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Publication Date: 
January 4, 1952
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030609-1 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED RESTRICTED SECURITY INFOPMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. Yugoslavia Economic - Agriculture Political - Sabotage Daily newspaper rNrt DOCY.OT CO.T11.1 LIO..AnO. ASI.rn.. rt. ..1nO.u ..r.... 01 TM. Y.Irt. .r.TP ? rtl. S.1 .V.1.. OI 11 r10Qp A., .. Y. L c.. II .0... A......... ITS ru..a..W. O. rxr..Oldno. or m ce.nm u m ....., ro . uurxourt. nno. a r.o .unm n u~. nnaoucno. or rxu rau a noxuu.. DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. !f j* 1959, NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SAYS COOPERATIVES BEING SABOTAGED IN ZUPANJA SREZ -- Zagreb, Borba, 13 Oct 51 The first cooperatives in Zupanja Srez were established in 1946 by native inhabitants, and colonists from Like, Herzegovina, and Dalmatia. This srez has 28 cooperatives which include 16 villages, 1,648 households, and 9,780 hectares of land. Many of the cooperatives have become organizationally strong, and have improved their livestock holdings, production, and living standards. Among these are the "Granicar" Cooperative in Racinovci, the "Marko Oreskovic" Co- operative in Drenovci, the "Naprijed" and "Buducnost" cooperatives in Gundinci, and others. However, some cooperatives, even those composed solely of colo- nists, have been infiltrated by enemies, speculators, and smugglers. Their activity came to the fore when measures were introduced to strengthen and con- solidate the cooperatives, such as production accounting, reapportionment of land, etc. Recently, when the land was to be reapportioned, enemies of the coopera- tives began spreading rumors that cooperatives would dissolve at the end of 3 years. Surrounded by such rumors, private owners began refusing to accept decisions concerning land reapportionment. As the time neared for autumn work to begin, and cooperative members started the work, private owners gave open opposition. When the "Naprijed" Cooperative sent tractors to plow the newly apportioned land, the owners of the land attempted to prevent the plowing. When the entire working force of the "Buducnost" Cooperative gave notice that it was going to plow the newly assigned fields, Ivan Varzic urged it not to do so for the co- operative was about to dissolve anyway. However, these enemies were exposed in time, and the land apportionment completed successfully. - 1 - CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED RESTRICTED STATENAVY NSRR DISTRIDUTICN ARMY x AIR I Fa'. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030609-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030609-1 RESTRICTED The enemy succeeded in breaking up only the "Jadran" Cooperative, which was established in 1949 by colonists from Dalmatia and Herzegovina, among them former smugglers who had operated in the old Yugoslavia. The coopera- tive was put out of order, its earnings dissipated, and everyone helped him- self to the grain. When the time came to begin production accounting, members of the "Jadran" Cooperative resisted. They refused to rearrange their work on the basis of production accounting, but continued to work as formerly. They op- posed land reapportionment still more. Criminal action has been taken against the main saboteurs. Emil Zaper, former president of the "Jadran" Cooperative, was sentenced to 18 months in jail; bookkeeper Anton Zaper to one year; Ivan Zaper to 8 months; and Maric (fnu), member of the administration of the cooperative, to 3 months. SEWJ'ENCE 7 FROM CRKVICE COOPERATIVE -- Zagreb, Borba, 9 Oct 51 Srebrnica, 8 October -- From its establishment in October 1949 until early in 1951, the farm work cooperative in Crkvice was one of the better cooperatives in Bratunac Srez. Members of the cooperative worked as one and almost always fulfi11aA their covIng and crop purchase plans co ntime. They had begun to create a true socialist establishment. However, several months ago members began staying away from work and the administrative council stopped managing the cooperative. Dr Veselin Bingulac a lawyer born in Bajine Basta, had persuaded members to petition to withdraw from the cooperative. Dr Bingulac prepared 42 petitions, for which he re- ceived 500 dinars each. Using calendar years as a basis, the petitions main- tained that 3 years had elapsed since the cooperative was established when only 2 Liscal] years had actually elapsed. Influenced by Bingulac, Milan Jakovljevic, the president of the coopera. tive, Veso Jasic, and