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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 CLASSIFICATION I'SECL.RITY IN;'0RN"=0N CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPOR-r SUBJECT Promotion :rnd Pat, P.,1 -r s,,..:,.. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED NO OF ENCLS. It P,TLh fill Ow, SIJPPI FMFNT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM CLASSIF1CATION STy7 A /y X TT ~~R~ITY n A I DISTRIBUTION An individual is ^iven the rank of frivat, after he is inducted into active military service and sent to a unit by the Raion Military Commissariat. 2. Upcn arrival, all new inductees are placed in quarantine for a period of three weeks durin^ which they wear their own clothing, live in separate quarters, and are fed separately from the otter personnel of the unit. During this period, they pe rform only household tasks and study military regulations and manuals which will govern their lives and conduct, After quarantine, they are issued military uniforms and continue to study military subjects. Then, after three to six months, these individuals are sworn-in and are granted the right to receive passes in the same manner as the older service personnel, the enlisted men and NCO's. In accordance with a directive issued by the Minister of Armed Forces of the USSR "Pertai:ine to the assignment of military ranks to the EK and NCO personnel of the armed forces," the second military rank of "Corporal" is awarded to wall-disciplined enlisted men in their second year of service who have obtained grades of excellent or good in their political and combat training, The next military rank, Jr Sergeant, is awarded to Corporals xho have excelled in co-bat and political training and whose duty category (or designation) is that of a Junior Sergeant; if the duty category is only that of a private, it is necessary to transfer the individual to a Junior Sergeant's duty category first, and then promote him to this i;;ilitary tank. This order I fK/'! Y DL I f3I IX I yS i IX I ~1 ~-~- ---~- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 SECRET/SECURITI I:. ' GRj?;nTION is it -ff ~.1 ec4 in assigning all mil:.tarv ranks to enliaiCd and NCO miii.iary ranks from personnel. The Corporal to Master Sereear.t inclusive are awarded after a six month period of "time-in-grade." 3. The nilitarp ranks of Sergeant, Sen or sergeant, and Master Sergeant are awarded by order of the Divisional Commander. In addition, the regimental 'aril divisional commanders may award consecutive military ranks before the "time-in-grade" require- ments have been met for special excellence in political and combat training. It must be remembered t}at in addition to the above c anmanders, Maher level commanders may award the same military rankq. h. Usually, all mil'tarv ranks are awarded to Sergeants during holidays such as May 1st, November 7th, aviation Dav, an} Soviet :rmy day. 5. _?efore such holidays, the regimental commander summons the regimental corm,and personnel to a conference iealina with tie preparation for, and conduct of the hol`day, At this conference, he instructs the squadron commanders to present him with lists of the best EP1's and NCO's to be used for awarding consecutive military ranks. 6. .after this. he air squaircn cor.,nanders re,u:re t: c 'light commanders to present ti.em with lists which include a brief service evaluation of the best al's -nd (CO' for the iT rnnee p- a ardin- C _five military ranks. 7. F.iaht corminder- are 'overned by t}c Lollowin? .actors w en .drawing up these lists: (a) The evaluations given the :-articular individual in political training (b) His degree of discipline (c) Efficiency rating (d) Party or Komsomol membership (e) Sociability The flight commanders present these lists to the air squadron commander who checks them and sends a composite ;mnf for the entire s_oadron to the Enlisted and Officer Personnel Section of the Regiment if be agrees with the selections on the list. 8. Then, the vhief of the Enlisted and Officer Personnel Section checks the list for proper duty categories and presents it to the Regimental Commander for examina- tion. After this, he compiles a of these individuals for the entire