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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 / C!JS .CATION. CENTRAL .IN - NCY REPORT PLACE ACQUIRED China DATE OF $N@'Oltab~TIOII 1948 b o. c oIA00 MTV i 1uuAia snsu niiipnuaM 00 ms mw005 0518 (0510550 10 001 040000 l0 00 00000001100 501005 i0 500? k11f100:01 /AS., 10 000en011 a 11113 5050 n 50001000. 000? ,*1(0 151001141A10 MRSU"10 15 0091 N Y00 0051 5b1 10 05011100 A0 005500'11000WYt OY 11110105//50 005007. OATF D3STR. , l2 July,. NO. OF PAGES 6 NO. OF. ENCLS. (.IS*to BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESE USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS SOURCE Chin se periodical, Cep? Bank MonthIv. Vol III, No 5, Uay 291'8. (Translation spedifimlly requested. A REV.TEW CIF THE'CBINF. E.ECOIIDMIC SITUA'"'')N UURItIG APRIL 1948 Shou Chin-wen %;c= odi*,y prices for the month of kprtl continued to rise, but the rite of increase dropped eonaiderably from that rsgistered for previous months L?i 1948. Aocordinc to the wholesale index for Shang-hai, prices rwae 19.9 percent in April c oared to an average in:rease of 31 poroent for the s irst tour months of 1943 and 46.7 for the fire;; throe ncntha. The main reason for the aloedoevn in inflation was a constri:c+ior of the, money =,het, with a subsequent decrease in purchasi.n-, power. It. FIIULMIAL IFACIMT In a aomperisor', a? prices posted by the Central Bank for the last weeks in Ltaroh and April., the ;mica of ;roll r:-so 26.9 nrcont and that of pwe silver, 8.5 percent. B. . FQre n?e On 6 April foreign exnhange rates underwent further reorganisation. American rates increased 27 percent,.from 05:,000 CIE to ens American dollar to 324,000 ytan. En);lieh rates advanced to a comparable degree, from 765,000 ytlan per isaglish unit to 972,000. ARMY CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED _ NAVY -XI NSRB _~_ DISTRIBUTION ` - _ PAR RESTRICTED RTAiE _JX STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 RE TED The fee charged by bunks for purchasing and soling in ioroign exchange also underwent realigrrent on,6 April, the rate inercL 1r fioL1 3,500 yfann p.r American dollar to 4,000, and from .:,500 per British pound to 12,500. C. On 4 April 1948 a Joint orcur was ibaued by the Ministries of Finance and Economic Affairs to the Shang-hai Stock Exchange to the effect that from 5 April the practice of deferring payments for purchased securities was to be discontinued. A wave of selling followed the announcement, lead- ing to a declin i h e n s are prices on the opi df thk enngay oe wee. On the following day, however, high quotations for foreign exchange here posted and the market recovered. During the first week, Wing On Textiles shares had a high of 2,050 ytkan, and a low of 1,31.5, reprosentiag a margin of fluctuation of more than 705 ytan. After the increase in foreign exchange rates was posted, foreign shares rose rapidly, reaching a new high on the fourth day of the week and then retiring somewhat on the fifth and sixth days. For the week, Ewa Cotton showed a high of 2,600,000 yfan and a low of 1,P10,000, a fluctuation of 790,000 ytkin. Consolidated Bonds Type C posted a hi of 113,000 ydan during the week and a low of 87,000, a margin of 26,000. The money market was restricted during; the second weak and shares were ins depressed condition. The amount of exchange taking place was also greatly decreased as compared to the }Ycavious week 11 A- O T . . n extiles registered a high of 1,950 and a low of 1,745 yftn. Demands for foreign shares ran strong following rumor of a change in foreign exchange rates, with BooCootton registering ay high of 2,720,000 and a low of 2,400,000. high o 0-000 y n and a low o 19000 .,,. Domestic shares for the third week showed little fluctuation; Wing C-n Textiles reached a high of 2 118 and a low f 1 86 , o , 5 A sudden c .on- traction of the black market in gold notes and Hongkong exchange brought about an increase in the val f ue o foreign shars E Ctts e;wooon regitered oxtsane, of 2,960,000 and 2,730,000. Consolidated Bonds also advanced, Consolidated C registering a high of 124,000 yfan and a low of 96,000. from Domestic ?sue r`esMconti wed-tobeysteady in the fourth weak a:a, eaide snares and Consolidated Bonds are an iollown: Uiug On Textiles, 2,250 and 1,979; two Cotton, 3,830,000 and 3,.I 0,OO0;, Consolidated C- 18 000 and 108 nun ..d.. , ~? .