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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210442-8 CLAS.,iFICATION RESTRICTED INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY Yugoslavia SUBJECT Economic- Heavy industry HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Yugoslavia DATE PUBLISHED November - December 1948 1MisomeaDan CORaiae ie-olu"SM &Fmn * TMI Da"CM"G oRnasI or 1110 MM YTATID ""MN Ill 11115114 or U"oisel An se I. 4. C.. 41 ua ea. U *MMM5e. 114 7M4a41US1o5 oa ilia Ma14lA"04. OF in Co4H51eilY4 larvae A AD oUAM"leotea4 110404 is rya SOURCE 7WpWAV.;qX%papers as indicated. (Information requested.) NEW PRODUCTS OF HEAVY INDOSTRY -- Borba, iio 289, 29 Nov 48 The first water turbines of Yugoslav construction, which were sade:in the "Litostroj" Plant (Slovenia), will be put into service within a few "ye. The blades can withstand a pressure of 42-43 kilo rams per square millimeter and have a minimal (24 percent) expansicm. Other.produots of Litoetroj which were never before produced in Yugo- slavia include pumps for draining and irrigating land, machinery for indus- trial,orones, and horizontal frame save which are six times faster than those made in capitalist countries and are, not inferior to the foreign product in quality. ELRi'JZiICAL INDUSTRY IN YUGOSLAVIA -- Politika, No 13095, 1 Dec 48 The "Bade Koncar" Electriceil Machinery Factory is now producing large generators, due of which is already in operation at Maribor Otok, and a second like it, is under construction. The factory has made large A-120 motors, now being used in heavy industry, hydrotechnology, etc. One of its transformers, with 35,000-volt capacity, was shown at the Zedreb fair. The "Iskra" Factory produces many items. Including various kinds of transformers, and movie projectors, for which eight electronic tubes, the optical glass, and the mechanism itself are mkde in Yugoslavia. It has produced hundreds of electric drills for Yug:relav mines. Other plants of the elercrical inruetry, such as the "Olka," "Novkabel," and the Toole j51ece name not identified] electric light bulb factory produce such items as cables with lead jackets, and telephone cables with lead, paper, and silk insulation. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210442-8 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210442-8 RESTRICTED PROWCTS OF HEAVY INDUSTRY -- Politika, No 13095, 1 Dec 48 The Zenica ironworks has produced the first Siemens-Martin furnace that has been made from Yugoslav materials in Yugoslav workshops. This furnace is already in use, and two others are under construction. The production of rollers of various dimensions for rolling mills is another victory of ferrous metallurgy. Many kinds of steel are now produced in Yugoslavia, including high- speed and tool steels, and steel for surgical instruments. Various kinds of generators are built, and complete gas generators for heating industrial furnaces have hsen modified to burn Yugoslav coals. New types of cranes are also being made in Yugoslavia. HEAVY INDUSTRIES MEET PLAN -- Borba, No 291, 2 Dec 48 Among the heavy industries that have dust fulfilled their 1948 production plans arei the atone quarry In Vila (Bosnia, near Doboj), which by now has produced 25 percent more than was called for under the plan; the "Store" Ironworks (Slovenia); the "Proleter" Factory for agricultural machinery and tools in Leskovac (Serbia); "Rikardo Bencic"; and the "Zelezara" Ironworks in Smederevo, (also in Serbia). COMPARATIVE MMTAL PROWCTION -- Politika, No 13094, 29 Nov 48 Yugoslavia produces 11 of the 16 metals which appear on the world production chart, and ranks tenth among 19 European countries produoiM iron ore, 15th ar'ong the European producers of iron, and 14th among 15 European producers of steel. Yugoslavia ranks first In Europe and eighth in the world for copper production, and produces 2.1.2 percent of the vori.d's, and 17;8 SERBIAN WEAL PLANT MEETS PLAN - - Borba, No 289, 29 Nov 48 The workers' collective of the "Proleter" Meta! Enterprise which produces