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November 7, 1952
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P tot NNI'tt It.tp F. II?NIN tN1 NIPNIN4 Ip1 t'I161 II. tfltION1 l11'
Nd *II II t?t L.I (III NI W14012. 1t1 tPt$6*I0O10N OP I/IS?'
?VION I. ItS INNttxtS t0 PC BITOIIt 6t NN INAI!N1,t1110 PsIUN fi
oraanizatiornll information on the minis-
try of In us ry and limited information on the 4=racy"-we
of Albania and the electric power supply of Tirana. The bulk of the
report is doted to a description and sketches'of the Snorer Eoxha
Machine Works, giving details on organization, production, eqrsir ent;
security, manpower, raw material, per supply, etc.
ata 1 OM I 1
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
s G
deputy ministers, who are to be disting+lished front the he?
The highest of the Ministry of Industry are the minister and three
tion for the foo.i 'rdustry.
The ?Q.Ibanian "lniatry of Industry (Ministeriaa e Industris) has three ger.-
eral Pdmisxistrations called "dege" (branches): De6n Mekt-nika -- the gereral Ad
ministr+\t.ion for the machine industry! Degm Elektrika -- the general adsinietra-
tion for the r7_ectrica1 lnduetry: and Dega iishgiaore -- the general .4d.nistra-
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6 -
he was the private secretary to Enver $oxha. Re belongs to the governing body
of the Co .un1et Party bvyt is a "dark horse." In fact. he wax not known in po-
litical circles until he was app n d minister. Even his position in the Cen-
tral Co=lttee was little known.
One of his deputy ministers is nezed Xhafer (1nv=).
Until 20 January or 20 February 1951, the head of the Dega Elektrika was
Engineer Xhepa (inu). Tie is now in prison solving a sentence con-
nected with his changes of political opinion.
:dining Industries
No data is known on extraction of chromium in Puke-Drenove in the pres-
ent stage of exploitation. Sixty percent more on is said to be mind now than
before the war. The percentage of pure chromium is high. The raw ore, ex-
ported mainly to Czechoslovakia, constitutes one of the main assets in the Al-
banian economic and commercial balance sheet.
The type of iron-ore deposits in Drennve (worse)-Puke is not known. Ex-
plo1tation has not begun but is included in the 1951 - 1955 industrialization
plan. The ore will be processed in the country.
Exact information on bitumen in Selenice is unavailable. It Sa known,
however, that aimost the whole Albanian output is exported to the USSR and. Sat-
ellites and that the quality is xcellent. Refineries and processing plants are
being enlarged. The furnaces are being built by the Enver Roxha I4schine Works.
Eleetri., Poxer 3uppI cf Tir&fa
The pre:;c:.` sources of energy for the city of Tirana are:
1. The Lenin :electrii Station (at Selite) -- One 2,500, kilowatt tur-
bine is ojeantthg; the eec,~rd 2,500-kilcrratt turbine will be put _n operation
*,efore the end of 1952, making a. total of 5,000 kilowatts.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6 -.
2. The Stalin Thermoelectric Station (in the Stalin Textile Enterprise)
will be used to enlarge existing stations in other cities. 'It is planned to
finish work on some of these stations at unspecified local.itiea during 1953.
as the Stalin Thermoelectric Station and the second turbine at Selite are put
in operation (about the end of 1952).
By the beginning of 1953, the new Stalin and Lenin electric power plants
will have a total capacity of 10,000 kilowatts, which is considered sufficient
for domestic consumption, as well as for the consumption of existing plants,
This station will have two steam turbines with a total capacity of 5,c kilo-
watts ire operation in March or April 1952.
Leo Old Thee oelec tric Stations The smaller oi^ the two, which for-
merly belonged to the dissolved. Italo-Albanian company, Sesa, is being disman-
tled. It no longer produces electric power, but will be used as a transformer
installation. The larger is still in operation, but will be dismantled as soon
The works is located about 1,500 meters southwest of Skanderbeg Square,
on the Ndroq-Durres road, in Tirana (sea Sketch No 1 for location and Sketch No
2 for the Installations of the works). The works is the large^.t and, in tact,
the only works of this type in Albania. It is subordinate to the Dogs Mekanika
of thi Ministry of Industry.
