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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL S CENTRAL INCTEELLIGENCEAGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Geographic - Weather HOW Economic - Agriculture PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Moscov DATE PUBLISHED 26 Sep - 9 Oct 1952 LANGUAGE Russian ... ,....._... ..... ?. ,.. Sotsialisticheskoye Zemledeliya. DATE DIST. c- Nov 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION USSR WEATHER AND CROP INFORMATION 24 SEPPEN9ER - 8 OCTOBER 1952 26 September 1952 On 25 September, it became warmer in the western European USSR; the warm weather was spreading eastward. During the day, temperatures in Leningrad, Minsk, Kiev, and Kishinev rose 2-3 degrees fall degrees given in centigrade above those prevailing the day before. At 1300, temperatures ranged around 20 degrees in Moldavia, the Crimea, the southern Ukraine, and in the Kuban'. Locally, in the Transcaucasus, they rose above 25 degrees. The thermometer registered 9 degrees in Leningrad, Minsk, Moscow, and Kazan'; 10 in Kursk' 12 in Saratov; and 16 in Dnepropetrovsk. Rains fell during the morning in Belorussia, many areas of the chernozem zone, the Urals, and along the entire Caspian shore in the Northern Caucasus. On 24 September, heavy rains fell in the Kuban', Stavropol'skiy Kray, Rostov- skaya Oblast, and throughout the western Volga region. Conditions are favorable for the growth of grass on winter pastures in the Caspian regions of ie Northern Caucasus. It became considerably cooler in Irkutskaya Oblast. On 24 September, rains ! in andfellKemerovskayain the oDryrweatheBprevail dain theTrestaof,Easternband West- ern Siberia. It was warm and dry in Central Asia. During the day, temperatures ranged between 25 and 30 degrees; at night, they fell to 5-8 degrees. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 27 Septeml er 1952 On 26 September, the weather continued to become warmer in the western and southern European USSR. At 1200, temperatures rose to 11 degrees in Lenin_ grad, 14 in Riga, 19 in Kiev, and 23 in Kishinev. Throughout the Ukraine and the Crimea, temperatures ranged around 20 degrees. Cooler weather continued in the Urals and Volga region. Daytime temperatures were only 15 degrees in Stalingrad, 10 in Saratov, 8 in Chkalov, and 6 in Ufa and Kirov. Rain fell in the Urals; during the morning, rain fell in many the central zone. On 25 September, rains fell throughout the t areas of in the Transcaucasus, and almost everywhere in the Volga region. Considerables, precipitation was recorded in Stalingradskaya Oblast and Stavropol'skiy Kray. Soil moisture increased considerably during the last days in the Caucasus, the Volga region, and the southern Urals. In most of the European US:;R, winter crops are developing normally. Sugar beets continue slight growth ih the Ukraine and chernozem regions and cotton in the Northern Caucasus. A brief warm spell occurred in Western Sibeiia. Temperatures rose to 15 degrees in Barnaul and 18 in Omsk. It was cooler in Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, and Chita; 8-10 degrees were recorded there during the day. It was very warm in Central Asia and southern Kazakhstan. Temperatures were 23 degrees in Ashkhabad, 26 in Stalinabad, and about 30 in Kzyl-Orda and Tashkent. On 25 September, temperatures of 35 degrees were recorded in many areas. 28 September 1952 On 27 September, very warm, clear, dry weather continued in most of the European USSR. At 0700, the temperatures had already risen to 10-12 degrees almost everywhere except in the extreme north and the Urals. Frost was re- corded only in the Urals. Rains fell locally in the north and in a narrow belt in western Belorussia and the Ukraine. therm in Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa, 23 registered in t Kishinev degrees ndo25 22 and e Rostov Moscow and the Don, and Krasnodar. Daytime temperatures were'7 degrees in Chkalov 6 in Sverdlovskin and Kirov, and only 5 in Arkhangelsk. Wr-ther conditions everywhere were favorable for harvesting and other field work. Due to rains fell earlier, soil moisture was adequate every- where, including the Volga region. Sprouted winter crops are growing inten- sively. Crops sown early have already reached the bushing stage. The daytime temperature in Novosibirsk and Barnaul was 18 degrees. It was cold only in northern Tyumenskaya Oblast. The noon temperature in Tobol'sk was 5 degrees. During the night, light frosts were observed locally in Altay- skiy Kray and Kemerovskaya and eastern Novosibirskaya,oblasts. On 26 Septemer, light rain fell in Omskaya Oblast. It became cooler in southern Kazakhstan. In Kzyl-Orda and Dzhambul, day- time temperatures were only 16-18 degrees as compared with 28 degrees on 26 Sep- tember. It was comparatively warm and dry in Central Asia. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 30 September 1952 and heavy 28 September, considerably colder weather accompanied by strong winds and September, was observed in the western Ukraine and in Belorus 29nSrpl mber, the bad weather moved from the western sia. On European USSR In 24 hours, temperatures in the central zone dropped nto the grees. Noon temperatures wer k 6 degrees in Arkhangelsk and Syyv ; 7 in 10 de- Lenirigr ad; 9 in Volo Kiev and L'vov? , and Orel; 11 in Kursk Moscow 7 in and 13 in Odessa. , , and Riga; 12 in Warm and dry weather with daytime temperatures and the ranging Urals. 17 to 20 de- grees prevailed in the southeastern European USSR an. The weather was also very warm , 1 dry in the Crimea and the Caucasus. On 28 September, heavy rains, accompanied locally by thunderstorms, in the western and northern Ukraine, Belorussia, and the northwestern European USSR- Considerable fell Prec western portion of the cipitation in the form of downpours was recorded the zone. central zone, on 29 September, rain fell throughout the in Belorussia, and in the Baltic countries. u8hout Cloudy, cool weather prevailed in Western Siberia; light rains fell lo- cally. It was dry in Eastern Siberia. During the day, tomperatures rose to 18-20 degrees; at night, they dropped to 3-4 de green below zero. It was still warm and dry in Central Asia. Daytime temperatures were 23 degrees in Ashkhabad and Tashkent and 25 in Stalingbad. 1 Oct bee ig5p On 30 September, dry, warm weather continued in the southern EuroPean Cool, overcast USSR. nd the Urals, dry weather prevailed in Belorussia, the middle Volga region, a to It became considerably cooler, and rain beg f in and the tion. rn and northwestern European USSR. Wet snow fell in h northeasternpor- Noon temperatures were zero in Ust'-Tsil'ma; 4 degrees in Syktyykar Ark- hangel'sk, and Le:,ingrad; 6 in Minsk; 7 in Moscow; 8 in Gor'kiy; 9 in Kirov; 10 in Ufa and Kazan-; I2 in Kuybyshev and Orel; 13 in Sverdlovsk; 14 in rov; v sad 15 iU Saratov and Kiev. Daytime temperatures were 17 de 19 in Voroshilovgrad, 20 in Dnepropetrovsk and Rostov on the Don ' 23 in Krasnodar green in Stalingrad, Tbilisi. ' 24 Simferopol' and Hiahinev, 29 is Yerevan ' 22 is Glessa, and 3p in On 29 September, heavy rains fell in most of the European USSR. The great- est raeou nt of ip ec tp itati o n, i up to Mtos25-45 m il bismeters during a 24-hour period, wsyr, and de hays, Velikolukska ovg rod Upper Va_ regioons. nnadakaye obleats. Light thundershowers fell in he Middle and Slight cloudy, dry weather with great temperature variations i the southern portion of Western Siberia, in Kazakhstan, Asia. At night, ground frost w prevai-ed in as noted in man and is deneral n Si- beria; but during the day, to y oreas o1 Kazakhstan sad Western 7i- Omsk and Barnaul, and 19 in Noovosibirsk rose to 16 degrees in Tobol'sk, 17 in Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 During 1 October, it became colder in the northwestern European USSR; the colder weather ?.r_aad to the central regions. Daytime temperatures were only 4 degrees in ioauov (as compared with 9 degrees on 30 September), 8 in Orel, 12 in karand and Vologda; Kiev. Noon temperatures were 2 degrees in Arkhangel'ak; 4 in Syktyv- 5 in Leningrad; 8 in Orel, Ufa, Sverdlovsk. and Kirov; 9 in Oor'kiy and Minsk; and 12 in Riga and Kursk. Warm, dry weather continued in the southern and southeastern European USSR. Daytime temperatures were 18 degrees in Stalingrad; 19 in Voroshilovgra1; 20 in Rostov on the Don, Dnepropetrovsk, and L'vov; 22 in Krasnodar; 24 in Odessa; 26 in Kishinev; 28 in Yerevan; and 31 in Tbilisi. On 30 September, heavy precipitation in the form of wet snow fell in the northern and northwestern regions, the Baltic republics, and locally in the central regions. Rains fell in the middle Volga region and the southern Urals. cooler degrees incToobbol sk, also in Omsk, and Siberia. Daytime temperatures ra10 was t old, were was falling in Krasnoyarskiy Kray. in Warm, dry weather prevailed in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The weather continued to be warm and dry in Central Asia. 3 October On 2 October, cold weather continued in most of the European USSR. It became considerably colder also in the Urals. It continued to be very warm and dry in the Crimea, the lower Volga re- gion, the Ukraine, and the Caucasus. Noon temperatures were 30 degrees in Simferopol', 28 in Krasnodar, 27 in Yerevan, 26 in Kishinev, 24 in Odessa and Rostov on the Don, 20 in L'vov, 19 in Dnepropetrovsk, 18 in Voroshilovgrad, and 16 in Kiev. In Belorussia, the central regions, the middle Volga region, and the southern Urals, daytime temperatures ranged between 6 and 9 degrees; in the extreme northern portions of these regions, they varied between 2 and 4 degrees. On 1 October, light rains fell in most of the European USSR, and light sno+falls were recorded in the northern portion. During the first 12 hours of 2 October, rains fell in some areas of the Urals. The weather continued to become cooler