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May 26, 1954
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 INFORMATION ON COTTON PRODUCTION IN CHINA 1 1 M: en-ch'an Kun -tso Ts'an-k'ao Tzu-liao Reference Peiping , 1,52 Materials on Cotton Production) LSary: Deep plowing, retention of soil moisture, seed selec- tion, soaking and disinfection of seeds, close planting in hills or rows, protection of plants and transplanting wher.reoy, increased use of fertilizers and irrigation, and better provisions for insect control are greatly increasing the production per unit of are. of cotton in China. The 1953 production goal of the Yun-ch'eng State Farm in Shansi was 1,000 catties of ureinned cott',n per mou on irrigated land and 600 catties per mou on nonirrigated land. On the Shuang-ch'iao Experimental Farm near Peiping, introduction of Soviet techniques, particularly close planting and deep ?lowing, increased the yield from 34 catties of unginned cotton for mou in 1949 to 380 catties in 1951 I. TECHNIQUES FOR HIGH COTTON PRODUCTION A. Deep Plowing The development and introduction into general use of new-type implements that permit deep cultivation is a matter of high priority for increasing the cotton yield per unit of area in new China. Old-type implements seldom permit- ted disturbing the soil to a depth greater than 3 inches. Plowing to a depth of 5-7 inches is now the settled goal. B. Retention of Soil Moisture Promotion of the technique of conserving soil moisture by frequent harrow- ing and other means of maintaining a loose surface in the fields is one of the most important developments occurring in the cotton culture program of new China. C. Seed Selection Since 1950, the program of the Central People's Government for seed selec- tion to improve cotton quality by uniformity of seeds has been raised from a former level of 70 percent to a level of 90 percent and in some cases even 98 percent. Model cotton growers emphasize the following specifications in seed selection: Sturdy, high producing, early ripening plants, free from all. trace of insect or disease damage, with long, even fibers, and able to withstand wind and rain damage are the types to be selected for seed. Before planting, care- ful screening of the seed by hand must be carried out to eliminate a),'. inferior seeds. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 D. Soaking and Scalding Seeds Soaking seeds to hasten sprouting and pouring boiling water over them to destroy disease bacteria is a technique more frequently used. After soaking, the seed may be mixed with wood ashes or gravel to prevent bunching and to pro- mote even sprouting. The seeds should be planted just after the sprouts begin to appear but before they become long enough to rub off. E. Planting The chief advances made have been in timing, taking advantage of soil mois- ture by deep-planting (three or four fingers deep), by planting in hills or rows and covering with moist earth which is in turn covered by dry earth. F. Protection and Transplantat on of plants Where plants fail to come up the skips should be immediately replanted with the same kind of seed. Interplanting of other crops is not recommended for cot- ton fields. During the last 2 years a new technique, transplanting cotton to replace plants that failed, has been developed. In laosi Province in 1950, some 58,000 plants were transplanted with a survival rate of 95 percent. In 1951, the practice spread much farther. In one case, a yield of 450 catties of unginned cotton per mou was obtained from plants transplanted as late as 28 May. In 1951, the practice of combining thinning of cotton plants with detection of cotton aphids was initiated. This is a valuable technique worthy of widespread emulation. G. Close Planting It has now been demonstrated by a number of state farms and model cotton growers that the Soviet contention that, given sufficient moisture and an in- crease in the proper use of the right kinds of fertilizers, significant cotton production increases can be -ecured by close planting. H. Fertilization There has been a notable increase in the use of fertilizer by Chinese cot- ton growers during recent years. The general increase in 1951 over 1950 was from 20 to 30 percent. Bean cake, alone, supplied to Hopeh cotton growers in 1951 amounted to 00 million catties, a 300 percent increase over 1950. ?h'u Yao-li. model cotton raiser of Shansi, used 12,000 catties of barnyard manure as basic fert#lizer and 16 catties of ammonium sulfate as follow-up fertili- zer. Liang Chia-jui, model cotton raiser of Hopeh, used a mixture 9,000 catties of barnyard manure, 150 catties of flaxseed cake, and 100 catties of bean cake as a basic fertilizer, with 34 catties of ammonium sulfate as follow-up fertil- izer. These two farmers secured up to 912 and 745 catties of unginned cotton per mou, respectively. I? Irrigation Model cotton raisers have been giving careful study of the improvement of irrigation techniques for cotton fields. