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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 IULtI WL9I IUtL A T I ON CONKDENTTAL CLASSIrIC 50X1-HUM CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPOR INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT E cn; c Trade F~JBLISHED D~.1y nea'spspers WHERE' PUBLISHED Song ?t'ongY Teihoku Shanghai; Taiyuan DATE PUBLISHED 17 Dec 19>o - 6 Mar 1951 LANGUAGE e THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFCCTiNO THC NATIONAL 0InWSI OF TMC HAITI! STATES WITHIN TMC MIAMI NU of IT PIONAME ACT SO U. S. C.. SI AN' MAN AY:TDED ITS TRAN:NISSICN OR THE RIVILITIOH OF ITS CONTORTS IN ANY YAM NIN TO AN UNAUTHUSEO PINION IS PRO? HISITCO NY LAW REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM ISIIPN0NIIITEO. DATE OF INFORMATION DATE DIST. /y Apr 1951 NO. OF PAGES 5 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION USSR ORDERS MUCH NORTH CHINA COTTON AND WOOL, (ETNA BELIEVELIT_4B1 'I'u ivri~iHEr L~ TRADE BOYCOTT AIhe Soviet Union is reported to have placed orders in North Ihina for the purchase of one million cattier of wool, 100,000 p.culs of bristles (1 pi.cul equals 13M3 pounds) and 5 million picu'ia of raw cotton? The wool is to be shipped to the USSR via r.he Man, railways., Chime ..xpor't goods inspection has heightened confidence abroad in the quality of such exports. Great activity has been man:.feet d recently in Inner Mongolia - North China trade. All cotton cloth and yarn dealing in Tientsin has been ordered cen*_raliztd in the cotton cloth exchange. people of Shansi have shown only a mild interest in sup- piementary vfnter agricultural activities. The farmers' coopera- tives are charged with lack of energetic promotion of these ac- tivities.. Of the goods purchased by the China Domestic Products Company in the Northeast during 1950, 41.9 percent were ex- ported abroad and another 18.6 percer. sent to China Proper. The South China Foreign Trade Control Bureau has provisionally granted permission fur foreign trade by barter. During 1950, South China export trade has been freed from the exactions of the Hong Kong bankers, i Liquid fuels topped the list of China mainland imports during the early months of 1951. Singapore reports indicate that Com- amn,~at Chins, bi tight 31?.081 tons of Malayan rubber In 1950. The Central and South China Hid,- and Fur Company is actively tluying all, aorta of animal products in the area. The Canton Gen- eral Merchandiai Company has secured lArge quantities of Northeast . ; - OO~FWENT1A1 STATE Ai MY Newspapers as indicsted~ CLASSIFICATION CONFIDE1 TIAL NAVY NSRr AIR FBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 and East China preduc-4:s tc meet local demand. Tung oil shipments from the mainland to Hong Kong rose sharply from 10 to 17 December. Hong Kong trade was very slack in late February. Recent peace rumor, have added to the slackness. The Shanghai Ta Kung Pao of 31 December 1950 indicates that China has ways to ameliorate the effects of the US trade boycott of China_7 USSR PLACES BIG ORDERS FOR WOOL, COTTON IN CHINA -- Taihoku, Hain-sheng Pao, 6 Mar 51 Behind CCF lines (Chung-lien she) china Union Press] -- A report to this paper from behind enemy cCF_7 lines indicates that the Soviet Union has placed orders with the China Ride and Fur Company and the China Cotton Cloth Company for the purchase in Tientsin and Peiping of one million cattier of wool, 100,000 piculs of bristles, and 5 million piculs of ra:: cotton, the latter to come from the area nc:th of the Yellow River. The wool is to be shipped by rail to Manchuria for transshipment to the Soviet Union. TIFENISIN EXPORT INSPECTION CONFERENCE CONVENES -- Hong Kong, Hsing-tao Jih- pao, 3 Mar 51 The recent conference of export goods inspectors held in 'TiQntsi.n:16 - 20 February was told that confidence in the quality of Chinese exports in foreign markets had been considerably -enhanced during the last year as a result of the export inspection service maintained at the port of Tientsin. Out of 13,917 batches of goods inspected for shipment only 723 batches (5,17 percent) failed to meet the standards. An