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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060287-6 CLASSIFICATION COAI-IDffiITTIpL SSCURIT!C IRPORMATIOA . _ _. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFOF,' !ATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD P:O. COUNTRY USSR - DATE OF SUBJECT Sconomic - Canal construction, irrigation INFORMATION 1951 - 1952 HOW PUBLISHED Daily aevspspers xeekl GATE DIST. 7 May 1952 , Y Periodical WHERE PUBLISHED USSR NO. OF PAGES 4 DATE PUBLISHED 20 Sep 1951 - 5 Mar 1952 LANGUAGE Rnesisn SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. nu oocueui cancer uro~unoe unrnu ne eanaeu erneq or rxr uemo rrmr jinn ne euuee ar nnoun acr ro e. r. c., n aeo u.u uusre. m naunmoe oe m enrunoe or m coenen ie aer unu n ac !,eaenoenre rune a Teo- xumo ?+ ue. ureooernoe or nn rose it nroenmr. DBSCBIRBB PROORBSS OF S:'TH UISRAIIPlAR, RORTH CRD~AN CANAIB; PARTS BCOR88 BHOIi'1'COMIIfGB Ili 1951 COPSTRUCTIOli NORB umbers in parentheses refer to appended eourcea~ The irrigation protect for the southern Ukraine and northern Crimea con- sists of the South Ukrainian and Aorth Crira:an canals with a combined length of 550 kilometers and a dense network oP sma:~ permanent and temporary canals which will supply kolkhoz fields with water. Altogether, 3 millior. hectares of dry steppes will be either irrigated or supplied with water in the southern Ukraine and the northern Crimea.(1) Of the 1.2 million hectares to be irri- gated in the southern Ukraine, 500,000 hectares will be irrigated by gravity anfl 700,000 by P~Ping. In the northern Crimea 300,000 hectares will be irri- gated, 200,000 by gravity and 100,000 by pimping. It is expected that irriga- tion will increase crop yields k0 to 70 million centners annually. The irri- gation system will change conditions in the southern Ukraine completely.. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th Century, 20 years nut of 60 had droughts resulting is poor harvests. In the northern Crimea, 90 days of the Year are dry, sad the harvest hen averaged 1-3 centne~a per hectare.(2) The irrigation system will receive water from the Dnepr River, which has its source is Smolensk Obleat. It Plows across the flat country of the RSFSR Por over'400 kilometers and then through the forests and swamps oP Belo- ruseia for 600 kilometers. For over one half of its total length, the Dnepr flows through the Ukraine. ]:n the central part of its course, where the rate of precipitation is high, hundreds ~P tributaries greatly increase its flow. Altogether, over 800 tributaries discharge their water into the Dnepr; 80 oP them over 100 kilbmeters long, and eig*~ are each 500 kilometers long. Re- cords kept Por many years indicate that the average atmual quantity.of water passed through the lower Dnepr ie over 50 biJ~t.on cubic meters. During a spring flood, abu;;` app billidn cubic meters of water pass through the Dnepr GFB, where the reservoir catches only about 1,5 billion cubic meters of it. The Dnepr CeFS uses only about one half of the spring flood water. Sihen the irrigation protect is comuleted, nro to 20 billion cubic meters oP the surplus spring flood water will fill the Kakhovka Reservoir on the Dnepr River and the FATE NAW ARMY AIR CLASSIFICATION cor>FmseTiAr, NSRa _ DISTRIBUTION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060287-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060287-6 Molochnaya Reservoir on the Molochnaye River near the city of Melitopol~, These reservoirs will hold 16 billion and ~+ billion cubic meters of crater, respectively, Forestation along the pro~er_ted canals x111 minimize evaporation losses. Scien- tiata have calculated that, if used correctly, the Dnepr xaaera x111 be more than sufficient for all the purposes of the pro~ect.(1) dor Ukrvodstroy, the organization in charge of huildiag the South Ukraia- inn and Aorth Crimean canals, 1951 was a year of surveys, planning, and pre- liminsry work.(3) Over 2,000 scientists, engineers, and geologists prepared plans,. In September 1951, geological surveys were already completed for ea area ~f c.900 sonars kil.ometera by 20 planning sad surveying organizations of the Ukraine.