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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390440-0 cLASSIFICAnoN sECfit'P ~ECRE~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMEMf>s OR RADIO BROADCAST>s OD t:0. COUNTRY USSR $EIBJECT Economic ?- Metallurgical industrys ecrap?-metal collection HOW PUBLISHED Daily aeerspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 17 Feb - 7 Apr 1951 LANGUAGE nn wnnn eenwa ~nwuna unmM vt wwwu wnw a a~ ~~mr ~ntts fttM! i~[ ^w~M a unsuu wa w a nn s~ ^~'?~ - ~. a c.. n iu~ n. u uu~u. m niuwm~a n~ n ui ~ rrr ~~ a nri r~on nneaw~n~ u n- DATE OF DATE DIST. ~~ May 1951 NO.OF PAGES ~ SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION COLT;~ciaGr uF d~cwr iicnn.i. TAGc~1'A'c~'~ift SO@I~ REPUBLICS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390440-0 M03COW PLAIITS SLOW ~~ Moscow Vechernyaya Moskvas 6 Mar 51 Plants of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy have successfully completed the 1950 plan. Production of Trig iron and steel in 1950 increased 17 percent; rolled metal and iron pipers 16 percent; and railroad rails, 11 percent. The demand for rolled metal, x?ailss pipes, P.ud many other products is steadily gro~ring. In this connection, the ct~llectioa of metal scrap ae as additional source of raer material is becoming increas~ly important. Unfortunately, insufficient attention has been given to this matter in recent months by Moscow enterprises,. Especially plants manufacturing lrnr-power nentomobilass including the "Kalibr" Plant, the "EMIZ" Plant, Automobile Repair Plant Ho 2s and several othere~ have been lagging in the collection of scrap. The city offices and divisions of "Glawtorchermet" (Main Administration of Procurements Praceasi~gs and Sale of Ferrous Metal Scrap) and "Glavvtorts- vetmet" (Ma1n Administration of Procurements Proceseings and Sale of ftonferrous Metal Scraps have failed to make sufficient use of their rights to supervise the collections distributions and epipping of metal scrap. Mara small enter- prises,lna~e not eves been contacted is this ~8naectiOn, and available re- sources era not being utilized. Plant fto 1 of "Vtorchermet" (directors Manturov) has not been meeting its pledgees and only 70 percent of its plan for delivery of metal scrap to metallurgical plants have been completed. TRADE UAION GROUPS TO SUPERVISE COLLECTIOft =~.Moscows Izveetiya, 28 Mar 51 ~ fleeting of chairs~n of plant committees, as well as directors and chief engineers of Moscoer City and Oblast enterprises, including "Krasnyy metallist." "Ro~vetas" Novo-Kramatorsk P]ant'lmeni"Stalin, Podol'sk Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze, Perovo Machine Euilding Pleats and others, erne held in the Cenral Committee of the Trade Union of Workers,of genus-Machine Building. ,;- ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390440-0 1 Yaroslavtsev, chairman of the Central Co~nittee of the Trade Union, stated that trade un~.on organizations must strive daily tc fulfill and exceed the plans for collection, processing, and delivery of scrap metal for metallur8lcel plants. Enterprises of heavy-machias building have huge reserrres of scrap metal; foie example, the "Uralmash" Plant alone has accumulated about 30,000 tonb of scrap. The meeting decided that ;^% work done by leading eniarpriaea ip collect- ing scrap should be set ae~ an ezample to other heavy~industsy enterprises. UKRA',IAN SCRAP COLLECTIOft FAILS TO M~E1` P1AN ~- Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 17 Feb 51 The main suppliers of scrap iron in the Ukrainian SSR, including consumers' ccoperativee, the Ukrainian office of "Glavutil'syr'ye" (Main Administration for Procurement, Reprocessing, anc~ Supply of Usable Scrap and Industrial .,,~..~_+-...