Officially, the works is called the U911ne Inver Hoxha, Ndermarrja
Shtatnore (Enver Roxha Works, State Enterprise) but us'ally simply by the des-
ignation of Enver Works.
The Enver Works in its present .fort- was opened on 8 Novbcf 1948 by Min-
ster Tuk Jakova. The Enver Works was built on the foundations for a large me-
chiiie works laid by the Fiat Company in 1946. Building was suspended during
the war but resumed in 1916, with the Albanian goverment in charge, according
to the original Italian plans. Only one fourth of the c',s.1 unit is finished,
but completion is expected by the end of the 1951 - 1955 plan. The second
quarter of the Enter Works, beside the present unit, should be finlrhed by 1952.
At a conference helc: on 6 November 195x, Figeret Shehu, secretary of
the Workers Party fo: the environs of Tirana and the wife of Me.iaet Shehu,
stated that, under the Five-Year Plan, a blast furnace for steel production was
to be installed. The furnace would use Albanian iron ores for which geological
and mineralogical surveys and. drilling were in progrene.
The Enver Works is guarded by a police datai.. of seven men and e, chief.
The pot:^e are in uniform and armed with Italian rifles and revolvers. Although
they belong to the police force, they are administratively under the Fiver
Works. For guerd duty, they are responsible to both the Inver Works' ss-nagex
anc the chief of t`v- Tirana police.
The under Works covers an area of about 160,000 square meters, forming
a square with sides about 400 aetors loug. The north viide runs along the
Tirana-Ndroq-Durres road. It is fenced in by a brick wall about 80 centimeters
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
and for the plants to be buil'tin the Tirana area under the Five-Year Industri-
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
high, surmounted by a 2.5-meter wire mesh.. The vast and south sides have only
a wire net fence, 2.5 meters in height. The east side adjoins the army cosmis-
sariat of Tirana and is separated from it by a brick wall 1.5 meters high.
The 'Rover Works employs about 500-550 persons, both men and vomen. The
technical and administrative staff accounts for about 30 of this number, the
specialists for a dozen or so, and the reminder are ordinary workers. As far
as possible, the government employs Italian specialists. Because of the short-
age of competent Albanian technicians, Soviet and Czechoslovak engineers have
been brought to Tirana on one- or 2-year contracts.
2. Managing and TechJ.cal-Administrative Staffs
Man&Lrer Artion Snartak is a native of southern Al-
The manager's staff consists of a secretary and a typist.
The assistant manager is o'erid Luka. Among other duties, he provides
the raw materials requested by the Office of Projects and Planning. Re is per-
sonally responsible for political activities in the office. He 'id the heo4 of
the political office, with the duties of a political oommis"ar.
:Ce technical ciaaapi :?.. ~.. ~_f - -_.%?.i;t.: e of f -tro -,-roans; . The manaear of
the technical branch is the chief engineer for the whole ,stsblishmnt. This
poet is now vacant. Until October 1951, it was held by Ivan Ballow, a 3owiet
engineer, who returned to the USSR on the expiration of his 2-yeas: contract. Un-
der him comes a metallurgical sngl.neor for msnagsment of the foundry. This post
to also vacant. Until 10 or 15 December x.951, it vas held by a Soviet engineer
who returned to the. USSR at the expiration of his c-ns-year contract,
A Czech from the Skoda firm at Pragae was engaged as rsta.Ulurgical en-
gineer in summer 1951 on a one-year contract. if, will leave on expiration of
the contract.
