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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 I I SUBJECT Power I ustry' PLACE ACQUIRED USSgt DATE OF TNFORANATIW 1947 UN 00010JT C00f.5.f 100A00AfA0 0?OCfAO t"0 0TT.aAL C&M$g of 000 00800 ",.,U 0,1855. 0"0 0110*0500 00 0550 001SOOAa ACV 69 tl.0 C. Al .90 a 1005.;0000. 1,0 n.",yt{fro" a f"f ff"LUTIOM 0,,0. 0005000 Si M0 00""00 ,0 .0 0[0000 .5. ..". DATE DISTR. 24 ept 1948 NO. OF PAGES 7 NO. OF ENCLS. MISTED BELOW) THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS SOURCE Russian periodical,Ee Ekcromi~u To Aiwa, Ro 11, 1947 (Flit Per Abe 37'r19 -- Trenalation spec f o ly roqucstod.) V ICIENT FM CEO .TN ':q8 POW1 SX3W4S OF 2758 USSR A. 3. Gorehkov, Rogr LSa:stly cr Sluctiic rarer Plants, US A. Re90a of ElectrificstIon Utili sinaot Local Pelt Lamle announced, "...Cammniam , Soviet authority plus sloatrification of the whole country. " The plan of elecu:ficat cn of the cIvetry are called "the Second Party Progron." After this appeal of the leadaa', the afore country U7 in placed uodez industry, agriculture and traaepWtation; than, end onft then, shall we definitely liSAl." (Lenin, Vol UVX, p 47) undertook to oestraet s nc? state edifice ec:ordirrg to the p!ra of our great architects, Lenin and Stalin. Our people realized that, "Only :hcn the coun- try to electrified, and when the technical foundation of a vast modern endue Thirty years ago the Or et 8oo.aliet Revolution tore douun tho old state edifice of Tourist Russia. On the liberated ground our psoplc themselves ceremelq of the Shatura UlIE'ti (State Regional Power Plant) imeni V.I. Lenin had already taken place. The complex problem of mechanized extraction and efficient eonameption of peat had been solved. Ry December 1917, Lenin had already iesund Instructions an organizing the operation of tie Shatura peat deposits. In June 1920, the temporary The extraction of cut peat vita rastas-ed at the Pryonsk, the 3d Moscow, and CLASSIFICATION.^Fic27t~ exeeutad. Powerful electric paver stations were organized incluiicg: the Shatura, "llirasnyr Oktyabr', " Qor'kiy, Yaroslavl, _vanovo, 7ribrovka and otberc. Even before the Revolution, the Russian enaincex Llasaoo had conceive6 the idea of a hydraulic method of extracting peat; but it orme to nothing. Upon Lenin"s instructions, M. I. 7:alinin Gntruated T. iT !'bkax'ov alth the task of mastering the use of lux peat. The task vas moat brilltentiy STATE Z w+vr a NSR8 DISTRIBUTION AKHY r Mq -~LII~~-JJ RESTRICTED r~If.SSI IcffIION ar.^ ;rc;s CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENIO, STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 I R ED the- Stalinogorsk 206--harp been operating on coal from the Moscow region. In 1924, in the Urals, the Kizol GM began to operate on local coal. without rues consumption. peat. Nov, however, powerful regional stations operate on lump and cut peat welt a bigh.vLecor sty waste product of oil refineries. Oil residues are used RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 I Efficient utilization of the power resources of the country has been proven poeeible due not only to tic euccocsful nk,btex?y of ' thods of fuel cc bofapticn and mastery of hydroelectric stations but also to the building of various power systems with exteneive high-voltage tranemission lines. Sven before World Wkr II, the unified high-voltage electric network of the Q r'kiy, Ivanovo, and Yaroslavl power systems was established. In wartime, three eystewa were connected with the hydrostatione of the Upper Volga. Duo to this, efficient use was made of the local power resources of the central industrial region of the country: coal from the Moscow areas, peat, and water power. Efficient util3zas:ion of l=Ue1MATED peeourcee From 8olikemak to Magnitogorsk, a vast high-voltage network extends along the whole Ural mountain chain, uniting the three Ural systems joined by powerful regional electric power stations operating on local Ural coal. During World War II superpower regional heating'and paver plents, the Kraaogorek sad Chelyabinsk beating and power plants, -,rare erlded to these systems. In these plants high-ash content coal of the opon-p.te is used. Modern power systems: guarantee not only an efficient roginlal supply of electricity but also the supply of heat in the country, supplanting the old technique of production and consumption of power. In this U88R, an forme of power resources are integrated and the product Qatesst7loai1,1f distributed in accordanos with the requirements of the unified soma of the people. (bee fgwe 1 following pegs,) Q. acduetien inpecific sorme of Fuel Conosimatiou The technical re-equipment and the new organizational forms of Soviet poses' prodyoti'm find Expression both in the structure of tbo fuel balance aDowdng to the kind of fuel and in the qualitative indexes of the fuel atillention of. the sine paver systoxe. This ones be eeec in Figure, 1, which shows the drop in average specific oo'suOioe of fuel Per generated kilowatt hour for all regional electric poser stations an compered