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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330226-4 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. 4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT 50X1-HUM CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENT f nPENT1tt COUNTRY China SUBJECT Military - Guerrilla activity HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Canton; Hong Kong; New York DATE PUBLISHED 8 May - 11 Jul 1950 LANGUAGE IT CONTAIN OPI STII''.IC UN`TED STATEN! WINFO ITHIN A7N1 SIAN':,$ C/N ESP ONADI DAICTNSS N. S. C.. 21 AND SE. Al AlINOID. ITS TNANNNIISION OR TNl NIVILATION 01 ITS CONTENTS IN ANY 1ANN1N TO AN UNAUTWONIIIO PINION IN PNO- NIIITID NY LAW. NL,NODUCTION OF 7'IS PONE IS PNONIIITID.. Newspapers as indicated. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. # Jul 1950 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. REPORT PROGRESS IN NATION-WIDE GUERRILLA-SUPPRESSION ACTIVITIES ELE4INATES 10,000 KWANGSI BANDITS IN MAY -- Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 21 Jun 50 The Kwangsi Provincial Military District Headquarters has announced the results of the Kwangsi bandit-suppression activities for the month of May 1950. During this period, 10,468 bandits were annihilated, of which 1,297 were killed or injured, 4,845 captured, 4,238 surrendered, and 66 freely joined the CCF. The following materiel was captured; 14 artillery pieces of 81598 various types, 6 howitzers, 48 light machine guns, 7 heavy machine guof rifles and pistols, 695 rounds of artillery ammunitions, 118,536 rounds various types of :ammunitions, 364 grenades, 108 bayonets, and 1 receiving set; also 19 horses, 13 cows, etc. Bandits in this area include- 21st Brigade of the Anti-Communist Guer- rilla Army, West Kwangsi Security Army, Democratic National Salvation Army, 2d Column of the Small (hsiao) Hainan Island Anti-Communist National Salva- tion Army, 2d Company of the 3d Battalion of the 1st Column and the headquar- ters of the Kwangsi People's Anti-Communist National Salvation Army, Huai-chi Youth Anti-Communist army, Fifth Detachment of the Anti-Communist Army, and groups of bandits under Yang Kuang-wen (1), Ts'eng Tung-yuan,(2), Chen Shang- wen (3), Huang Kuo-ch'iang (4), Lin I-hsing (5), and Huang P'in ch'iung (6). In May, the following leaders were killed- Deputy Commander Li Kuo-chen (7) and Chief of Staff Liu Ching-yuan (8) of the West Kwangsi Security Army; +}-; Deputy Commander Liu Hua-shen, Battalion Commander Wei Chih-ho; Company Com- pt'..., mander Chia Wu of the Kwangsi People's Anti-Communist National Salvation Army; Deputy Brigade Commander Lin P'in-kao,, Battalion Commander Hsieh Cheng-hui, and Regiment Commander Li Chun-chu of the 21st Brigade of the Anti-Communist National Salvation Army; Company Commander P'an Che, Battalion Commander Wei Sung-ch'i, and Special Agent (t'e-wu) Battalion Commander Pang Shao-pin of the Democratic National Salvation Army; and, Battalion Commander Ts'eng K?o- sheng, self-acclaimed Deputy Commander Chen Kao-wen, and Battalion Commander Ts'eng Tung-yuan of dispersed bandits. T?orL;r;e^Al CLASSIFICATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330226-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330226-4 1-rlT1AL Bandit leaders captured in the same period area Brigade Commander Li Ho- chu, Chief of Staff Li Sheng-yuan, Regiment Commander Lac I-hsiang, Battalion Commanders Lao Yu-,jea, Liu Mao-shan, and Liu Shih-tan of the 2let Frigade of the Anti-Communist Army; Commander Tso Chi, Company Commanders Chang Hung-wen, Li Ch?uan, and P'an-Shan-hung, and Staff Officer Lo Jui-hsiang of West Kwangsi' Security Army; former. KMT Chief of Fu-nan Office T'ao Shan-hua, Chief of Staff, of the tachment Co rme nderSShihCouncilor Tzu-ch'ao,hand uChief ofaSpecial Agents Plan Hung-tang, De Liu Sheng of the former KMT Fu-nan office; Battalion Commander Su Chih-shang and Deputy Battalion Commander Wu Kuo-chung of the Youth Anti-Communist n Army, and, other bandit leaders such as Chiang Pang-chih, Shen Ch'eng-y ng, Huang Tao-,Jung. 11,000 BANDITS ANNIHILATED IN EAST CHINA -- Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 29 Jun 50 Nanking, 28 June (Hsin-hua) -- The East China Military District Headquar- ters of the People's Liberation Army has announced the annihilation or capture of 11,260 bandits during the months of April and May 1950. Of this number, 1,205 were killed, 7,341 captured, and 2,714 surrendered. The following equip- ment was captured. 4 artillery pieces, 44 machine guns, 3,783 bayonets, car- bines, guns, pistols, and other miscellaneous materiel, CENTRAL-SOUTH CHINA AREA REPORTS FOR MAY -- Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 29 Jun 50 Hankow, 28 June (Hsin-hua) - - The Central and South China Regional District forces of the People's Liberation Army annihilated or captured 42,090 bandits and special agents in May 1950. Of this total, 3,983 were killed, 17,880 cap- tured, and 15,351 surrendered, There were 4,876 bandits who registered with the PLA. The following equipment was captured,. 