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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 CLASS IFICATI( CONFTDEPTIA& CYJR'LTY INF~IATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR Scientific - Miscellaneous, expeditions SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 9 - 29 Jan 1952 LANGUAGE TNIf sOtu+tnT co.isl.s 1.,...Anon A'rd-.l 1.1 .snOM. nns.. Or T.^ nails ST.TSS .n W. T.l ^I..IN 0 sslIO.M! ACT is +. L 0..,1..s sl., ns TnhssIn10. 0l T.s ls,Ran). ...: .1 'A.. IN nionucn or is +iiiioxmiio. ? no? DATE OF INFORMATION 1952 DATE DIST. U Apr 1952 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION USSR SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITIONS IN MAIN TlJR141EN CANAL ZONE STUDY RODENT'S IN CANAL AREA -- Ashkhabad, Turkmenskaya Iskra, 9 Jan 52 The Zooparasitological Expedition of the Academy of Sciencea.Turkmen SSR has collected data concerning the basic types of fauna found in the area through which the southwestern portion of the Main Turkmen Canal is to run. It has cat- nepests has studies harmful to the of astu a vegetation and bushy ague heh main growth of The expedition identified 34 species of vertebrates (mrmals), about one half of which are pests harmful to pasture vegetation and woody growth and which would, therefore, also be a threat to livestock raising in the area. In areas with sandy, clayey soils, the most numerous rodents are jerboas r0susoiks45, , and251, gerbils. fccordinA to Ro1'ahaa Sovetskaya Enteiklopediya, 9i, "almost all gerbils .. have an important epidemiological significance as carriers of plague.5 The damage done to pasture vegetation and h bynthese ppests estssvaries with the season of the year. The rodent population where pasture vegetation is found, and observations made by theneipediilation show spring that it injures about 30-35 percent of the pasture vegetati p f and e roots shoots plof the ants. vegetation, thenadventho season. The rodents arthing thee bulbs succulent still os partially une cot wnin these moisture In their natural habitat, theerodentsadrink containing-food plants. their moisture requirements from p vi ng uo water, deri The rodents are particularly harmful to pastures in summer, when no moisture falls and the plants dry up above the surface of the ground. Then, they begin bushy to feed entirely on the tootsand oise_rysnume ous, it edamagg se60-75 percent growth. Where the rodent population of the bushes. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 The rodents have completely adapted themselves to desert life and climate. For example, the gerbils collect all food plants from around their village and store them for the winter. It has been observed that at times they even cure these plants by placing them in their bui:ows or by scattering them in the shade. In this way, vitamins are preserved in the roots. In dry years, the rodents often preserve their food stocks in specially prepared places. Members of the expedition, under the leadership of M. M. Tikhomirovo;;, Candidate of Medical Sciences, and Radchenko,?senior zoologist, are now ex- terminating the rodents from the route of the canal and its vicinity. The number of rodents and other pests varies widely in different areas of the canal zone and a'so in the western foothills of the Kopet-Dag Mountains, because of varying soil and vegetation conditions. In the valleys of the Atrek, Sumbar, and Chandyr rivers are found some desert forms cf pests which are usually found only in cultivated areas. These include, above all, lamellate-toothed rate (Nesokia), meadow mice, and porcupines. Of these, the most serious peat is the lamellate-toothed rat, which injures grassy vegetation and woody growth by eating their roots. Because of its burrowing habits, it is also a serious menace to irrigation systems and to planted crops, especially alfalfa. In alfalfa fields, the rat eats the roots of the plants, causing the growth above the ground to dry up. Frequ-ntly, 50-60 percent of a field is affected by the activity of these rats. The harmful activity of rodents is illustrated by a situation existing at the Institute of Subtropical Plants at Kizyl-Atrek, where cacti have been planted on the slopes of sand dunes. Gerbils construct enormous burrows under the cactus plants; 3,000-4,000 burrows may be found per hectare. While the gerbils do not eat the cacti, their undermining of the plants cuts the plants off from moisture in the soil so that they die during a dry spell. The gerbils injure planted trees in the same manner. Field mice are agricultural crop pests in the valley of the Sumbar River. Establishing themselves at the edges of fields, the mice injure barley, corn, and, to some extent, cotton and other crop stands. The field mice are very voracious; in years when they invade fields en maser they destroy enormous areas by cutting the grain stems at the base and then dragging them to their burrows. In favorable years, the mice multiply prolifically; beginning at an age of 3-4 munths, they produce litters of 8-12 young throughout the year. Porcupines are not numerous in the 'canal zone except in the Kopet-Dag Mountains and their foothills. Wolves are numerous in the canal zone. In Turkmenistan, wolves do more damage to livestock than all other pests. Measures to exterminate them must be undertaken. Numerous insect pests harmful to bushy growth have been identified in the canal zone. These include scale insects (Coccidae), fig moths, and elm-leaf beetles. The survey made by the expedition indicates that there is need for u_gan- izing a number of stationary zoological expedi'.ions in the area south of the canal zone. One of these could be stationed in the S?.mlbar River valley, another at the Subtropical Station of the Plant Culture Institute in Kara-Kala. On the basis of this preliminary