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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/16: CIA-RDP78-05462A000100040002-9 ILLEGIB 25X1 25X1 I. Meeting #62 of the Research, Development and Production Review Board was held in the OC Conference Boom at 1+30 hours on 7 November 1956. The following persons were in attendance: a. Its association with the DD/P Materiel Board, b. Its control of development within the Office of Communications, c. Its capacity as advisor to the Director of Communications, and d. Its function as a forum. for the evaluation of ideas for research and development. 25X1 MINUTES Researches Development and Production Review Board establishing research and development programs. 25X1 outlined the routine of the Office of Conununications Research, Development, cued Production Review Board in: become acquainted with Office of Communications procedures in 1.1 I introduced) to 25X1 the members of the Board and explained that they were visiting to receiver and explained its general operation. 2.I demonstrated the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/16: CIA-RDP78-05462A000100040002-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/16: CIA-RDP78-05462A000100040002-9 III. Under Agenda Item I-l, old Business: The Minutes of Meeting #61 were approved by the Board. IV. Under Agenda Item 1-2, Old Business: reviewed the status of the 100/jo0 watt tra.ns- mitter program w' respect to the need for further procurmAent discussion by pointing out that we really need a More easily maintained, more modern type of transmitter. Considerable dis- cussion followed in which the needs for agency stock versus Lhe stock pile program were outlined. The discussion concluded with the recommendation that the Engineering Division continue to monitor development and production in this field and that the OC-P & Policy and Planning; Staff and the Operations and Training Division OC-O&T Jointly prepare a recommendation which reconciles transmitter ACTION requirements for stock and the stock pile program. V. I Under Agenda Item 1-3, Old Business: ag z Foreign Nationals" but that the assembled equipment be classified 25X1 that the ASF-4 technique, instruction books and schematic ' -0 retain the classification of "Secret, Not Releasable to r d Following a review of the discussion of the AS7-4 security 25X1 classification covered by meeting #61, pointed out for "secret" and the physical security requirements necessary "Confidential" equipment. The merits of various systems for 25X1 meeting these requirements were debated. suggested, however, that at the present we limit our decisions to that of equipment classification and not concern the Board with the 25X1 details for accomplishing physical security. moved L,'_fl 1 14t?a.a ---- - -- seconded the mo.ion which was then unanimously approved by the Bo