The planning office consists of a chief and four employees. The chief
is Din!tri Ridulli, choir master in the Orthodox Church at Tirana, and not a
In accordance with the directives of tLe Ministry of Industry, the plan-
ning office draws up an annual production plan with the aisistanca of the chief
engineer. This plan is divided into monthly plans, sent to the product --:a of-
fice, y;:d thence to the proper units. It is then subdivided into fortnightly
atx: v,itkly plans and then issued to un..ts and individuals its the form of daily
The adm.inistrat:;v' office consists of a chief, four employees (including
one roman), and a cashier. It is in charge of the administrative side of per-
sonnel work and also of manageaent expenses.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
.T'he production office consists of a chief and eight ssployees, includ-
ing clerks anal tecshni.cians. It is divided i.ato.technical, technological, and
planning offices.
a native of
The he&& of the ? production off is Hoce Ce-o
the Permst region.
One of Caci's sisters, Lefteria Caci, is the head of the union o ce
at the Rover Works (interial section of the federated uninoe). Caci has a see
retary for his own use.
The technical office consists of a director and two designers. The
director, Zydi Jima., a non-Communist, is an industrial expert. one designer , i`
an erpert, the is boy. The
the plaaniagof-
figures andtechnical measurements fortheoplane drawn up by drawings gives
hnological office are to study the plans rava y
The d..xties of t
the technical office rr4 to indicate the methods of procedure, materials re-
quired, and tine of execution.
The piarmin g office has a heal and a clerk. The Iv-td is Tore Biduci,
who Is not a Co=unist.. He attended but ail not finish courses at the Italian
technical schools In Tirana. The office is in che.rge of receiving orders and
drawing up contracts either for the ministries. vita private individuals, or
with other nationalized Industries.
The pcr:onnel office has lust one man, the head. He borrows the typ-
ist and Secretary of the administrative office when needed.
The shipping office hs-ad to a woman, a party 'z r? She has one clerk:
The office receives the finished products eid sends they to the consignees.
The testing office head is Riza Bermena, about 30, a Moslem, party -em-
ber. and a native of Tirana. There are five examiners, one a voman. The office
is e4',:ipoed Kith an appliance for testing tensile strength and hardness, as well
as having various precision Instruments.
The heat *'we warehouses is a party member. There are four porters.
Administratively, th.= organization is attached to tte administrative office,
otherwise it is restonsible to the assistant manager. All units of the Enver
Works obtain necessary supplies here. Equipment includes a stationary, 3-ton
electric heist.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
The union office is directed by Lefteria Caci, assisted by an elected
eoeseission of workers in the Fnver Works. She was appointed by the directors
of the central office of the Albanian federated unions and is paid a regular
salary by the directors' board. The office has none of the functions of unions
under a free government. Its duties are administrative and executive: workers
qualifications, moral and physical assistaaoe, sanitary ir.;speetions, m-lical
supplies, sports, educational courses, annual vacations for workers, choice of
deserving workers to be sent to vacation resorts, and treatment for the needy
who are outstanding in political matters and production.
The political office of the laver Works, directs and controls all po-
litical manifestations of the staff and workers. It is headed by;Perid Luke,
assisted by Artion Spertek, Koce Strakooo, Kholai Cyteta, Lefteria Caci, and a
eies ion) , 12 turret lathes, half of then out of condition for service; 2 ver-
tical lathes; 2 screw-nutting machines; 5 circular save of various types; and 4
The turners' shop is equipped with 74 lathes, mostly horizontal, (25 of
3. Industrial Shops
The large save can process pieces up to 1,000 millimeters in diameter;
the medium lathes, pieces with a diameter of 150-300; and the small lathes,
pieces with a max!=um diameter of 150 millimeters.
Except for a few old and sc)dom-used machine#, the lathes turn out a
good quality a good quantity of work.
The personnel consists of a foreman, two assistants, and about 200 men,
making two men for each machine In operation.
The foreman is Xhela1 Cytesa, 29 or 30 years old, a native of Korean.,
a Moslem, enrolled in the Communist Party, and a member of the palitical office
of the Enver Works. Rie duties are political and administrative. $a has little
technical ability.
His aesiatar.Y.a are All 1Kreja, e6 or 27, a native of Shkoder (Scutari),
a Moslem, and a fanatical Communist; and Dmitri Anxhari of Tirana, 21 or 22, a
member of the Communiet Youth organization.
