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LANCUAC-E CLISSIF'ICATSON Psi^.i;ICTL?'i ~uvIICNL Irilci.LIGENCE AGEIVCY In1FORMAYION K'RUtvi FGREthN DprUMENTS OR Rn~i D BROaDCkS~ S REPORT CD ,,^;U. DA"fE OF DATE DIST. ~- Sep 1952 iVO. Or PAGES 3 SUPPLE::"?;ENT TO REPGR T Nil. THIS I$ UNEVALUATED INFORMATION H05G KOlEG All HACAO TRADE F!17'H C0:&kIITId23P CRTfirA The folloaing reports are from the Hong Kong Heing-tao Jih-rao cowering the perL>d 5 - 2i July 1952? Dai:en in parentheses .refer to date aY source. lnese~ reports i.tdicate what Communist China iB p+ar- cbseing or is seeking to purchase in Hong Kong and Macao. COUNTRY china SUBJECT Economic - irndc q-!0:'~ PUBLISHED II,aily n.::,t~pcY i~Hrp~ ?UBLISH~D Ecrg icnr; DAl'E PUBLISHED 5 - 21 Jul; 19;2 .. "'isy~3.._.: u. mu oocnearr coa;rupa Ipraapinop Lrricrtpa ma p.routx oarca:a 01 }%[' pplTap GliTq alTa.p Tp, pp,plRO OI L'1/fOR116 AR tO t. t. O., pl ipa p1.La irpp Gll. In TpiplOlp:lOp Op TYp piYlllTlOa or m upnrn Ip apr mpppp m pp roaaaouxac rv:op a rvo~ uplnp n ue. nrpoaarnop or mn rope a rvcu .uno. According to a large Kee tern medicine compas~v in Hong Kong, the supply o? geenicillln and tuberculosis dn:ge 1n Hong Kong, especially thong >ua~mfactured is the E3, h!cs c?imi.n?ahed tc the extent that these products are no longer available to the general public in large quantities. The supply of penicillin g lfio~g &o-gavas~.+alxost ccmpletsly e~:hausted by g recent purch~a cf snarly sold rntt. Fenicillin-and tuberculosis~drags,?xhich~uerelmanu4'actsred in the 0'S, are ao longer arriving In Hong Kong, ei.thar dlrectiy from the US or indi- rectly fxom Manila and Singapore; as a result, the Nesters ~dlcine merchaute in Hoag Bong must seek is )s~rope, probably in France or Italy, for their source of supply. A Chinese employee of the :ompany also said that Communist China recently purchased about 170 boxes of Hentern medicine and 30 boxes of mbdical equipment directly ?rom Japan. Zucluded is the medical equipment were micro- acopeB sad surgical lastrumeats.(5 duly) A news item originating in Hoag Kong reported tbat the Briti.ah chip Hupeh departed early in July for Tie sin with 109 boxes of Westcra medicine and a considerable amount of DDT and ~-ray equipment. A freight train on the Cxaton- itowloon line departed for Canton early in July with 8 boxes of DDT, 6 boxes o: Western medicine, gad 6 boxes of X~ray equipmento Another freight train de- pl-rted early in July for Shanghai with 59 boxes of Hentern medicine, 10 boxes of DDT, and 12 boxes of medical and surglcel instruments. Altogether, about 300 ?to 1500 boxes o? ileatern m?-?ioine, LrilT, and medical ami surgical equi~cat ,departed for Coffianist China during the first part of July. (7 July) Co~unlat China ie p]=mr,iug to purchase 5 million Hong Kong dollars worth of metal goods in Hong Kong, according to a metal goods uerchant in Hong Kong. The products which are being sought are copper plates, copper wire, plain and SATE NAW ~ NSRB ARNY NA X~ FBI STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080261-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080261-2 skzipped'to Chixla ". -- `._"?_. ~:"?~ uz Lnese proCUCts ere to be t!?rou~?kl b'scao ant ~om> through ,shun-ch'uan; however, due to strict Hong Kong Ant_smuggling meASUres, the rerchant believes it would be dif- ficult to get thel?1 out ~f P_ong Kong. (9 Jniyl about 3 minion IIcrg Korb 3ollar:~ 1:orth of Western Lsecliciae And industrial ra~.? mxte:rials, c+nd jC-0,~~0 -ar,g 1?;cng d.eliars ?rth of coconut oil dep,lr.ed for F~3L .".,ii l'_i i':.p1' iG:l" !i 0:7r, ,, ,~~ o :.C~en lay, ]t :. a, rGA6r LEd in $nn~ irrrna : ~ ~ ..