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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320020-3 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUF.IENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD t:0. SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED Economic -Agriculture, Water conservation Wi-IFRF PUBLISHED Peip:.ng; Hong Kong; New York DATE PUBLISHED 20 spr - 23 MAy 1950 LANGUAGE Chinese or txu u~ino nAnr nma Tx^ ^ae^~r. a. ..~~?-?? -?? ?? ~. ~.. e.. +~ Leo ~~. N ~~a~em m rw~riaaos ow ma mtvno~ iiunu ii ui ~iir woumoi or niu roi~ ii jiaoi si in~o. ~r r~ DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. ~ Jun 1050 No. of t'AutS :~ SUPPLErv1ENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION WATE};R CONSERVATION, TREE-PLANTL4G PROGRAMS PROGRESS; SPRING: PLANTIlYG ?WELL UNDER WAY HYDROGEtAPHIC CONFER~'NCE MEETS IlQ NANICING -- Peiping Kuang-ming Jih-pao, 20 Apr 50' Shanghai, 19 April (Hein-hua) -- From 5 to 13 April 1950, the Water Con- servation Department by the East China Military and Political Council held, in flanking, a conference on the Taster conservation problems of East China. Li Pao-hua (1) umbers refer to appended character) and Chang Han-ying' (2) both vice-ministers of the Ministry oY Water Conservation were present and participated. It was 'decided to establish in the East China regional area 167 hydrographic stations; and later, to establish six tosting sta~ions at Nanking, Hai-ping, Chin-ahan-tsui and three other points, Yor the benefit of water conservation engineering. KL9NGSI COMPLETES UII~ REPAIR WORK -- IIong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 8 May j0 Nar.-ch'ang -- It is reported that the repair work on dikes damaged by the disastrous flood of last year in the P'o-yang Hu region of Kiangsu Province hae been completed. The projects were first undertaken in November 191F9 by the various hsiena with the cooperation of the Kiangei Provincial People's govern- ment. Problems faced by the hsiens were numerous. For example, to protect some 826,800 mou of farmland along the eastern coast of P'o-yang Hu inhabited by same 360,000 people, more than 31}7,600 of the 930,980 meters of dikes had to be repaired on the dike level raised. In Chiu-Chiang Special District, where the dike. line extends soma 380 kilometers, more than 1,918,300 cubic meters had to be repaired to protect some 318,500 mou oY farmland. The Kiangsi Provincial Water Conservation Bureau reported that the dis- astrous flood of last year, which affected 17 haiens, including Nan-ch'snq, ....._ Hein-Chien, Feng-ch'eag, Lin-ch'usu, Ohin-hsiea, iu=xan, P'v-yaig, ~~-:~cn, Yung-hsiv, Haing-tzu, Te-an, Chiu-Chiang, Jui-ch'eng, P'ong-tse, Ch'ing-Chiang, Kao-an, and Hsin-kan hsiena, caused damages try more than 1,512,000 mou of Yarm- "land of which 65.,220 sou were completely inundated, killed 72 persons and CLASSIFICATION - 1 - CQ8FII,ENTIAL ~o~Feo~~~~a~ '~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320020-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320020-3 1itUi~t ~..--- . 2,725 dom.~stic eels, end destroyed 3,532 homes. Lasses to agricult?aral crops were estimated to be 5,933,100 market piculs of grain, 1+00 piculs of cotton, hemp, etc., an@ 44,400 piculs of wheat and barley. The number of persons who were affected by this flood totaled 671,414. COMPLETES 50 PERCENT OF TUNG CHIANG WORK -- Hang Kong Wen-hui Pao, 14 May 50 Canton, 12 lday -- It is reported that to date, 195,850 fang ~ne fang equals 100 cubic fee of the proposed 420,80C-fang dike repair ti~ork to be undertaken along the Tung Chiang have been oompleted. To expedite the com- gletion of this project, plans are now being made to increase propaganda activities to solicit more workers, and to set up a system of divisional responsibility among the various groups. TROOPS COMPLLTE WATII2-CONSERVATI0:1 PROJECTS -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 11 May 50 Utumchi, 10 May (Hein-hua) -- Since the beginning of a large-scale water- conservation program in Sinkiang, 1,210,000 mou ~ne mou equals to 1/6 acr~ of land has been made irrigable. In southern Sinkiang, military personnel completed the building of the Pa-ch'u Reservoir, and repaired 220 li ~ne li equals 1/3 mil of an old canal to irrigate 100,000 mou of land. The Ling-hsing canal was also re- paired to irrigate an additional 20,000 mou. The canals which water 200,000 mou of land in the Ha-mi area and 100,000 mou in the Urumchi area were also repaired by military personnel in April. In the Sha-wan area, the 30-kilometer long Hsin-sheng canal, the 20-kilometer long Ta-p'ing canal, and xeirs and water gates on the Lan Ho were repaired by military troops stationed in northern Sinkiang. It took 80,000 man-days, from the end of March to the end of April, to complete the work. With these two canals completed, 130,000 mou of land in the Sha-wan area have been made