The worktra are divided Into ten brigades, which are es signed to vari-
ous ;obs, such as making aluminum pistons, screwy, jourrrAlo, and axles and gearn
for various motor vehicles and industrial purposes. The workers are not suffi-
ciently trained, and hence, although they have adequate equipment, there is a
high percentage of rejects.
The milling, planing, and grinding shop is divided into four sections
for mi'ling, planing, grinding, and filings, respect1'ely. '"he milling section
works mainly on gears. it is equipped with 16 milling cutters, including Ger-
man, Soviet, and Italian makes. Eight of them are old. One vertical milling
nutter is especla l' nentione3 as being of good quality.
The grinding section grinds gears, axles, transmission shafts, holes,
pistons, etc. It is equipped with 11 grinders, including four of U$ slake, Four
are old and not much, if any, use. Three of the grinders are vertical, vitb
magnetic plates.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
There are 20 workmen employed under a foreman Rill a 1(ar riti a no?-
The adjusting unit consists of a head abo 0 workers. The head
is bmitri Ciro, a non-ComK nisi
The planing section is equipped with two old planing machines, one
vies a 1.5-meter, the .)tber.with a 3-meter bench.
The filing section has one Soviet file with a 60-centimeter cutting
edge, a German file with a 30-centimeter cutting edge, and two old-type Geru
stemping (only two are in operations the useful pressure developed is said to
be about 100-120 kilograms per square centireter), used only for email workf and
five work benches, with six vises per bench.
The unit also has nine emery wheels and seven tool-grinding machines
+.netalled in other sections.
There is only one 8-hour shift. The number of workers is variable be-
cuse of the number of apprentices who learn the trade end are then transferred
elsewhere in the Haver Works or to other establasisments.
11a tong iit:_t CoEwiitt Of a fdr* aIi 25 ur 30 workers. The fore-
man is Uikola Bonci, 50 or y5, a White Russian who has been in Albania for ;sere
than 2C years and is an Albanian citizen. He attended Russian industrial
schools and worked in French industrial firm. K. speaks Russian, Italian,
French, and Albanian.
There are two 0-hour work shifts. The section has the following equip-
ment: four old-type hammers and one recent Soviet hsessar, all but one operated
by motors, with different heads cad strokes; thra,_ German reverbatory furnaces,
inside capacity 60 square centimeters, maximum 1,200 degrees centigrade; one
naphtha case-harueaing furnace, also used for tempering; two horizontal presses,
axpected to be in operation net Diareh; one cold strip mill for maxims thick-
ness of 5 millimeters, useful cutting edge about 150 centimeters; one circular
sew for sheet metal up to 300 millimeters in thickness; one shearing machine
for sheet metal with a maxims thickness of 10 millimeters; cam piU.rdrilifor
holes up to 30 centimeters in diameter; one adjusting bench with 6 vices; five
forges, 1.20 square meters each, with one electrically operated blower for all
five; two electric steel-tempering furnaces, not yet in use because the pyro-
meters, ordered from the USSR, have not arrived; and two hand-operated cranes.
The f'orndry unit consists of a foreman and about 120 workers inelu&-
ing ten vtsueu. foreman is Vangel Perister
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6 -
installed); two hand-operated. cranes to serve the four above-mentioned cruel
bronze, capacity about 100 kilograms; two electrical overhead cranes, serving
the cupola furnaces (the never crane will. also serve another furnace soon to be
fused pieces; four. coke-burning furnaces for crucibles to melt aluminum and
German, two Italian); two earth crushers for the stamping machines; one mechan-
ical sieve for earth; two presses (one hydraulic) to compress earth for molds,
The foreman is Temin (lnu)I
There in only one 8-hour work shift. The templates are made of wood
The unit'b equipment includes the following: two lathes for wood; one band saw
one combination machine with a circular saw and a milling cutter for wood; and
four work benches.
