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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270688-9 50X1-HUM s CL':SSIFICA1fON CONFYDENTLIIL ~~~~~'a~i:d~~~r~~. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPOR INFORlv9ATION FROM FOREfGFV DOCUMEN'f5 OR RADIO?ROADCASTS' CD NO. COUNTRY Rusania SUBJECT Sconosic -Agriculture ?ow ..PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED. DATE PUBLISHED DA'T'E OF INFORMATION 1948 DATE DIST. YZ9 Leo 1949 SUPPLEMENT TO 4NIf OOCOY[MT COYTAIYI IYAOYYATIQY All{CYIY{ TM[ YATIOYAL DiI[Rf[ 0/ M{ YYIT[O {T1T[f ffTYIY TN[ YGYIpY Of [[IIOXAO[ Ati 10 f. 1. C.. fl AY{ 11. A{ AY[YOlO. ITI IYAY{YIfEIOX 00 TN[ [[Y[lATION OI IT! COYT[YY/ IY AMT YAMY{Y TO AN UNAOTNO{1110 IIYEON If YAO~ NI{IT{Y {T lAl. Y[l{O{OCTION O! iNl{ [0[11 If IAOMIfIT[D. THIS I& UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DIICS, CAPAL BUILT -- U 'vereul, Ho 267, 15 How 49 The workers and techs-iciane of the Chinn State Agricultural Fars Kara ~.:st completed b dike, 19 kilometers long sad asters high, to protect the property of the fare and the ]rand of the vicinity iron immdation.?of the Daeuba Rives. An irrigation canal of 8 kilanetere has also been built for the rise fields. The Earn spent 9 million lei aam~si.3,y for irrigation and invested 16 ai]].iaa is motors and pumps for the 400 heetaree used for rice. In 1950, the sees of the rice fields will be increaecd to 800 hectares anal .16 rrilliom lei will be spent for e4Saipseat . The canal will receive aster from the Argee River at Clotesti and x111 alto supply the eommanitiss throngh.~fhich it passes. The work is to be completed by the end of the year at a coat of about 20 aillion lei. By using this canal, the prodnetion coat will be reduced about 1$ ailliom lei per year. ilork?on the canal is being done with two draglines sent by USBR; one dragline hoe a capacity of 750 cubic raters per day and the other 1,000 cubic meters. By appl}ring Soviet methods, the rice yield has reached 3,361 kilograms per hectare. The grain weighs 72 kilograms per hectoliter. The C>biraogl Stste Agr1- cnltural Fare greatly exceeded its plan is many products: corn 261 percent; beans 201; smell lentils 12; winter wheat 25; barley 49; pew 27; and segetables 130 percent. School base been orgeaiaed to train agricttl.tural specialists. The prasmt enrollaents are 28 pupils in the rice school, 12 in the garden school, and eight in the aaialal husbandry school. Before the beginning of the 1950 work year, the table 0 i n sege schools will base graduated 100 epeciallets in rice cnltivstioa, 3 gardens, sad 25 in animal husbandry. Living and social conditioae have also been improved. There is s shove vhieh shove Yret movies of current asente veekly,Soviet documieatary films, and Rumanian releues; an open??air theater, an athletic field with complete egnipaeat, bath- houses, fesily tad bachelor quartere,'a ca-rteea, s modern diepeaeasy, as infirsasy, sod's library with books and magazines contributed by ARLUS. ~~~~~~~~e 1 ~~~. CLASSIFICATION COAFIDENTIAL _ STATE ~ NAW I~!NSRB ~INItfU IIUI I I~ I ARIlY AIR {I~1I}cBl Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270688-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270688-9 STATE P'A.RN, HAS BtlM:~r.H YtYPF.TO CitOe -- Uniweraul, No 266, 13 Nnv 49 The Chirncagi State Agricult:aral Farm at Chirnogi 1.n I1fov Judet ie one ~~f .the largest state Parma in Rumania, having 4,700 hectares. By using the Soviet method of cultivation, the potato crop at thin farm has reached 30,000 kilograms per hectare, in place of 8,000-10,000 kilograms-per