekaiye 6W sda, Ao 172, 23 TTul 49 Betxeen 1946 end 1946, USSR light 1>aduetxy increased prodnction output two times, and even more Sn eomo lines, over 19!1.5, 'Sroductien of woolen ~~~ a1L fph?iaa a~ld other consumers' goods has ezoeeded the prewar level. Output of Letter-quality pro- ducts rose eubetantiel]y Sn 1948 over 1 47. Three timer+ more rayon tricot vndar~rear, tro limes more ronbefl-yarn socks, and 2~ times more cotton socks were manufactured than is 1947. Mnnufao=.;ure of high quality stockings from ce?roaA; a eynthetlc yarn, and of uadsrranr from nev types of linen has been started. bhoe factorise have begun wide- soals use of nev sad more modern methods of relnforcing shoes. IIee of aloe, nails, and vulcanizing methods in shoe production hoe been coneiderabl3 oztended. i'kie yeer,'light Industry is faced with the tack of erasing its shortcomings, particularly Sa regard to quality and variety. Factorise are yell equlvped to meet this aheage and nve obtaiaiug better types of ootton, finer wool, wider assortment of ?lecOSe ravaa. Mnee zlroducticn of high-ausllty. artifir.ial ra_arn_na ver_n_ hna ha1Rn started, mad raw !anther improved. Meay ouidated pattarno mad styles az~ being disca:dsd. Far sz;>v3pla, the nee of cotton lining for trousers and overcoats, if they are made of high-quality roolen, hna bees stopped. The industry will no Ionger make wcaen'e stockings iron lustrous viscose rayon. Manufacture of many types of cotton, roolen, silk, sad linen fabrics of p1a1n wonve mad unattractive colors and designs has ceased. 7hie change Sn ?eri- ety hoe bean carried out in aLwst all branches of ligh*, industry. In 1949, manufacture of cloth and leather haberdashery items, felt footrear, felt hate, lace and other goods rill be ezpendad. &hoa factories era scheduled to etast ease production of 450 ner and improeed makes of footrear. Producticm of ootton etookinas rill doable 1948 output. Output of caproas stockings rill be nine titee granter tarn is 1948, chile production of quality atockange from fine combed yarn and maanf'ncture of bleached w:d patterned socks rill be lk to too times thct of 1948. Factorise meet produce etaakinge Sn nt least four different shades, ecxke in ao lees then eiz colors and designs, mad cotton and Bilk underwear is at least three to five different eolore. The same requisemeate have be?n made of enterprieee manu- faoturing cotton, roolen and silk fabric, and ell factories wiL'. be held strictly ecCOUntnble fpr uniform productia~n is n11 colors sad designs. TDISTRIBUTION J_~ 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260019-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260019-2 Production of ready-made clothes is being Smproveu. Old styles are bslag dis- carded and processes moderni.zad. .Beady 2,A04 nex styles of otter xaer anfl light- reight aoate are being put into production in sexing factories. Those enterprises rill inaraase their aseortroents of goods Sn order to overcame transport sad distri- bution diffioulties xhiah have resulted is shortages in meat' ablaste sad republics. For moxe comp::,ata eervioe to the caaeumer, 5fl aer model stores belonging to seriag factories will be opened thle year Sn blo,gcax, Leningrad, Arkhangel'ek, Tula, Ufa, %azan', and other cities. These stores x111 be ezpec?ed to provide model eerrice and oomplete aasortmeat to conenm~rs. The stores x111 have spacial fitting roams sad ad,ustmaat and preasiag shops. For thin purpose, stores x111 be provided xith supplies of eamiflniehad articles, such as unlined sleeves, trouser cuffs, etc. The buyer x111 ba able to exchange butt~ans, ol.aspa, sad other oraamnts on rea~y- made wear for ozzaments of his oxn choice selected from the store?s co~aplete line. of manor items, ~: The eztmma specialization of saving factories Szz one region or city is beg}.n- ning La be abolished. Oblast and city light industry adminietrstione, together xith trnd9 3nduetry xcrkere, are establishing a complete ns9:rtment of &exa goods xhich moat ba produa`d by looel light industry enternriaee. -- P. Cheen;,kov, Vice-Minister of bight Industry USSR The cclle,gium of tie Ministry ci Light In8>>ntrs USSR Lae diecuee~d the results of the socialist campetit:on +.o improve the output of excellent-quality goods during the second quarter 1949. More tuna 41,000 brigades, including 480,000 workers, xera .,.tt,.~ .+~.. ~~ ate. titi^ w ate,. ..n .,t :r.. ~,ti.e .,?., wig ?.yt.. i._ -ice -..o^ .... rr.. -y .. .. .. ~.-. -~ ~~ ri- ...... ~.. ~p^ part in the ccapetition as ea21 aA brigades and eectiono. The Sol].oxing enterprises taus Led the bast resoles: Fnetory i~aAnt Ifrupekcya (Secant 16nin Administration of Cotton Industry) producing 97.2 percent of first-grade fabric, Yaroslavl' Cord Fac- tory (Mein Administratien of Cord Industry) producing 99.9 percent'of first-grade productrA "lfeva" Tvine Fnctary (Ministry of Light Industry R~+'8R) producing 99.4 percent ~i first-grade products, and "Skorokhod" Shot Factory producing 80.4 per- cent of first-grade products. The majority of the competing brigades end sections attained good results during . the eecoad quarter in improving the quality of production, increasing 9quipment pro- dnetivity, and saving rnx mnteriale. Tho 11 shoe enterprises of Moecox end Moeecv Oblast produce more than 800,000 pairs of children's shoes per month. Production of shoes for school chilGren during the eecoar half year ie :acrAasing by 76 percent and output of shoes for young girls is Iacrenelag almost 300 percent. - 2 - SLCR6T .50X1-HUM ~~Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600260019-2