The electrical unit consists of a foreman and six workers. It services
and repairs all installations and electric motors in the Eztvsr Works but goes
not manufacture any electrical goods. The foreman is Nike Laci; 25 or 30, a
native of Kerce. He was such an active Communist during the Italian occupation
that he was given a prison sentence by the Italian Tribunal at Tirana. He was
expelled from the Albanian Communist Party as a dissident early in 1949. For-
merly, he was an electrician at the telephone and telegraph exchange in Tirana.
During the Ccm unist regime, out before his expulsion, he became a teleeommivni-
cations inspector in the telecommunicaciona section of the Ministry of Industry
(this section was later made independent and became the present Ministry of
Telecommunications). He was a lieutenant iii the Albanian Army of Liberation
and a second lieutenant in the Italian lsngineer Corp., serving in Italian suits
stationed in Albania. He is intelligent and capable, as well as a good techni-
cal electrician. He knows radio engineering and radio telegraphy and is also
a good. radio telegrapher.
The overhs.i1 unit consists of a foreman and about 20 workers. It over-
hauls and services all works macb.nery. As the workers in this section are of-
ten transferred Iron I,ne secti;:n to another, the number of workers is variable.
The ferenan, Koce Strakoco, is a member of the Communist Party. He speaks
Italian. He was formerly manager of the Envier Works but was replaced by Artion
Spar tak .
T,h,n data below refers to the various units and brigades noted.
Un'ess o'herrise stated, the figures refer to the monthly average for 1951.
(1) n- al,Lminuu piston brigade mi.rufactured 40C muter vehi.:~:e pis-
tons wi a diameter of 60-120 millimeters. TST._s of cars for which pistons are
made mnclu. _at !](V; and jeep types; Fiat 634; OM, 60-120 horsepower; Praha;
3-ton ZIS: 4-tcii.,.--'s: 7'-6 ton Tatra; 3-ton Berlet, Renault, and Ford: Chevro-
let; and 100-horsep-.r ;) caterpillar tractors.
~2) The bolt and nut brigade manufacture 3,000 bolts and nuts with
a length of 50-1,000 millimeters for wooden or iron construction work.
aa.r4'~ - - - - Iii,
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
for autonauile engines, of various lengths and various alloys. The alloys are
produced at the Enver Works.
parts). Th.e average piece production for gears of dtrrerent types is Boca; am
gear boxes of the care listed above. Production is restricted, to toothed,wona,
axles for industrial uses, transmission shafts, wheels for plows, axles, wheels
and bearings for Deceuville cars, and piston pine for industrial motors. The
brigade also makes the wheels and bearings for the Valona-Selenice line, which
transports bitumen to the embarcation port. Exact production figures --re im-
possible to determine, since production of so many small items varies consider-
and four more are called for in the 1952 plan. It also makes pistons for Soviet:
CTZ 'Ti?7 80--horeepover farm tractors, 112 millimeters in diameter and 135-1401.
turners' shop.
milleters in length. About 30 pistons are produced each month. Cast-iron
pistons for diesel engines used in electric power stations or industry are also
made. They are 200-400 millimeters in diameter and 250-1,000 millimeters in
length. The monthly average output is 15 pistons. Cast-iron walls for the above
pistons are made at a rate of about 15 per month. Pistons and walls are made
especially for the following types of diesel engines in use In Albania: Toni
types $, 0.4, L, Q.2, and Q.l (of the Toni Lumber Zstablisbaent). Pistons and
walls are also made for both the German and Soviet Kama engines (Germ= and So-
viet Zactories in Haet Germany) and_engines of the following manuZacture:
Deutsch. Deutechxeverr (factory at Kiel), Gras, San Giorgio (factory at Genoa),
Modak (Knip Works), pikey rBulck?7 (m , supplied by UIBPA), and Kirov (sew
Soviet type).
;v) ^t:c origmde or making piston rings for motor vehicle pistons
manufactures rings for the pistons produced by the aluminum piston brigade. Usu-
ally, there are 1c for each finished piston; the monthly average is 4,600
ri :gs.
(8) Thy trigade for coaxing :?,ngb or industrial uses manufactures
r:r_gs ^ pistcna made oy *!:c industrial production section. Usually there are
r cc' each :-:?he,: ;.l to:. Since the average production of pistons is
indu: ,,. gal diesel engines would average 1,800.