farm dtashinery and tools and which one proclaimed the beet in the Serbian metal industry at the sod of the contest in honor of the Fifth Congress of the Ceemmunhlt Party, fulfilled its 1948 production plcn on 27 Norfamber. IRONWORKS II SLOVENIA -- Borba, No 304, 18 Dec 48 Although the collective of the "Zelezara" Ironworks in Jeannine failed to retain its title of best collective in Yugoslav ferrous metallwgy, which it wan during the first half of 1948, it has fulfilled its 1948 plan by quan- tity and its financial plan 101 percent. The electric furnace section had exceeded its plan by 52 percent on 1 August. The foundry met its plan. on 3 November. The section for making tent plates exceeded its 1948 plan by 12 percent on 26 October. The galvaniz- ing section exceeded :te plar by one percent ca 8 August. The section for making pipe exceeded Its plan by 3 percent on 12 November, and the wire-dr!sv1* mill fulfilled its plan ?02 percent on 25 November. N - 2 - RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210442-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210442-8 MBryL PIANTB MSS PLAN -- Borba, No 307, 21 Dec 48 "Impol" the factory for processing copper and aluminum, has completed its 1948 production plan 34 days ahead of schedule. On 20 December the following metal plants completed their plans: "liilan Blagojevic," the Bar mines and smelter, and "Lasko," the Slovenian mine of republic significance. IRON INDUSM MOTS PLAN -- Borba, No 304. 18, Dec 48 Tho national plan by volume for ferrous metallurgy was coL,,Ieted on 17 December. COPPZB AND ALUMINUM -- Borba, No 309, 23 Dec 48 The national copper and aluminum industry fulfilled its 1948 plan by quantity on 20 December by 103 percent. NIiV FARM MACSIN>9dY -- Borba, No 309, 34 Dec 48 Novi Sad -- The "Vojvodina" Farm-Machinery Factory fulfilled its 1948 plan on 10 December. It has also accomplished a number of tasks not called ; in the plan. During 1946 this factory produced several new machines which had never been ode previously in Yugoslavia, including s, hemp mover. Mass productim of these movers will considerably expedite the harvesting of hemp, which L. been done so far by means of sicyles. N191 FARM M ACEINWY Barba, no 289, 29 Nov 48 Five new agricultural machines have been invented, designed, aid made at the Osijek foundry in Slavonia. These include motor presses for hay and straw; band presses weighing only 400 instead of 800 kilograms, which are much acre ppaotical, easier to carry, and at the same capacity as foreign presses; o mm grinders; and pickers for castor beano, with 25 percept greater capacity than foreign once used In Yugoslavia. Grain seeders designed at the Osijek plant In 1948 will be noes-produced there. IIWB'~tIAL BUILDING MATZMIAI8 -- Politika, No 13093, 28 Nov 48 The "Baton" Concrete factory in Novi Bad in the Vojvodina and the cement factory in Trbovlje in Slovenia have completed their 1948 production plans ahead of schedule. The Trbovlje plant has furnished special cement for msty hydroelectric power plants, the Autoput, and buildings in Novi Beograd. CZMZIIT FADTDaY IN DALMATIA -- Bcrbe, No 304, 18 Dee 48 Split -- The "Partisan" Cement Factory, which completed Its 1948 plan on 14 December, was the first plant of the Dalmatian cement industry to fulfill itb obligations. -3- P.TRTCTS& Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210442-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210442-8 RESTRICTED AUT!M.'3ILS InUSTRY -- Politika, No 13095, 1 Dec '48 The Yugoslav automobile industry began with assembly of imported parts, proceeded t-'?he production of minor parts, then of cylinders. The following enter4riees wave contributed toward the production of the first automobile to be made in Yugoslavia: the "Titan", Enamelware ?actor the "Saturnus" Metal NaterrpriOP the "Guetanj" Ironworks, the "Tekstil" and "Donit" factories,, the "Re1rd Rubber Hactory, "Novkabel," "Petal Drapsin," and "Inks." The Yugoslav automobile industry Is growing constantly. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210442-8