hecaare under the old system. COLi.EI,TIVE FARMS COMPLETE FALL PLOWING -- Univeraul,.No 273, 22 Nov, 49 Tveaty-five collective farmo have completed their scheduled fall. plowing with aid of stations. The farms which have finished their plowing are: Rana (Botasaai .Tudet}, Osmanu (Broils), Caldareeti (Buzau), Luna de Jos (Clu,), VacaresLi (Dambovita}, Cotofenii de fate ~Dol3), Galicea Mare (Dol,) Saveni (Dorohoi}, Roaesti (Fa~ci~:), Baitati (Iasi), Paicu (Iifov), Van,jula ~Mehedinti), Crampola (01t), Muncelui de sua (Roman), Caatranova (Romaaati), Paulesti (Satu Mare), Seliml,ar (Sibiu), Salatiu (Somas}, Balitori (Releorman), Slobozia-Mandra (Teleox'man), Leuanheim (Timis), Ceamurlia de ,os (Tulcea), Pribesti {Vaslui), Fratesti (Vlaaca), sad Stoicaaeati (Olt). JUDETS COMPLETE FRILL PLOf3TNG -- Univer?u1, No 262, 9 Nav 49 The Ministry oi' Agriculture aatfounces that to data 911,981 hectares have been plowed. A list of the leading ~udete and the plowed area on 6 November follows: Constants 81,740 hectares, I1fov 67,604, Doll 65,280, Club 53,853, Raa:anati 46,157, Teleoraea 45,425, and ~'ad 38,989. The ~udets in which the least plowing has been done are: Severin, Buzau, Vealui, Tecuci, Tutova, Covurlui, Arges, and Remnicu- Serat. On 17 November, 50.2 percent of the scheduled fall plowing had been completed. The leading ~udete with the percentage of completed plowing are: Brasov 104.9 percent, Turda 102.9, Arges 9215, Ciuc 90.6, Romeaati 85.5, and Olt 82 percent. The following ~udete are behind schedule: Corvului 16.4 percent, Ialo~mita 17.3, Pntns 19.1, Timis 22.9, Tecuci 23.9, and Ramnicu-Beret 25.4 percent. Univeranl, No 275, 24 Nov 49 By 21 November, 58,6 percent of the fall plowing had been completed. The leading ~ndets, Frith percent of area that has been plowed, are: Turda 114.9, Brasov 110.9, Samee 105.31, Cinc 103.7, Mueeel 101.9, Argos 100.4, Ramaaati 94.3, Tarnava Mare 93.4, Mures 91.3, Olt 87.9, Vlaeca 86.6, Odorhei 86, ?lfov 85.9, Valcea 83.1, Doll 84, Tarnava Mica 83.6, and T~leormea 83.6? At the bottom oY the list are: Covurlui 17.7 percent, Putna 20.4, Ialomita 22.3, Ramnicu-Beret 29.6, Tecuci 30.2, Botoeani 30.7, Radauti 30.7,'Pimie 30.7, and Falciu 30.8. FALL SOilIP(} 95.4 PERCENT COLLETED -- Unlversul, No 261, 6 Nov 49 On 3 November, 95.4 Percent of all scheduled sowing had been caeiplet~d for the entire country. State and collective farm wrkers, under the impetus of socialist coarpetitiona, have exceeded their plans by 5.2 percent. In ~udete where the sowing hoe been finished, an Intensive program of plowing has been iaeugurated. Taking advantage of Lhe favorable weather, plowing in the Constants, Ilfov, Club, Vlaaca, Arad, and Doll Judets has been greatly stepped-up. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270688-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270688-9 L 30 Aovember all the dikes, totaling y40,000 cubic me?era, vi11 be completed. 'i'hs total coat of the work gill be yu milliea lei. '1'he ~re:bing clasaes of the region have built It0,000 cubic meters of dikes by voluntary labor, bringing a saving of The hli.nistry of Agriculture announces that 6,500 hoetaree of arable Lend Brill be elided by imirrovements, irrigation, sad draiasge o_* Lunca Prntului, a evempy Z'0 USE REGLAIhSED Ln2dD -- Ua$vereul, N? 265, 12 Nov ~9 CAAlV~f} PI.~ EXC1sE'DED -_ universal, Pio 263, 10 Rov 49 '1'11e tii~istry of Agriculture, aided by Ul'AR (Idnion of nemocratic iioamen of Rumania), established A50 canning cantors `,.hronghout the Gauntry. At these '~; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600270688-9