regiment, has the Air Regiment Commander and Cficf of Staff sign it, and directs it to the Air Division. Thin list will contain cn.v the names :f those individuals who are to be awarded military ranks by the Divisional Commander. After this, the names of some of the individuals on the list sent to the divisions will be sent to the Corps so that the ,ir Corps Commander nay :.e rsonally order their promotions. In all of these cases, the Individuals' military occupation is considered. For example, an assistant mechanic may have a rank of from Private to Sergeant inclusive; such an individual will not be promoted to tie next consecutive rank (Sr Sergeant) since his duty category limits him to a Sergeant; in order to be promoted, his duty category must be rcised to an aircraft mechanic; if it is not, he will remain a Sergeant as long as he is c.n active -ii'tarn duty. 9. The duty categories of assistant 1recl:ar:ics for urmaments, radio, instruments, and electrical eYui_)mcnt are the same as the duty category for assistant (aircraft) mechanics and they are promoted in the same nanner. 10. Aircraft neehanics are divided into twc duty categories; the first is the senior aircraft mechanics (of which, there is one in a fight) and the second is aircraft mechanics. The first group may hold military ranks of from Private to Master Sergeant inclusive, and the second group, from Private to Senior Sergeant inclusive; a Senior Sergeant is the maximum grade for an aircraft mechanic and he will be in this grade until demobilization. /III 11~+AS)xAi'IQ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 SECRET/SECualTT INFORMATION -3- 11. If an assistant aechanio r?o the i- -st exLu his -..e of e, he is mmediately promoted to the next, consecutive rankuregardless1of hisSduty category or the time-in-.rode he has acquired since his last promotion; however, after this .'romotion. he will not. t chided to tiM next. consecutive rank until he 'as at least six months in Trade. 12. It, is n,cessarv to remember that in the VVS of the USSR, military ranks are not given to EM's or NCG's for `avin, nerved for specific )eriod of time but rather as a stimidus to the best EM's and NCO's. For this- reason, many individuals are not promoted to th next consecutive mi:itare rank for ,periods of it year and more even t' our}. their duty categories : ermit s;:cis promotions. 13. On an avera^e, eac). hclida,' order nromctes 5 to 8% of the i,'r Regiment's total Enli-ted and NCC personnel to the next consecutive rank. However, on an average more than 50% c? the Enlisted and NCO personnel receive uromotions to the next consecutive military rank within a year, 30% in a period o' six months, 5% in less than six months, and 15% in more than one year. Tte 'iv-r fir,W on the >nlisted and NCG perso:.: el of a Fighter It r~Regiment.p iroximate and are based 1). In addition, gi_ite c: ten cases occur in :rich several sergeants are demoted a grade or two; in such cases the demoted ser~esnts minst gait at least three to four months (a-sumin' that duri.n, thi period t''ev will improve themselves and will obtain better results in their suhiects and Their itica, back their former grade. leg tions of military rank occur Ufortvatr) to riousntypes oft disciplinary violations -.nd for :n unronscientiuus attitude towards service obliga- tions. 15. Usually the longest prorootionless :,eriod occurs in the case of mechanics in the various types of air specialties since these individuals usually graduate from mechanics' school in the grade of Sergeant or Senior Sergeant. These individuals are not promoted within units until their duty category is raised to that of a senior aircraft mechanic at .hir., rime r,,ey receive the next consecutive military rank of Master Sergeant .pith which they complete their active military service. 16. All of he above data refers only o combat air units and joint U7111`.S. 17. In the rear :nits (such s a Separate Technical battalion, a Communications Company, or he Head_uarters of a F'vhter Division) the system of promoting Em's and NCG's will be different from fiat of combat units. 