additional 1,838 batches were tested as a service to dealers and as a check in aiding them to improve their wares. The following types and quantities of goods were inspected and passed for export in 19500 Type u&ntity Agricultural products 2,266,542 qut Animals, animal products 229,953 quintals Pelts 8,472,163 Eggs 74,592,000 Casings 77,249 strings Chemicals, vegetable oils, seed cake, pharmaceuticals, minerals, and salt 1,399,375 quintals The above figures are about April through December 1949 that 2.7 times more than for the 9 months from the inspection service was functioning. INNER MONGOLIA-NORTH CHINA TRADE FLOURISHING -W Taiyuan, Shansi Jih-pao, 17 Dec 50 Peiping, 14 December (Hain-hua) -- Following the late November conference of North China and Inner Mongolia government industrial departn[e,tt and bureau heads, great activity has been manifested by the government trading companies, cooperatives, and private traders in meeting the supply-and-demand problems of the urban and rural populations in theme areas. Thousands of contracts have been signed for the purchase of crops and sale of large supplies of agricul- tural implements and consumers' goods. CONFIDENTIAL IBEN 1IAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 1 ' I Throughout the area, vast numbers of men are feverishly repairing roads, and readying thousands of carts, wheelbarrows, and men and animals for motive power, including several thousand camels in Suiyuan and Chahar provinces. They are being mobilized to transport the best crops in 13 years and the consumerd goods required by the farmers who now have a greatly increased purchasing power. CONFIDENTIAL f if ENTLAL ORDERS CENTRALIZED COTTON CLOTH TRADE -r Shanghai, Hein-wen Jih-pao, 19 Dec 50 The Bureau of Industry and Commerce of Tientsin City, pursuant to an order of the Tientsin government of 9 November concerning control of cotton cloth trade, has ordered its subsidiary organizations to see that all cotton cloth and cotton yarn deals are made only at the cotton cloth exchange. All traders must register with the exchange. The purpose of the order is said to be to keep the cotton cloth supply and prices on an even keel. CALLS TRADE ACTIVITIES IN SHANSI SLOW -- Taiyuan, Shansi Jih-pao, 19 Dec 50 The third report of the Department of Industry of the Shansi provincial government indicates that to date consumer cooperatives have done only one third of the estimated quota of business with the farmers during the period under consideration. The report attributes this lag to a general lack of interest of the people in supplementary agricultural activities, lack of organization by cooperatives, and failure to spread the idea to more than a few communities. DOW STIC PRODUCTS COMPANY INCREASES BUSINESS IN NORTWAST -- Hong Kong, Hsing- tao Jih.pao, 4 Mar 51 Mukden (Correspondence) During 1950 the China Domestic Products Com- pany handled 17 percent of the supplementary industries production of the Northeast, a gain of 140 percent over the 1949 figure. The goods purchased in 1950 were distributed as follows: Percent Exports 41.9 To state-operated industries 29.5 To China proper 18.6 Genera]. distribution in Northeast 10.0 INSTITUTES EXPORT-IMPORT BARTER IN SOUTH CHINA -- Shanghai, Ta Kung Pao, 24 Dec 50 Canton, 23 December (Special wire) -- The Foreign Trade Control Bureau for South China has provisionally granted permission to South China export- import companies to carry on barter trade. Each firm engaged in such trade will have to furnish a three-shop joint guarantee. Import permits may be requested for all goods recognized by the Trade Bureau as essential to domestic needs. Barter goods imported or exported for the link system fall into two classes, namely: special link goods and essential raw material imports for the cewufacture of industrial export goods. :'.:!..9 f 7IIL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 r 1 sours CHINA FOREIGN rtmenE RISES IN 1950 -- Shanghai, Hsin-wen Jih-pao, 19 Dec 50 Canton, 18 December (special wire) The efforts of the government on behalf of South China export trade during 1950 have borne fruit, particularly in changing it from a passive to an active enterprise. It has been delivered prices stabilized and controlled. exporters have from exictions n and fexHong po Kong be Percentage gains in the number of foreign exchange certificates issued .