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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390174-6 FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. CLASSIFICATION SECRET SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic: HOW DATE OF INFORMATION Technological - Automobile and tractor PUBLISHED Daily newspapers; monthly periodical WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED Dec 1950 - 2 Mar 1951 LANGUAGE 1950 - 1951 DATE DIST. 47 Apr 1951 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. TNI{ DOCUMENT CONTAINS IN.ORNATION 111000TiNA THE NATIONAL DLRNSE or THE UNITED ETHOS WIilIN THE MEANING OF ISPIONA0{ ACT SO C.. ]I AND {E, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION 10 F 111111 DC{T TLAN. IN R{rRODUCTION OF TIl{ FORM OISRIZIP rRONIt11TED, If PRO' THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Newspapers and periodical as:.ind'.dated.. CHELYABINSK, MINSK PLANTS SHIP TRUCKS, TRACTORS TO cONNSTRU ZION PROJECTS; LACK SPARE PARTS FOR TRACTORS, TRUCKS SHIP TRACTORS TO CONSTRUCTION SITES -- Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, 3 Feb 51 The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant received a number of orders for S-80 tractors for the first quarter. The orders were filled on time, the loading of machines , for the first quarter has already been com;leted, and tractors have been shipped to the builders of the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Station, the Volga-Don Canal, and other new building projects. Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 31 Jan 51 The Chelyabinsk Plant has shipped caterpillar tractors to the Kakhovka construction site. SEND TRUCKS TO KUYBYSHEV, VOLGA-DON PROJECTS -- Moscow Moskovskaya Pravda, 28 Feb 51 The Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Stalin has made 65 ZIS-150 trucks for the Volga-Don construction project and 30 trucks for the builders of the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Station. It also shipped 25 vehicles above plan to the Stalin- grad Hydroelectric Station site. Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 18 Feb 51 The Ural Automobile Plant r ently shipped a large column of 3-ton Ural-ZIS trucks to the Kuybyshev and Volga-Don construction sites. __ CLASSIFICATION NAVY v( NSRa J AIR FBI -1 - '[ SECRETT SECRE DISTRIBUTION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390174-6 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390174-6 r I SECRET SHIPS TRUCKS TO STALINGRAD PROJECT -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 9 Feb 51 The Minsk Automobile Plant builds the 5-ton MAZ-205 dump truck and 7-ton MAZ-200 truck. The plant has adopted gas case-hardening in the heat treatment shop, hard- ening by high-frequency currents, and precision casting. Moscow, Krasnaya Zvezda, 14 Feb 51 The Minsk Automobile Plant has shipped dump trucks to the Stalingrad Hydro- electric Station project. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 21 Feb 51 A dump truck and a 7-ton drop-sides (bortovaya) truck built by the Minsk Automobile PJ?;nt have been sent to the Soviet Pavilion of the Leipzig Fair. MINSK PLANT PLANS PERMANENT CONVEYER -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 9 Feb 51 The Minsk Tractor Plant is turning out KD-35 tractors on a temporary conveyer. It also builds spare parts for agricultural machinery. The plr-;t's main task in the coming year will be to organize the mass production of tractors on a permanent main conveyer. Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 18 Jan 51 The Minsk Tractor Plant builds the powerful. Kirovets D-35 caterpillar tractor and the bel.orus' wheeled tractor. POOR PLANNING, DISTRIBUTION CAUSE BEARING, PARTS SHORTAGE IN MPS -- Kishinev, Sovetskaya Moldaviya, 24 Feb 51 Many 21TS in the Moldavian SSR report a disturbing shortage of spare parts. There is not only a severe shortage of bearings, but also of simple parts which could easily be produced in the republic. Balance-beam bushings, fov lack of which tractors are standing idle in the Komratskiy, Atakskiy, Tarakliyskiy, Vornichenakiy, an&_a number of other MTS, were formerly made at the Beltsy Re- paIr Plant. They were made of pig iron instead of bronze, and there were no r--- complaints about their quality. This year the local office of Avtotraktorosb (Automobile and Tractor Sales Trust) decided to ask the Main Administration to authorize the mass production of pig-iron bushings, but it did not make this re- quest until February, when it was already time to supply these parts to the MTS. Repair of many tractors was not completed because there were no rocker arm shafts, balance beam covers, shafts, oil pumps, guard covers,bearing sockets, governor pulleys, and other parts which could very well be made by republic in- dustries. Last year, the Council of Ministers Moldavian SSR decreed three times that orders be distributed among enterprises of the Ministries of Agriculture and Local Industry. But the parts consumers did not make sufficient ntddes because upon the suppliers, and enterprises failed to fill very important the Ministry of Agriculture did not supply the necessary raw materials. The Kishinev Repair Plant, Ministry of Agriculture, should have made, among other spare parts, 800 rocker arm shafts,'4oO working shaft bushings, and 500 magneto drive shafts, but it made none of these parts. The planning organs of SECRET L='_S_a-ni:tized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80 00809A000600390174-6 ~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390174-6 SEC1Et SECRET the Ministry of Agriculture Moldavian SSR are greatly to blame for the collapse of spare parts production in republic plants. But Smorigo and Kravtsov, the managers of the office of Avtotraktorosbyt, are also fully responsible for the late delivery of spare parts to the republic. The operations department of the republic office, headed by Kravtsov, has shown little cognizance of the activities of all-Union plants which supply parts to the republic. Many enterprises, partic- ularly the Saratov Serp i Molot Plant, the Voroshilovgrad Plant imeni Oktyabr'skaya Revolyutsiya, and the Vladimir and Lipetsk tractor plants, failed to