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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390294-3 1 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDEN i 1At CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS', CD NO. Economic - Agriculture Daily newspapers Yugoslavia; Trieste 20 Jan - 26 Mar 1951 _ !!!Y """" uPMNAneU unmM flQ NATION" !IPU$ Ot iN! IIUIIll STEM! IITUIU TU! UNAU150 or ESPIONAGE ACT M OU I. !. IM CCO! UI TMIM! 1!IU AMS AONAUUDNAMU . TO IM AN TIOAUI$AUUTIUfIIOIU ZU O! PERSON TNA l5OOOU IIU! ATOIp *INTER by Yl. !IMOMCTIOU or TOI! roll U PMUIMMU. w SOURCE DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. ' May 1951 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. .'0 CULTIVATE 4,666rooo HECTARES IN), TO PLANT VEGETABLES, FODDER -- Ljubljana, Ljudska Pravica, 25 Feb 51 According to the Federal Planning Commission, 4,666,000 hectares of land are scheduled to be cultivated in Yugoslavia this year. The plan calls for planting vegetal, on 60,000 hectares of land, and fodder on 139,000 hectares. In 1951, 60,000 hectares more of corn are scheduled to be planted than in 1950. The production of hemp is planned to be less in 1951 than it was in 1950, while the production of sugar beets and sunflowers is planned to be greater. According to the Federal Statistical Institute, there are 7,014,000 hec- tares of arable land in Yugoslavia. EXPERIMENTS ON NEW TYPE OF WHEAT -- Gorizia, Soca, 10 Feb 51; Triea , Gospodarstvo, 20 Jan 51 The Agricultural Institute in Titograd has sowed Triticum Turgidum wheat successfully on its experimental farm. The farm yielded 70 centners of the new wheat per hectare. The yield'of ordinary wheat was only 8 cent- ners.;per hectare in this area. Large areas in Macedonia will be sowed with the new variety of wheat in 1952. This year f1950?7, the Macedonian Ministry of Agriculture earmarked 14 million kilograms of-artificial fertilizer for Macedonian farms. Thus far, 10,000 hectares have been fertilized. This year L1950?7?, private and cooperative farmers in Macedonia re- ceived 5,000 plows, 900 sowing machines, 500 cultivators, 90 mowers, 2,000 harrows, and 700 seed separators. These farmers will soon receive 5,000 additional agricultural machines. Macedonia has acquired over 40,000 agricultural machines since the war. CU F E N T I I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390294-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390294-3 CONFIDENTIAL 1,000 HECTARES TO BE PLANTED IN COTTON Ljubljana, Slovenski Porocevalec, 23 Mar 51 About 1,000 hectares of land in Serbia will be planted in cotton in 1951. Fifteen farm.-work cooperatives in Serbia will plant cotton this year for the first time. Cooperatives in the Vojvodina will plant about 270 hec- tares in cotton, while coupe-atives in Serbia proper will plant 63 hectares in 1951. The first three cotton-?giinnirg stations, in Pancevo, Pozarevac, and Negotin, will be made ready this year. The "Tito" Metal Factory in Skoplje will produce the machines fo! these stations. Last year, cotton fields in Serbia yielded an average of NO kilograms of cotton per hectare. This year's yield is expected to be even greater. COMPULSORY DELIVERY OF CROPS MUCH SMALLER -.? Belgrade, Borba, 28 Feb 5.1 -4.,,, of the People's SkuUStina, Minister and Chair- At yC;DLC_uay'a man of the Council for Commerce Osman Karabegovic stated that in 1950, 15,700 carloads less wheat and rye, 49,100 carloads less corn, 1,400 car- loads less barley, and 3,700 carloads less oats were delivered carloads of federal crop purchasing agencies then. in 1949. A total of 69,900 g lin, or 35.3 percent less than in 19k9, were delivered in 1950. In. 1950 :; . fold 'ere expected to pr-duce 18!-,800 carloads cf beets (about 22,000 car1oad,= of sugar), but actually produced 66,'+93 carloads of beets :8:474 carloads of sugar?. TO PLANT RICE FOR FIRST TIME, -? Ljubljana; Slovenski Porocevalec, 26 Mar 51 Rice will be planted on Lonjsko Pole this year for the first time. It that of r WhencLoujjsko Po1?jell (completely rec`laimed,taCwill be:~cthee in Yugoslavia. 950,000 HECTARES TO BE CULTIVATED Belgrade, Borba, 27 Feb 51 Not including state farms, 950,C'JO hectares of land in Croatia will be cultivated this summer. Planting is expected to be completed by mid-April 1951 in some. sections. TO FOREST 5,000 HECTARES OF BARREN LAND -?? Ceti,:je, Pobjeda, 22 Feb.51 The Five-Year Plan for Montenegro calls for the forestation of 5,000 hectares of barren land. Thus far, only 2,500 hectares of bar-en land have been forested. were Instead of the planned 7,500,000 seedlings, only 5 million ligs produced in 1950 because of the drought. Of these, only 1.5 million were actually planted. 17,000 HECTARES OF LAND TO BE FORESTED ..?. Sarajevo, Oslobodjenje, 5 Mar 51 Sarajevo', 4 March -?- About 17,000 hectares of land in Bosnia and Herze- govina will be forested this year. New seedlings will be planted on 8,200 hectares of old forests. Grazing will be forbidden on 48,000 hectares in order to protect young forests. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390294-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390294-3 -.1 DENTI1t CONFIDENTIAL MACEDONIAN SOCIALIST SECTOR HAS 900 SHEEP -- Ljubljana, Ljudska Pravica, 16 Feb 51; Belgrade, Borba,.20 Feb '51 At present, the socialist sector in Macedonia has 900,000.sheep. Of these,, 700,000 belong to the cooperative sector and 200,000 to the state sector. About 60,000 head of livestock are slaughtered in Montenegro every year. TO PRODUCE MORE PLOWS --? Ljubljana, Slovenski Porocevalec, 20 Mar 51 The Foundry and Agricultural Machinery Factory in Osijek. produced 34,000 plows in 1950. At the end of 1950, the output amounted to 240 pica's per day. A nex agricultural machinery factory in Tuzla, which began the production of plows last year, will fill Yugoslav needs for plows. Last year this factory produced 6,000 plows, while this year it is scheduled to produce 20,000 plows. ..3- CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390294-3