T1:: ,.=-tb- brigade, manufactures pins for aluminum pistons
fci i,h' enc-nen :-J __r.;c-d above. A total of 1,200 pieces were produced;
r.^.,,._s sr:'rr 'reams, bushings for leaf springs and supportcn for
t: r wars: al'. -ad- 1: is brigade at the rate of 600 tieces; and further,
h --'=d cv?.E _- w,_ smater of bolts, 9.5-15.6; length, 35-3? midi-
se . nl 5,0_~ ?r. al',
r.?7,:c' ia; section tits inaugguutil~ted in 1948 8y' an 7?t.31-L;~:
Mario l+assariui, sr.:h and experiment on'he Bosch-type of Dump chamber
for fuel p,,.nps i_ and tractors, making use of used materiaie. Mansarini
uttaine3 satin:=nrcr . ,.u;ts, considering the scarcity tf such devices in Al-
bsnio and the n.''c : mechanization. But these pu*ip rhasbers were never pro-
duced systematic?-lJy It Wcexs that the special section, now engaged in ordi-
nary mcchsnicsl rrc*5uction, will resume the original research plan. It will be
di-ect,ed ty rore:rn speCiaiiai, or by au n1uauioi ~saiae ii, ` s wvaO?. :.: in
t7*uc,xa?-,~.;:', ueik.~ ':X -,s
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
This shop finishes the pieces produced by the turners' shop and
the adjusting unit. Its output is limited by the output of these two units.
. Adjusting Unit
parts are made by the forge unit and the lathe shop. The plows are copied from
etc.), and other simple tools and machinery are forged by this unit. In all,
it produces about 20 quintals of small pieces per month. A special branch of
a US model supplied by U. The ploy share 13 about 25 centimeters in height
and about 50 centimeters in length. About 600 plows are finished a month. The
the forge unit makes all the metal parts of plows. The monthly production
covers the metal parts for 600 plows.
(1) Cast iron -- Forty to sixty quintals a month (virgin iron) are
produced. Something is done every 3 days, alternating the furnaces. The cast-
ings are divided into lard and small pieces. Small pieces include rings, pis-
tons and walls for diesels, and various types of castings. The large nieces
are mainly furnaces for copper ores. Only four of these furnaces were csst in
15K1 far tha Albanian copper industry (Rrubig mines). Furnaces for sariting
bitmincis mincralo for the Albanian industries at Selenice are also cast. An
average of four a month was produced in 1951 and the same number is expected
under the 1952 production plan.
(2) Aluminum -- The unit furnishes the aluminum pieces for proc-
essing _--y the aluminum piston brigade of the turners' stop. The monthly quan-
tity is equal to the number of finished pistons y].us 10 percent of rejects due
to d*fecte in fuming.
(3) Bronze -- The unit supplies pieces for the journal box brigade
of the turners' shop. The number of pieces is equal to the number of finished
pieces plus 10 percent of rejects due to defects in fusing.
Various other articles of bronze and aluminum are also fi..sed. In
general, the bronze itere amount to about 30 percent of the total number of
journals, and the aluminum pieces amount to 20 percent of the total production
of aluminum pistons. Some of the products in bronze and aluminum are finished
in other units of the Enver Works, while still others are delivered to other
national industries in a rough state.
The output of the Enver Works in forcing and smelting, as well as in
processing and finishing, suffers greatly from the lack of training and the off-
hand methods of the specialized workers. Rejects in smelting and processing
average 25 percent of the total output. At certain periods and in certain
branches, it even reaches 50 percent (the source cannot give exact data). Even
finished products y!a':ch have been tested and declared perfect develop defects
when used and need frequent retouching and remaking.