-J1tZ:fraB A loose money rnorkct at Shang-had over the month resulted in a depreci- ation is interest rates, to black market rate calculated yean per y0an per monthr ffaal b~ to 0.223 oy the end of the month from n high of approximatel,v ginsaing The call l ~ oan rate oleaed at 6 y0 Nha an.o cnge was rev~tee ed forrcal.l,an-ratos, calculated in yten per thousanud ytlan per of M%4~ of the Trade Aesooiations a . ? Yens ono xanose . ( wag-yeh, and Treasury Bondb, euoted at 6 Wan, There were three reasons for the existence of a loose money rerkst duriru the month of April: (1) Commodity prices were stabilized and the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 I RESTRICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 . 11 l RL$J8111ED the loans were made. The Central Bank floated an issue of ahort'tona NationalTreasury Notes on 30 April, but they appeared on the rmrket too, late to have a noticeable effect on Apr'..'. activities. creasing the amount of capital on the market by more than ozo trillion ytlan. (3) Agricultural loans for the most part flowed back into bean -hei after carkot situation trays slow;rith Yhc sc: u1 -tt t ct ~r.r.' ,'. gat ti ,h. {ti) +,, Internet on short-term American Treasury Notos.wao :smell on 31 !.arch, in- The total number of belle cleared in Shang-hai during the month of April reached 5,628,223, an increase of 158,830 over the nrovious month. Calculated monetarily, the bills roprc',-~nted a total of 1,42;','7fy;P_,R1,?8,8,83 yfian, an increase of 122,307,570,671,709 over Larch totals. 1Si.''s returned amounted to 83,083, a decrease of 30,168 over }.larch. Value of bills returned totalled 2,262,246,675,564 ytan, a decrease of 2,638,373,158,104. III. ECONOEIC AILLI2IISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES expenditure. The objectives of Ministry of Finance activities may be divided into three parts: held on 13 Lpril 1948, Finance Minister Ift Hung-ohtn reported on the present financial, monetary, ar. trade situat1oni Postwar economic policies wore designed to repair the after-effects of the war, balance the budget, stabilize prices, speed production, etc. Controls over raw cotton, yarn, and cloth were established and the tax laws revised in order to achieve .a gradual balance between revenue and 1. Correlate rebellion suppression, national reconstrnation and mobilization of manpower, resources and finances. 3. Gradually stabilize the currency by balancing revenues and expenditures, providing a basis for reform of the currency system. National Treasury -- An unfavorable balance of 30 percent existed before the war, anfd t) a same condition, more intensified, has ceni inuod until the present time. This year the government, for rebellion-suppression Ministry of Finance are as follows: 1. Th favorable balance between receipts and disbursements in the 2. Taxes - Tax reform has been introducod to expand revenusc am' ensure equitable distribution of the tax load. The income tax to the most purposes, divided the budget into two types, general and special, and eunssntrated on maintaining a balance in the Cntral budget only. important of the direct taxes and has been revised to meet all needs. Anti- arsuBg].ing activities have been diligently ; uroued, especially in the south. Lest yens more than 20,000 cases of discovery and arrest were entered, and oonfi.soatod goods amounted to ovar 3 billion yffan. So far this year there have been over 2,900 arrests. An antissn gling agreement his been nde with -3 r15TRICTLP STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 1 R66iD Hongkong and one is being negotiated with Macao. 3. Financial Controls - In regard to finance, the emphasis has been on contraction of credit, strict control over banking, and the rmking of food loans, production loans, and agricultural loans. The objective of the loan nolicy is entirely to expand production. /~. Printing of "Fa-pi" -- The total amount of "fa-pi" issued up to the end of last month (April) amounted o more than trillion ytian. Income from the total amount of sales fof U.S. goods was used for "fa-pi" reserve. 5. International Trade -- Foreign trade transactions are regulated by the Central Bank of China. The export of goods was encoura~god on the one hand and imports expanded on the other. In addition, a flexible foreign remittances policy has been adopted. 