16. According to the T/O & E of a Communications Company, the only sergeants in this company are: commanders of :-,iuads, assistant platoon corn-sanders, assistant s4uad com,,,anders, and the company master sergeant. Each Communications Company consists of three platoons, each platoon of three squads, and each squad of ten to eleven men. 19. T},u_, according to the T/0 & E, each squad has two sergeants; in actual practice, there is one sergeant and one corporal. The T/O & E re.uires assistant platoon commande"s and the company's master sergeant to have the grades of master sergeant. 20. Thus, the nuinher of sergeants in a Communications Company comprises 20% of the company's total personnel (not including officers). On an average, this 20% is not promoted to the next consecutive rank until at least one year has elapsed since their last promotion; the remaining 80% will be privates and corporals for the remainder of their service period. 21. The Enlisted and NCO personnel of a Separate .ir Technical battalion fall into exactly the same categories according to their T/O & E as the Communications Company and receive promotions under the same time-to-grade specifications. 22. In )ilitary Air Institutes (which graduate officers) and Schools (which train sergeant-mechanics of various specialties), the students are assigned military ranks of :.orporal to master sergeant inclusiv= during the period of their training by order o. the Chief of the Institute or School based on excellent grades in their educational-combat training; however, the time-in-grade must be not less than six months after the last promotion received regardless of duty designation during the tra:ning period at the school. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 SECRET/SECi.Tt_.TY INFGRIMATION 23. After gra i t.ion from the sc ocl, stu:_ent-mechanics are in the rank of sergeant or senior seraea:t assigned to them b-? order of the chief of the Air 1?1echanics' School. 2L. Upon graduation from a INil'tarv A'r the students are commissioned in the rank of Lieutenant -r Junior Lieutenant deuending upon the category in which they graduated (in respect to ^rades). If they are in the first or second category upon graduation, they are commissioned in the rar;k of Lieutenant; those who graduate in the third cateapr/ are commissioned Junior Lieutenant., 25. In a Military sir Institute, the var'ou - sergeant ranks are not considered when commissions are bein^ awarded to students graduating from the institute. The graduate of a tilitary Air Institute receives Iis commi-lion by order of the Commander in Chief of the VVS of the SA (Soviet Army) of the USSR. 26. Upon receiving the first officer's rank, Jr Lieutenant, the officer must serve for two years in this ran', before he is awarded the next consecutive officer's rank, Lieutenant, I. order for an officer to receive the next consecutive officer's rank, the direct coriander (or chief) of thin officer compiles an attestation report in quadruplicate and sends it up t}-rcurh his chain of command. This attestation must be signed by the rerirental cor;?ander, after rh:ch it is signed by the Air Division, "sir Cor -s, and ?ir Army Comcanders; finally the VVS Com:*:arder-in-C},ief signs the order t~ '-w'ard the ne t officer's rank. The new rank be?omes effective on the day the - order is signed by the Co..runder-in-Chief of the VVS, SA, USSR. 27. As a rule, promotions to the rank of Lieutenant are not held up if the officer to be promoted is assigned to a un.t at least six months in advance of the moment when his time-in-grade is up and is not transferred from t'e unit before his time-in- grade is up; in such cases, the officer will receive his promotion when the time-in- grade re.uirement is met. If, on the other hand, the indi?:idaal i-, transferred to a new unit when his time-in-grade reuirement is almost up an?:i an attestation is compiled for the individual in the rid unit, tte new unit will normally compile an attestation on the individual oily after six months have elapsed since his arrival; ho.,=ever, the attestation can bedra ci -up earlier if the olirect commander of this individual feels that, he is w rthy of hein=- promoted. 2E. In the case of the first two o-' 'ice. grades, the duty category is unimportant since according to the T/0 & E a line pilot should be in t e grade of Junior Lieutenant or Lieutenant. 