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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 CL," ~IFICATION !tli~a';u rr V CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT IN FOR MAnTIONKA WORT STAT ,COUNTRY China DATE DISTR. 19 July 1948 SUBJECT Economic NO. OF PAGES 6 PLACE ACQUIRED iI Cg:' G4Ioff NO. OF ENCLS (L S CD BELOW) 'bins 1948 REPORT NO. . STAT a?ni?upno n?n ?~i 11117ILOZISo ai?nii u+n'io`0`"1Yr'? 'THIS ~S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH ?. s. c.. a/ MO n. AS.IIa-o"0. lTS -vaaulclo- o- t.9 .waur" pa lr c--ttRn ?. A-" -.-.s- n A. UNAUMHOao PQ"-- is NA? USE .OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS "MM w a.-. faso1Cn?- Of 1Mn :o n v mallano. -.w? Ws-. 1-1--7110- EotrwID I- 770)7? OF "M MU LA" N onuiac A- -!w?q -scum" w Vol =CM1164 ma-CT. {IIMM SOURCE Chinese pexiodic4 W ' past Swg~'&re%3-y. Vol 2, No 1, 15 Jan 1948. (Trans- lation apecifica].]:7 recius A DIS tt'ZI i T'C I1CRECONSTRIICTION OF SINn,Nfi SIN(- THE SIGNING OF THE A PEFSB 1. " FACTORS JONDITIONING RECONSTRDCTICN, After the provine:lal government was reorganized and its political rr2.nclples published In July 1c46, the government's Immediate chief duty axe the ;*opteraurgent demand nao .or the building of a new Sinkiang., In such buji:,J_ng the repair oC the .icGre)ny 'cc an important step toward improving thi livelihood of each racial gr,,up and making _;irkiang a pso roux par-- d!.ee-?+,hus completing the overnrent's oommisaton and fulfilling the demands if the people Is lift. HnTirrertt.for inch rock to be effective, the follow- ing conditions must first be attainee A. Pesce Chang Chit,-ehuag, former Co-Chairman of the provincial government, has said: The basic coad'::on of reconetvvuction must be peace, must be security. If Sinkiang stave in a state of socia". txwest?, and mozPa hearts feeling in- secure, it will be impossible to maintain the exatus quo. let Plans basin reconstruotion.r These practical i orc ?T are right to " ha point. In the more than a year since the government was reorganized, political measures have not gotten nude; way, dun to the peace tomb not being fully Implemented. It is uin&enieble thst men's hearts erc not ,it rest; so without, going 4nt4 details, peace his not been fully attained. Economic reconat:-o?stien aowando c large supply of skilled tecbnicinne., for its succcss~ Bin. Sinkiang, lacd:ing high-g.vcde schools to teach these technicians and large-stela factorir,s to train them, must being them Zron foreign countries or China Proper. But for many years this province has not bean fully stable, no those nix were called mere unxiiling to cam, emd STATE ARMY CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED MY, NSI(3 )iSiRIRL ON AIR ~_ _1J RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 I RESTRICTED Y - + - L tu. _ j to s:.. China Proper. Woreover, those who were _-_ already in, Sira~ rerned. .:... they mrmt the sit-. mt1oA and without them, ho-W can we talk of ?e ~. C. The building of a modern economy depends upon new-type scientific 'ram foreign countries or china Proper. ? ht i x n macbluea whisk must be r But because of recent political s those which were, already could not be transported. For instance, machines for foundries and for the nded in Chia>rcb&n or yea-thous and with t ra Hain-fang textile mi11 were s freight costs ovided, bow could wwmachines be orde_ged? Tiros, economic D. Catal In setting u3p enterprises, ]arge capital must be provided or else they cannot_aooeed_ After the provincial government was reorganized, a ined. This ens done out of consideration for -, .m a l in the hardships in laving cond. ioTlE o the Central come f vrtn from the All fends for economic reconstractionMplojacts had not all be directed into economic roconsrruo-roux ax ,ran be was very cam- . tokens care of. Also, since the procedure of getting Kra _ iJ,-_~? .m....wa+1!Ietinit wss thereby , much azure arc eapuruz .... villa pro!ccts are notf4C= because roconatrWtzan -- e.~f Pile" ore Trtil the above rave crap", land ed carry on in each department as vsuai. These are .t. II. iCtICULTT AND SILK CULTU & i vulture and silk culture a^e the clief industries of SidtiOng w- ince. These two Industries have shown considerable growth reoent - proclnoa eerenu rue av.a.. a^s - - and 3n-fu ~qnlclang at Ti-8m, Tlm-lu-fan (Turfan), Ha-ml, T'a-ch'eng, L-ehan, Ten-oh 11 (geebgar). These stations were very small, eo they could not do mush ex- perim,ting or entension work. Therefore, the plan for this year (1947) toset up in Ti-h?aa a central experImon-t station forecarrying out e6riaul e ~ the province. BrAmer, the Yn-eh'i station, being sittated cattle are very neeroW, Baas in 191.6 cocbined with an aniaal RESTRICTED A. Agrun tlsai WemizstiM STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 