165 artillery pieces, 710 light and heavy machine guns, 34,441 guns and pistols, 228 bayonets, 74 carbines, 3 anti- aircraft guns, 102 howitzers, 1,607 rounds of artillery howitzer of various types of ammunition, 4,022 grenades, 2,1435 rounds 86 sets of telephones, 270 cattier of explosives, 8 transmitters, switchboards, 6 and a large quantity of other materiel. SOUTH SZECHtJAN ANNIHILATES OVER 45,000 -- Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 17 Jun 50 Chungking, 16 June (Hsin-hua) -- After the South Szechuan Military District was established on 1 February 1950, a program for the annihilation of bandits in this area was put into effect. With the cooperation of the people, it has been carried out successfully. Durir., the 4 months, over 45,000 bandits were Com- annihilated or captured. Over 22,000 were Army; of mander Ch Chli u Chih-ch'eep's (9) ), over 9,000 killed or injured; and over 10,000 surrendered. All bandits north of the Yangtze River in this area have been annihilated. A small group has fled south toward the Szechuan and Kweichow border. The troops and the people are working toward the complete annihilation of bandits in this area. CHU CHIANG MILITARY SUBDISTRICT REPORTS -- Canton Jih-pao, 8 May 50 The headquarters of the Chu Chiang Military Subdistrict, in Kwangtung, has announced that 792 bandits were annihilated and captured during the month of April 1950. Th_s includes the capture of 411 troops including Brigade Commander Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330226-4~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330226-4 CONFIDENTIAL Feng Chun-ming (10), P'an Chien (11), of the Anti-Communist National Salvation Army, three killed, and. the release of 378 individuals of the former KMT Self- Defense Corps, The equipment captured included 1 artillery gun, 14 heavy machine guns, 55 light machine guns, 4 portable machine guns, 1,268 rifles and pistols, over 45,000 rounds of ammunitions, 50 hand grenades, 3 transmitters, 2 switch- boards, 5 receiving sets, 10 boats, 3 binoculars, etc. SZECHWAN KMT REMNANTS SURRENDER -- New York Hua-ch'iao Jih-pao, 11 Jul 50 Chungking, 6 July (Hsin-hua) -- The Southwest Military District Headquarters has announced that some 12,200 KMT remnants and bandits were annihilated during May in the Southwest area by the People's Liberation Army. In Szechwan alone, it is said, some 60 to 80 percent of the above figures voluntarily surrendered to the Communist forces. The farmers of Szechwan are now organizing themselves into a self-defense unit to preserve peace and order in their areas and to fight KMT bandits. MOPPING-UP OPERATIONS CONTINUE IN COASTAL AREA -- New York Hua-ch'iao Jih-pao, 11Jul50 Nanking, 2 July (Hsin-hua) -- Since the liberation of Chou-shan Islands, the forces of the Third Field Army and the East China Military District have been conducting mopping-up,operations to secure the area. It is reported that these operations are nearing completion and that the majority of the KMT rem- nants have been captured or destroyed. CHEKIANG SUPPRESSES BANDITS -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 17 Jul 50 Since the fa11 of Chou-shan, the Chekiang Military District, units, with the cooperation of the armed farmers self-defense units, have pushed bandit suppression and the political offensive campaign. Each bandit-suppression unit has coordinated operations with the local government so that the summer harvest- ing has not been interrupted. Bandit-suppression activities have been carried out in the Wen-ling, Yu-chao, Hsin-chang, Ch'eng-hsien, Lin-hai, P'u-chiang, and Tung-yang areas. All units are refusing to accept the surrender of these bandits and are annihilating them. All coastal defense units are tightening their patrols along the c,,::st and on the sea. Ling-hsing Hsiao-tao has been occupied, and CCF troops have moved into She-pan-shang and Pai-sha Tao located at the mouth of Chiao Chiang. Since May 1949, when all-out bandit-suppression activities were started, until February 1950, over 52,000 bandits have been killed. Those remaining have scattered and do not operate in the open. However, the remnant bandits on Chou- shan have sent armed special agents to the mainland to organize and to continue destructive activities. In a few areas, the bandits have become active again. BORDER AREA REPORTS -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 17 Jun 50 A bandit-suppression program instituted to clear the Kwangtung-Kiangsi-Hunan border area of destructive elements was conscientiously carried out. During the period when the CCF in the area had not built up sufficient strength to maintain law and order, bandits joined with local landlords, special agents and lawless people to cause unrest and havoc throughout the Nan-hsiung, Ta-yu, Chung-i, and Ju-ch'eng areas. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330226-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330226-4 To annihilate these bandits, the CCF troops divided into squads and platoons to penetrate the mountains and villages and drive out the much hated bandit ele- ments. These activities were aided by the people. In addition, a conference was held for relatives of bandits with the plan that the relatives would take the message to the bandits to return to productive activities. As a result, many ban- dits returned and at the same time over 300 were annihilated. SAN-FOU DEMANDS REGISTRATION OF ALL VISITORS -- Hong Kong Kung-shang Jih,pao, 20 Jun 50 Macao, 19 June -- Visitors from San-fou report that since guerrilla activi- ties in San-fou and its environs have caused disturbances, the San-fou CCF Mili- tary Control Council and the Public Security Bureau have found it necessary to adopt stricter security measures. Henceforth, all visitors coming into or leav- ing San-fou via Hong Kong or Macao on boats must be registered. Exit registration is to be completed 20 minutes before each boat leaves the dock. A special form must be correctly filled in with the requested infor- mation by all passengers. Entry registration must be made in similar fashion after the boat is docked and prior to the landing of the passengers. When a boat is ready to dock or leave, the person in charge of the boat must submit the completed forms to the Public Security Agency which will delegate an indi- vidual to examine the forms. After the information submitted has been approved, a seal of approval is added to the document. The boat may then proceed to leave or to unload passengers. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330226-4