29. The time-in-grade between a Lieutenant and a Senior Lieutenant should be two years, from a Senior Lieutenant to a Captain, three years; Captain to Major, four years; Major to Lieutenant Colonel, four years; Lt Colonel to Colonel, five years; Colonel to Major General of Aviation and above does not re.,uire any specific time-in-grade or number of years in service; instead, these individuals are promoted to the next consecutive militar? ran': orly for exceptional serW_ces, in other words, for master- ful leadership of trcops, etc. 30. All VVS officer grades from Junior Lieutenant to Lieutanant colonel inclusive are awarded by the Cormrander-in-C ief of the VVS. T1-e grade of Colonel is awarded by order of the mister of var. 31. Grades above Colonel are awarded by directives from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR?. 32. In all cases, the time-in-grade re-I'ir? of the various military ranks are strictly enforced in accordance with the statute "Pertaining to the assignment of military ranks to officer parsonnel." Therefore, promotions outside of time-in- grade requirements are awarded only to outstanding officers Who have excelled in combat training b-: introducing new methods of troop instruction, innovations which increase the effective utilization of armaments, or, who have exhibited heroism in executing various types of state missions, Etc. 33. There are also a series of obstacles which hold back the promotion of VVS Officers to the next consecutive military grade. Such obstacles include thr following factors; SEMP/$wIDiiTY INFY 14ATH Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 34. An o ricer ,41-c leaves his unit for trainin.g purposes (say, to the Lipetsk Senior Officers' Flight-Tactical School) two months before his time-in-grade requirement for nrmmr)tinis me is ?..--, is ------- ___n _ tine 11ext consecutive military rank only after he has completed his training"in the given school and arrives at his newly assigned unit. Here, he will serve for a period Of six months before the unit will compile an attestation on him and send it through their c}ain of command to Moscow--a procedure which rey;:ires another three or four months on the average and sometimes more, T:us., this officer would be proroted only after a delay of one year and eight months, Promotions are of -iven to officers stud-in, in the various officers' schools or ,cademies durin.' the period of their study, 35, In like ma:.r:er, the promotions of officers who have been tried by an officers' court and wl.ose sentence was that their promotions stould be delayed for a specific period of time, are ?eld-up, 'rromctions are delayed for Periods from one to two years for them and for those officers whcse military discipline is poor, who have a negligent attitude towards their service obligations, or, whose duties or T/0 & E _ategory is e:ual only to their act,;ai rilitary rank or below it. 36, It 's necessary to remember that in late 191:9, a special directive was issued which supplemented the statute "Pertaininc U. the :c;s;-nmerit of -ilitary ranks to officer personnel" and stated th:-.t an officer who occupied a duty category which was equivalent to his military rank would be promoted one grade shove islime-in-grade re_ after uv~ y-?~gvay satisfactory. -rement was met If ?in military conduct, etc, was 37. If, on the other hand, an office- has a military grade which is higher than his duty status, he will not be promoted until he is given a duty status which is either ecuivalent or ?hi,her than his military rank, up c annels asking be rem active service and to be p aced in the reserve s if he has attainedothe designd from for his military rank and no future service advancement is foreseeable. grated age 40. An officer has the right to be transferred to the reserves when he has attained the following age and ?' - m 39. If, for any reason, an o'ficer is not promoted to the next consecutive rank, he has the right to send a report (T h request) thrc h h /Vv1on a second directive, in 50X1-HUM at addition to the above directive, was i sued which e mitted the romotion of audi ors a Military :+cademv, cnv4 ui inn e in