with consuaptitnr, or general ntitit3 stations in 1929? At the beginning, the truactisf6,1 reaization of *Rrogran A of the 0=0 plM was reflected in the Crop in the specific consumption of fuel. In aeeardemce with this p?c un, the mieteknw of sro-r,volutionery Russia Vega OWZOGW by 1ntermoctiag the atatior.a in united networks. As these was , ee were carried out in the great industrial certera, :meows was achieved is the empediseat utilization of more econadc oquipment, and due to this, the pre rsire2ntlaoery parer bleat indexes wore for exceeded. In addition, great fuel eeaneegr, noesdinp that resulting from power unification, ran achieved by hafting nnseaUamio Industries and other hall plants. with tbs f ulfillment? of the second, bas'! c part of the 00= 0 plan, Pro,.: Om B, which provided for even greater power production, the qualitative iadsxe of electric power stations ehoaed an even greater rids realization of this program was preceded by a Impeaemeng' wt Master new few. of fuel for Caspar po-,ror period oe learning how to fors, there was no atively 1esr~p equipment t and, d, ther~- tha setr re sharp break in the consusptioa curve. The break began with INWO 933 when powerful modern condcnaer-station installations and heating t4uiyear 1 put into operation. -3 - PJ=CTBD RESTRICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 .. ?_ OWMM-~-- f % "TED Figure 1. L rop in averago ar=a1 ispeciric rual con suVtion per generated kilowatt hour in the system of the L`.inistry of Electric Power Plante of the USSR. 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 :esre of operation RRSTRICTiD RESTRICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 RATED of over 85 percent was obtained and at "ASh" it was brought up to 83-C! percent. towerplanto generated oleo ric energy in powerful cordensor turboeeneratore with a specific consumption of about 0.51 kg/kwh and, correspondingly, with a coefficient of efficiency of about 25 percent. ."he Mashira GPM lowered con- sumption to 0.48 kg/kwh. An especially important result was obtained by the organization of ocet- plez generation of electric and thermal energy in heat and poior plants, which was extensively developed in the unified USSR economic plan. In heating plants with full utilization of exhaust beat, the specific consumption of fuel was reduced to 0.2-0.25 kg/kwh, i.e., twice the beet indexes of condenser power plants. The pioneer of thormification, the 3d I.Or unapt Ginter, operated on ouch a epeeific fuel consumption. `he plant was moa- ornised from a technically outmoded pleat into a pro'eaalve me. Other plants followed the swoe course. Recently the acmak G8S celebrated its fiftieth anni- vereary. It might seem that, after this celebration, the plant night be placed on the reserve list. But the pnroccanel gained the right to the continued life of the plant, thanks to its conversion to theraificatioa, just an in the caee of the 3d 'I8, the Novosibirsk TM No I and of other plants of the Soviet Union In 1940, as sees in Figure 1, all potter plants, united under the Ministry of Electric Power Plentn, US8l11conovmod an average of 0.596 kg of ideal fuel per kilowatt hour. ehoan in the ircreased specific fuel occur r?.ption during 1942. Soviet power-engineering experts pitted their strength against wartime difficulties, and it was not :.sag before rosulta were achieved. Beginning in Septe?ber 191'2 the crisis vas at heal, and the indexso began to rise. At the end of 1942 the plants bad asiroady changed ovor to the prewar economic level and held specific fuel consumption darn to 0.570-0.575 :tg/kvh. The reduction in specific fuel consumption during the war and in the postwar period 'don foc 1 itsted by advancing the dates for patting into operation non onu recouditia,_-a economic tquipment and by increasing the utilization of economic equixuont.. For example, we erected the Chelyabinsk ORBS. In prot:ar days the con- speoified paver the plant operated for 8,368 hours, i.o.; about 96 percent of the scheduled time. With the change to record-'breaking jtil:ization of equip- nont, the specific cxnawaption of the plant rose 3 poresnt. however, thanks to its larger ahare in the united network and its substitution for Jena eoo- nctoie plants, the overage specific consumption in the s;cteam did not ater!o-? 1nrir the soma period the Central Ural ORES lucre used its use of power -fu.: 6,634 baur. to 7,724 hours, not only without increasing ito epeeif5a faol owaumptica Val, dcc easing it to 2.67 percent. Excellent operating 'iuiexea were obtained in the work of the Central Ural OR 3 by kaeping the e4aipeaut in good condition. All trouble was discovered in good time by the personnel we e1iinatod as soon as it arose. 3xperieukee ahcs.o that small defects in equipment and operaticacl nrgeni-- zation, whi& are net noted and oli tinted in tins, sooner or later become focal points of trwale and cause increauod fuel consumption, difficult to correct when a mai4'' use of the specified prver 1s demanded. For this resew, in the UM regional power plate, great attention is devoted to a otnatic prevent.