- latter part of the y ar over January 80; 1950 are as follows: during the and November, 483.E 4a? percent.- August 495- September, LARGE QUANTITIES OF LIQUID FUELS ENTER MAINLAND -- Hong Kong, Hsing-tao Jih- pao, 3 Mar 51 A-..1L (R.J Sou h Ch a At present the heaviest item of import to the mainland in the area L3 they liquid fuels. Since Hong Kong now has an secured from Macao and transported direct tobCant on these items COMMUNIST CHINA BUYS MUCH MALAYAN RUBBER -- Hong Kong, Kung-shang Jib-Pao, 10 Feb 51 AP reports from Singapore indicate that during 1950 Communist China bought 31,081 tons of Malayan rubber as compared with 6,990 tons in 1949. Recently CCP agents have placed orders with Singapore merchants for over 30 million straits dollars' worth of rubber. HIDE AND FUR COMPANY LUYS BIG STOCKS .r Hong Kong, Hsing-tao Jih-pao, 4 Mar 51 Hankow, 10 February -W The Central and South China Hide and Fur Company has entered the market to buy all sorts of hides and pelts, casings and feathers. The bulk of goatskins come from Ronan and Hupeh. The annual pro- duction, which is marketed through Hankow, runs from 3 million to 4 million skins. Cowhides and pelts are produced chiefly in Ronan, Hunan, Hupeh and taKwanatung. n shih tans areas H runs h to Shantung, g shih and from uthese qantities in s annual output lesser total equals 110 poundal. NORTHERN GOODS FLOOD CANTON - Hong Kong, Hsing..tto Jih-pao, 2 Mar 51 Canton, 1 March ?,_? The Canton General Merchandise Company has secured large shipments of industrial raw materials, communications machine supplies, and consumer goods to meet the local demand. From the Northeast comes sulfur black dyes, from Tientsin glass and steel, bottleE, woolen cloth, bedspreads, socks, etc. From Shanghai some first class bicycles. TUNG OIL SHIPMENTS TO HONG KONG INCREASE Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 17 Dec 50 Tung oil shipments from Shanghai, Canton, and Macao to Hong Kong during the week of 10-17 December amounted to 420 tons bulk and 8,875 drums. Other items received included- 2,506 bags of peanuts from Tientsin and Tsingtao, 305 drums of peanut oil from Tientsin, Tsingtao, and Yen-t'ai, and 81 bundles of casings from Tientsin and Shanghai. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2 s'~-ii E 1TJA1 CONFIDENTIAL PEA/CE RUMORS CAUSE TRADE CRISIS Ire' HONG KONG d-? Hong Kong, Hsing-tao Jih-pao, 3 Mar 51 Spokesmen for big business in Hong Kong are quoted as saying that the current peace rumors have resulted in a new slackness in trade, which, on top of the embargo difficulties already experienced, is brewing a real crisis for business in this city. DISCLSSES CHINA'S FOREIGN TRADE PROSPECT FOR 1951 -- Shanghai, Ta Kung Pao, 31 Dec 50 Although Chins is faced by an American trade boycott during 1951, the results may not be too catastrophic, for the following reasons: 1. Roundabout trade can still be carried on in American goods through other countries in her orbit. 2. China will be self-sufficient in cotton in 1951. 3. China has reciprocal trade relations with the four important industrial countries.-, the USSR, Poland, Czechoslavakia, and Germany. China's trade agree- ment with them call for her to receive heavy industrial and agricultural equip- ment, semiproceesed raw materials, chemicals, locomotives, and trucks. China will supply them with vegetable oil, raw materials, leather, tungsten, lead, mercury, mica, asbestos, hemp, silk, bristles, turpentine, foodsstuffs, tea, eggs, and other animal products. The exchange of these go- A. - process. With countries where China lacks foreign exchange she is making bar- ter agreements. PROHIBITS EXPORT OF WASTE COTTON AND YARN -- Shanghai, Hein-wen Jib-pao, 19 Dec 50 The Shanghai. Foreign Trade Control Bureau has prohibited the export of waste cotton and waste cotton yarn as of 3 December. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390042-2