f a31)1N1M husbandry station and operated as a joint station in the interact of farming a:, herding in that section. In 1944, at Ho-tlien, them was established a provincial silk experi- me'it station for improving silk-culture throughout the province; ordinary silkworm stations were established at Ho-t lion, Lo-p'u, 11o-y(4, So-ch+e, and snob places, to instruct the people on worm feeding and egg production. B. A:roa tion in 1946 this =mince had the follovring amounts of land u;der cultiva- tion (in mou)s wheat, 7,970,883; rice, 700,234; Indian corn, 2,436,513; Other grains, 1,077,850; crops yielding vegetable oils, 959,752; feed, 1,795,729; other food crops, 1,077,617; native cotton, 684,035; improved cotton, 238,120; total, 16,405,443 mou. Because of drought the last 2 or 3 years, causing a shortage of seed, the area of grain cultivated, as re- ported by each hsien, was merely maintain d vdthaut expansion. But cotton acreage increased by 43,000 mou. If it con be exported, the acreage will increase still more and the economy of Southern Sinkiang will deveop con- sidwrably. Aroaucts in 1946 the anwtal production o; the chief categories ms as follows (in ebih)e wheat, 3,024,525; rice, 801,051; Indian morn, 1,528,449; other grains, 377,514; oil products, 5W,349; feed, hay S. peas, 99,537; beans, eto., 809,515; total, 7,227,185 shah. Because Ti-hue, Ila-mi. and other places suffered from locusts, investigation shows a loss of 61,000 shih in ubeat as compared with the previous year. Other products, because of a- btandcace of rein, showed a gain of 645,000 ahih. Native cotton amounted to 15,%9,O41 catties; Impro'v'ed cotton, 7,143,600 eat les. The total, 22,912,,- 64l cattims, is an increase over the previous year (19165) of 1,850,000 cat ties p. loust Camtwin 8. SEatistioe on Foree rot In 1946 an afforestation movement was begun, r3sulting in the planting of 6,120,000 willow, poplar, and other trees, 2,900,000 mulberry (in- 61"dIng 165,937 grafted, transplanted, rerouted, slipped and otherwise is- , and 1,453,876 fruit trees. Trees planted totaled 10,473,876, an increase of 8,173,000 over the previous year (1945). Medicinal herbs amomted to more than 6,000 cattie3. F. Stntistios Ia 1946 egg-producing plants in 116-t'ien, Lo-p'u, and L'n-y{i produced 17,900 sheets of +eggs. 5o-ch'e produced 31.2 as. The Ho-t'ien, Lo-phi, sad Me-lye plan,,s =-* , e maple goner9ll produced 21,4=`1 sheets. They harvested a3J )M1S31 In Ju y 1946 locusts appeared in Ife-wi county. Besides this scourge.,, which woes abated at once by the IIe-al experiment station, there were wide- spread locust plagues in ?ai-iM, olds-niyay threat of crop destruction was overcome by three antilocust corps organised by the reconstruction office. Those corps went to the affected places and destroyed the locusts in 35 days. in !fay of this year locusts again appeared in Ti hum, chin-hum, (`h'i=t'ei, Fu-su, 0-min, T'a-on Tang, and other counties. To destroy the locusts and protect the crops, the reconstruction office sent technieiane; it also aroused the people to destroy the pests. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/0/6/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 Such loans for 1947 were planned for the vhole province as one billion yam, 880,000,000 more than last year. RESTRICTED 3, catties of cocoons.. G. 1%7 Ion -"or I., ATiIMAL.HOSBANDRY, AND VETAuINARY SCI$flCW @ ile i Harding is one of tho principal economic pursuits of this province. The ldongols, Kasaics, and Kirghiaare life-long hey- demon. Hord products are the chief source of exports, so the government pays much attention to these affairs. In order to increase the province 's herd products it has already bought from abroad a large supply of breeding animals and has set up herding stations in many places to train a large technical staff. The government has alreac'ly led the people to increase production. Animal husbandry in Sinkiang Province shows the following reliable fig- urs for 1944: horses, 1,078,196; cattle, 1,837,196;. sheep, 11,387,989; goats, 2,862,237; camels, 97,459; donkeys, 756,697; hogs, 83,686; total, 18,104,172. Although in every place the number of domestic animala has increased, yet, beaaiise in 1945 in hilly and dry places grass was not abundant, many anlmele perished; now, in order to lesse:t the damage, plans are being made to lead people to same the winter grass by placing it in covered piles. llcreover,,in order to multiply the stock, herding stations have been established in six places, Ti-hum, I-ning, Yen-ch'i, T'a-oh~eag, K'u-oh'a, and lzashgar. In these stations there are 1,670 horses, 629 cattle, 18,680` sheep, and 70 camels, mostly of Improved strain; These are only last year 9e figures, they do not include this year's young. Last year in order to improve