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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370599-7 1 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CO NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Sociological - Corruption in office HOW PUBLISHED WHERE CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORTI PUBLISHED Peiping; Mukden; Hankow DATE PUBLISHED 24 - 31 Oct 1950 LANGUAGE Chinese TM IS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION APIECTI NO THE NATIONAL PRISMS It OP THE UNITED STAIRS WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE OCT 90 Y. S. C.. 1 1 A"111.11 AMENDED. ITS TRANSNISIION O P T NR REVELATION OP ITS CONTENTS IN ANT MANNER TO AN UNAUTNOOIORU PERSON IS PRO' MISITOD By LAW. REPRODUCTION or THIS FORK is PRONINIIAD. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST..s'Jan 1951 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION COMMUNIST PARTY CONTINUES TO PURGE OFFICIALS GUILTY OF CORRUPTION Communist officials, despite discipline, are found wasting re- sources and embezzling public funds to an alarming degree. Mer- chants are engaging in illicit traffic under the Communist regime. OFFICIAL EXPELLED FROM PARTY -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 24 Oct 50 Chou Shu-fan (1) fniumbers refer to appended characterj magistrate of 71n- k'ou Hsien in Sungkiang, has been found guilty of corruption, disregarding policies, and neglecting party work. He has been expelled from the party and is up for trial in the courts. Chou, a native of Hopei, is 35 years old, and joined the party in 1938. He misappropriated public property and funds amount- ing to more than 31,400,000 Northeast yuan. He set up a private storehouse worth 41,900,000 yuan. All this was done by falsifying accounts and by collu- sion with cadres. He also accepted bribes. Chou used the cadres through personal attachment rather than according to. regulations, thus causing complaints and hindering party work. A cadre named Hsieh gave Chou gifts and was rewarded with a job as granary chief. Hsieh falsified his accounts and, when he was discovered, Chou protected him. When other cadres complained, Chou said, "This is a matter for the higher officials and no concern of yours." A people'. mass meeting was called for Lin-k'ou Hsien, at which the magi- strate was expected to report.. Chou sent someone else to report for him. In May insect pests appeared on the state farm, but Chou paid no heed and nearly 300 mou of soybeans were lost. He used his office to annoy women com- rades and be..n t.. live with Ma Ya-chun, a department store employee who had been dismissed for dishonesty. When questioned by superiors, Chou was defiant and tried to hid his misdeeds. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370599-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370599-7 CONFIDENTIAL FARM OFFICIALS GUILTY OF WASTE -- Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 31 Oct 50 Yang K'un (2) former manager of the Pan-shan Farm, and his wife, sun Lan (3), Yang K'un and his wife Sun Lan are both Communist Party members and have taken part in war work. During their year and a half at the farm, they lost their comforts to the great detriment of the farm enterprise. For instance, through poor irrigation, 1,500 hsiang fne hsiang is roughly equivalent to seven mou During their term of office, Yang and Sun spent their energies in commercial activity, speculation, and smuggling. In April 1949, they marketed 2,130,000 catties of grain from the farm, using as an outlet the Farm Promotion House in Ying-k'ou, which was managed by Sun Pao-hsing, Yang's brother-in-law, with Yu Sheng-yu as assistant. They gathered around them some 20 dishonest traders, mostly their fellow townsmen and friends. There were similar outlets in other large cities, who'by using the farm's,, name played the market ahd7.sgluggled. In 1949, the Farm Promotion House sold 265,000 catties of ammonium sulfate which was to have been loaned to the farmers. By exporting it and by deceiving the customs, they made a profit of 1,300,000,000 yuan on the transaction. The Farm Promotion House was discovered to be 800 million year in arrears in taxes last year, to which was added a penalty of 1+00 million. Last year, the province invested more than 10 million catties of grain in the farm; but after the fall harvest, Yang and Sun sold the crop for cash and gave the Farm Promotion House 22,300,000,000 yuan to buy gra._n in North Manchuria (where it was cheaper) to use as payment to the province. Yang and Sun embezzled an amazing amount of the national wealth, more than 100 million yuan. When an investigation was started in February of this year, Yang and Sun concealed their misdeeds and fooled their superiors. But evidence mounted against them, and on 13 July they and their confederates were sent to the People's Court for trial. RELIEF OFFICIAL PUNISHED FOR DEFALCATION -- Hankow, Ch'ang-chiang Jiii-pao, 24 Oct 50 Huang Ting-ch'uan (4), head of a relief group to help the unemployed in Wuhan, who misappropriated relief grain and absconded, has been sentenced. Huang was formerly unemployed, but later became head of a band of KMT guerrillas. He then got into relief work as a minor official. He sold the grain with which he was entrusted, and ran away to Huang-p'o. Caught and brought to Hankow, he pleaded guilty and was remanded for punishment. THREE PUNISHED FOR ILLEGAL TRAFFIC IN GOLD -- Peiping, Kuang-wing Jih-pao, 25 Oct 50 Three men guilty of dealing in gold have been sentenced by the local courts. One of these, Ts'ao Sung-t'ing (5), was manager of the Lao Feng Hsiang gold shop until it was closed in August 1949. Then, posing as a cloth merchant, he secretly carried on traffic in gold with Chang Yu-feng (6), and Tu Chin-sheng (7). In July, Chang and Tu,-the salesmen, brought 31,880,000 yuan from Shanghai and sought out Ts 'so to buy more gold to be sold in Hong Kong and Shanhai. Police intercepted the three and brought them to court. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370599-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370599-7 They were found guilty of acting contrary'to the people's interest and violating the national law against traffic in gold. Ts'ao was sentenced to 2 year's imprisonment and fined 15 miiiian yuan; Chang got a year and 6 months; Tu was given one.year. The gold and cash iit the ceae were all confiscated. CHARACTERS 1.F I# %,E, 2.4 1& 3=3f, j 4.-A A 5. + ; 4? 6. 4 7.tL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370599-7