(4)Duriag 1951,154 kilometers of exploratory drilling and 4 kilo- meters of deep drilling xere carried out and ,600 kilometers of canals traced on the ground, Basic aPecificationa sn3 plans for the Kakhovka CES ::nd Kakhovka Reser- ?roir, the South Ukrainian Canal, sad .the Upper Ingulets sad Lower In$uleta irrigation systems xere finished. In addition, engineering drawl cations for the irrigation of the FCamenski pod n88 and specifi- gation and reclamation of the southern obl ate ofatheell as plans for the irri- gions of the Crimea for agriculture, xere completed. Thr ee nalteraatrveeplans ~ have been completed for the dam of the Volocheaskiy Reservoir, sad for extend- ing the canal into the Crimes across Sivsah.(5) USSR has cxPedition of the Oidrovodkhlopok of the Ministry of Cotton Growing ompleted a topographical survey of the sector from Sivseh to t:erch Peninsula, and topographical and geological surveys oa the Dzhankoy-R.szdol~noye sector of the North Crimean Canal,(12) preparation of the geological profile of the above section of the canal site and of basic specifications and plans was under way is January 1952,(6) Construction and installation work in 1951 was completed 100,$ percent by Dneprostroy, and 108 percent by ilkrvodstroy,(5) Construction of the Upper Inguleta Irrigation Sector of the pro,~ect for irrigating 100,000 hectares of steppes beyond the Inguleta River started in 1951. The pumping station which is to be built near Snigirevka village in Nikolayev Oblast will supply the canals with rater. The aster trill be pumped from the Tnamilet6 River into the main irrigation canal of the system 63 meters above the river level.(7) Since there is not enough water in the Inguleta River, the 80-kilometer stretch between its point of coniluen~e v++h the Dnepr and the site of the pumping station will be deepened to bring Dnepr water to the pump- ing station by reversing the flow of the rater in this section,(8) Construction and Installation Administration No 14 oP Ukrvodstroy with headquarters in Saigirevka is in charge of the construction of this sector which also includes Oktyabrakiy Reservoir,(8) The latter will be formed by a dear built at the village of Shirokrsya Balsa near the city of Nikolayev sad will have a capacity o..* 20 million cubic meters. Apart of the sector is to be completed is 1952, and the rent in 1954.(9) The 1951 plan for the sector was exceeded more than twice on 21 September 1951, and all the preliminary work necessary for beginning actual construction hen been completed.($) During 1951, Ukrvodstroy received hundreds of carloads of lumber, build- ing machinery from machine building enterprises in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Novorosaiyak, Sverdlovsk, and Kharkov, construction materials from the Donbass, ..pneumatic hammers from Alma-Ata and Stalinabad, sad transformers from Daku.(4) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060287-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060287-6 About one half of the vorkers on the project are young vorkers, techni- cians,and engineers, 1,500 of whom are members of the Komaomol.(2) Since 150,000 persons will be working on the pro,~ect at the peak of vork, a large network of educational and training organizations hen been planned. The first trade school combine in Zaporozh~ye started operating in September 1951, with 350 students learning to operate excavating machines or studying to become skilled vorkers is other branches. Aaothei school for 300 trainees vas to be opened in October 1n~!lelitopol~. The training of mechanics and excavator, dredge, and auto-crane opera?ore vas also planned in the Kheraon training com- bine. In addition, other schools and courses including an FZU (gactory-Plant Apprenticeship) sere being created.(k) Special seminars have been organized under all construction and installation adminietratioas of Ukrvodetroy for training engineers, techaiciaas, brigade, sad other leaders. Leading Per- sonnel of Zaporozhatroy lecture to them every Tuesday.(1) By 21 September 1951 over 8,0(x; am.sre meters of living apace had been provided for the workers of the pro~ect.(2) Six nev settlements for 10,000 ~'vodetroy vorkers each were being built in twns including Zaporozh~ye Vasil~- yevka, Melitopol', Dzhsakoy, and Snigirevka.(4) ^7iP architects of the Giprograd (Ukrainian State Institute of City Plan- ning) have designed a movable settlement Yor 200 builders consisting of 15 six-room houses. The houses have built-ia furniture. The settlement unit has enough apace to house a kitchen-mesa combination with 80 seats, a store, poet office, library, laundry sad valet service, public bath, and shovers. It is also provided with a portable electric power plant and a plant to air-heat the houses. The whole unit is loaded on three trailer trucks and can be dismantled and reassembled again 10 kilometers away within 8 hours. About 200 emits are required for the Pro~ect.