irrigable. In the Xuld3a area, the troops from Hui-yuan repaired 17 irrigation canals to irrigato 50,000.mau of land in that eree. They also repaired- a canal to the south of Kuld~a which had not been in use .for the past 70 years thus making possible the irrigation of 320,000 mou. Repairs of the latter canal, which. required the coordinated efforts of army. personnel, members of various organ~,zat'ions i.n Kuld,ja, school children, and nearby civilians, .were completed on 18 April 1950. NINGSTA'REPATRS IRRIGATION STRUCTURES -- New York Hua-chiao Jih-pao, 23 May 50 Sian, 10 Mtsy (Hsin-hua) -- In about 2 weeks' time repairs were made on ir- rigation structtu^es in Ningsia Province that will permit the irrigation of 250,000 mou of land. During the previous regime, locks and sluices had fallen into disrepair and control of water had been lost. These were repaired and dikes were rebuilt under the supervision of the Water-Conservation Bureau of the Ningxia People's government. ~~'~~~~~E~TIAt 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320020-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320020-3 r TSIfdGHAI AGRICULTURAI. Dr.LGGAas.S DECIDE Pr~i:RA21 -- Hcag Kang Wen-hui Pao; 12 May 50 Sian, 11 May (Hain-hua} -- TWO hundred sixty four delegates, both men and. women, attending the first multiracial Agricultwcal De7.egates Conference in Tsinghai Province, voted to carry out the tlv:ee cardinal agricultural tasks of the CCP rural economy, namely: increase production by mutual help, eliminate bandits, and reduce rent and begin land reform. Twen~ three mem- __, ....i a+i nn Tha? rnnfrrence was bers were elected to a provincial spy.?i~+iituua+. nss~-~--?------ --- --- addressed by Gen P'eag Te-huai, chairman of the Northwest Military and Politi- cal Commission, and by the vice-chairmen of the Tsinghai provincial government. PLANT MORE THAN 20 MILLION TREES -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 12 rlaf 50 Hankow, 11 May (Hein-hua) --.To carry out the spring season's tree-planting goal in the Central-South China, more than 20 million trees were set out on 80,000 mou of land. In prepare?ion for still greater efforts next year, government farms and nurseries are preparing 81 million seedlings. In Honan Province, 'over 3 million trees were planted along the Yellow River to help hold the dikes and prevent wind-driven sand drifts from encroach- ing on the fields along the river. Over 2 million trees were set nut along the Tung Ho and Hsi Ho in Kwangtung Province to aid in flood prevention. kows of trees were set out along the important highways throughout the area. In Kwangsi the afforestation ~f several mountains was begun. NORTHEAST SPRIIQG PLANTIDG IN PROGRESS -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 10 May 50 Mukden, 9 May (Hein-hua) -- Having campleted wheat planting, farm villages in the Northeast are now busily engaged in the planting of soybeans, kaoliang, and maize. The area had adequate rainfall for spring pleating, and the planting in general is progressing satisfactorily in all regions. A total of 157,560,000 mou of the above three crops are to be planted this year, an increase of 4,640,000 mou over 1949? Planting has been in progress since April in the areas along the Nun Chiang and Sung-hua Chiang while in Sungkiang Province, planting is 2O percent com- plete in the lowlands. In the hills in the southern province, maize planting is 100 percent complete. In the Ch'sng-psi-shan area, the southeastern corner of Kirin Province, Liaoning peninsula, and Jehol Province, where the climate is warmer, spring planting has been completely finished. NORTHEAST WHEAT CULTIVATION -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 14 blay 50 Mukden, 12 May (Hein-hua) -- According to incomplete satistics, it is estimated that more than 6.6 million mou of land in the Northeast were placed under wheat cultivation. This acreage exceeds last year?s planting by more than 300,000 mou. The two wheat production ,centers, Hei~ungkiang and Stmgkiang, now have half _~f their areas under wheat cultivation. It is estima~d0 ~twhileaxea. under wheat planting in Heilungkiang totals more than 293, Sungkiarig has about 80,000 mou. -3- CONFIDENTIAL C ~~~ i9~~11~t 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320020-3 ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320020-3 .... GO~~tOEN 11Al. . co~na~ru~ 50X1-HUM FUI~N EI4JOYING BiR+II~ER CROP -- Honk Xong k'en-hui Pao, 14 May 50 Foochow, 12 May (Hain-hua) -- Fukien is reaping its greatest whee,t har- vest in 20 years. In the western part of the province, the average wheat yield per mou oP cultivated land is said to be between 130-150 piculs, t~r~ile in the eastern part, it is between 2OU-250 piculs. As compared to last year, the yield is 20 to 30 percent greater. CHAF{A.CTERS (11~~.~ (2) ~ ~ ~. ~Q~FiDE~TlAl, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320020-3