investigation, the kolkhoz and aovkhoz workers in the Sumbar River valley should be advised to carry out deep plowing of virgin fields so as to destroy the rodent villages. Many rodents can be Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 Rodent-extermination-work Bhoy c o cng, throughst~ly irrigation practices. by plant-protection workers, so as to prevent migration to planted fields. PREPARE F(I CO A5?RUCmION OF MAIN TURKMEN CANAL -- Ashkhabad, Turkmerskaya Iskra, 29 Jan 52 The Turkmen Expedition of Giprovodkhlopok (State Institute for Planning of Cotton1951Itsarrigsation), Ministry of Cotton Growing USSR, was organized in October . signed tasks were to prospect for nonmetallic minerals, survey and plan road routes, and survey and plan auxiliary enterprises for Turkmeuvodstroy (Turkmen Irrigation Construction Organization), which is to carry out construc?? tion of the Main Turkmen Canal's irrigation systems. The expedition was composed of hydrogenlo?ical, hydrotec3.nical,?topograph- ical-geodetic, construction-architectural, and transport groups. In the short time since its organization, the expedition work. The Dzhumurtau and Kubatau mountains have been pros ec has done q much ted for and quality of nonmetallic minerals to be obtained there. Large supplies y tof lir in theoAk.Kileniregiona porphyry were found. Chalk and gypsum were discovered Investigation has shown that the limestone deposits in the Dzhumurtau are of very high quality and can be used for the production of lime. A lime plant is to,be built there for that purpose. A quarry is to he opened for production of rock and a crushing plant for production of crushed rock. A plant for pro- ducing foam-silicate (penosilikatnyy) blocks is also to be built there. Ordin- arily, a special grinder is needed in the production of these blocks, a cost- increasing factor. Here, in the Dzhumurtau, there is an inexhaustible supply of sand, so fine that it can be used in its natural form for production of foam- silicate blocks. In the Kubatau Mountains, vast deposits of granitic gravel were found. This gravel is suitable for construction of concrete and reinforced-concrete installations, since it requires little preliminary processing. A plan was worked out for supplying the city of Tashauz with water. Prelimi- nary studies proved that water supply by means of artesian wells was not possible because water suitable for drinking lay too far below the surface. It was de- cided to apply the open re5ern'oir method for supplying the city with water and to use one of the old beds of the Amu-Dar'ya for this purpose. The transport group surveyed road routes between Tashauz and Kalinin and planned an approach route for the industrial zone of Turkmenvodstroy and sites for housing projects for the construction organization to be located'in Kunya- Urgench and Khodzheyli. Construction of the first dwellings for the builders of the Turkmen Canal irrigation systems has already begun. In 1$52, it is planned to survey an industrial zone for Turkmenvodstroy in Tashauz? The zone is to be composed of a machine repair plant, wood-processing combine, auto park for 300 trucks, auto repair plant, plant for making reinforced concrete, refrigerator plant, and an oxygen station. In addition to the housing, projects in Kunya-Urgench and Khodzheyli, a proj- ect for Turkmenvodstroy workers is to be built in Nukus. There, it is planned to build a wood-processing combine, plants for making concrete, machine repair shops, laboratories, auto parks, compressor stetions, etc., for the construction administration. mm~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4 :nose 1952 basic survey re ka are. to be completed during the first half of the year. Then tie expedition will prepare for additional survey work in the southwestern portion of the Main Turkmen Cenci zone. SEEK WATER SOURCE FOR MAN TUR1(MEiq CANAL BUILDERS -- Yerevan, Kommuniet) 18 Jan 52 Returned from the route of the Main Turkmen Canal, L. N. Smirnov, chief of the Turkmen SSR Geological Administration, told c Tass correspondent: fresh A particularly difficult task will be to supply the canal builders with , since the wells withrlimited supplies ofmdriesert nkiugiwater. :hichsaree expe. lucated Infrequent the ewestern and central portions of the desert, will not be able to meet the demand. To meet this meed, the first will was drilled n'ar Kazandzhik in January. Results were good. More wells are being drilled thcr New draw wells also will be created in areas where fresh-water draw wells already exist; at the same time, two deep wells will be drilled in these areas as an experiment. These deep, d-filled wells are the first to be attempted in the desert. SET UP WEATNER STATIONS IN MAIN TUR1301 CA11AL ZONE -. Ashkhabad, Turkmenskaya Iskra, 20 Jan 52 B. Atemasov, chief of the Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service Turkmen SSR, tates the following. The Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service Turkmen SSR is ex- panding its operations, so as to provide observations necessary for planning and constructing the Main Turkmen Canal. rometeorological onweree More s as organized are to on be the the future. established the One of the two stations organized in 1951 is located in the center of the Kara-Kum region, the other in the southern part of the canal zone along the Uzboy River. Three more stations are planned for the canal zone in 1952. In 1952, special weather forecasts and storm warnii.o,; for 1-3 days in ad- vance are being broadcast for the benefit of expeditions ad working parties in the canal zone. They are being transmitted by Ashkhabar. dio stations. In 1952, special bureaus will be organized in Takhia- Tash and Taahauz to serve the canal zone. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060162-4