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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210332-0 C,NTRAL INTELLI CE AGENCY REPS INFORINA'R ED FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD N COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Sconaaic - Agriculture HOW PUBLISHED D.ily WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED December 1948 LANGUAGE DATE OF INFORMATION 1948 DATE DIST. March 1949 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Or TII U ITt$ /10M: Will. TII. r1.nw'.Or. Mm.... ...... 0. 1. C.. 61 005 91:Y0001{1. IM ll wllOIOM N Tl ON itOT10r W 1O'.00.MOTIO lIl T10100: 'POC O/ ITI.COaT1OTiE? .O1T 000010 9 00111005 a05..*l,0Ow11101 o/Tell Tie is I 000IUIUD. SOURCE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Polish newspapers as indicated. (Information requested.) 1S1'BLDPH01D 331 POLME AGRICULTURE A08ICUI? URAL R1CC381RUCTIO3i -- Robotnek, No 339, 9 Dec 48 Despite the priority of indpstry due to the decision to iadnstrialiae the country, the state financial effort to modernize agriculture in 1948 was ocnaidarabls, namely, 18.6 billion zlotys were allotted to agriculture, not including outlay for buildings; 4 billion zlotys were spent an machinery both of doe stio manufacture and imports. The number of active tractors use increased to 12,600. Also,440,000 tons of artificial fertilizer had been supplied for the 1948 harvests and 430,000 tons for fall planting. ncramS!D AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT Trybuna Ludo, No 7, 22 Dee 46 The 6-year plan estimates the 1955 crop yield will be 14-15 quintals per hectare of land from ordinary farms and 17-18 quintals per heaters iron state Estes. The peak prerar Drop yield was 13.6 quintals per heaters. TiDOD CdPlpOL AND DBAIIiA_CM -- Zyaaie Warssavy, No 358, 30 Doc 48 DIri,ig 1948, under the 3 rie iotion of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural Retns, 100 k1Zom*4b. rr of =buck Outs for flood control ware built, mainly along the villa (Vistula) River. in addition, another 800 kilo waters of such embankments were repaired and restored. On the banks of the Oder and Villa rivers, 20 thousand hectares of arable land were re- claimed. Substantial capital outlays have also been made for the control of non-aavisable rivers. This represents a basic improvement project for drainage of land. 31ne1 kilometers of new projects and 1,500 kilometers restoration projects will eventually pArsit the drainage of about 100,000 hectares daily. 6TAt[ ARMY HH Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210332-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210332-0 Furthermore, 640 kilometers of ditches were thug for the drainage of 250 thousand hectares of arable land, and 1,500 kilometers of.old ditches were restored. CREDIT FOR ARTIFICIAL PERT ii2.PR -- Gazeta ': Iowa, No 322, 11 Dec 48 At the request of the Ministry of A-ioultvre, the State bank released 1,953,660,000 zlotys of short-term oredi or the purchase of artificial fertiliser for the spring season. Of th. sum,. 750 million slot's we do. sigieted for farmers with small- and aadiuw-size holdings, 9L3,4 15,000 for State Agricultural Holdings, 178,814,000 for State institute for Hertioul- tore, and. 65,609 for State Bores Breeding Farms. Further credit is fore- seen for higher agricultural schools and research in the amount of 45#830,001 zlotys; this asount will be increase& as the necessity arises, ARTVTCIAL FARTILIZERS -- Trpbnna Imda, No 7, 22 Dec 48 The 6-year plan estimates the 195`# artificial fertilizer protuotioa per hectare to be an follower nitrogen, 12.5 kilograsse; phosphoras, 14.5; and potassium, 10. This in ooppareA with the 1938 production rhiohVast nitrogen, 1.T kilogram; phosphorous, 3.1; and potassium, 2.3. SOVW TRACTOR D IBUTION -- Rzeoapospolita, No 346, 16 Dec 1,8 The Prseeysl Powiat, Bzeezow WeJewodztwo, has received 50 Soviet tractors for distribution among the varions villages within the poviat. Ten of these tractors are assigned to the State Agricultural Holdings In Stubno and another tan to the State A ioultural Holding 'in Nearly..' reeeaining tractors will be distributed snug' the other villages by 20 Deoepber 1948. TRACTOR PRODOCTION -- Trybuna Iudu, No 7, 22 Dec 48 The 6-year plan ostimatee the 1955 production of tractors to reach 12,000. In 1948, the production was 1,200; in 1947, 152, 1938, zaro. COOPHRATIVZ MILIS -- Gazeta *udavn, No 314, 2 Dec 48 Milling oouperativos regulate 798 mills in Poland. The largest m bei? of pills, 127, to found in the Poznan Wojevodztvo and 120 in Bialystok Wojewodztvo; the smallest, 20, in in the Szoze61n Wojevodstw. The largest of the cooperative sills can produce up to 80 tare &day; the average produces about 4.3 two k day. The cooperative iaills, working at capacity, r?,en process 951,760 tone of grain annaaliy. Thl*, is 27 percent of iblaxA c. total milled 'ro4jA ttioh eaoants to 3,282,388 tons annsnlly. HIG$ PI TO CRICK IL.BGAL BTAUGHM OF I,IVSSTOCX -- Zycie Werszawy, No 358, 30 Dec 48 The Ministry of Agriculture has standardized fees for the inspsotioo of slaagkter anips]a and at. The fees are particularly hi# in appll- cation to mast originating in 111 & almedMeer. Y st>apie, the taupet- tiaes fie far a Tasr6or cut of weal. >Snaa i11ad-t slaa*ter esments to 700 zletps. avewa ispestiaa at tie seen .ne t at asst at tie .l tur h. 1 w 2 - RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210332-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210332-0 Rfi ED house costa 40 zlotys. It le expected that this measure will make the illegal slaughter of animrslb ?~t_,