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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040658-6 CLASSIFICATION Ri,STR.CTED I1b I 'Iiu I LIJ SECURITY T'.7FYiiIMTIOrr CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE DATE OF INFORMATION STAT DATE DIST. /A A0_1952 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION REPORT SOVIET TROOP CON^ErirRATIONS JET AIRFIELD OIJSTR ';;TIOrI _N EiLKANS SOVI'r,T ':ROOFS CONCENTRATED ON YTJd IS!AV 1 01,ER -- _TStanhul, 'ieni Istanbul, 26 Jan Edirre 2; January (by ' FF.-._ tal cOrrrsp~ndent rer:iv_c today from very reliable ;Dare=.- ve wit to information _ ha a their troops from Bulgaria, leaving b'-r.Iri or.l: t hr.t-f ansandmombere,ofnthelPolit- curs The Soviets, acccrdin0 to slave by r.cnre.ntrating the three divisirnerwit,iravntfromsBulgariahon theeRuma- nian-Yugoslav border. ZTh-=_ following information, vr,ile [,:!TT, of 'he same ar!itie, was printed in ,~ I 11 emalltr , : ghter ~ .tatr and i c. pp+iren'_i_: r.'t rart of e d' deepitr --c essence of a separate ua-.eiin~ .spatcr. from Edirne A ccraina to reports reac!izg London, the Soviets are increasingly appreci- ably tbs number of jet aircraft fi lds prier construction along the Yugoslav border Tt,,Le fields reportedly begin rear extend in a line up to the Yugo;lav-;ianFarlan!hr.i,i'kish-hese fields in Bulgaria, Rumania. and Hungary are being built with great speed, and while some of them are ;till incomplete, Soviet aircraft er? stationed at some of these which nav, been finished. Th=.e;~ rcr !,c -_re ol,+air,ed from 70 refugees who fled to tl.e West from the Iron Curtain _ountries; they nave beer confirmed by Yugo- slav intelligence agents and h?; -eports of in Eastern Europe. A1lie?1 military attaches stationed One at' the largest jet fields being built by tie Soviets is reportedly lo- cated in the Hungarian city of Karcag; concrete, underground hangars located beneatti too 2-mile-long field already house Soviet jet aircraft. Another con- centration point for Soviet aircraft is said to bc in Csepel, south of Budapest. The five fields in Rumania are in a line running from the Yugoslav border to the Black Sea, At least two fields have been readied close to Sofia in Bul- garia, and another is said to be at Yambol, only hO miles from the Turkish fron- STATE ARMY Military; Economic; Sociological Daily newspapers Turkey 17 - 28 Jan 1952 .1U DOCYYtwT CowAnl groxgnOw ?rt? ,,.. T,? gnOrLL x{rtwxx or rnu uwino m .a .. nm. TMs ^uuxu or unoxuc ?o x. I. c.. a ?wu sr T SuNlI. vI n??uucmx o? nu rtaumo. w m cownxn a ?xr x?xxc~ ro u ux?urwonno ruwx s urtco n u?x. unoournux or rxu Ion a rtowumn rxo ICES T 'ICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040658-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040658-6 RESTRICTED STAT SABOTAGE, CLOTHING SHORTAGE REPORTED IN BULGARIA -- ? rzmir, Anadolu, 21 Jan 52 Aco,ording to reports reaching Munich, the gasoline dump at the Sofia Ar- senal is been blown up by saboteurs. It is not known whether or not anyone was k_iled by the explosion. Great efforts are reportedly being made to pre- vent newa of the incident from becoming known. From Vienna come reports that in addition to the food shortage, a short- age of clothing has developed in Bulgaria. All the large Sofia clothing stores, according to these reports, have closed, gone bankrupt, or are about to close. No clothing can be found in the government controlled stores. It is also re- ported that the available mass-produced shoes are falling apart after but little wear, Diplomats arriving from Sofia report that t:.,. old native markets are the seen- of feverish activity, with people in sear-ii of wearin pE ' jpr g slimrather than the stores, B apparel. It i cc longer possible to find a bat for sale in Sofia, and most people have been endured to we-aring a roughly made beret, luadc? It can a dibe e not-d,however,hthat car.inetYministe-s and Communist Party want means these goods are brought. yinto 'heltountr;it is not known how or by SOVIETS SEllIIJG BULGARIAN F:Rbl -- :ur,.r, Anadclu, 17 Jan 52 Despite the good crop this year In bu'i;e ioc5 food shortage. Although thy- dally brad r- ?h` peoffi re facing a ser-- is most people can buy only 300-400 grams Moreover, under thecrationi system, the people have the right to ba; monthly 00 grams of olive Oil, 820 grams of milk, and eO(' grams of cheese The tragic situation nas been caused b?? the practice of tha Soviet missions of tiling Bulgarian farm produce and - siding it to the USSR or to the other Satellite countries in fen raw materials Failing to obtain inc necessar?; am,toOt of focd, Bulgarian workers are not wr'rking and are resorting to pannive reStc?.unce Once it was possible to buy ft'.', On the black market at c tragtot;s Fr ., ,; but over, there it is no longer obtainable Ttie Kremlin's policy is to Takelu a "farm," and reports indicate that the huesificaticn program has expandel .c rther field; For example, children in the primary and cecocdury -- cols ai- being told that the people of Bulgaria are Russian and that ? toldarian alphabet was adapted from the Russian alphabet. REPORT CIASHE3 CN BULGARIAN-YUGOSI.AIV BORDEN -- _stunbul, Yeni Sabah, 28 Jan 52 Vienna,, 27 January (Turkish Not ;c?.-, cy' hundreds of ulgarians ,rc. rofzlag tneu~r 2, -- ~efjorts reach here into) ugosiaviaito seek s~eun that under 'he Tito regime These refugees report that clashes between Bulgarian and 7ugoslav border units are occurring almost daily Bulgarian units sent to the border have isolated a strip along the border from the rest of the country, but, in spite of this, people are continually escapir,K into Yugoslavia: Some- times they are even helped by be soldiers, It is also reported that armed resistance forces known as Goriani (Woods- men) are continuing their activities in the mountains of Bulgaria, RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040658-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040658-6 RESTRIC - to STAT MENTAL DISEASES INCREASE IN BULGARIA -- Istanbul, Cumhuriyet, 26 Jan 52 Belgrade, 25 January (Turkish News Agency) -- A copy of a report published in Bu] -aria, indicates that mental diseases have increased in Bulgaria. Accord- ing t, the report there are now in Bulgaria 872,000 persons afflicted with men- tal diseases, 45,000 of whom are being treated in Soviet mental institutions. According to the same report, each year 28 of every loo people lose their mental balance. To treat so many mental patients, a great number of mental in- stitutions are being built. RESTRJCTEJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 :