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Publication Date: 
September 22, 1953
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CLASSIFICATION- C o ~/F/ DEN~q CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY IMF?Rllli~l~'i~IV ~tEPQF37 :DATE D;STR. Z -L; apt ~3 SUBJECT Vinnitea MedicPl Institute NO. OF PAGi:.5 ,,~ PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF DATE ACQUIRED ItlV. Vi? cid%La. lLISTED BELpW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THlS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION apyroximately J. old dings, each consisting oi' two or throe floors. There 25X1 2' Stets from 10 to SO rooms in the various school bui?siinge. .This medical school was estaj~llahed in~93U. The city of Vinnitsa had txo ether schools, the Pedagov L Teaeher~e Institute, and the agricultural 25X1 Institute. 25X1 3? The medioal school buildings were scattered throughout the city and it took 25X1 the students 15'20 minutes to walk from one buildi~xg to another to attond classes. In 1937 the size of the school and its enrollment iaereased. The school was State controlled ae are all universities is the USSti. 4. It Woe compulsory to have 10 years of elementary and gymnasium oducstioa to enter the IIniveraity. A special entrazce examination was also requizad. Students with high honors or distinction could enter the IIniversity without taking tho entrance examination. 5. The entrance examination consisted of the i'ollowing subJectsa rsathemstics, physics, chemistry, biology, zoology, botary, history, literature, Ulc`ainian, German, French, and 8istory of the Communist Party. This examination lasted for four days. ' 6. The medical ccuree ?~e five years or 1U e~?stEjrs. Eaoh seTM+at~er was four and one half months duration. ~ two week vacation after the winter eemeater, and a two and one half month vacation sitar the spring semester. Studies after c]sseea were 6-8 hours and a siz day Meek. Attendance for lectures was obligatory unless the student had a vary good legitimate azL-use ~. ~ absents 7a~trm~a,xg ~~3ated,_nf tbeoretiesl,.looture8 and, praatioal work, beC'tures were. con~3ucted_b9_prufesaor?_bnt the,_vractcal work: was b~ their._assistaata._ Ia order to reoa~ve batter instractioas the students vets divided into graupa CLASSIriCI.TION_ CQiFZI~T71I,/SSCUAITT D~+'OIiaKATICB 57/TE - -- ~Y~ ~a l.AS7 i~AGE FOR $~JP,tLrGT ~ A 4'.~C= ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600040514-7 CODTT'IUITIv^^PI