(11) Early in 1952 Andrianov, chief oP Dneproatroy, and Bochkin, chie_? of the Ukrvodstroy Main Administration, reported to the plenum of the Tsk RP(b) oP the Ukraine on the progress of construction on the Kakhovka GES and South Ukrainian Canal, respectively. After hearing the reports, the plenum declared that the success of vork in 1951 was not as great as expected, bec.zuse the leaders of the two organizations as well as the party leaders concerned had made sPr+oua mistakes. Andrianov, Bochkitt; their immediate assistants, and other officials of the two organizations, as well as construction, party, ad- ministrative, scientific, and other organizations working on or assisting the pro,7ect vere criticized for many shortcomings. The latter included the failure to concentrate labor and machinery on important objects which preventei Dnel- roatroy from completing 6,000 square meters of living space, a restaurnnt. kinder- garten, hospital, and day nurseries, and Ukrvodstroy from putting up three hospitals, tvo schools, sad other buildings. The plenums resolution also specified tasks for 1952 for these organizations and made it compulsory fo'r them to fulfill the 1952 plan ahead of achedul.e. They were also obligated to im- prove the efficiency and skill of labor to enforce fulfillment of norms, and to improve vorkmanehip. Organizations concerned with preparing plans, specifi- cations, and estimates were ordered to expedite their work and improve its . quality. It was also pointed out that all organizations ~nuet intensify c,?ltu*sl sad educational efforts among the builders and improve their atanda_-d of liv- ing.(5) The plan for 1952 includes beginning the excavation of the section of the South Ukrainian Canal on the watershed between the Konka and Molochnays rivers. Construction of the Upper Ingulets sad Kamenhyy pod sectors oY the irrigation system will begin on a large scale. Altogether, it is planned to shif+ 20 million cubic meters of earth and place 16,000 cubic meters of concrete.(3) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060287-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060287-6 Tlie 1952 plan increased the amount of xork oa the Upper InE;vlets Sector more then five times over the 1951 plan. It includes construction of 9,000 square meters of living apace, a school building, hospital, public bath house, Bull house, kindergarten, day nursery,bakery, a stadium, and other buildings. ding of roads, railroad spurs, and auxiliary enterprises will be continued on a much larger scale. Over 2 million cubic meters of earthvork x111 be parried out and a n+nober of canals, aqueducts over ravines, overpasses, and other structures x111 be built. Extensive excavation x111 be carried out on the high bank of 'the Iaguleta River for the pumping station and pipelines.(8) In 1952, the entire construction x111 require 60 million bricks, 250,000 cubic meters of sand, 60,000 cubic meters of rocks, sad 10,000 cubic meters of lime and alabaster, Hoxever, there ie aoc enough industry either along the canals or in Zaporozh'ye Oblast to take pare of the requirements. Ia 1951, Ukrvodstroy vas obliged to import bricks from Cheraovitay, Zakarpat~ye, and Izmnil obleata, and loot 5 million rubles on the transactions. Other minis- tries are invited tp build plants for manufacturing construction materials near the site to utilize locally abundant rax materisls.(3) It ie planned to use 600 excavators, 1,900 scrapers, 500 bulldozers, 130 auction dredges, many xalkiag excavators, and much other equipment on the pro~- ect.(2) SOURCES 1. Moacox, Ogonek, No 9, 24 Feb 52 2. Moakovskiy Komaomoleta, 20 Sep 51 3. Moecox, Pravda, 28 Jan 52 ~+. Ibid., 21 Sep 51 5? Kiev, Pravda Ukx's1nY, 27 Feb 52 6. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 15 Fzb 52 7? Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 21 6ep 51 8. Pravda Ukrainy, 6 Feb 52 9. Petrozavodsk, Leninskoye Znamya, 5 Mar 52 10. Frunze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 20 Oct 51 11. Sovetskaya Belprussiya, 5 Oct 51 12. Sovetskaya aatviya, 23 Jan 52 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060287-6