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 J. Insect Control There has been much improvement'in insect control. The principle of early, over-all, and coptinuous extermination has been popularized. Technical develop- ment in the sciesrtific application of dusting and spraying procedures has been rapid. Stations. to compound insecticide formulas are being established,- in var- ious areas to supply chemical insecticides to the farmers in surrounding'areas. K. Pruning and Topping Pruning, suckering, top thinning, bole thinning, and late season leaf thin- ning are becoming standard procedures with progressive cotton growers in China. II. REPORT ON YUN-CH'ENG STATE FARM A. Production Data 1. Large-Scale CultivFtion The production area involved was 804 mru and the types planted were Ching-ssu, Ssu 4B, and 517. Total production was 237,839.08 shih..chitt one shih-chin equals, 0.5 kilogram of unginned cotton, an average o 295.86_shih- chin per mou. The breakdown of plots and production figures are as follows: Total Size of 1hirrigated Production, Yield Unginned per Mou Field (moil) 1 e (shih-chin) shih-chin 100 Ching-ssu ssu 4B (35 57,E 542 Ching-ssu (395 mou) ~-? ,,~. 517 (40 mou) 164,76 Ssu 4B (107 nou) 160 Ching-ssu-(130 mou) 1-0 (alkali soil) ,$4 4B (30 mou) 14 % 570 7f- ' 30h 20 Ching-ssu 1,671 835 (experimental) , v~ - 2., Technical Exper This experiment involved 19 mou. The total production was 10,000 shih- chin of unginned cotton, averaging 526 shih-chin per mou. The breakdown is as follows: .. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 Size. of Plot (mou) Tie 1.08 (irrigated) Ching-ssu Ssu 4B 1.6 (irrigated) Ssu 2B 2.16 (irrigated, Ssu 4B antiaphid Ching-ssu exile imental 517 plot) Tot,.]. Prc:luctaon P_ (shih-chin) 1,02? 'uneinned) 947 676 (unginned) The total yield of unginned cotton for the 823 mou of the farm under cotton cultivation was 247,839 shih-chin or 307. shih-chin per mou. This was 20 percent over the original goal of 250 shih-chin per mou and 158.6 percent over the 1952 production of 116.7 shih-chin per mou. B. Factors in High Production 1. Intensive Cultivation and Increase in Use of Fertilizer On the Yun-ch'eng State Farm the practice is to deep-plow once, shallow- plow twice, and harrow five times in order co thoroughly pulverize the soil, con- serve soil moisture, and improve utilization of organic material in the soil. On experimental plots 4,000 catties of horse manure, 200 catties of cottonseed cake, 100 catties of bone meal, and over 100 catties of ammonium sulfate werg applied on 1.08 mou. 2. Seed Selection Careful seed selection and preparation is practiced. 3. Timely Irrigation The method used by model cotton grower Ch'u Yao-li, frequent shallow irrigation, has been adol.ted on this farm with beneficial results. 4. Close Planting The Yun-ch'eng Farm has adopted the Soviet technique of close planting. In 1951, the average plant derjity was 2,400 plants per mou with a maximum yield of 400 catties per mou. In 1952, the average was 3,000 plants per mou with yields up to 570 shih-chin for and from 676 to 928 shih-chin on irrigated land. 5. Antidrought and Triple Thinning Measures Tamping the seed as it is sown is a_good means of fighting dry soil conditions. This method is not new to China, but merits much wider use. Tri. pie thinning results in only the very sturdiest plants being left to produce. On 1.08 mou, specially close planting was practiced by spacing plants one-third meter apart each way. This resulted in having 4,181 plants on one: mou. The yield was 928 catties of unginned cotton per mou. With proper attention to irrigation methods and the growing season this yield could be increased to 1,400- 1,500 catties per mou. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 6. Timely Antiaphid Measures During 1952, the Yun-ch'eng Farm sprayed for aphids as often as six or seven times in the most seriously affected spots. C. Future Plans 1. The Yun-ch'eng Farm will continue to use and promote the use of 517, Ssu 4B, and Ching-ssu type seeds. 2. Cotton acreage on the farm will be increased from 823 mou in 1952 to 1,000 mou in 1953. One hundred mou of nonirrigated land will be irrigated in 1953. Experience has shown that cotton yields on irrigated land are practically double those on nonirrigated land. '.. Deep plowing and increased use of fertilizer will be expanded to the 'total acreage. Eventually all cotton land will be deep-plowed twice. 4. Close p',nting will be extended until all cotton acreage on the farm will carry 1,000 sore plants per mou than the average in the area. Experimenta- tion will be carried on, directed toward developing a strain of Ssu-tzu cotton that can be close-planted. 5. 