whether or not a given officerhasrthe right to wearehis milita~iuh ry.uniform in retirement and the percentage of his last pay which he is to receive eac h month for the rest of hie life. Tie percentage is determined in the following manners an officer who has 30 service years during which lis duties were those of an officer receives 100% of his last pay and one who has 25 years received 85%. In going into retirement, an officer's years at-the front are counted twice; furthermore, each officer receives a lump payment or allotment with which he can buy a house, apartment, or, other necessary articles in the amount of approximately 32,000 rubles. . i ry rank: Jr Lieutenant - 30 yrs old Lieutenant - 30 yrs old Senior Lieutenant 35 yrs cld Gupta in - 40 yrs old Ma-Sor - 45 yrr old Lt Colonel - 50 yrs old Colonel - 55 vrs old General officers are not limited by time-in-grade req.irements. In special cases, Generals are transferred to the reserves b~ order of the Presidium of the Supreme Sovi-.t of the USSR; otherwise, they are authorized to retire for reasons of health or after having -eived in the dried forces for 25 years. In accordance with a statute of the Minister of tar, officers in the grade of Major or above may retire after they have served twenty-five years in the armed forces. In order for officers to retire the klin-st f u T,/3BCtlRIT fl Ol%MA I~1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 SECRET/SECURITY IVMEATION zb- 42. All other officers who ha _+ a ply. Officers .41c) 'ave trrr:sferred~to f2r the~reserves treceive e ospay go into the with the reserve exception of officers who were rrt 1 d ev a wtihI.le on active m;litary s is ar invalids. Reserve officers do not have re?i_straticn certificates ~(voende rrjii$na bil or passports but use identification papers fi ed out in ; fern especially for officers of' the armed forces. Y designated 43. All officer personnel receive -cnthiv pay Lased on .,eir military ranks as follows (thin cay .ices not include e v received for d.ty designation): Junior Lieutenant Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain Major Lt Colonel Colonel Maj 3eneral of aviation Lt Seneral of aviation Col 3eneral of Aviat in o Mars:al of Aviation (F: 400.00 R,:bl,es 500.00 Rubles 600.00 Rubles 700.00 Rubles 900.CO Rubles 1100.00 Rr.bles 1300.00 Rubles 1600.00 Rubles 1900.00 Rubles 2200.00 Rubles al to a general ( .' 'ho Arry) 2500.00 Rubles 44. In audition to pay for military grada; officers .. status which is independent of their military rade.UaTF:isnpayescalesrunstasir duty follows: Pilot 1350.00 Rubles Senior Pilot 1500.00 Rubles Flight Commander F 1'00.00 Rubles ,7hter A' i t adron Deputy Commander Fighter Air Squadron Commander Filgh:ter Air Fighter Air Gunnery Rgt Navigator Fighter Air Rgt Deputy Commander Fighter Air Rgt Commander Fighter Air Rgt Chief of Staff Fighter Air Rgt Dept Commander for the Political ,,ircraft Technician Flight Technician Recimenttl Chief f the PAM (:'iobile Air Repair Shop) Regimental Chief of Physical Training Fighter Air Sgdrn ?nainepr 2100.00 Rubles Plus 300..00(for '40C.00 Rubles 2100.1A R,'hIes for 1,er_al Combat Tactics 2200.00 Rnblez 2300.00 Rubles 2400.00 Robles 2300.00 Rubles 0 Z3ction 2300.00 Rubles 800.00 Rubles 1000.00 Rubles 1100.,,0 fiuules 900.00 Rubles llo0.00 Rubles F'-ghter Al- Sgdrn Senior Technician for Armaments Fi--hter Air Sgdrn Senior Technics an for Special Equipment Air Hgt Senior Engineer 1700 plus 9300 - 20000.. 0 Air Rgt Lngineer for Armaments 1300.00 Rubles Air Rgt En i g neer for Special Equipment Com,and Flight Technician Liaison Iilot Deputy Chief of Staff fo* the Operations-Intelligence Section Asst Chief of Staff for Special Communications Air Rgt Chief of Chemical Service Air -Mgt Senior Physician Air Rgt Chief of Communications Chief of E N & Officer Personnel Section 1300.00 Rubles 1000.00 Rubles 950.00 Rubles 1700.00 Rubles 750.00 Rubles 1000.00 Rubles 1100.00 R,_bles 1400.00 Rubles 950.00 Rubles an orderly) Plus 300. - 2600.00 plus 300. - 2700.00 plus 300. - 2600.00 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 SECRET/SECIRITY IN?OR.:.TION C;-i--f (.f ;3ecret Section air Alt icnior Techniciar, for Radio Fi-hter sir S;dn Ad utint 74 h ter- Air Div Con ;:1.