~,e~-~,.,.a,~ xv$tems? failed to meet the Jan- Waste for lIIaL1aLT~,f J g nuu vaaor,.a.....~~--?----- -. The fficesoofc~Glavet6rchermet"iof the Ministryrof Ferrous Metallurgy area. operating inefficiently. The collection of scrap iron ie an important task of the state. It is eesential that the needs oY metallurgical plants be fully mct. TACK OF METAL DELAYS STEEL SMET~'YNG ~~ Moscaa~, 1`s?id, 25 Mar 51 -- -?----=-__, _-_.we:~. :.a rlnar.--.-M-?,..,ee'+r l~aq~~ P~verienced a shortage of metal scrap? 'rnerc uova .+~ be used the minute it was delivered. Ia some cases, smelting in open-hearth 'because the flia?nace furnaceR wad delayed for One or 2 hours, or even longer, charge was not received at the proper timeA ~tAthe^same h77imegcravecollection ..., j?~.~__~ and delivery to ~;he plants are badiy organized. SOME UKRAINIAN PLANTS SHOW GOOD EXAMPLE ....'Moscow, Pravda, 25 Mar 51 Many enterprises of Kiev have formed special bzigades Yor collecting scrap metal. Dis2?ing 19519 collection centers o? `?Glav~torchermet" have received about 25,000 tone of array ~?etal collected by Kiev plants. The ?CBol??hevik" Plant in Kiev has organized, its scrap collection ea- tremel~~ well. In 2~ months, the plant collected and delivered 1,7y-4 tone oY metal shavings, than sheet cuttings, and wasteproducts of casting, and con- siderably exceeded the first-tyuartcr plan far t2~f.s rro~?k? The plant pledged to deliver to "Glawtorchea~et" not leas than 5,000 tons of metal scrap by the end of the yeaz? The "TraIIssigaal" Plant has delivered more than 100 tons of ferrous metal scrap to metallurgical enterprises in 1951? Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 23 Mar 51 Steelworkers of the Metallurgical Plant imeni Dz~r~ nsteelifrom metal r- zhinsk are daily smelting hundreds of tone of h3gh~~q scrap obtained from scrap piles st the plant. The pile-driver shop has foxymed a brigade for collecting scrap within the plant area, with the result that 2,000 tone of metal were collected in 2~ months for Recovery of scrap is now being mechanized. c~o-nnr.?~ e~G~alltC~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390440-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390440-0 SE~~E~ BELORUSSIA LAGGING I1V SCRAP COLLECTION ?? Minsk, 85vertskaya Belorussiye, 24 Mar 51 The Belorussian SSR is one of the main suppliers of metal scrap for metal- lurgical plants of the Southy the Volga region, &? behind~he~demand for this collection and shipping of scrap metal are lagging raw material.. The large reserres of scrap metal in Belorussia are not being fully utilized, and collection of scrap in the areas of Yormer battlefieldb and in rural areas (machine-tractor stations, machine=tractor repair shops, sov- khozee, end kolkhozes) is poorly organized. The system of consumers= cooperatives of the Belorussian Union of Coopera- tives (chais7en, Akhremchik) is authorized to procure and ship scrap metal thrmsagh rayon consumers= unions and rural consumers= societies. During a period of 2~ monthes, the Belorussian Union of Caopes'atives failed to reach its o ~~r-? ....+,"~ dPllverv by 10,7 tons. Out of 175 existing rayon con- ~7~a1. v. ..r -" --- sumers' unions in the republic, only 76 were engaged in the prccure~aut o~ scrap metal. The Belorussian Office of ?iGleyutil'syr?ye" (chief, Vecher) moat give theecollection of scrap from theTpopulation, frsomobuil..dingiadministratians, and other organizations. No special trucks ~nt~as tbieeeystem failednto dap in cities and rural caamcunities. During 2~ , liver 4,9!!0 tons of scrap to metallurgical plazats. Industrial enterprises and railwoad~transport organizations of th~~ re- nubllc are also lagging i.n their deliveries of acz?ap. Doting the first quarter 1951 the Minsk 'lutomobil? Plant (directoa, Magiooroda), the tractor plant (director, Suslav), the bicycle plant (director:, d'orobey), and other enter- prises, failed to meet the state P~ fo~? scrap delivery. At the same time, scrap metal Yound in plant caeca, including metal shavings, waste products, and depreciated equipment, is left umased for years and is subjected t~ cor- rosion. As a result, the state suffers aonsiderabl.e losses. Scrap metal which has been procured'4ut not shipped is of no value. Everything must be done to ensure prompt shipping of this material to a~'~allu-r81ca1 enterprises. The collection of scrap metal is a mattes of natioa?