in Western Siberia. Rain was fall- ing there. During the day, the thermometer registered only 6 degrees in Tobol'sk. It was warm in Altayskiy Kray, with the noon temperature rising to 20 degrees in Barnaul. Temperatures of 17 degrees were recorded in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk. Winter crops are continuing to grow in most areas of Siberia. Warm, dry weather continued in Central Asia. This is favorable for suc- cessful progress of field work. 4 October 1952 On 3 October, it became considerably colder in the northeastern European USSR and the Urals. Temperatures were below zero even during the day. On the other hand, it became considerably warmer in the central chernozem zone. Very warm, dry 'weather continued in the Ukraine, Crimea, and the Caucasus. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 Noon temperatures were 31 degrees in Simferopol', 29 in Dnepropetrovsk, 27 in Voroshilovgrad and Krasnodar, 25 in Yerevan and Rostov on the Don, 24 in Kishinev, 23 in Odessa, 21 in Kursk, 20 in Kiev, 18 in Orel, and 17 in Voronezh. Daytime temperatures were 15 degrees in Stalingrad, 14 in Tambov, 12 in Riga, and 11 in Minsk. Temperatures ranged between 5 and 7 degrees above zero in the middle Volga region and central regions, but between 2 and 4 degrees below zero in the Urals and the northeastern regions. On 2 October, heavy rains fell in Belorussia and the Baltic republics. Light precipitation fell in the middle Volga region and the Urals. The weather continued to become colder in Western Siberia. Even during the day, temperatures were 2 degrees below zero in Tobol'sk and zero in Omsk. Warm, dry weather, with daytime temperatures of about 20-25 degrees, con- tinued to prevail in Ce-'"al Asia. 5 October 1952 On 4 October, cold, mostly overcast weather continued in the northern and eastern European USSR. Snow fell in the Urals. Temperatures dropped consider- ably in Moldavia and the western Ukraine, and rain was falling there. Very warm, dry weather continued in the Crimea, the Caucasus, the lower Volga region, the central chernozem zone, and the eastern Ukraine. Noon temperatures were 30 degrees in Krasnodar, 27 in Tbilisi, 26 in Sim- feropol', 25 in Dnepropetrovsk, 23 in Rostov on the Don and Voronezh, 20 in Saratov, 18 in Tambov and Odessa, 17 in Stalingrad, and 16 in Kursk. Daytime temperatures were 14 degrees in Kishinev, 30 in Lvov, 8 in Riga, 7 in Minsk, 6 in Moscow and Kazan', and 4 in Leningrad. Daytime temperaturer were -2 de- grees in Ufa and Syktyvkar, -3 in Arkhangel'sk, and -4 in Sverdlovsk. On 3 October, heavy rains providing more than 20 millimeters of precipitti- tion fell in the Baltic republics, the eastern regions, Belorussia, and the central regions. Quite heavy rains w?re also observed in western Belorussia and the northen Ukraine. The weather became still colder in Western Siberia. Noon temperatures were -2 degrees in Omsk, -1 degree in Tobol'sk, zero in Barnaul, 1 degree above zero in Novosibirsk, and 8 degrees above zero in Krasnoyarsk. weather, with daytime temperatures of about 15-20 degrees, continuedvin Eastern Siberia. It became cooler in Central Asia. Rain fell in Uzbekistan. Noon tempera- ,tures were 16 degrees in Tashkent, 19 in Ashkhabad, and 20 in Stalinabad. /There were no weather reports in the issues for 6, 7, and 8 October 19522 9 October 1952 On 8 October, it was cold in the north and the Urals. Temperatures con- tinued to fall in the western regions and middle Volga region. Moderately warm, dry weather prevailed in most of the central and southern regions. Noon temperatures were zero in Arkhangelsk and Sverdlovsk; 2 degrees in Ufa; 4 in Kuybyshev; 6 in Kirov; 7 in Kazan'; 8 in Saratov, Minsk, and Riga; 9 in Moscow and Gor'kiy; 11 in Tambov and Lvov; 11 in Kursk and Orel; 12 in Odessa; 13 in Kiev and Voronezh; 14 in Stalingrad; 15 in Dnepropetrovsk and Voroshilovgrad; 17 in Rostov on the Don; 18 in Krasnodar; 19 in Simferopol'; 24 in Tbilisi; and 25 in Yerevan. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9 On 7 October, heavy rains providing more than 10 millimeters of precipita- tion in a 24-hour period locally fell in the Black Sea shore region of the Cau- casus, in the Crimea, Bostovskaya Oblast, locally in the western Ukraine, in Belorussia, and the Baltic republics. Snow fell in the north and the Urals. During the first 12 hours of 8 October, rains were observed in the western and central regions and the middle Volga regions. Snow fell in Komi ASSR. Growth of winter crops is still continuing in the southern half of the European USSR, although in the central a..d western regions, growth is taking place only during the day. Cold,' dry, slightly cloudy weather prevailed in most of Western Siberia and Kazakhstan. It was warm and dry in the Par East. Dry, hot weather continued to prevail in Central Asia. Temperatures rose as high as 27-32 degrees. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090425-9