^,der i'1us "iCO 00._0 Rubles Plus 300 25u0,00 Rubles i_1LLer ?,ir Div i !h ief rf Control Point C nerations Section: ior Officer 750,00 ., - 1CJ 950.00 Rubles 1100_00 Rubles 2800.,00 Rubles 3100,00 Rubles 2600.( ;G Rubles 2900,00 Rubles 2600,00 Rubles 2900,00 Rubles 21400,00 R:.bles 2700,00 Rubles 2)400,00 R,:tiles 2700,0; Rubles 26C0. _C, Rubles 2900.00 Rubles Cperati.ons jection Cif 1700,00 Rubles Fi *hter Air Div Deputy Got*? un-ier f, r the Rear Fi,'hter Air Div ~? 'f f Staff F inhter Lir iliv Deputy c; ief of Staff F'-titer ,ir Div Dep Commander :;lus 3CC., righter Air -iv Comr., 3 i Pr for i'cliticalLO? Section Flus 300. Pilot Proficiency Inspector Plus 3CC, iter -ir Div ienier ::nv cater KUI?TMASSGvuI RABOTE) C`. i_ef of tl.e Military Sales Store Chef of the Target Range Air Div Senior Engineer "' titer ,ir Div C ief ,f 2000. C0 Rubles Air Div Commander's Adjutant min cations 1600,00 Hubles Air Div Chief of P'ysica: Trainir 800"00 Rubles Fi>hter . 'jr Siv asst Chief of Cor unications1300.00 Rubles ri ?:ter ,jr .Div Chief of lutelli.,ence Chief of the 6th Section (G.,h 2010,OG Rubles ens) 1000.00 Rubles Asst ief of the 6th Section Ci.ief f the E M Personnel oection 100.00 Rubles Fir'hter Air Div G,ief cf Offi 1100,00 Rubles c3Per. sonr,el Section 1300.00 Rubles Fighter Air iliv Senior .}rrsician 11400.00 Rubles Chief of t: e ..Pro-Medical D _spe:,sary 1200.00 Rubles Chef of the secret, Section Deputy C:;ief of the Political erection 250"00 Rubles Asst Cl:ief of the' he Political Section for 1200"~Do Rubles Komsomol 800.00 Rubles Chief cf the AJivi;ional Party School 1000.00 Rubles Political. I-ection APitatC2 P;1`_tical -ectian Instructor for :arty 1100.00 Rubles Records 850.00 Rubles Chief cf t!e _fficers Club Chief c:f the Library 6.00 Rubles Deputy Chief of the Club for Mass-Culture 6755.OG Rubles ,iork (2Ar+ESTITEL NACHALNIKA KLUBA PO Deputy Senior Lr.iraer Assistant Senior Engineer Air Div Sr Enaineerfor .firmaments air Div Com-iand Flight Technician Liaison Flight Commander Liaison. Pilot Command Flight, .aircraft Technician Chief of the MGB Counter Intelligence Section plus 00 Sr Investigator who is the Dep Chief Of" the MGB Counter Intl Section Investigator of the MGB Counter Intel Section Cc'..unications Company Ccemrander nt Air Div Sr Engineer for Special quip e Equipment nt 675.00 Rubles 1000.00 Rubles 850,00 Rubles 2200,00 Rubles 2500.00 Rubles 1700.00 Rubles 1500.00 Rubles 1700.00 Rubles 1000..0 Rubles 1300.00 Rubles 950.00 Rubies 800.00 Rubles 2000.00 Rubles 2300.00 Rubles 1300,00 Rubles 1000.00 Rubles 1000.00 Rubles 1300.00 Rubles 1700.00 Rubles SECRET/SECURITY INFQ MATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 SECRET/SEC'.RITY Ii; citi?iTION Communications Platoon Conrianders D-Ly Officers at the Control Point Navigators t the _. _ _ ? V 111 4 A rcraft -,ire ctor (t vG'YIB) at the Control Point Div C1 ief : f tie ~erL;l ;urinery Service .asst Chief of the Officer iersonnel Section Chief of Physical training 1300.00 Rubles Rubles 1600.u0 Rubles 22UC.W Rubles 950.uc Rubles 1100.cO Rubles i5. In a idition to 'a'r for military ~rad:e ;nd duty status, , fficers are ;aid for their time-in-service durin- which they performed the duties of officers. The percentage paid for time-in-service is 1c:rived from t'e tot-,1 pay as follows: of military grade and duty status Those having performed c "icer duties for 2 - 5 yrs Those having performed o'"icer duties for 5 - 10 yrs - 10% Those Lavin erformed officer dates for 10- 15 yrs - 15% T'ose having performed officer duties for 15- 20 yrs - 20% Those !1vin- .erfcrmed officer duties for 20 yrs and more - 25% 46. In thc. case rf ?f f; .,, Fight service is counted duble, sFor example, iinonvrinishingdadschool, aepilotiars)~ arrives at. a unit where '-e remains for three years on flying status; in such a case, the pilot would he credited with six years of time-in-service at 10% regardless of whether or not he flew luring this period (for reasons of ill-health etc.) Furthermore, pilot, .in navi.,atcrs receive add_tional pay accrrding to their "class": 1st Class Pilot 2nd Class Pilot 150?00 Rubles 3rd Class Pilot 150.00 Rubles 1st Class Navigator 100.00 Rubles 2nd Class Navigator 120.00 Rubles 3rd Class Navigator 120.JO Rubles 80.00 Rubles Furthermore, they receive separate pay for each hour flown through cloud masses, under difficult meteorological cond:tions, and at nighttime which exceed the annual norm as established by a directive of the VVS Commander in Chief pertaining to combat training. All. flight lists pertaining to pay must be signed by the Regimental Commander and stamped with the State emblem ncluding the units'? actual designation. 