-wide importance, and everyone, including Komsomole, pioneers, schoelchildren, and all workers, should take an active part in it. All of t3ae metal round in fields, cities, tic+nacenterstof "Glavvtlorchermet," c~oasumersolcooPpra'atives,landrOficeaoofeC- "Glayntil'syr?ye: The government has given permission to include in the local budgets of individual rayons, rural soviets, or cities, the cost of scrap collected in that area and delivered to "Gl.avv'torchermet." ~andeotheracultural used for repairs of school buildings, village reading rooms, establishments. LATVIAN RAILROAD SYSTEM CRITICIZID ~? Riga, Ciaa, 7 Apr 51 The Railroad-Car Service of the Administration of the Latvian Railroad System received a plan for metal=scrap collection which specified that 1,440 tone of metal scrap were to be shipped to metallurgical Plants during January 1951. However, the railroad-~^ar serr9.ce decided that dais requirement was too high and reduced the plan to 800 tons. ~ebuttthe actualnful.Yihllment ofathe~ ser?*i.cP were notified of the reduced plan, plan saes .at organized or supersieed. As s result, metallurgical plants f+siled to receive hundreds of tone of metal scrap during January. The same situation existed in February, with the only difference that the scrap=collection plan wee reduced to one third of the original plan. ~t4~t~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390440-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390440-0 SEC~E~ The railroad-car service was not the only one that reduc ~itPsQP~~ arbitrarily. The locomotive service also reduced its Janua~Ystem failed to scrap-collection plans. As a resu~to,~ st~at~e~in the first 2 months of 1951. deliver 2,790 tone of metal scrap some responsible railroad offlcials, including the head of the Ventspils locomotive depot, apparently consider the collection of metal scrap unimp'o'r- tant and unnecessary, since the depot did nos fulfill its P~ ~~ rcent~of tine months. In March, for example, the depot completed only 3 P t,~ plan, Meclangs, head of the railroad-car service, has done..nething to fa~iledeto meetlaeingletaaehofBtheirrscrep-collectiongplans ing195 ~~s eve ~~nnn_rex k~nrrFiRPRISES ENTER COMPETITION ?_ Moscow, Izvestiya, 29 Mar 51 Georgian plants are competing for the aucceseful procurement oY metal scrap. special brigades have been organized in shape oY the Tbilisi Loco- motive and gailroad-Cnr Repair Plant imeni Stalin Yor the collection of scrap. plant has collected and delivered actotalsofemore tthan 860 tons oYssc pe metal. The Tbillei Locomotive-Repair Plant, the Machlne-Tool BuildingF~ t iameui ip)J+.z.:., t1..a T4rsgiy Paper Combine the Zestafoni Ferra811oy s 9 11a +_ and other enterprises oY the republic have also been successful is ca.-.~..~-- int scrap metal. ARMEAIAN SSR MEETS PLAN -- Moscow, Trod, 29 Mat 51 The "Avtodetal'" Plant in 7Cerevan collected and delivered 250 tone oY scrap metal during the first quarter 1951? The %erevan Electric-Machine-Building Plant collected 830 tons of scrap metal in the past 3 months. The Armenian Ssl~ as a whole fulfilled the March Plan Yoz' collection oY ferrous metal scrap ahead oY schedule. -4- 3ECRST ~ECflE~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390440-0