The entire production of the Saver W- ,*a is for dcaestic use. It is
not possible to distinguish between products or civilian and military use, be-
Cau3C, u=eease tact pa -.-dw.+u.ct-w i-i e...~.-...o ?o ....t Icue7 ?zed I.dustr:ea there awe the
to ~..__"_-->
direct orders from the Ministries of Industry and Transportation, which might be
intended for military purposes without the imovledge of the Bever Works.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
~__L?__awr .ws ea..n4.4ra ffiver Works is electrically op 'v tad. The
80 -?? tempered steel
C.25 -- chrome-nickel steel for motor vehicle valves
/Appended sketches follov_7
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
plied by the municipal networK or aisaae. WE= L-w=-yd--~ _^ -~ --_
a w oA, -44,r ,b! A. ,.wadeod in two tr forcer
"ch; one 'i.ra=ZVr=T VA, 4.,ne ~?bW__-__. -----...__ _
&Ud osrvo,Up, bad_*"rated switsbes (tbe current is ref ed is three phases
_,.._ ._ ._..W..., Akass of 220 volts
machinery in the foa d37 rorgs unassl
6. Raw Materials
Almost all the raw materials used in the Mnver Works are supplied by
the US R. only a small part comes from Cgecboslovakia.
The U 8!1 supplies the establishment with coke; aluminum in ingots;
bronze, drt n or in ingots; virgin cast ironnc~ jnf~ ^wssteel; scarbon
hexagunal stead. bolts and vuts; high-IUD
..r error for widiar7. From trademarks W. invoices, it bas been possible to
L_ tL_
find, the following markings stazsped on the raw metal materials suyyli-t
Liver Works by Soviet enterprises;
F,g, 8 A -- a apeciel vermdiam steel for Duel pumps
4o -? a tempered steal, &applied ir, large q.santitiee for ordinary use
5 -- a soft steel with a high carb'n con`..ant, not suitable for harder.-
ing in eater
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
Sketch W) 1. Location of Mnver Hoxh& Machine Works in Tirana
(not in ece-1e)
Enver Hoxha
Hwehi'ne W+rks
Paso Gnrrfd~srvrr 5faa>F
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
~Tf Mai-,r
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
Sketch No 2. InataUat?cnla of Enver 8oxh& Ns4hin+ Works In T,rsm
Moiw Ea#' .c.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600150062-6
ja. Saauare mnangry building, 20 netexe on sides. One story, used for stor-
3. Wooden barraok on a mascary fou4ation, Italian Palini typre. idecrea-
fuel to the police force.
2. Wood enbarrack$, 8 by 20 motors. Storage for old materials, not in
use. "Used in part so quarters for the guard.
1. Guardhouse, sheet-iron building, forwarly a depot for distribution of
Wo to Sketch So 2
13. Similar to 11; special unit (research and applirations).
12. Partitioned section inside the building; machine overhaul unit.
11. Additional story for offices of the management and technical-adminie-
10. Annex to the main building; storerooms esd distribution offices for
9. Annex to the main building; electricians' unit.
right skylights, with the glass turned tcawsd the south. The ns1 e
V. u azg
height about 10 meters, finsning lengthwise along the roof ere-six rows of up-
4 'd is divided
p b Sidi of waver Works fltssscurv conatruotidn, 5 x !+ or a+2,
7. Masonry building, about 20 x 10 meters (two 5-meter bays); forge oast.
bays ail an additional elevation for offices. The foundry is located bore.
o baxild"o- about 40 x 12 meters; inside, there are two ra-eater
5. scary building, 9 x 6 :meters, one story, laboratory and storerooms
lb. Tool storeroom.
15. Annex to main building for the planned installation of a general cen-
tral :seating '.nit for the works and for compressed air generators.
16. Annex to main wilding; men's dressing room.
17. Annex to main building; women's dressing room.
iP. MaiL tranafo;mer installation (kiosk) with three tre.naformers, 100 and
200 kilowatts.
19. Secondary transformer kiosk for the foundry and forge units, v.'.th two
50-kilowatt transformers.
20, Si?-t. n statia~n.rt electric crane.
21. Stationary electric crane in storeroom for materials.
22. A 1.5-ton electric crane trrveling lwngthwisa along the building for
loading the foundry cupola furnaces.