ship a great quantity of spare parts in 1950. The republic office has the right to institute proceedings for monetary sanctions and fines to made suppliers more answerable for the:punctnal delivery of parts, but the soft-hearted office manager has not once taken such action in the past 2 years. The managers of Avtotraktorosbyt and the Ministry of Agriculture did not establish strict controls on the proper consumption of spare parts according to existing state norms. This lack of control led to a situation in which some MPS received a considerably larger supply of essential parts for the year than they were supposed to, while others did not get their share. For example, the Grigoriopolskiy MTS received 20 cylinder heads for STZ-NATI tractors instead of 8, the Orgeyev MPS received 21 instead of 10, and the Suslenskiy MPS 1G instead of 9. The Durleshtskiy MTS received only one cylinder head instead of the 6 due it, and the Buzhorskiy MTS received 7 instead of 11. The republic office did not distribute spare par.= properly by inter-rayon divisions. The Beltsy division base had a large supply of various-make bearings which were very scarce elsewhere. To unload his stock, Lipatov, the base direc- tor, dumped 1,200 locking rings for STZ-NATI tractors on the Alekaandrenskiy MPS, which had ordered only 20. T:..e parts list ordered from republic enterprises must be expanded, to make a decisive improvement in the supply of spare parts to MTS. New enterprises must be induced to fill these orders. The Ministry of Agriculture Moldavian SSR must tighten controls and requirements for the consumption of spare parts by MPS directors. Finally, Avtotraktorosbyt's employees must be made responsible for getting centralized stocks of spare parts to the republic at the stipulated time and in the needed variety, rather than distributing parts mechanically. RIGA LACKS OIL FILTERS FOR GAZ-51 TRUCI6 -- Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 10 Feb 51 .iany Riga drivers have driven GAZ-51 trucks 100,000-150,0)0 kilometers without capital repairs. However, the rules of technical operation are grossly violated, because certain necessary parts are not supplied to truck users. For example, the fine oil filter should be changed every 2,000 kilometers, according to instructions. But it is impossible to obtain such a filter in the stores of Glaaavtotraxtorosbyt, (Main Administration of Automobile and Tractor Sales), Glavneftesbyt, (Main Administration of Petroleum Sales), the Ministry of Trade, Latpotrebsoyuz (Latvian Consumers' Union), or the Ministry of Motcr Transport in Riga. Operating with a dirty filter will increase wear on the motor and lead to premature breakdowns. It is time that the State Planning Committee Latvian SSR looked into the possibility of making oil filters in the republic. MTS COMPLAIN OF WORK DONE BY MOTOR REPAIR PLANT -- Frunze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 16 Feb 51 The First Bazar-Kurganskaya and other MPS complain that tractor repairs are being he].& up because the Dzhalal-Abad Motor Repair Plant has consistently failed to meet the plan for motor repairs. The plant serves 14 MTS. Three-fourths of - 3 - SECRET SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390174-6 r '1 SECRET the motors overhauled in January were completed in the last 10 days of the month, which is typical of the last-minute shock methods of this plant. Brigades are inefficiently organized and mechanization of heavy work is neglected. Motors are sent out improperly adjusted and untested. and usually have to be overhauled again at the MPS. One motor sent out by the plant bad 17 serious defects, and a 30-horsepower STZ tractor could develop only 23-25 horsepower as a result of soot in the vaporizer and lack of cleaning. CITE LACK OF DRIVERS' MANUALS IN LATVIAN SSR -- Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 22 Feb 51 Riga and other cities in the Latvian SSR are entirely lacking in drivers' manuals and visual aids to help drivers vnderstand the construction and opera- tion of new automobiles and trucks. The Main Administration of Motor Transport and the Administration of Printing, Publishing, and Book Trade should see that books and visual aids on automobile mechanics are printed and put on sale. MAKE TIRES FOR RACING CARS -- Moscow, Avtomobil', No 12, Dec 50 Th, Moscow Tire Plant has organized the production of light, durable 5.00-16 tires made of specially selected materials for racir.?d cars. Ley have a fine tread of a special pattern which enables them to hold the woad better at high speeds, and gave good results in tests. Racing car tires are now being made in lots on orders from aw~omobile motor clubs s & from r-ittees for physical culture and sport under the Council of Ministers USSR. SHOPS IN MOSCOW AUTO PIS BECOME STAKHANOVITE -- Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, 20 Feb 51 The press and fittings shops of the Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Stalin were recently awarded the title of Stakhanovite shops. There are now 12 Stakhan- ovite shops and 60 Stakhanovite sections in the plant. The forge shop is now striving for this title. MOSCOW PLANTS INCREASE LABOR PRODUCTIVITY -. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2 Mar 51 Five conveyers have been put into operation at the Moscow Carburetor Plant, and more than two thirds of all aggregates have been put on the high-speed program. The plant sass produces carburetors for all makes of automobiles made in Moscow. The personnel of the First State Bearing Plant imeni L. M. Kaganovich decided to form at least 170 mixed brigades of setup men and to teach at least 2,000 workers Stakhanovite work methods. By using machine tools more efficiently, the workers, foremen, and engineering-technical employees of the plant will increase labor productivity 16 percent this year. The Moscow Instruments Plant has been put on a daily work schedule, and the production time for instruments has been reduced considerably. A continuous pro- duction line from the raw materials warehouse to the finished products warehouse has been organized. Output per worker has increased almost 11 times. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390174-6