'Ample supplies of antiaphid chemicals are being accuaarlated to make possible immediate and adequate attack on aphids at their first appearance. 6. Production -per -uni Aoai for 1953 is 1,000 catties and 600 cetties.of unginned cotton, respectively. fur 'rrigated and nonirrigated land. III. CONDITIONS ON SHUANG-CH'IA0?.E} RIIWTAL FARM The Shuang-ch'iao Experimental Farm is operated by the Farm'Machinery School which is directly controlled by the Ministry of Agriculture. It is loc'.ted about 30 11 from Peiping, at the market town of Shuang-ch*'iao, in T'ung-hsien, Hopeh. It has a total area of 2,700 mou of whih-h.1,940 mou is arable land, the rest being occupied with buildings, ditches, roads, 'etc. Since 1950, the farm has been particularly concerned with cotton culture and animal husbandry, both as an instructional feature and as an example for several tens of other state-operated mechanized farms. An area of 1,800 mou of land is'now being rotated between cotton and pasture. Some 140 mou is being planted in r. protective timber belt around the boundaries.of the farm as a forestry experimentation project-. The farm is operated directly by the Ministry of Agriculture with the. aid of Soviet agricultural experts. In 1951, the average cotton yield on 944?mou of nonirrigated land was 296 catties per mou, an advance of 80 percent over 1950 and 18C percent above private farmers' production in the area. This success is attributed to adop- tion of the Soviet techniques of close planting, deep plowing, increased use of fertilizer, and pruning. In 1951, the 'ant density-was 3,600 per mou. Cotton production on the Shuang-ch'iao'farm I. 1949, the first year of its establishment, was 34 catties per mou. Personnel that year were uncon- vinced of the superiority of Soviet techniques. In 1950, the density of plants was raised from 1,500 per mou to 2,500 per mou. Production rose to 163 catties of unginned cotton-per mou. In.1951, 30 mou were set aside for experimentation with ten different densiti.s of plant- ing. Results showed that wheneve:.4,500-5,500 cotton plants,per.mou were planted 380 catties or more per mou could be harvested. Sanitized Copy Approved for STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 Z...: project for 1952 is to increase this figure to 450 catties per mou on nonirrigated land and 1,000 catties on irrigated land. Improved methods of plowing and better use of fertilizers when combined with close planting will made possible this higher increase. Beginning in 1952, the experimental farm will follow the advanced Soviet methods of crop rotation. The area under cultivation will be divided into six sections, three planted to cotton and three to grass for pasture and green fod- der. When the planting of trees iq added his combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, the soil can be basically enriched and the climate changed with guarantee of'abundant future harvests. On this experimental farm many changes in metLids have increased cotton production during 1949, 1950, and 1951. In 1949, old methods of cultivation produced only 34 catties per mou. In the fall of 1949, deeper plowing up to a depth of 19 centimeters was practiced. In 1950; with the close planting of 2,500 plants per mou, thd~ld was 163 catties per mou. In the winter of 1 50,~j the ground was plowed to a depth of 20 centimeters and in the next spring 195/ ?3,60Q plants per mou were planted. The average harvest was 296 catties per mou. High production was 537 catties per mou. .The experiment station presents the following production figures for plots where the. only difference was in the. density of planting. 1,500 292.4 .2?,000 298.3 2,500 309.4 3,000 295.3 3,500 356.2 4,000 365.3 385.3 5,500 383 6;000. 370.3 'IV. E CPIIi1MENTAL COrrlON PLOT ;r HONAN In the Nan-yang Special Administrative District of Honan Province the cadres used their spare time to experiment with the growing of cotton in a small plat of land, 1.3 mou in area. Their cotton harvest in 1951 averaged 170 catties of ginned cotton per mou. The activities in which the cadres employed improved techniques were in the preparation of the field, the use of feAili,zers, the planting of the'otton, the care of the plants, including replanting and transplanting, the cultivation of the field, the hilling of the plants, pruning, the eradication of insects and prevention of disease, and the warding off of bad effects from drought. This cotton'field proved a valuable model of cotton production ~fp r the neigh- borhood. It is estimated that 30,000 visitors came to inspect it. 'ome were student delegations but many were regular cotton farmers ;The general reaction of the farmers was that when cotton is raised with the proper techniques and-with the requisite care and labor 2 mou of cotton will produce enough to take care of all the economic problems of a family of four or five persons. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180355-7