47. Regimental an, higher-level commanders have the authority to deer irb flying personnel of various "classes" or to transfer than from i a ; gl:er to a loser class for any flying offenses which violate the norms established for ti.e given class; a change in class is accompanied by a chance in pay based on class. The Asst Regimental ',hief of Staff for Special Communications, the Chief of the Air Division's 6th Section, his assistant, the officers in the Air Corps' 6th Section, and the Air Army's 8th Section (all of wham are in the Cryptographic Service) r in addition to their milit i ece ve ary r-rade, duty status) and time-in-service pay, an extra 30% of their duty status pay due to the classified nature Of their work. 49. MGB Courter Intelligence of icers receive norms Of nay for their tin e-in-service which differ from the norms received by the other VVS officers. An officer serving in the MOB fora period of: from one day to 2 years receives 5% from 2 years to 5 years receives 10% from 5 years to 10 years receives 15% from 10 years to 15 years receives 20% from 15 years to 20 years receives 25% from 20 years or more receives 30% Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030024-2 50X1-HUM 50. Durin, a ._-?, c' '.cers are .aa,k- for 01.i .r reds ns auCh as: (a) t. :;:.,:rberne oerseni.el arc -iven their next. ccnsec'rtivc military Tirade tree m nths after their ast. urnm, ti. 171 t.',? actively nart.irinn+o ii, ?.i -ffiujL err-a'ements.. Lt' c,r c 'jeer, ncrc, nnel .Irian.-; on the ground-'---- (tech..'eal -in; :'eadouarter- lei rcrrt 1 en ;f ter eight mcr.ths. ( ) Ii. c . ;c e order Commander for active ,artici:,ation in combat operations at Of F front., The military grade of Master Sergeant is awarded b- order of the Air Division Commander during wartime. Tirna-in-nrade re uirements are not corisidered in all o the above oases. At the present time tl.e Tay scale for Sergeants is as follows: n is the same as in non-Guards (e) Furtherm re, i rin- ,Gorki .,ar II, officers' military grades rnnlri be ara Aircraft Mechanic Aircraft Senior ,ir Mechanic Senior -rmaments Mechanic Senior Radio Mechanic Senior Electrical E..uipment Mechanic Senior Instrument Mechanic Radio Mechanic Instrument liechanic Armaments Mechanic Electrical Eouioment Mechanic Assistant 'aircraft Mechanic (motorist) Assistant Armaments Mechanic Assistant Instrument Mechanic Assistant Radio Mechanic Assistant Llectrical E;,uiprnent Mechanic Air Squadron zdiutant's Clerk Phototechni.cian (FCT(i4 ANr6) 35000 Rubles 3i~.00 Rubles .375.00 Rubles 375.00 Rubles 375.00 Rubles 375.00 Rubles 325.00 Rubles 325.00 Rubles 325.00 Rh.blaa 325.00 Rubles 125.00 Rubles 100.00 Rubles 100.00 Rubles 100.00 Rubles 100.00 Rubles 125.00 Rubles 300.00 Rubles ..i,cr or, , e time-ln- .r~r,le c ;t e la C, time. ,, of course, does of .:'ply n t, ter ,or.r:i ocated 1 ?he rear for tie of regrcapira purpose J?rin- .rorld ?c;r II, fficers received no pay far their military rank; instead t}:ey ere aai:i :cr '' cir duty status. .,r: t,me-in-service (like riann?ar t( th, ::rese t system) Lin,!, due to a special order, they received 20?-25% of their basic .:v for beino :ocated it. sl':e front--thi s special pay was des- mated as "frontal" pay Officers in Guards l'nits received 150; of their duty status i:ay and normal time-in-service and frc:r,tal :a_v. Ser?eants in wards Units received double duty status pay. i.t. t} e ::resent time, )ay in Guards U its ea to Ser.'ea,.ts who sere esuecialiy outstanding in combat and who manifested curmaanI ar:titudes and ~hc ie education consisted of at least seven secondary-school classes. C'fieers .were promoted to military Grades of Jr Lt throe?h Lt Col inclusive, by order of the '.roc Commander of the :-r