the quality of herds, breeding stations, where government horses could be meted v111h thnge of the ; plc, tablished in the hills south of Ti-hum, Ho-oh'ing and other places. RE`very effort is now being made to improve the stock in this province; therefore, anie1 husbandry has bright hopes or development in this province. B. Yetmarinarv Activities ilindering the development of herding in this province are the caammmi- cable and noncontagious diseases. Therefore, the government, in order to get rid of 0MUMdce'ge diseases complote37 and increase the herds, has set up vsterinary sanitation stations in several tens of?places, one in each region. Thee. stations are to be responsible for cure and ,prevention of diseases. Besides these there are 45 branch veterinary stations in the various hsiern, p.oently, because of various difficulties such as the pre paling of drags, lack of technicians, and poor treatment of employees, many teohniClans could not be used to their best, and vtationo lacked efficiency, eci that any Could not carry on their work. Despite these troubles, more than 160,000 horses, cattle, sheep, and camels were treated during the year. In sane plants a large amount of antidotes was prepared in order to stop the spread of disease. Nov, fortunately, the health of domestic animals can be taken oars of. -4- RESTRICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 I This year serum plants in the provinco,have ude a large quantity, of 'hMan and animal inoculation virus such as red fever virus, vaccine, virus and serum for nervous diseases, abdominal swelling, nose ulcers, and other ailments, and totaling 412 kg. Fuathermore, the Reconstruction Bureau has I l r ' D i r r. ADD MIA are in, an a Airy -. ,age _ Falls is :wf orratIvU on those already in In this province resources are extensive and alneralaatuadant; but, because of poor communications and lack or 1N71ftrjc o??_ "I"atwo -A rw4wdn? eeeary for making acid began to leak, (this province cannot man acture this kind of tin plate) and because this province uses little of the acid and there in not much sale for it, production cannot be on a large coals. J 1946 to the and of October tho production vac 12,690 kg of 62-percent aulIImnie acid. Than, several months ,.are necessary for repairs, and pro. duotien me resumed in April of this year (194?). In January (1948) it produced 6,320 kg of acid. But because most of the tin vats which are neon xnvoivos an outlay or more than one billion yiian. The iron riorfa.utilize the forcer metal smelter r:hioh use set up in the winter cf 1946. The foundry is preparing to cast iron pie-.ea such as farm tools, water pipe, etc. Just now the fonaadrv is being eet in nrAare The Hain-fang textile mill began with a preparatoryfice in August 1943, The result of these preparations was that only a small part of the Machinery reached Sinkiang, while thI major portion was in Ch .,h'in awaiting transport. gyite recently plans have beers made for bringing this portion to Siadsiemg; but because the project is complicated an, costly,it Metal Smelter This plant is situated at Sind-mo-kou in the eastern uburbe'of have not been transported. Because the machinery use held up, the tmrkshopa cannot be used. 3h, the last 3 years the buildings have been damaged by the weather. Recently, plane have been made for the repair: of these buildings Tip-Hue. Most of the construction was finished in 1944. But, because not all of the machinery could be brought into Sinkiang, it could not be com- pleted. Twenty-nine tone of machinery have been b:ssreht in while 150 tons made 2,486 cetzon suite; besides, it has made cloth, stoekiagc, towwels, bedding, etas, in quantity. It is now expending its activities in order to 2. Women's Induvtrat Rant The glass, pottery, and soap wc*a have made, no progress. veer to he shut A.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 STAT 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7 I RESTRICTED FE5TRTOTED, The Pa-tao-wan coal nine is an important fuel-producing unit in the province. From July 1946 to the end of march 1947 it produced 10,711,,600 catties of coal, but far below actual used. Now plans are being again made for increased production. 000,000; bituminous coal, 2,038,430,000; iron, 46,010,000; lead, 94,2:0x, tin, 9,000; cooper, 2,000; and arsenic, 900. There are 1,050 aq km of oil fields. year investigation; and this year various practical measures, such as making maps for field surveprs, arranging and cataloguing mineral specimens, etc., shadow over the path of Sinkiang's eoomonie reconstruction. In discussing other phases o: that reconstruction, we must speak loudly of success, nave" When these five basic conditions are fully realized, than it will br RESTRKTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200193-7