-7e inspect cue, c emir and ropclre of the main and auxiliary equipment. -5 R^a.i ?C p RESTRICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 I Even in wartime, in spiteoiR Userv? power, the order of ccn- pulcory reanoval of equipment under repair was strictly followed at the date planned and within the fixed time. STAT Soviet power-engineering experts coaoidor t air talk: not only the auxin:. teaance of equipment committed to their charge but also its continuous improve- meat with a view to attaining the bent operating indexes. The M.tnistry of Electric Power Plante of the USSR carries out systematic work in proportion to the increased power, safety and economy of the power equipment. Every year compulsory measures are planned for all power plants for the eoonaasy of fuel and electric power for their awn needs and, at the same time, material resources are duly distributed. For each paver plant there may be a long list of effective measures which here been drawn up. pan many boiler installations heating surfaces are developed at the back and steam blest cleaning of their flues introduced, heating installs- time aura converted to atom and the blow-out beat used; installations for pro- peeing pulverized Coal are improved, eta. In many turbine installations the original steam factors era improved, the turbine between the inlet and cutlet valves improved, exhaust steer divided between their own needs and therm'fieation, and the, Condenser installations improved. Great attention is paid to the prein- aratica of food and circulating water. Work Ia being carried out ixn the prop artier of auxiliary installations and on improvements is their regulating in accordance with established priorities. It is impossible to give bare the whole list of the diverse measures which, in a systematic manner, have boon :Introduced into power plants as the results of many years of work. But it was not on technical measures alone that the foundation was laid for success in mastering new power sources and now varieties of fuel,. Success was guaranteed by improving the organisation of Soviet power production end by training staffs of experts in power engeeering. In 1940 uniform regulation were introduced for the technical operation of electric power plants and net. rka. These regulatinns eumeerized the expert- nose of the beet Soviet power plants over many years of operation, and a wide develop wet of this experience was obtained. of technical training, organizatiaa of efficient operation and iaprovenenc of the electric equipment of the power systes. The personnel of the plants are assigned a concrete production task taae>. aaeigaed indeyse ft instruction and by the establishment of goals. Constant technical control has been instituted over equipeent and its operation in can-. J=etioa with a Glower analysis of indexes yProduatis&iit:iative is developed " : fire - by eegeRisatim o2' socialist Competition- Tim has educated Soviet power engineers in the spirit of econagy tomreri the equiperoat in their charge, and toward fuel and generated energy. The am- feel cansuaptioa far -AU-nit of generated power is one of main indexes in the A11Aaion Socialist acmpetitiou of plants and systems. in snergetica-have been given high government rewards. Plants having received S aslia the Order of Lenin and be order of the Red Banner of labor are the and the Shatara; time having the Order of the Red Deana' of labor include: Chelyabinsk; Central tlral, L eanogo ok, Bezyrgpan,. Zuylevka, 9freaayy Oktyabr' " isms! ]Masson, 9th Moscow, Bizel, Gor'kiy, Ivanovo and the $11aningrad plants. TLe excellent work of these plants during peace end war serves as an exa*ple RE3'1RIOM RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8 I n e 3 RMMED ert T . ex S let p s. o secure .. 0--- further technical grogre?a in all breaches of the economy of the USM, as a conditiai.. for the increase of productive labor, for which it to necessary. not only to overtake but, in the shortest possible time, to surpass coience b the borders of the US"(fre Section 1 of the Yaw relating to the ~'iwe-!ear Plan). OW pr Plants are making pre reel in the mastery of local low-grade fuels. According to technical and ecano?te indexes our regional power plants have already surpassed, fray the view-point of efficiency, the Snglieh unified systeney and we are surely overtaking the Aesrioau p ver plants. In 193P our specific fuel cansaeaption exceeded 21 percent; in 1933, 16 percent; in 1945, k peront; and thus the gap is tieing closed year by year. In e1ectric power" plants, in laborateriea pertaining to production ,end +rDeientifio research, and in industry; strenuous work goes on for new typea of ? e4 Bt with high operational facture. Side by side with the new tech- newpearseronel organisation and new Rothe" of operation are being atud- ied, ie strength of paver systems will be increased, and Soviet power engi- meerleg will be foremost in the world. RESTRICTED STAT ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200282-8