~ . . ~-_ ? >, ~'~..~+'uuibt Cl;lry 1.? COPre!j `r r,:t.. r~'~' CP i .,... _... ..i aestezx r_-cliciue is Haa I.en ~ Ya:`.".~? ~,? Len or rote kinds of d B? .~::ong that! are sulfide and several 1;ir?la of ster111zi.rg ch::tntcalr,.(1? Sul.y) e1 nm~o ;i~..~ ? - .,rlglasti;,d ,tom the (;hung-yAno uhe Wit,:tad fiat purchasing agents fr. y, ,^.Arzkow, CALLOn, 'laag-Chiang, Suatow; and n~_.oy are p-.u?chusing ve.ri- ci,A strategic materials in I?',r;.cao and nearly scans. F~ iuvoatigation by a C31un,3-y^.ng She reporter revealed that agents from IIankow are chiefly interested 1a machinery, and ate?1 and iron plates, all of which Are to be used at Lhn re- cently built Henkva shipyard to build military vessels. Agents frc~s Gantoa are purchasing various kinds of iron And steel ple,tes, end ran materials for vari- cua industries. Agents from YAUg-Chiang are Srterested mainly in smell eugines that can be use3 for building smell vessels at the Yang-chicrg shlpyr,'rd which cue Also bu11t recently. They e.re _^.i^~ buyir.~ various, kinds of iron .plates. Agents from Swatov and Amoy are purchasing mostly petroleua products, such ae lubricating oil, kerosene, sad gasoline. It was reported that ttx petroleum ie for the ICsaangtung-Fukl~n IZava1 Fleet, vh?.ch is now in tz-sluing at these Lao Ports, sad for the air forceB ste.tloned arv.lnd S~.-Atr.u sort aT~y, ei i th.. purciiaeea by these agents are being brought to Afacao by 100 or more small vaa-~ oels and .punka for reshipment to Chins Rt present, an average of sever. to ten boats az7?ivc Aiscao each day with various instzvmenta, er;uipmeut, metal products, nduetrial raw materials, snit even laxge machinery, some by smuggling Ana c, a b,~ using thM :~y.t;s of fac- taries in ASacao as 'receivers. There are also some materials eyd goods ptar- chased by Communist Chins in Ey:rope arriving directly st tiscao by ships belong- ing to ventral couutrics.(14 July) Acco~:,ng to a prominent Hong Kong foreign trade merchat;c, Caymuair~Q li/lla6 is new slcio purchasing electrical equipment, especially communications equip- ment, in gong '_eng. According to statistics, mere than 3 million Hoag ftong dallHra ~ v.~:-t~ ,.~ -?., ~,iuipmciit was purchased oy Ccmmuaist China during the gA6t 15 days. It wasLreported that these goods eau easily be amnggled into China aver. land mutes, despite strict Hoag Kong antismuggiing measures.(16 July) kecording to a large industrial raw materials company in Hong gong, during the past 2 months, Comswniat China purchased about 10 million Hong ftong dollars worth of dyestuffs and rev materials in Hong Kong and shipped then to China. Included is the purchases were more then 10,000 piclals of blue dyes mAaufactuard is t3ermany, white wax, borax, and bark aeid.(17 Jule) According to sn authoritative t?7estern medicine merchant in Hong gong, a:roag the three areas of Aorth, South, sad Esat China, the latter b?.iys the largest amount oP Western medicine. He also said that the British ship Yunnan, xhich will depart; fcr ShanghAi oa 20 Jvly, will take about 2 million Eoag Hong dollars' north of Western medicine to Esat China. (18 :July) A save. item ori.giasting Pram the Chung-yang She reported that the foreign trade between Coarmzinist Chins ar_d Hr,no Ron_ g 4.t,1 N~+cao vh+ch ones nearly col- lagstd Prom Lack oP Pareign currency, bas been revive3 durir.a sue past few STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080261-2 pmaT~