6. Local Finances -- Both provinces and hsiens are in bead financial condition. The Ministry of Vinance has again adopted a now system for income and expenditure in accordance'with the situation existing in individual provinces. Sufficiency in local financial resouroos is necessary for complete self rule and to comply with the constitution. (End of Finance Minister's report) The next speaker was Ch'on Ch'i-t'ion, Minister cf Lannomic Affairs: North China and the Northeast are self-sufficient in regard to coal, and the Northwest is improving, but the situation is unsetisfeotory in South and Central China. At present the mines in the Southern Rusi section are increasing production to supply the Nanching-- Shaag-hkl area. The present policy with regard to industry is to concentrate and expand the textile industry first and develop others later. Lfforts are being directed towards utilizing yarn to secure foreign exchange, and competing in the South seas "nrket. The Central Bank is strengthening the ih-pi reserve. (End of Report by Minister of Economic Affairs) Ti To-wet then gave a report on communications: At present there are only 600 kilometers of rrilway lines operating in the Northeast. In North and Central China the Lung-Bat and Pei.Ning lima are still open, but the Ghaao-Chi and ChengT'ai are completely closed. In South China, the Ttleh-Zinn is adding a bridge and the Cho-Ken is open from htrig-ohou to Zion-ch'ang. The total mileage of the co try Open to traffic amounts to only 13,000 kilometers. The route Sig/from lSeng-c?wu.eren. to Ti-hue in Sinkiang has been divided into sections for purpoass of repair. Sections extend from Kuang-thou (Canton) to NSu-thou, Lori-thou to Nuei-rang, Chung-Ch'ing to Ch'eng-tu, Ch'eng-tu to Tien-shut, and Tien-ahni to Ti-has. Highways are in such the some situation as railroads. .here are now name than 1,606 kilometers of highways in Sinkiang. As for shipping, the total tonnage is now 1,03C,000 and routes have been extended to the South Sees. There has been some progress in stabilizing air travel, one a route has been established to San Francisco. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 R S IED , Telegraph equipment is now more extensive than b,-:fore the war and the The postal aervice handled one billion pieces of mail over the past year. service is faster. End of Report by Minister of Communications) IV. FLOATING OF SHORT-T1 Rl NhTIOhAL TBIASURY DDON1S Central Bank on 30 April, and were discounted to 87.3 percont. A 10-million- National Treasury Bond Act was pissed by the Legislative YOan on 20 April. Bonds are of three types, 1, 2, and 3 months, and in five denominations, 10. million, 50 million, 100 million, 500 million, end one billion y0an. Interest rate is fixed at 5 percent der month, to be paid with the principal y0sn one-month bond purchased on that day would thus cost the buyer 8,730,000 and would return his 10,500,000 yflan at the and of the month, represonting a profit of over 20 percent. established in April 1947 to promote cooperation with conmeroial banks, aid productive enterprises, and encourage exports and the circulation of articlen of daily mcessity. The function of the Commission it this respect bar 1947, loans amounting to 74,140,000,000 ykan were approved.Industrial ..Dens amounted to 91.3 percent of the total; export loans, 4.5 portent; import bill of exchange .i+oans, 2 percent; and export bill of exchange :;.cans, 2.2 percent. banks and finaaeial consortiums. According to the organizational rngu]atione of the new Commission, its functions are outlined as follower ]. To decide on natters concerning discount and loan policies of the Central Bank. directors. The scope of the Commission Is thus broadened beyond corr!!ercial four government banks held or. 11 March 1948, alleence *as rw, 3 for the re-establishment of the Discount and loan Commission of the Central Hank. The Commission is empowered to review all discount matters involved in business bane extended by the various banking authorities, and to decide on amounts and interest/ rafiaa ?ollorlrg study of the market situation. At the 362d session of the twat of directors held on 8 April it was decided to rm:ss all !mwlmsa loan plans formulated by the various banking agencies subject to an opinion by the Commission and a decision by the board of RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 l RESTRICTED RLSTRICTF-D To decide on rediscount rates and. on interest rates on joano, 3. To deal with other nmttors concernirL loans and discounts. The Commission held an inauguration conference on 27 April. The governor of the Central Bank, Chang Chia-ao, acted as ehairrian and attendant conference members were Hs9 Pai-ytan, Li Ming, Alfa Chi-chtings Mao Ti-hue, Liu Eung-yft, Huo Pao-shu, and Chen Hsi-shui, ztth Fang Shan-kuei as chief secretary. -6 P sT! YCThD Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200146-9 STAT