Spasoje Savic, members of the administration council, Mihajlo Marjanovic, livestock man, and Branislav Jasic, Dobrisav Jakovljevic, and Radosav Stojkanovic, members of the cooperative, began to sabotage the co- operative. They did not keep accounts on the cooperative, but permitted members to do as they pleased. As a result, the cooperative lost two oxen, 16 sheep, and six lambs. The president, supported by other members of the administrative council, told members that the cooperative should be dissolved this fall. They went so far as to divide the entire 1951 grain harvest among the members, leaving no grain in reserve. The men mentioned above were tried publicly before members from seven farm work cooperatives in Bratunac Srez. The Circuit Court Council sentenced Milan Jakovljevic to 7 years, Veso Jasic to 5 years, and Mikhajlo Marjanovic to 5 years in a penal-rehabilitation center. The srez court sentenced Spasoje Savic, Dobrisav Jakovljevic, Branislav Jasic, and Radosav Stojkanovic to 2 to 5 years in a penal-rehabilitation center. The sentence,, were fully approved by members of the cooperatives. TO BEGIN TRIAL OF FARM WORK COOPERATIVE SABOTEURS -- Zagreb, Borba, 19 Sep 51 Sabac, 18 September -- On 20 September, the Sabac Circuit Court is to try a group of saboteurs of farm work cooperatives from Pocer Srez. The leader of the group is Momcilo Susnjevic, a lawyer from Novi Sad, well-known member of the ill-famed Ravna Gore Council of Chetniks which operated during the oc- cupation. RESTRICTER Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030609-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030609-1 RESTRICTED In Belgrade in April, SusnJevic met his friend Milan Zivanovic, a member of a farm work cooperative in Tabanovic in Pocer Srez, and immediately began discussing the cooperatives in Macva and Pocerina. Susnjevic told Zivanovic that the government was preparing a law which would change all 3-year coopera- tives into a fourth type, and would make all land brought into the cooperative the property of the cooperative. Susnjevic said this could be evaded if mem- bers presented petitions to withdraw from the cooperative, at least 6 months before the third anniversary of their joining the cooperative; if they did not, they would not be able to get back their land. His purpose was clearly to sabotage the cooperatives which were established in this area 3 years ago. When they parted, Susnjevic gave Zivanovic detailed instructions on how to notify other members and friends. Three others are to be tried with Susnjevic for spreading the information given by Zivanovic and adding lies of their own. Vrbovec, 29 September -- The "Partizan" Farm Work Cooperative was estab- lished in summer 1949 in Zabnjak-Kraljev Vrh in Vrbovec Srez. In 1950 the cooperative showed good results despite the drought. However, when some mem- bers of its administrative council left for military service, the cooperative was weakened organizationally and its enemies became active. In spring 1951 five horses were lost and over 1,000 liters of wine were stolen, decreasing the value of each work day 33 dinars. The principal saboteurs of the cooprative were Josip Pollak, Stjepan Kopsejak, and Jaga Skupnjak, who spread rumors about the dissolution of the cooperative, and encouraged members not to work on the cooperative but to work on their own fields. When the other members did not agree, the trio stopped working on the cooperative. They kept the horses belonging to the cooperative and worked on private property. Consequently, six jutars of arable and six jutars of stubble area were not cultivated, two Jutars of beets were not planted, and the vineyards were not cultivated. Sabotage activities of the trio lasted from spring until July, when criminal proceedings were institued against them. Recently the arez court in Vrbovec sentenced Josip Pollak to one year, Stjepan KopseJak to li years, and Jaga Skupnjak to 9 months in jail. EXPOSE SABOTEUR OF COOPERATIVE -- Zagreb, Borba, 11 Oct 51 Lebane, 9 October -- The "Pobjeda" Farm Work Cooperative was formed in spring 1949 in Sekicolo in Jablanica Srez. A group of speculators joined the cooperative at that time and succeeded in having one of their men made presi- dent. In a short time he had succeeded in stopping all capital construction because of his purported concern to keep the cooperative from going too deeply into debt. He also worked on the destruction of tractors. and finally induced cooperative members to present petitions to withdraw from the cooperative. EEST?-IC1ED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030609-1